New to the Caucus

Good evening, members. I call myself neoconned, but don't let that moniker deceive you as to my real leanings. If you want a taste of who I am, check out what used to be my Twitter account, @neoconned. I no longer actively post there, as I refuse to take up Facebook just for the privilege of leaving up to 140 characters for the 80-or-so people there who found my input interesting. I'm completely locked out of that account until I cave in and give them what they demand. That isn't going to happen. I hope to do better here instead.

I'd like to expressly thank Johnny the Conqueroo for his assistance in getting me started. I never was successful in creating a Kos log in, and didn't get any help there when I asked for it. Kos' 3/15 ultimatum is the last straw for me. I may lurk there, but I will no long care that I'm not a diarist there.

As my first post topic, I'd like to pose a rhetorical question to Hillary's supporters: Does her repeated zigs and zags strategy seeking to Imply that she's something she isn't not bother you? It does me! For I recall how she campaigned in 2008, and when she resorted to playing the race card in a last minute desperation move to regain the lead, I was completely lost to her blandishments. I can't let that go. Neither can I let her off the hook for the terribly complicated and unworkable health care plan she tried to sell to the Congress. I have few positive expectations of her should she win both the nomination and the election, for she sold her soul to the Wall St Store.

This isn't to say that Obama won me back in 2008 through Hillary's poor campaign strategies, for Obama's lame and unfulfilled promise to filibuster the ex poste facto FISA bill told me everything I needed to know about him, before I wasted my vote on him only to be disappointed. I lost any hope he'd generated in me when he began revealing his true self the day after winning election. His Cabinet choices were the first problem I had, and he never really grew in my estimation. I screamed at him every day in his first two years as he appeared to care more about how cool it was to wear his POTUS jacket while the Congress burned the taxpayers' dollars pretending to legislate what later became the ACA. I was thus not surprised that this, and the hippie punching, and being kicked to the curb to "let him handle things" resulted in the voters tossing the Democratic majority out and handing Congressional power to the GOP in 2010.

The silver lining to that sordid result is that the electorate isn't all that keen on repeating the experience. But they aren't being won over by Hillary's campaign, either. At least this year, there is another option which appeals to our better nature, and the results of his efforts can be measured in the numbers who come to hear him speak. He isn't going to cause major disappointment the day after winning election (assuming that happens) by turning his administration over to those he just defeated. He isn't putting on a new and false persona in an attempt to attract sufficient voter support to win. He isn't shovelling the manure to hide a greater stench of a past which causes more questions than get answered. His associations aren't raising eyebrows, his contributions don't scream collusion if not outright corruption. And, lastly, his performance in office has always been successful in achieving something by convincing his opposition to go along with a plan he promoted for the betterment of the lives of the average person.

He also isn't pretending that he will do it all through the issuance of The Royal Edict. He's open that he needs each and every one of us to do our part in aiding his efforts, and the response is only growing. It's the approach I had hoped Obama would take, instead of letting the Republicans determine his agenda and the results they would allow him to seek.

I don't believe that Bernie Sanders will follow that same sell-out path as I believe Hillary will. I'm betting what little money I can raise on that belief.

I've gone on long enough. I don't want to risk the dreaded tl;dr rating!!!

I'm very glad to be here with you all. Respond if you're so inclined.


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You don't have to worry about being voted out here.

We need your voice!

Thank you for sharing your question. I am very bothered by her zigzag, and not a short list of other things.

I think the Hillary people are actually pod people. I've seen a lot in my life, but I have never seen anything like this, except in the movie with Donald Sutherland, and possibly a bit of Alien thrown in. I keep wanting to ask people if they realize they are talking out loud.

Welcome to caucus99percent!


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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

glad you made it. Make yourself at home, you can even put your feet up on the table, we don't mind.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

Welcome to c99p! We've got one of the greatest communities on the whole Internet here. Make yourself at home and don't sweat the dreaded "tldr"; we're not really into that crap around here!

In your intro essay (this one), you said:

As my first post topic, I'd like to pose a rhetorical question to Hillary's supporters: Does her repeated zigs and zags strategy seeking to Imply that she's something she isn't not bother you? It does me!

Damn straight it bothers me! What's even worse is that there's no effing way to figure out just what she does stand for, if anything at all; the mercurial mutability on all issues whatsoever just makes me crazy! Diablo Bomb

(It also inspires me to back Bernie Sanders to the hilt!) Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

lotlizard's picture

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