I wondered when someone would get around to Slick
Slick can blame this on his ‘bitter’ half in a way. She’s the one who kicked this ‘sexist’ thing (I don’t know what else to call it) into gear when she used it against Sanders and his male supporters. And it just grew from there to what we are seeing today. Which is BOTH good and bad.
Bill Clinton should have resigned
What he did to Monica Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid the price.
Updated by Matthew Yglesias on November 15, 2017 9:15 amAt the time I, like most Americans, was glad to see Clinton prevail and regarded the whole sordid matter as primarily the fault of congressional Republicans’ excessive scandal-mongering. Now, looking back after the election of Donald Trump, the revelations of massive sexual harassment scandals at Fox News, the stories about Harvey Weinstein and others in the entertainment industry, and the stories about Roy Moore’s pursuit of sexual relationships with teenagers, I think we got it wrong. We argued about perjury and adultery and the meaning of the word “is.” Republicans prosecuted a bad case against a president they’d been investigating for years.
What we should have talked about was men abusing their social and economic power over younger and less powerful women.
In Clinton’s case, of course, part of the endgame is that a few months after his acquittal on impeachment charges, his wife launched her first Senate campaign. Once Hillary Clinton threw her hat into the ring, she immediately became America’s presumptive first woman president, creating a kind of reputational vortex that shielded her husband’s behavior from scrutiny. Attacking Bill was, by extension, an attack on Hillary — an attack that most people in leading positions in American progressive politics had no desire to make.
But now that Hillary is out of electoral politics and has emerged as a bigger draw and more potent political force than her husband, there’s no excuse for Democrats not to look back on these events withmore objectivity. Fifty-something leaders of organizations shouldn’t be carrying on affairs with interns who work for them regardless of whether the affair is in some sense consensual.
Funny how we’re back to talking about ‘Clenis’. Hell, find out who flew with him in the Lolita Express. And how old they were. That’s where the real dirt lies. Just knowing about underaged girls is a big no- no. More so than doing weird things with Monica and cigars. That’s disgusting, but not criminal.
But let’s keep our focus on that batshit crazy wife of his and all the trouble she’s causing RIGHT NOW.
High profile offenders like Bill deserve outing. But I guess that I’m more tickled about how this whole thing started than anything else. But when does all this justice trickle on down to the women/girls who weren’t abused by high-profile rich guys but your middle class business owner or the head of the department. Or just the creepy feely guy in the next cubicle?
EDIT: deleted a paragraph

Nope, I don't believe they
will. Nor do I believe Trump, or many of his cronies, will either.
But if any of them hear, "you're doing a helluva job!" I'd be a lot nervous.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
And then there was Teddy Kennedy and poor Mary Jo Kopechne.
What really happened that night?
After JFK and RFK, our esteemed opinion leaders and media message multipliers just didn’t want to think about that too much. Unless you were okay with being lumped with the John Birchers, casting aspersions on the last surviving Kennedy brother was made to seem beyond the pale.
The Mary Jo case,
like the O.J. case, was just another example of how our -ahem- "criminal justice system" works. The more money you got, the more "justice" you can buy. One I got an up close look at over a petty speeding ticket type charge. "Guilty as fuck, your honor, how much do I owe the court?" Excuse me? "Guilty, your honor." The court doesn't accept guilty pleas. "Seriously, becuz I've plead guilty many times." Not in this court. Do you have an attorney? "A who what?" A lawyer? "For a (speeding ticket)?" Come back next week with an attorney. And lose the 'tude. The next week, rinse and repeat. I had no lawyer. "Oh, you were serious about the lawyer?" Come back next week... As I was leaving the courtroom I was met by - you guessed it - a lawyer. "It's gonna cost you about the same, but I can get it reduced to a loud muffler. $125 and you don't even have to show up in court." Done! The judge apparently just wanted a lawyer to get a slice of the criminal justice system pie.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Forgiving was almost a
Forgiving was almost a requirement back in the days when working class women had little to no economic power. Couldn't even get a credit card or auto loan in your own name. Fun times.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
I enjoy reading your posts,I share your disdain for the VILE cancer known a
s the CLINTON MACHINE.One of the main reasons I refused to vote for Hellery was because of WILLYS Oval office blowjob incident with a 22 year old intern.Call me a prude but to me this was a despicable act that sickened me,the thought of that crude bastard back in the Oval office playing grabass with the interns gave me the hebie gebies! Hellerys defense of this dirtbag and the way she tried to destroy WILLYS victims showed what a hypocrite she was on supporting womens rights etc.She should of sent the SOB packing for embarrassing her to the entire world but no she knew she would lose all WILLYS big money donors she would need on her lifetime goal of being the first woman president.
For years the Democratic party has tried to minimize and excuse this despicable behavior from one of their former presidents.They say "WHATS THE BIG DEAL IT WAS ONLY A BLOWJOB",this party has lost its morals and values they stand for nothing and thats why they are losing elections.This upcoming election in Bama shows how unpopular the Democratic party is the people would rather vote for a child molester over a Democrat.That says it all!
It wasn't only his donors she would lose.
While I reject totally and completely the lame ass and exploitive use of sexism as the reason for Her loss, there is a Puritanical strain in this country that would have made it very unfavorable for any future political aspirations she may have had if she had actually left Bill. Publicly anyway. That is what it is, but can you see a divorced former FLOTUS running for the US Senate? Or for the Presidency? She'd not only have lost big donors, which are indeed the important piece, but I just don't see her being "electable" in the US in that case. While I don't personally agree with ANY of that rationale, I think it plays a big part of why she didn't publicly leave him. And why she stood by him and did as much public damage as she could to any women who challenged him. And of course the power, that is and was the entire point of her marriage it seems.
Did she use that? Of course. Should she have left him? Who knows, it's their decision in my mind as long as they don't inflict their sickness on us. Sadly, they have inflicted sickness on us, in many ways.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
The double standard is alive and well
We currently have a twice-divorced vulgarian in the White House, we've had a once-divorced President, we've had one who was a sucker in a "Gotcha!" game, and never mind the shenanigans that Congresscritters have gotten up to. But women must still be, or appear to be, pure as the driven snow because reasons.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
@LEFTYFRIZZLE My only moral problem
And the Republicans of the time should have been accused of political malpractice for the lame way in which they attacked him. They inconvenienced him for two years, after which his popularity easily rebounded because the salaciousness and vitriol of their attacks made them look like terrible people who were, to some extent, getting off on the details while they condemned the act. Combined with his charisma and the fact that most Americans didn't give a shit what he did with women as long as he wasn't raping little girls, the attack ultimately failed (as far as the attackers' goals went; I'm certain the Republicans of the time were not attacking Bill so they could save Social Security from him, though that would make an excellent fictional story).
Such a hatchet job done properly would end a man's career. Look at Weiner, who never even touched a woman other than his wife (now apparently dirty talk online is exactly equivalent to having sex with someone other than your partner. America has gotten weird--not that Weiner didn't deserve to lose his career. But based on political incompetence, not the fact that he likes to talk dirty with women online.)
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Under age and dick pics
Weiner sent dick pics to at least one under age girl.
And I agree that people in power have a moral obligation not to abuse it. Not sure where I stand on Monica. If the report, uncovered during the investigation is true, then she had another affair with a married man prior to going to DC. That's a pattern, just like slick. Thing is, people who seek out unavailable people (married, incarcerated) have something wrong with them. I've read about it.
I'm leaning toward, she knew what she was doing. Why save the jizz dress, if not? Young and dumb as a box of rocks, but I think she persued him, and he obliged.
@Deja Are you certain
Again, Weiner is a stupid asshole and I'm not in this to defend him. I'm in this because it's vitally important to keep the lines drawn between Stupid Assholish Sexual Behavior That Could Hurt Somebody, on the one hand, and Rape and Child Sexual Abuse, on the other.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It WAS a 15 yr old girl - sentenced to 21 mos
You don't get prison time for affairs.
I stand corrected, though. The dick pic was actually a hard on through shorts, and shirtless, with his sleeping son in the background. I think that went to an adult.
@Deja Yeah, I did
As for the thing with the 15-year-old, somehow I missed all of that. Maybe I had stopped paying attention by that point. Weiner had already seriously pissed me off, in a political sense, during the first go-round of sexting follies. He's like a textbook case of everything you don't do politically. Morally, well, I don't actually give a damn about whether someone engages in sexting with somebody of age of consent, so, like the Lewinsky thing, most of his stupid sexting did not enrage me morally, but merely politically (as in, You stupid shit, you can't do that stuff when you're going after the Right's golden boy Clarence Thomas and his conflicts of interest. Actually, you can't do this stuff when you occupy public office, full stop.)
Consent matters a great deal to me, but if somebody sends an unwanted sexual text to an adult, my feeling is that the first response should be to block the troll/bully who sent it. I think that should precede any attempt at engaging the mass media or legal avenues of response. It's only if blocking does not work that someone should proceed to other means, IMO.
Online sexual harassment is a fundamentally different thing than offline sexual harassment, as long as you can simply block the person from ever being able to send you anything again--something not possible in an IRL situation (it's harder to avoid an actual person who knows who you actually are). Obviously, this is not including cases where extremely digitally skilled people decide to use their skills in a predatory way on women online. Cases of online stalking are very serious indeed, as is doxing, and I take those things much more seriously than somebody sending an unwanted sexual picture of himself.
But that's between adults. An adult doing anything sexual to somebody underage is unforgivable.
Though I should say here I don't think what people text between adults should be legislated. That's a mighty dangerous path, and one we've already gone down quite a ways, mainly because we don't have the energy, resources or willingness to deal with the real problem, which is bullying.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Euros would laugh at
this. Their political world is filled with sexual dalliances, just all in a day's work.
While not condoning that behavior, it is what it is, I fully expected the Monica case to finally put an end to those Repub bastids having s-e-x leverage on Dems. That losing their case against a librul getting a bj in the oval office would end any such notion of bringing such a case before TPTB ever again. The case was "won" by the Court of Public Opinion where most Americans just didn't give a damn that Bubba got a bj in the WH, and that should have been that. Alas...
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Sigh. While all this yelling and gnashing
of teeth is going down, RWRepukes and their allies are sneaking through the evil joke known as a tax cut. Seriously, the Hollywood casting couch has been around for as long as Hollywood has. So have gold diggers and power groupies of both sexes. The fact that a Maggot Brain Groper is now Prez is fueling this whole Gropergate scenario. I smell the stench of both hypocrisy and opportunism. I doubt anything is really going to change. I hope I'm proved wrong. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I know what’s going on with the Repubbie tax
cut legislation.
I can actually hold more than one concept in my mind at the same time. I’m a skilled multi-tasker. I bet a few others here can multi-task as well,
If you’re so worried that no one is paying attention, to the tax plan, write an essay, Don’t whine about what i’m doing. And don’t make assumptions about what other people are paying attention to.
EDIT: started out fixing typo but ended up changing last 4 words of first paragraph.
EDIT EDIT: fixed “Repubbie’
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Excellent, Amanda :)
I'm waiting for someone to come along and tell you to just sit there and be pretty, because men are talking. *(Have you seen the Progressive Insurance 50s throw back commercial where Flo is told that ab9out men talking? Too funny!)
Edit add & don't know why it plays twice
That really pissed me off. So I just went back
To let him know it passed in the House today.
I really have a BIG BIG problem with Net Nannies.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
To be truthful, IMO Flo and her commercials
are one of the few decent things left on television. Her and the Geico Lizard.
I never watched much t.v. Now i’m down to modern Family, Big Bang, Law & Order SVU (it’s losing its appeal though) and some PBS.shows (But since they aired that’s fraudulent Ken Burns whitewash of the Vietnam War i’m pretty well sick of them too.)
Casting Stephanie Courtney as Flo was perfect.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
United States of Tara
She had a cameo in one of my favorite shows evah, United States of Tara.
I love me some Moderm Family and How to Get Away with Murder, which is on now, so I'll check in later.
yep. As for teevee,
the zombie apocalypse that is the "Walking Dead" show is a good glimpse of what we might be looking at in the mid '20s. Without the zombies ("walkers"). Maybe. The show is well written, well done.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Saw it. Love it.
Ahh, the good ol' days when the women folk knew their place!!
ok, not so much.
Is why we experienced the '60s we experienced. By then we had had enough of Leave It to Beaver. Ahh, the '60s. Time for another decade like that one! I just wish I was a couple years older to Really have appreciated it more, to have been on the front lines rather than taking Trig in 5th period. (sigh) Then again, a couple years older and I likely end up face down in a rice paddy.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
True, that! n/t
Hey!Guess what! The House passed the tax
bill which was always inevitable.
It’s the Senate where we have a chance to stop it.
SEE! I was paying attention to more than one thing today
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
hence my posts. The latest "revelations" just show us that "modern men" aren't so far away from our caveman days. We mostly know that by 14, when we want to bang all the girls walking the halls between classes. What prevents that, of course, is our upbringing. And church on Sunday. Well, maybe not church. But our mamas told us to "keep it zipped." Women have spent centuries taming our peckers to the point we're at least presentable in public. Thank the gods for that, or it's likely we'd still be living in caves, content with a turkey leg and some "dessert" later. And, while many of us still drag our knuckles, that 14 year old in our heart of hearts, most of us get over most of that by our mid to late 20s. About the same time we finally figure out that mom is smarter than we thought. I grew up with four sisters. Two of whom will be home for Thanksgiving (the one we all grew up in), the other two 2,500 miles away in Cali. I knew and know "the rules," where "the line" is. I didn't have a "real" gf 'til I was a senior in HS. "why didn't you ask me out LAST year?" Too chicken. But, I also know that some boys will be boys. Especially if they're "privileged." For many of those "the rules" don't apply. "The line??" Please. Their inner 14 yr. old roams. A fact of life. May not be right, prolly should be locked up. But we all know they won't be. A pile of money will make that case "go away." Another fact of life.
Then, what to do about it? If you are in public, like at work or school, beat him about the head and face. If he beats back holler for help. Boys will just holler "chick fight!" but won't help. Well, HS boys. Men hopefully will. Otherwise, up to girls and women to jump in. Yes, you'll likely get a black eye and /or bloody nose. Battle scars. Only hurts for a day or two. But, the next time that happens to that asshat likely is his LAST time. At the very least the asshat has been called out. Girls and women will know who he is. Another abuser taken off the list.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Featuring for your entertainment:
The caveman defense (and perhaps your next avatar?)
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Bigger draw and more potent political force than her husband?
Man. Matt must be angling for a job as her personal aide.
That statement has about the same truth value as Obama's statement "We know these strategies work because they worked so well in Somalia and Yemen."
But I suspect Obama was snarking (nobody thinks anything "worked well" in Somalia, unless they are from Mars. Even disaster capitalists wouldn't admit that they think Somalia is a success story, not in public anyway).
Matt, on the other hand, sounds painfully earnest.
Just as only someone from Mars would think things went well in Somalia, only someone from Mars would think that Hillary is a "bigger draw" than Bill Clinton. Nor is she a "more potent political force," at least if you're talking in terms of appeal to the 99%, which he seems to be. As to which of them is the more potent political force in regards to setting up meetings between highly unpleasant and extremely well-heeled people in luxurious resort locales and brokering sociopathic deals between them, it's anybody's guess.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver