I wondered when someone would get around to Slick

Slick can blame this on his ‘bitter’ half in a way. She’s the one who kicked this ‘sexist’ thing (I don’t know what else to call it) into gear when she used it against Sanders and his male supporters. And it just grew from there to what we are seeing today. Which is BOTH good and bad.

Bill Clinton should have resigned
What he did to Monica Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid the price.
Updated by Matthew Yglesias on November 15, 2017 9:15 am

At the time I, like most Americans, was glad to see Clinton prevail and regarded the whole sordid matter as primarily the fault of congressional Republicans’ excessive scandal-mongering. Now, looking back after the election of Donald Trump, the revelations of massive sexual harassment scandals at Fox News, the stories about Harvey Weinstein and others in the entertainment industry, and the stories about Roy Moore’s pursuit of sexual relationships with teenagers, I think we got it wrong. We argued about perjury and adultery and the meaning of the word “is.” Republicans prosecuted a bad case against a president they’d been investigating for years.

What we should have talked about was men abusing their social and economic power over younger and less powerful women.


In Clinton’s case, of course, part of the endgame is that a few months after his acquittal on impeachment charges, his wife launched her first Senate campaign. Once Hillary Clinton threw her hat into the ring, she immediately became America’s presumptive first woman president, creating a kind of reputational vortex that shielded her husband’s behavior from scrutiny. Attacking Bill was, by extension, an attack on Hillary — an attack that most people in leading positions in American progressive politics had no desire to make.

But now that Hillary is out of electoral politics and has emerged as a bigger draw and more potent political force than her husband, there’s no excuse for Democrats not to look back on these events withmore objectivity. Fifty-something leaders of organizations shouldn’t be carrying on affairs with interns who work for them regardless of whether the affair is in some sense consensual.


Funny how we’re back to talking about ‘Clenis’. Hell, find out who flew with him in the Lolita Express. And how old they were. That’s where the real dirt lies. Just knowing about underaged girls is a big no- no. More so than doing weird things with Monica and cigars. That’s disgusting, but not criminal.

But let’s keep our focus on that batshit crazy wife of his and all the trouble she’s causing RIGHT NOW.

High profile offenders like Bill deserve outing. But I guess that I’m more tickled about how this whole thing started than anything else. But when does all this justice trickle on down to the women/girls who weren’t abused by high-profile rich guys but your middle class business owner or the head of the department. Or just the creepy feely guy in the next cubicle?

EDIT: deleted a paragraph

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Amanda Matthews's picture

Beats me.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Raggedy Ann's picture

I was hoping he wouldn't be overlooked because of her heinous. Thanks.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Raggedy Ann Slick might have been less roving. /S

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Amanda Matthews's picture

wife whee it really counted and he needed someone to back up his lies. For BOTH their ‘careers. Neither of which would have been as ‘illustrious’ and personally lucrative if he had flamed out in his run for the presidency.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

Bollox Ref's picture

Clinton was liberal with his progressive harassment. All's good (esp. on DKos).


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from a reasonably stable genius.

a "bigger draw" than her pig of a husband. As for her political potency? Sure she's got potency, just enough to push for a huge world war. Isn't that just special.

And I totally agree Amanda - get to the Lolita Express and then maybe we can really talk about confronting some real sexism.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Azazello's picture

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM-b8P1yj9w width:400 height:240]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

@Azazello A small jolt right back to childhood, my grandparents loved that song. I got to the part of "you'll forgive him" and stopped it, LOL.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Amanda Matthews's picture

worst and whiniest ‘songs’ ever written. And Tammy Wynette’s delivery was ‘“dead on balls accurate”!

No one could have done it bettter. Or worse, depending on your point of view.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

mimi's picture

how hard it is not to stand by your man?

Mannomann ...

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earthling1's picture

only going to muddy the water.
"What we should have talked about was men abusing their social and economic power over younger and less powerful women."
It transcends even race when you consider Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas/ Anita Hill.
Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
It's about men with too much power.


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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 and on our way to a big Bernie rally in Seattle, made some remark one day about Monica Lewinsky being old enough to consent. Not nasty, but just sayin'. I basically made the argument you just did - a 23 year old, with a massive crush on "the most powerful man in the world?" Come on now, that's a big damned leap to think she had much real say in the matter in reality. 23 is really pretty damned young. She agreed then, pretty much right away, and that is the point we agreed on - power. It really is about power. Look at Trump and his remarks, its about power over women to him, not about being a "bad boy flirt", pure power. And Clinton played that "flirt" image to the hilt, slimy bastard, with Hillary as his rear guard attack dog ready to defend him to the hilt.

Is she going to jettison Clenis for another run?! Is she going to use her own "experience" to get into office? Sick people.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Amanda Matthews's picture

She wasn’t an ‘innocent’ 23-year old. So no excuses for Monica will ever fly.

Ex-Intern Allegedly Boasted of Sex
Controversy: Teacher who says he had 5-year affair with Lewinsky says she told of liaisons with unnamed 'high-ranking' White House official.
PORTLAND, Ore. — A high school drama teacher who said he had a five-year affair with Monica S. Lewinsky said Tuesday that the former White House intern boasted of having oral sex with a "high-ranking person in the White House" and phoned him up to five times a day with news of her adventures.

Andy Bleiler, who presented the details of his years with Lewinsky through his attorney, said there was no indication of who Lewinsky was referring to, although his wife said that when Lewinsky first left for Washington, she vowed "to get my presidential kneepads."

"She never used President Clinton's name at any time. She did use the term 'creep' to describe this person," said Terry Giles, a Rancho Santa Fe attorney who recounted the Bleilers' story at a press conference in the couple's front yard.

Giles said Lewinsky never claimed to have anything but oral sex with the White House official.

Giles said his meetings with the Bleilers had made him "a lot less certain" that Lewinsky is telling the truth about her encounters with the president.


She was PROUD of what she did. Before, during, and AFTER her little dalliance with The Clenis. She made sure ‘certain’ people knew every detail.

Lingerie, a personal note from Bill Clinton and White House M&Ms (but not THAT blue dress): One of Monica Lewinsky's OTHER lovers auctions off a collection of the former intern's private belongings


Mr Bleiler gained momentary international recognition during the investigation into Lewinsky's affair with President Clinton, as he came forward and told about their lengthy affair.

Though it is unclear when or how his marriage to then-wife Kathy ended, the two have since split and for some reason, Kathy ended up with a collection of clothes and gifts that the couple got from Monica over the years.

All of these items were included as part of the evidence gathered by Kenneth Starr, the independent counselor pursuing the impeachment charges over the affair.


In this mess it was Monica who was thinking with her brain and Clenis (as always) let his penis do his thinking for him. She was no innocent child.

Whether some people like it or not, sometimes the sex IS consensual.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Amanda Matthews

It's convenient for people to forget that fact when they want to peg their Outrage Meter Up To 11. But any kind of fame or prominence draws groupies like honey draws bears. (Sometimes a groupie wins - I know personally of one marriage that was broken up by a groupie, who then got to marry the man she targeted.)

It's the prominent person who needs to be aware, and beware, of groupies. They ought to know better. (But a lot of them think with the wrong head, and live to regret it.)

(And as for being a groupie, it's a bit pathetic if their only "achievement" is "scoring" with a prominent person. They need to get a real life.)

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Wink's picture

she was looking for. And maybe more than she bargained for.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.


She did succeed at this:


October 30, 2004
How Monica Lewinsky Saved Social Security

by Robin Blackburn

[This essay is excerpted from CounterPunch’s hot new book, Dime’s Worth of Difference.]

Had it not been for Monica’s captivating smile and first inviting snap of that famous thong, President Bill Clinton would have consummated the politics of triangulation, heeding the counsel of a secret White House team and deputy treasury secretary Larry Summers. Late in 1998 or in the State of the Union message of 1999 a solemn Clinton would have told Congress and the nation that, just like welfare, Social Security was near-broke, had to be “reformed” and its immense pool of capital tendered in part to the mutual funds industry. The itinerary mapped out for Clinton by the Democratic Leadership Committee would have been complete.

It was a desperately close run thing. On the account of members of Clinton’s secret White House team, mandated to map out the privatization path for Social Security, they had got as far down the road as fine-tuning the account numbers for Social Security accounts now released to the captious mercies of Wall Street. But in 1998 the Lewinsky scandal burst upon the President, and as the months sped by and impeachment swelled from a remote specter to a looming reality, Clinton’s polls told him that his only hope was to nourish the widespread popular dislike for the hoity-toity elites intoning Clinton’s death warrant.

In an instant Clinton spun on the dime and became Social Security’s mighty champion, coining the slogan “Save Social Security First”. ...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Wink's picture

@Ellen North
been hanged for treason? Or at least serving 100 years in jail for attempting to steal much of the nation's treasury?

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@lizzyh7 just your typical groupie. And women can start in their teen years acting very aggressive sexually with the guys for whom they lust.

I have no sympathy for Monica. For the rest of the women who claim to have been raped by BC or blocked unwanted advances, I do have sympathy.

This affair was consensual, and wouldn't have even happened had Monica not signaled her interest to BC and made herself available.

And before you accuse me of sexism, I am a woman.

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@dfarrah Really, I know my comment comes off that way, I do get there are nuances. But I look back at some of the stupid shit I did when I was 23 and wonder, it's hard not to see the power imbalance.

And personally, I was not really paying attention during the whole Impeachment thing and I was totally then pretty much on Bill's side - although we all agreed he was a complete idiot to do it, but whatever. There were bigger things they could have Impeached him for, but that would have touched all of them. And that, they could not have. So they went after the blow job in the Oval and left the corruption off the table. But as pointed out later, she did save Social Security, LOL.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@dfarrah Monica was 18. One is permitted some foolishness when one is newly an adult. It's her misfortune that she was foolish around a massively powerful sociopath. It's her greater misfortune that someone decided to use her story to make political hay for what felt like years of 24/7 coverage.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

'Hay', saved an essential public program into which people paid and upon which they relied in their old age!

Personally, I'd always figured that extra-marital affairs were something between husband and wife, but the spotlight on that (multiple-sense) dick did a world of good for the American people in that area, and just in time, too, so - have a (clean, dry) cigar?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Ellen North Well, that is a point. In that light, Monica kind of took one for the team, didn't she?
It shouldn't take that kind of nastiness to save Social Security, but hey, I guess I'll take it.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@lizzyh7 Was Monica Lewinsky a victim? Yes.
Was she the victim of a crime? No.

The only crime there was perjury. Shame on the Republicans who started out thinking they were going to find bodies (and frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if they had found them) and then ended up serving this crap up to the American people. Don't jack people's expectations up before you actually have the goods. If you're going to go after these bastards, do it right. If you're just screwing around because you're in a state of personal political pique because Bill Clinton is a Democrat who steals your policy ideas and your donors and gets elected despite you, and basically does the "Republican" thing better than you do, keep your goddamned pique off my television, my radio, and out of what had been recently, at that point, the people's House. If they had kept out of it, Lewinsky would have been far less hurt.

I am terribly sorry for Lewinsky, and the way her life was damaged.
But it's not a crime what happened to her. Falling in love with a narcissistic power-monger who's much older than you and massively more powerful than you and then getting your life smashed because of it is not prosecutable. If you think it should be, how would you word the law? More importantly, how would you word the law so that it could not be easily abused and used every time somebody had a grudge against somebody else?

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

SnappleBC's picture


I don't think it's about "men with too much power" nor do I think that old saw about "absolute power" is useful.

What I do think is that CantStopTheSignal shed some light on the problem when she pointed out that all of us have various bits of barbarism in us. Society permits some of that barbarism and not others. So then the question becomes, why is this stuff acceptable? Why aren't angry mobs burning down all of Hollywood? Why are we STILL so unconcerned about this?

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@SnappleBC Personally, it's because I'm so angry at the people burning down the world that I can't help but be less angry at other things. I'm not saying that's moral. It's just the way it is inside my head.

It's sort of like I know rationally I should be scared of a terrorist attack. But I'm so busy being terrified of the people who actually run the world--the banks, the oil barons, the weaponsmakers, agencies like the CIA, the NSA, private security firms like Xe and Palantir--that al-Qaeda and ISIL can fucking take a number if they want to scare me.

Ya wanna kill me? Line forms to the right. You might have to work to get the jump on the people who are already in the process of murdering me--and all of us--in slow motion.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

Well, since 'right-wing' terrorism has apparently been more of a problem than the typically FBI-instigated 'radicalized Islamic' threat in America...


Most terrorist attacks in the US are committed by Americans — not foreigners
Updated by Sarah Frostenson@sfrostensonsarah.frostenson@vox.com Sep 9, 2016

This Sunday marks the 15 year anniversary of September 11—the worst terrorist attack on American soil. It was perpetrated by 20 al-Qaeda-affiliated men primarily from Saudi Arabia, and since then, fears of foreign terrorists have been understandably widespread.

But not one domestic terrorist attack since 9/11 has been committed by a foreign terrorist organization. Overall, terrorism in America is happening from homegrown radicals. ...

...Of the 28 deadly homegrown terrorist attacks, only 10 of those attacks were related to Islamic extremism. The other 18 attacks were led by right-wing extremists, including, most recently, the mass shooting on November 27, 2015 that killed three and wounded nine at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The data from New America clearly shows that domestic terrorist attacks have, since 2001, been more commonly perpetrated by right-wing groups than by Islamic extremists. But when you look at data on arrests, the story flips: Since 2001, there have been 364 charges in the US for "jihadist terrorism," which New America defines as violent extremism motivated by al-Qaeda and its affiliated groups, and only 182 for right-wing terrorism.

Sterman says one reason for this discrepancy is it is often hard to obtain reliable data on right-wing terrorism, as the government doesn't always label it as terrorism, whereas jihadist terrorist activity is almost always labeled as some form of terrorism. ...


White Supremacists More Dangerous To America Than Foreign Terrorists, Study Says
06/24/2015 13:51 EDT | Updated 06/24/2015 13:59 EDT
28.4 K

Julia Craven Politics Reporter, The Huffington Post

At least 48 people have been killed stateside by right-wing extremists in the 14 years since since the September 11 attacks -- almost twice as many as were killed by self-identified jihadists in that time, according to a study released Wednesday by the New America Foundation, a Washington, D.C., research center. The study found that radical anti-government groups or white supremacists were responsible for most of the terror attacks.

The data counters many conventional thoughts on what terrorism is and isn’t. Since Sept. 11, many Americans attribute terror attacks to Islamic extremists instead of those in the right wing. But the numbers don't back up this popular conception, said Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kurzman is co-authoring a study with David Schanzer of Duke University, set to be published Thursday, that asks police departments to rank the three biggest threats from violent extremism in their jurisdiction.

Law enforcement agencies reported they were more concerned about the activities of right-wing extremist groups than Islamic extremists in their jurisdictions (about 74 percent versus 39 percent) due to the "menacing" rhetoric used by some of these groups -- and that they were training officers to take caution when they saw signs of potentially violent individuals, Kurzman and Schanzer found. ...

...Pilgrim said he found it offensive that, after Sept. 11, some Americans bemoaned that terrorism had finally breached U.S. borders.

"That is ignoring and trivializing -- if not just summarily dismissing -- all the people, especially the peoples of color in this country, who were lynched in this country; who had their homes bombed in this country; who were victims of race riots," he said evoking lynching victims who were often burned, castrated, shot, stabbed -- and in some cases beheaded.

And while most officially acknowledged anti-black terrorism cases occurred during the eras of slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow, as recent news demonstrate, this type of terrorism is still an ongoing concern.


Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.


THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested. ...

...“Only the government could have made a ‘terrorist’ out of Mr. Cromitie, whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in its scope,” said Judge Colleen McMahon, sentencing him to 25 years. She branded it a “fantasy terror operation” but called his attempt “beyond despicable” and rejected his claim of entrapment.

The judge’s statement was unusual, but Mr. Cromitie’s characteristics were not. His incompetence and ambivalence could be found among other aspiring terrorists whose grandiose plans were nurtured by law enforcement. ...

And since you probably know all this, you rightly tuck such fears of attacks by the often-US-funded/trained/armed terrorists away with rare but still more likely fears of being struck by lightening - barring more False Flags in America, of course, which are, considering the area America covers, also unlikely to hit you and your family, unless covering huge areas.

If you were a person of Colour, homeless or disabled in any fashion, the terrorism of American police would be a continual threat you'd have to live with, though that somehow isn't labeled as State terrorism when occurring in America... whoops, almost forgot to add, peaceful, unarmed protesters! Silly me!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@SnappleBC The problem with power is that it tends to give its bearer the idea that those bits of barbarism are perfectly fine.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

He made a statement today (? not sure, maybe yesterday)about Anita Hill being victimized.
(Yeah. By him, among others.)

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Deja's picture

@on the cusp @on the cusp
Creepy bastard. You can see how uncomfortable the females are, and they range in age from maybe 5-6 all the way up to his age or older. The videos are very hard to watch - swearing in ceremonies to photo ops. He's disgusting!

God only knows what he does off camera.

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@on the cusp
and Patrick Leahy prevented several women who were willing to give accounts similar to Anita Hill's from testifying. Their behavior throughout the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas was commended by a number of Republicans.

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snoopydawg's picture

They bring up his creepiness around women and children. He seems to find a way to put his hands on them in very inappropriate ways.

People think that he's just a funny uncle joe type person, but he has helped pass legislation that has made things more difficult for us.
He signed on with everything that the dea wanted for their drug war. He was instrumental in getting the bankruptcy bill passed and he has voted for every war that has come up since he's been in congress.
And what he put Anita through was so disgusting.

I agree with this.

Attacking Bill was, by extension, an attack on Hillary — an attack that most people in leading positions in American progressive politics had no desire to make.

Hillary may not be more important than Bill is, but she has been the one that has been in the public more often.
Harping back to her time as SOS, she used her fraudantion to suck up millions from foreign governments, corporations and businessmen who had business before her state department.

People who say that she didn't make the decision on the Russian uranium deal, but she walked away with a couple hundreds of millions for her fraudantion. This was after she agreed that she would keep it separate from her duties as SOS. Both congress and Obama told her to do that.

Whenever people try to defend this, they say that it's okay for her to take the money because she uses the money to buy medications for the people in Africa that have AIDS This is the only thing that people know what she uses her fraudantion money for.
I have hard time believing that foreign governments care about those people with AIDS or any women activities that she says the money goes to.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg He's a fucking war criminal.
I refuse to give any of these people a break, zero. He was VP under war criminal Obama, he participated in the decision making processes, he is a war criminal.
I know it doesn't stop anything, but the more this is put out there the more people who will understand.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

who get excited about who is going to run for president. People need to ask them what their foreign policies ideas are. I did ask people to look at Bernie's, but of course I was told to stfu because now isn't the time for it.

I found this article on people who used to refuse to pay a certain percentage of their taxes that went to wars and what happened to them.

History of War Tax Resistance

With the ongoing wars and the increased militarism in the U.S., the peace movement and war tax resistance should have grown, but during the Obama presidency peace activism slipped into the background.

He was even more blood thirsty than Bush, yet the anti war movement went dormant. And again, every time I brought this up on ToP, I was shut down. I was accused of being an Obama hater because I questioned his policies and his use of drones.

Here we are in another presidential administration and Trump is outdoing Obama's thirst for killing, yet instead of people talking about the number of people who are being killed, they are talking about the Russian propaganda bullshit 24/7 and encouraging our government to make Russia pay for their attacks on our democracy.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@lizzyh7 @snoopydawg n/t

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@Big Al


that is the place to start discussion of his credentials.

let us not forget the pack of curs in congress who allow this to continue.

Bernie Sanders
, to name one.

bless Fox news. lol

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Wink's picture

"war mongering" foreign policy, but voters don't give a damn about foreign policy. Nor do most Americans. Most couldn't care less about the wars or Syria, or Russia, or... That stuff is all "over there," and most of us don't give a damn what's going on over there. Myself included. Mostly Becuz There's Not a Fucking Thing We Can Do About It. We're all mostly concerned with saving the Safety Net, without which this country will soon look like Mad Max, the rich living in cities, the rest of us living in RV communes in AZ and New Mexico. Syria? The wars? zzzzzzzzz

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.


voters can understand a trillion dollars down a hole.
some might even prefer to get the blood off their hands.

it seems to be a matter of "owning the media".
this is why a person like Sanders is important.

if Sanders laid out the case to end the wars, it would be tough to bury the story.
this makes his failure to speak out disappointing & very damaging.

me? are you talking to me? hhahahaha.

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Just going to repeat a monster reply I made to you previously, regarding a similar post made about Bernie supposedly not speaking out, in that case about the destruction in Yemen.

Well, oddly enough, the corporate media doesn't seem to be carrying anything on it.

The following's a darned good article, containing a refreshing dose of sanity and the realization that there really are actual conservatives still out there, as what's being termed as such in politics is evident pathology and certainly not the conserving conservatism my parents once supported at all. I'd suggest reading this in full at source, if only for that reassurance.


Sanders Speaks on Foreign Policy
By Daniel Larison • September 21, 2017

Bernie Sanders delivered a fairly wide-ranging foreign policy speech at Westminster College in Fulton, MO earlier today. He outlined in broad strokes his views for what U.S. foreign policy includes and what it should do. Among other things, he also spoke directly against U.S. support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen:

Unfortunately, today we still have examples of the United States supporting policies that I believe will come back to haunt us. One is the ongoing Saudi war in Yemen. ...

...Sanders also gave an interview to The Intercept this week, and based on the excerpts published so far he is going beyond criticizing the Saudi-led war on Yemen to questioning the relationship with Saudi Arabia itself:

Sanders issued a scathing denunciation of the Gulf kingdom, which has recently embarked on a new round of domestic repression.

“I consider [Saudi Arabia] to be an undemocratic country that has supported terrorism around the world, it has funded terrorism. … They are not an ally of the United States.”

The Vermont senator accused the “incredibly anti-democratic” Saudis of “continuing to fund madrasas” and spreading “an extremely radical Wahhabi doctrine in many countries around the world.”

It will take a long time to break American politicians and analysts of the habit of referring to the Saudis as an ally, but Sanders is taking a necessary first step in explicitly denying that claim. Once we start to recognize that the Saudis are not an ally in any sense, the relationship may be changed accordingly.

Sanders went on to say other important things in his speech. Here he made a valuable observation:

We must rethink the old Washington mindset that judges “seriousness” according to the willingness to use force. One of the key misapprehensions of this mindset is the idea that military force is decisive in a way that diplomacy is not.

Yes, military force is sometimes necessary, but always — always — as the last resort. And blustery threats of force, while they might make a few columnists happy, can often signal weakness as much as strength, diminishing US deterrence, credibility and security in the process. ...

Unfortunately, there is also the obligatory Opposite Day anti-Russian propaganda in there... but, to continue from the article:

...Here Sanders directly challenges the bias in our foreign policy debates in favor of “doing something” in which “something” is almost always some military option. We frequently hear a policy derided as “bystanderism” or “standing idly by” if it doesn’t involve bombing or arming someone, and rejecting that mindset is at least as important as any specific policy recommendations Sanders might make. Sanders illustrates his point with a very constructive and timely contrast between the Iraq war and the nuclear deal with Iran:

Today it is now broadly acknowledged that the war in Iraq, which I opposed, was a foreign policy blunder of enormous magnitude.

In addition to the many thousands killed, it created a cascade of instability around the region that we are still dealing with today in Syria and elsewhere, and will be for many years to come. Indeed, had it not been for the Iraq War, ISIS would almost certainly not exist.

The Iraq war, as I said before, had unintended consequences. It was intended as a demonstration of the extent of American power. It ended up demonstrating only its limits.

In contrast, the Iran nuclear deal advanced the security of the US and its partners, and it did this at a cost of no blood and zero treasure. ...

That part is pure Sanders, and the article is an example and reminder of what conservatism actually is, in a time when psychopaths achieving power warp language and concepts to reframe and pollute everything they touch in an effort to turn it all into gold for themselves and dross* for all others.

*Doubt this is required here, but just in case, search definition at top of page reads:

dross (drŏs, drôs)►

Waste or impure matter: discarded the dross after recycling the wood pulp.
The scum that forms on the surface of molten metal as a result of oxidation.
Worthless, commonplace, or trivial matter: "He was wide-awake and his mind worked clearly, purged of all dross” ( Vladimir Nabokov).

That old saying is sooooo descriptive, since they get our share of wealth as well as their own and we get the worst effects of the 'cost-saving' pollution - on a global basis.

I like this writer and will just include this link from another of his (older) articles:


Obviously, Iran Would Retaliate Against U.S. Attacks
By Daniel Larison • June 14, 2010

This typifies the outlook of those conservatives who should be in politics, (even if the right of countries/people to defend themselves against attack does not appear to have been taken into consideration, focusing on political expediency, perhaps because that's what the neocons might understand) had not the ruthless lust for endless increase of personal wealth and power over others been permitted by the pathologically greedy and psychopathic having already attained public office/political influence to allow the complete takeover of government by a blatantly psychopathic corporate culture introduced by Nazi sympathizers as well as the Nazis brought in by them following WW2.

But to get back to whether Bernie's been speaking out on this:


UN Calls for Saudi-Yemen Ceasefire to Stop Cholera and Famine
Published on
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Common Dreams
UN Calls for Saudi-Yemen Ceasefire to Stop Cholera and Famine

"U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen has never been authorized by Congress," Naiman writes
Robert Naiman

...On June 13, using the Arms Export Control Act to force a floor vote, the U.S. Senate narrowly failed to block an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Senators opposed to the deal stressed the need to end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen rather than escalate it.

"The Saudi-led war in Yemen has created a humanitarian disaster," Senator Bernie Sanders said. "Millions are at the risk of starvation...the chaos in Yemen has also been strategically disastrous for the United States, providing fertile ground for the extremist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS...it is long past time that we begin to take a very hard look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia...it is important that we begin to discuss...the decades long effort by Saudi Arabia to export an ultra-reactionary form of Islam throughout the world." ...


Bernie Sanders is right: Saudi Arabia is more focused on the conflict in Yemen than fighting ISIS

By Linda Qiu on Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

But I suspect that Bernie's media access and ability to keep the notion of government working for, rather than against, the public interest alive in the corporate-media-restricted public mind is contingent on his appearing to support to such as the 'RUSSIA' nonsense', rather than being directly silenced by the powers and puppets which have infiltrated the US government and agencies and who are responsible for what they describe - and denounce - others as doing and being. Underground Resistance fighters/sympathizers able to gain access to the working of the fascist machinery had to do the same, to fight from within and do what they could for their people, during the last fascist attempt at global take-over. My take, anyway.

Might be a trapped-in-the-bubble-believer issue, but at least Bernie, given evidence, will admit when he's wrong, if so.

And I hope that when he speaks of fighting Russian authoritarianism, mass murders and brutality, etc., in his heart, he means those actually exerting/enacting such over the American people and the world, in the knowledge that those already informed will never fall for the Big Lies he, once silenced, could not hope to eradicate while under their rule. The people must rise in their own defence, themselves form their own parties of, by and for the people, and pacifically take back their government by one means or another, (trying both replacement by progressive candidates within and a new progressive party from without The Two-Party Trap,) demanding fair elections and fair voting systems en masse and, importantly, refusing to passively accept suspicious electoral results as 'a done deal' ever again, rather than expecting a Super-Hero to appear to take care of this for them.

The following consists mainly of Bernie quotes, as he works within the limitations of the authoritarianism imposed within America by The Psychopaths and Parasites That Be :


Bernie Sanders Just Gave One of the Finest Speeches of His Career
Outlining a vision of an America on the side of peace and justice, the senator shredded Trump’s brutish foreign policies.
By John NicholsTwitter
September 21, 2017

...“When we talk about foreign policy it is clear that there are some who believe that the United States would be best served by withdrawing from the global community. I disagree. As the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth, we have got to help lead the struggle to defend and expand a rules-based international order in which law, not might, makes right,” Sanders declared in a critical section of his address. He explained that

We must offer people a vision that one day, maybe not in our lifetimes, but one day in the future, human beings on this planet will live in a world where international conflicts will be resolved peacefully, not by mass murder.

How tragic it is that today, while hundreds of millions of people live in abysmal poverty, the arms merchants of the world grow increasingly rich as governments spend trillions of dollars on weapons of destruction.

I am not naive or unmindful of history. Many of the conflicts that plague our world are longstanding and complex. But we must never lose our vision of a world in which, to quote the Prophet Isaiah, “they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” ...

...The speech that Sanders delivered at Westminster College touched on many issues of the moment—President Trump’s “incredibly foolish and short-sighted” abandonment of the Paris agreement and efforts to address climate change, the failure of “free trade” schemes such as NAFTA and the danger of flawed proposals such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, and his fury over United States “support for Saudi Arabia’s destructive intervention in Yemen, which has killed many thousands of civilians and created a humanitarian crisis in one of the region’s poorest countries.” He decried “a rise in authoritarianism and right-wing extremism–both domestic and foreign—which further weakens this order by exploiting and amplifying resentments, stoking intolerance and fanning ethnic and racial hatreds among those in our societies who are struggling.” ...

... But the speech that Sanders gave was much more than a response to the headlines and challenges of the moment. It was a deeply thoughtful and deeply historic address, which recognized the significance of the fact that he was appearing on the stage where in 1946 former British prime minister Winston Churchill outlined a post–World War II vision of how to shield future generations from “the two giant marauders, war and tyranny.”

What distinguished this address by the senator — who was criticized for not speaking enough foreign policy during his 2016 campaign — was the reminder it provided that, over almost four decades in elective office, Sanders has always been deeply engaged with global issues. ...

In Fulton, where so many world leaders have outlined their visions, Sanders gave a speech that was on the side of peace and diplomacy. But it was a speech infused with an understanding that peace must be underpinned by justice. And that justice cannot thrive amid oligarchy or authoritarianism.

“Another challenge that we and the entire world face is growing wealth and income inequality, and the movement toward international oligarchy—a system in which a small number of billionaires and corporate interests have control over our economic life, our political life, and our media,” began the senator, in the most vital argument of what will be remembered as one of his finest speeches. Employing language that drew from the best traditions of Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie, and Dwight Eisenhower, Bernie Sanders explained that:

This movement toward oligarchy is not just an American issue. It is an international issue. Globally, the top 1 percent now owns more wealth than the bottom 99 percent of the world’s population.

In other words, while the very, very rich become much richer, thousands of children die every week in poor countries around the world from easily prevented diseases, and hundreds of millions live in incredible squalor.

Inequality, corruption, oligarchy, and authoritarianism are inseparable. They must be understood as part of the same system, and fought in the same way. Around the world we have witnessed the rise of demagogues who once in power use their positions to loot the state of its resources. These kleptocrats, like Putin in Russia, use divisiveness and abuse as a tool for enriching themselves and those loyal to them.

But economic inequality is not the only form of inequality that we must face. As we seek to renew America’s commitment to promote human rights and human dignity around the world, we must be a living example here at home. We must reject the divisive attacks based on a person’s religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or identity, country of origin, or class. And when we see demonstrations of neo-Nazism and white supremacism as we recently did in Charlottesville, Virginia, we must be unequivocal in our condemnation, as our president, shamefully, was not.

And as we saw here so clearly in St. Louis in the past week, we need serious reforms in policing and the criminal-justice system so that the life of every person is equally valued and protected. We cannot speak with the moral authority the world needs if we do not struggle to achieve the ideal we are holding out for others.

It's a sad state of affairs where a potential President was to be regarded with suspicion and rejected because his focus is always on addressing issues essential to the long-drained-and-neglected people and country and where 'foreign policy' (involving a global corporate/military take-over, not diplomacy) is placed above the urgent need to stop the destructive but lucrative-for-some draining and 'cost-effective' industrial poisoning of the citizens and country for this and other means of further enrichment and empowering of the wealthiest and most powerful in all ways, at citizen and environmental cost, as a national priority.

And even sadder when the old 'accuse them of what you do yourself tactic' is used to present him as a warmonger and a 'politician just like the others', ignoring his life-long record and character, just as planned by those repeating the same-old, same-old tactics we've been falling for all along.

Note: I have noticed that various 'politically sensitive' search terms are now, in some cases, returning - rather than millions of results - a few (those showing typically slanted) or even none, as with one among some of the recent internet searches conducted for articles I'd seen previously on Bernie's taxes, over which much Opposite Day PR concern has been raised not only during but, tellingly, since the election.

It's sometimes unfortunate that Bernie simply shrugs off clearly ludicrous personal attacks along with anything else deflecting from the issues essential to alleviating misery inflicted upon the vulnerable among the 99% by the top fraction of the 1%, although this unswerveable laser-focus is what's enabled him to achieve things thought impossible, such as community health centres and veteran medical care improvements - and getting his points out on the corporate media and in debate without being side-tracked or pushed into defensive positions when he's there to raise awareness among the propagandized American public and to attempt to get something done on their behalf.

And the good achieved for the vulnerable due to this characteristic far outweighs that possible to any done to his reputation by his wasting time and attention on disproving a steady flood of desperate smears which might work on those unaware of his character and record.

This internet search issue may be specific to my circumstances, as I can hope, but there has been a lot of internet censorship already conducted and underway at increasing rates, so we must gather remaining information while we can.

Not too big on Move On anymore, but they did try here:


Force House Vote on Saudi War in Yemen to Stop Cholera & Famine

Petition by Robert Naiman

To be delivered to The United States House of Representatives
Use the War Powers Resolution to force a House vote on U.S. participation in the Saudi-UAE war and blockade in Yemen.
There are currently 12,346 signatures. NEW goal - We need 15,000 signatures!

Petition Background
On June 15, the UN Security Council unanimously called for a cease-fire in the conflict between the Saudi-UAE coalition and the Houthi-Saleh forces in Yemen. "The U.N. Security Council urged the warring parties in Yemen on Thursday to immediately agree on a cease-fire and keep all ports open for humanitarian aid to confront the threat of famine and the rapid spread of cholera," AP reported. [1] On June 13, the U.S. Senate narrowly failed to block an arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Senators opposed to the deal stressed the need to end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen rather than escalate it. [2]

"The Saudi-led war in Yemen has created a humanitarian disaster," Senator Bernie Sanders said. "Millions are at the risk of starvation...chaos in Yemen has also been strategically disastrous for the United States, providing fertile ground for the extremist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS...it is long past time that we begin to take a very hard look at our relationship with Saudi Arabia...it is important that we begin to discuss...the decades long effort by Saudi Arabia to export an ultra-reactionary form of Islam throughout the world." [3] "The human rights and humanitarian concerns have been well documented and are important,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said. “Of equal concern to me is that the Saudi government continues to aid and abet terrorism via its relationship with Wahhabism and the funding of schools that spread extremist propaganda throughout the world." [4]

But the Trump Administration plans to escalate U.S. participation in the Saudi bombing of Yemen, with U.S. military advisers in the Saudi air operations control center in Riyadh. [5] U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen has never been authorized by Congress. [6] House Members can challenge U.S. participation in the war with amendments on the National Defense Authorization Act and the Department of Defense Appropriation. In addition, a single House Member can invoke Congressional war powers force to a debate and vote on withdrawing U.S. participation from the Saudi war in Yemen - which the UN Security Council has unanimously said should stop immediately to save Yemen from cholera and famine. The last time the House voted on any aspect of U.S. participation in the Saudi war was June 2016, when the House narrowly failed to prohibit the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. [7]

Urge your Representative to force a House vote to withdraw U.S. backing from the Saudi war and blockade in Yemen by signing our petition.

Although he never forgets the for-profit/power/pathology humanitarian crises created at home:


Press Release
Sanders Statement on Detrimental Effect Flint Humanitarian Crisis is Having on Aspiring Americans
February 6, 2016

MANCHESTER, N.H. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday released the following statement after it was reported that undocumented immigrants in Flint cannot obtain clean water because of their immigration status:

“It is outrageous and totally unacceptable that aspiring Americans and others in Flint cannot get the clean drinking water they desperately need because they don’t have the proper identification. This is a humanitarian crisis. No one should live in fear of being deported for getting a bottle of water for their family. All people, including immigrants, should have access to clean and drinkable water, regardless of immigration status or lack of identification.

“The state of Michigan and the National Guard should provide all emergency services to the approximately 1,000 aspiring Americans that reside in Flint and provide comprehensive bilingual information on the dangers of drinking this poisonous water.

“The federal government must also halt all immigration raids immediately. These inhumane raids are having a chilling effect across the country, especially in Flint, preventing some of the most vulnerable people in this country from stepping out of their homes, let alone seeking clean water for their families.”

One thing bringing a faint glimmer of hope, should such as this be demanded in enough (and united in this area) countries:


Amnesty International reveals weapons sources that kill Yemenis; calls to bring perpetrators to trial

Sep 23, 2017

...“We can now categorically assert that the bomb that killed Buthaina’s parents and brothers and other civilians is a US-made bomb,” said Lynn Maalouf, director of research at Amnesty International’s Beirut regional office.

“There is no explanation that the United States and other countries such as Britain and France can provide to justify the continued flow of arms into the Saudi-led coalition for use in the conflict in Yemen,” said Lynn Maalouf. Gross violations of international law, including war crimes, over the past 30 months, which have had devastating consequences for the civilian population. ”

The organization called for “the immediate implementation of a comprehensive ban on the entry of any weapon to Yemen,” and called for “an impartial investigation quickly and bring those responsible for crimes in Yemen to trial.”

My searches in 'sensitive areas tend to not want to provide me with current information on such subjects, but I'm guessing that this sort of thing wasn't and hasn't been much reported upon in the corporate media?

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

I want him to say it is wrong and must be stopped.

as to the taxes, until that is cleared up as he promised I am not satisfied.
raises the suspicion that he is subject to pressure.

this could be important if Sanders is to be in front of a movement.
I just don't see sanders breaking from dems. and I don't see the dems reforming.

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@irishking @irishking

Bernie resisted pressure to continue running as an Indie, which might be a hint.

Just wondering, how do you expect a single senator to stop this horror when the American people aren't even protesting any of it en masse?

Edit: my trademark letter-typo is your proof that this brief post was clumsily artisan-made!

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@Ellen North

Just wondering, how do you expect a single senator to stop this horror when the American people aren't even protesting any of it en masse?

he might be able to get people to look what's going on.
it would be tough to bury the story if he said NO MORE WAR every day on senate floor, and backed it up with anti= war votes.

he could try real hard, like lives depended on it.
might not work, but he could give 100% to stopping the war.

I really don't feel that from him yet.

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@Ellen North @Ellen North

. Around the world we have witnessed the rise of demagogues who once in power use their positions to loot the state of its resources. These kleptocrats, like Putin in Russia, use divisiveness and abuse as a tool for enriching themselves and those loyal to them.

this is what he is selling?

edit. Ralph Nader means it. I can hear the difference. If Nader were in charge this s*** would stop.

A few weeks ago, former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice shared a stage at the George W. Bush Institute, reflecting on their careers to widespread admiration. What they neglected to mention were the devastated families, villages, cities and communities and nations plunged into violent chaos from the decisions they deliberately made in their careers. ... As these ex-officials bask in adulation, the American people are not being shown the burned corpses, charred villages, and poisoned water and soil created by their “public service.” Nor are they exposed to the immense suffering and broken hearts of survivors mourning their deceased family members.


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Wink's picture

lives in the world of politics. Politics controlled by TPTB. Pressure? Let's just say he plays the game to fight another day. Whether or not he grabs a flag to lead the "movement" he's started, or stays completely embedded in the world of Beltway Establishment politics really doesn't matter. The reality is he lives in both worlds, in and out of each, a foot in both. That's politics. Ain't nobody "pure." Say what you want but Bernie is one of the few Senators to put his neck on the line, his policies public knowledge. If more would stand up to "Resist!" we'd actually have a minority party. Imagine.
Instead? The party will be lucky to make it beyond 2020. Bernie? Likely way beyond.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

Mostly everyone here but a few of us. Whenever I hear or read "foreign policy" my eyes start to roll back to the back of my head assuming a comatose state. I agree that spending a $Trillion on Safety Net items from a $Trillion targeted for the M.E. war(s) is a good idea. A goal, in fact! But that don't happen without a Dem House and Dem prez.
And, I believe should Bernie be elected prez his "foreign policy" would change. Not that I'm expecting a Bernie presidency will happen in 2020 or beyond. Just that his "foreign policy" is nothing I'm concerned about. Bernie didn't run on his foreign policy, crowds didn't gather to hear about Bernie's foreign policy.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.


...Whenever people try to defend this, they say that it's okay for her to take the money because she uses the money to buy medications for the people in Africa that have AIDS This is the only thing that people know what she uses her fraudantion money for.
I have hard time believing that foreign governments care about those people with AIDS or any women activities that she says the money goes to.

If they did care, they'd have been pretty darned upset about this, described in this article which really should be read in full as source for details inducing maximum outrage, if whatever device used permits:


EXCLUSIVE: Clinton Foundation AIDS Program Distributed ‘Watered-Down’ Drugs To Third World Countries

Richard Pollock

11:11 PM 09/19/2016

Former President Bill Clinton and his Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) distributed “watered-down” HIV/AIDs drugs to patients in sub-Saharan Africa, and “likely increased” the risks of morbidity and mortality, according to a draft congressional report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The congressional report, titled,“The Clinton Foundation and The India Success Story,” was initiated by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican and vice-chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The CHAI program to help AIDS victims is considered one of the Clinton Foundation’s most important contributions and is probably its best known initiative.

The congressional report focused on Clinton’s decade-long relationship with a controversial Indian drug manufacturer called Ranbaxy, which CHAI used as one of its main distributors of HIV/AIDS drugs to Third World countries. ...

...Ranbaxy ultimately pleaded guilty in 2013 to seven criminal counts with intent to defraud and the introduction of adulterated drugs into interstate commerce. ...

...Blackburn said she planned to deliver the report to the inspector generals at the Department of Health and Human Services and to the Department of State, where Hillary served as secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term.

The congressional study also highlighted the unseemly ties between Bill and two controversial Indian-Americans who have been investigated and sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The most troubling revelations concern the Clinton Foundation’s vigorous promotion of Ranbaxy despite mounting evidence the Indian firm had persistently poor quality control and attempted to cover it up through either faulty or fraudulent reporting to the FDA. ...

...Ranbaxy’s first public hint of problems occurred in August 2004, one year after CHAI began working with the firm. The World Health Organization reported irregularities involving three Ranbaxy drugs in South Africa, according to the report.

The FDA sent a public “warning letter” to Ranbaxy in 2006 about reported irregularities in the company’s quality control efforts. It concluded that the drugs, which included anti-retroviral HIV/AIDs medications, “show much lower potencies in these batches.”

Although Ranbaxy’s generic drugs are now barred from being sold in the U.S., CHAI and the former president continue to praise Ranbaxy and distribute the company’s HIV/AID drugs to patients abroad. ...

...Neither CHAI nor the Clinton Foundation have announced they severed ties with Ranbaxy. ...

...CHAI was a part of the Clinton Foundation until 2010, when it spun off into a separate entity. The groups still have some overlapping board members and staff, and they continue to operate in close coordination. Bill Clinton, for example, is deeply involved with both organizations.

Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who has been an outspoken critic of the legal missteps by the Clinton Foundation, claims their separation was “deeply suspect.”

“In the application, trustees of the new entity, including Bill Clinton, falsely claim the entity is not a successor to previous efforts. This is not true. They purposefully obscure the fact that a similar operation called ‘CHAI’ was by far the largest piece of the original Foundation,” Ortel told TheDCNF.

The congressional study suggests Bill may have relaxed quality standards in a 2000 executive order.

He signed an executive order that, “relaxed intellectual property policy standards,” promising the U.S. government “would not revoke or revise the intellectual property laws of any ‘Sub-Saharan country’ relating to HIV/AIDS medicines or technologies,” the report states. ...

...CHAI’s endorsement also allowed Ranbaxy to manufacture HIV drugs that would be bought by the U.S. government under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief — a $15 billion initiative proposed by former President George W. Bush.

The flow of U.S. funds combined with Clinton’s endorsement allowed the four foreign drug manufactures to become “good acquisition targets,” according to the study. ...

...The companies enjoyed great financial profits and they “exploded as they partnered with the Foundation for several years,” the report states. ...

Certainly upsets the hell out of me. Even though you've got to know that psychopaths will be psychopaths...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

that said, "I believe Anita Hill."

0 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Wink's picture

Bubba ain't the only prez that dallied in the oval office. I doubt that any force was involved. I doubt that JFK had to use any either. I cheered that those fuckin' Republicans couldn't use s-e-x as some sort of leverage ever again upon them failing to hang Bubba for a bj. That America had grown up regarding the powerful and their extra curricular. Well that lasted 20 years. Now we're waving "sexual assault" around like it was jaywalking. The guest on Alex Jones tonight talking about the same thing, how this latest round of "boys will be boys" is being jacked up by the '60s womens lib crowd (noting womens lib has all but petered out) to juice up the movement. That, Christ, a bro can't so much as look at a woman sideways these days without them dragging out the "harassment!" card. I $h!t you not! check out the Jones' transcript for Wed., Nov. 15th.
Now, I think his argument a tad over the top, we needn't go back to the '40s or before, but he wasn't that far off. Looks like we're going to need a Monica redo. Yes, America, surprise! Wealthy powerful men get what they want. And most without consequence. Ain't right, sucks in fact, but is a fact of life. Yes, sexual harassment exists, but not every "advance" is sexual harassment.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

SnappleBC's picture


If I had had sex in the office with one of my subordinates I'd be canned on the spot. There's lots of good reasons for that. I am the very last person in the world to go overboard on rape & sexual harassment crap since I think the feminists have gone a few bridges too far. Even so, I can see lots of good and compelling reasons why bosses shouldn't be fucking their subordinates IN THE OFFICE.

That all being said, it's not a good enough reason to impeach. Nor do I think this had the overtones of the Weinstein bullshit. Monica never said any of the stuff Weinstein's victims are saying.

0 users have voted.

A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

snoopydawg's picture


Monica, it was because he lied about it under oath during his testimony before congress. Did Monica consent to have sexual relations with him? I don't know if she ever said that she did, but the point that people were making is that he had power over her and she might not have felt that she was in a position to tell him no.

If he had just admitted that, it wouldn't have been the big deal that it became. But he not only repeatedly stated that he did not have sex with that woman Hillary went into attack dawg mode and she not only attacked Monica, but also the other woman who came forward to say that they had been sexually assaulted by him.


Again you are missing the point that women didn't feel that they were in a position to say No, leave me alone to Weinstein.
Many of them were trying to start their career in Hollywood and if they came forward to make a claim that he assaulted her, he could have ruined their careers. I don't understand why you keep making excuses for the men who have been accused of sexual assaults, but I think that you should stop doing it here. There is no excuse for this behavior. None! Especially coming from men.

Bubba ain't the only prez that dallied in the oval office. I doubt that any force was involved. I doubt that JFK had to use any either.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

SnappleBC's picture


My understanding was that it truly was consensual with Lewinsky & Clinton. If I have that wrong then I'd love to hear it and it changes my opinion of the incident dramatically.

Insofar as the charges of lying, my opinion at the time has not changed. The questions never should've been asked. I'm OK with that particular set of lies.

0 users have voted.

A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

@SnappleBC that excuses the lie due to asking the wrong question.
I can't believe you have such a low regard for truth.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp

supreme court also suspended him & he resigned rather than be disbarred.
it is not cool to lie under oath. not even for Slick Willie.

"Good for you." - Clinton to G. Flowers after she lied under oath.

check the Pinochio nose on this guy.

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divineorder's picture

@irishking that Obama and the Dem leadership trotted Mr. Clinton out to campaign for him in Florida. I just happened to be at someone’s house to see FPC say that Obama was a good guy and that he would be using Clinton’s economic advisors. That is where Hope and Change died for me even before the Election results were in.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Wink's picture

@on the cusp
"lie" was one Everyone would had said, including the judge and jury, which pretty much makes that charge - lying under oath - moot. Not that they couldn't bring the charge, just that bringing it was and is hypocritical.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Anja Geitz's picture


Your personal and empirical conclusions are not part of the penal code, which makes your point legally moot.

Except, of course, the "lie" was one Everyone would had said, including the judge and jury, which pretty much makes that charge - lying under oath - moot.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Wink's picture

@Anja Geitz
but everyone involved in that case knew the case was bull$h!t. The Repubs may have been rubbing their (hands) with glee, thinking, "we got the bastid now!" but Americans weren't buying it. Americans knew as well as they did the charge was bull$h!t and very likely why Repubs failed. Well, that, and the world famous definition of is.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.


But was that charge actually brought up to prevent Bill stealing Social Security from all Americans investing in this and entitled to it from any conceivable viewpoint?


October 30, 2004
How Monica Lewinsky Saved Social Security

by Robin Blackburn

[This essay is excerpted from CounterPunch’s hot new book, Dime’s Worth of Difference.]

Had it not been for Monica’s captivating smile and first inviting snap of that famous thong, President Bill Clinton would have consummated the politics of triangulation, heeding the counsel of a secret White House team and deputy treasury secretary Larry Summers. Late in 1998 or in the State of the Union message of 1999 a solemn Clinton would have told Congress and the nation that, just like welfare, Social Security was near-broke, had to be “reformed” and its immense pool of capital tendered in part to the mutual funds industry. The itinerary mapped out for Clinton by the Democratic Leadership Committee would have been complete.

It was a desperately close run thing. On the account of members of Clinton’s secret White House team, mandated to map out the privatization path for Social Security, they had got as far down the road as fine-tuning the account numbers for Social Security accounts now released to the captious mercies of Wall Street. But in 1998 the Lewinsky scandal burst upon the President, and as the months sped by and impeachment swelled from a remote specter to a looming reality, Clinton’s polls told him that his only hope was to nourish the widespread popular dislike for the hoity-toity elites intoning Clinton’s death warrant.

In an instant Clinton spun on the dime and became Social Security’s mighty champion, coining the slogan “Save Social Security First”.

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

SnappleBC's picture

@on the cusp

It's that I had contempt for the process in question. My assessment at the time is that it was a long, ongoing, political witch hunt which "ended at a blue dress". I did and still do think the whole thing was ridiculous. If it all happened again today and someone asked me, "Is this a good reason to impeach a President?" my answer would still be something like, "You're kidding, right?"

From my standpoint the entire process was political theater and that includes their questions and his lies.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

CS in AZ's picture


People seem to forget, or don't know.

Clinton had previously been confronted with allegations of sexual misconduct during his time as Governor of Arkansas. Former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones filed a civil lawsuit against him; she alleged that he had sexually harassed her. Lewinsky's name surfaced during the discovery phase of Jones' case, when Jones' lawyers sought to show a pattern of behavior by Clinton that involved inappropriate sexual relationships with other government employees.

What makes Bill Clinton immune from having to answer questions about his behavior? I don't get that.

Monica Lewinsky has said many times that her relationship with him was consensual and that she actively pursued him. I see no reason to doubt her on that. Involving her in the coverup and lies and perjury was more wrong on his part than the affair, imo, but still her choices to go along with it.

But the bigger point now, to me, is not Monica or even his lying about her, the problem is the women he went after who didn't consent. The ones he did harass and assault and rape. And then the way that he, and his wife Hillary Clinton - champion of women - set out to destroy those women for coming forward about his actions.

The Clintons are liars and self-serving rich powerful assholes who get away with murder. Getting away with rape and sexual harassment and assault are not even the worst of their crimes by a long shot.

But as long as Hillary keeps running her mouth about feminism and championing women, she and her husband are fair game on this hypocrisy.

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@CS in AZ

he should have gone to prison, imo.

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Wink's picture

nuts knew it, too. About the "lie," that is. The "lie" was one we ALL would have told, and the Repubs knew it. They just wanted to fuck a Democrat - while at the same time feed their base with, "See! We Told you those Libs were immoral!" All politics, of course, nothing at all to do with the "crime."

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Anja Geitz's picture


Should've been asked does not then give the person answering the permission to lie under oath. That's what taking the fifth amendment is for. There is no 'is' in committing perjury.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Anja Geitz

A forthright "None of your damn business!" would have been a much better answer - and not legally actionable either.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Anja Geitz's picture


Ya think he would've known that, right?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

TheOtherMaven's picture

@Anja Geitz

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@Anja Geitz

Hey, rules and laws don't apply to the Clintons! Those are for the little people and private prison profits!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

@snoopydawg the humiliation was bad, but between Clinton and Ken Starr she found out about real power, and the force of government to put its boot on her face. With her "friends" and confidants at the time it's a wonder if she would ever trust anyone again.

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SnappleBC's picture


That event left a serious mark on her life. I saw a documentary/show on her a while ago and I remember thinking that she seemed to be trying to rise above or get past but man, that's quite a boat anchor she's having to carry.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

"It's not about the sex, it's about the lying" is the exact same excuse Congressional Republicans used to pursue impeachment. Unless the act itself rose to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors," then there's no justification for questioning about it. Maybe they should've grilled Clinton about whether he left the toilet lid up or left less than a serving of milk in the fridge to see him really squirm?

I'm also finding the "imbalance of power" argument to demonstrate de facto sexual assault unconvincing and purposefully broad. Do we now need to limit relationships between people based on having comparable assets? Perhaps Clinton's extramarital affairs should have been limited to other world leaders?

Yes, workplace relationships are frowned upon, but the driving rationale is that they have the potential to be messy for the company.

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@FutureNow @FutureNow as circumstantial evidence.
All companies that put into place behavioral limits that help secure employee safety in the workplace are to be applauded.
It is messy when a business gets sued for allowing or promoting assault, whether sexual or not. Putting a policy out there that it is not tolerated does, indeed, prevent mess.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@FutureNow offense or not, simply starting from the position the act was not a crime, then there was no reason to lie about it.
Lying about it did more to lend credence to the sex being a criminal act than admitting it was consensual.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
but people have perfectly understandable motivations to remain circumspect about embarrassing or private matters.

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@FutureNow not when placed under oath.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Wink's picture

@on the cusp
in the world going to convict for "lying under oath," perjury, for lying about extramarital s-e-x. Most real prosecutors would refuse to bring the case, and if forced, and the judge allows it - doubtful - the jury is going to laugh it out of court. As rookie lawyer Danny would say in "a few good men" "$100 fine, this ain't seeing the inside of a court room."

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

it's about the lying' is the exact same excuse Congressional Republicans used to pursue impeachment. Unless the act itself rose to the level of 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' then there's no justification for questioning about it."

bing! exactly.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

was coerced? And, I'm not cheering on Weinstein et al. Just saying that, put 100 joe blows in Weinstein's position, likely ten of them mimic Weinstein's behavior. Maybe more. Just becuz they can, and becuz they will get away with it, becuz "the business" (Hollywood) has always been like this, and the victim is not going to say poop. Saying that, given a stack of Get Out of Jail Free cards 10% of average joes are going to use them. Don't girls get this "talk" from mom at 12 yrs. old? "there are creeps out there. Your gut will tell you who they are. Stay away from them." If not they should.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

CS in AZ's picture


And parents need to have a serious talk with their sons when they hit about 12.

"Hey there Winky, I know you're a growing boy with urges. But it's very important to treat other people with respect. Treat others as you want to be treated yourself. Do you want some guy putting his hands on you? Forcing a kiss on you? No? Well, that's why you always ask first, and you never force anything on anyone.

Do not be a rapist. Don't put your hands, or any other body part, into or on any other people without their permission and consent. Never stick your tounge down anyone's throat without consent, don't show them your penis, and don't jerk off in front of them. Always make sure any sexual acts are mutually wanted. If not, DO NOT DO IT. "

See, now is that really so difficult?

Please stop putting this on girls/women to protect themselves (and as has been pointed out and you continue to ignore, boys and men are also targets), and for gawd sake, stop excusing men for acting this way.

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Deja's picture

@CS in AZ
Though, I think 12 is way too late. Children should be taught that their bodies are theirs, and theirs alone. That's what I taught mine, after long before teaching them the proper names of their body parts.

I also taught them that they were most definitely allowed to tell any person, but especially adults, who were making them feel uncomfortable about their sexual parts (or exposing themselves), NO! And to tell someone, anyone, they trusted if anyone ever made them feel that way, even if I wasn't the one they told.

I also had the 'no means no' talk with them. Told my son that even if you're both naked and you have a raging hard on, she (or he) can say no, and he has to respect that. I even said if he got the tip in - no means no.

I have wonderful kids. So far, so good!

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@Deja I once looked at my 15 year old nephew and his best friend and told them to both be sure to "wear a bag" as my ex called it, when with a girl NO MATTER if she said or was on the pill. It's called Disease. We were watching some movie about teenage pregnancy. I know I embarrassed them a bit, but sometimes you need to be a bit blunt about that. We have laughed about that now that they're grown, so I did not scar them in any way.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Deja's picture

Only it was with my daughter and then step-daughter, and it wasn't about rubbers (that convo came at another time). It was about putting themselves in seemingly innocent situations.

We were watching a show about a girl who was drugged and raped while on Spring Break. I had to tell them that they should never be alone with a boy or a group of them, because that could happen. Unfortunately, I also had to tell them that people lie, and boys will lie and brag, even if they never even kissed, and that jealous girls will lie about you too. Either way, a reputation can be ruined. Buddy system - always! Oh, and never leave your buddy behind.

The Wrap that Raskle convo: Ironically, or not, I advised the girls to lie about being on birth control - say you're not on bcp, in order to force a rubber. It's what I did - only I was raped once, because he didn't want to ride to the store with me for one. I didn't tell them about that. I'll never forget the sound in my ears and head after he slammed me to the floor. Wohhhhm, wohhhhm, wohhhhm, and him ripping my favorite shirt as I was half conscious.

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Wink's picture

@CS in AZ
I didn't attend Hollywood High.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Wink little girls to keep themselves safe. This is a subject that you write about very poorly.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@Wink that every single claim that an impermissible touching should be investigated?
That also applies to men who claim to have been harassed or assaulted.
You never mention the male victims.
You do seem to have some problem with the women's lib movement.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Deja's picture

@on the cusp
Like a couple of dragons being brought down. Once powerful and able to impose their will on others, against the will of the others, he and ex management Snapple, are flailing, spewing, smoking, because those pesky feminists made them stop boning their subordinates on their desks.

Based on the archaic arguments being used to excuse and down right defend completely unprofessional and unacceptable behavior by men, I wouldn't be surprised if they answer your question about the male victims with something like, 'only queers would complain' or 'they should just lie back and enjoy it'.

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Anja Geitz's picture

@on the cusp

In his DNA.

You do seem to have some problem with the women's lib movement.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Wink's picture

@on the cusp
the womens lib movement is it seems to have died about 25 years ago. There's a whole generation of girls /women that have never gotten a whiff of that movement. At our "Meet Your Candidate (for Congress) tonight (Thurs.), an older lady (than me - and That's old) was giving the candidate hell. A retired social worker, she told the candidate, "people are tired of hearing about economics, we want to know what you're going to do about the shootings? What are you going to do about the shootings! Babies are being born addicted to cocaine. Moms cranking out 4 or 5 cocaine babies... I've been in their homes... on and on she ranted. "I know what you were doing in the '60s," I told her. She just smiled. When I told her, "the NRA owns the gun industry, and you can't kill guns without first killing that... " she countered with, "excuses... "that's just an excuse. I'm tired of excuses." My kind of womens libber.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Wink's picture

@on the cusp

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

@Wink forgotten what the word harassment means.

It means repeated events. Somebody making one advance, even if it is grossly done (drunk at office party, for example) or an offensive comment is not harassment.

Men are going to start turning the tables on some of this petty stuff.

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snoopydawg's picture

he had parties at his apartment and on his island where he had underaged girls who had to perform sex with the people who came to them.
The Feds spent years on charging him for that and he should have spent years in prison. But he was only sentenced to 18 months, but got out after 13. Get this..he was allowed to leave every day to go to his job. Seriously? Would anyone else have gotten this type of treatment? Nope.

His lawyers had some type of control over the prosecutors and they made them drop all of the federal charges against him. Plus they made it so that he didn't have to name the other people who took part in this.

Here is the article on this

New documents reveal Palm Beach billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's 'sweetheart deal' with prosecutors

The motion refers to the deal was “one of the most extraordinarily lenient plea arrangements in American history.”

Epstein, now 63, pleaded guilty to state solicitation charges. He served 13 months of an 18-month sentence in a vacant wing at the Palm Beach County Stockade with liberal work-release privileges. He is now a lifelong registered sex offender, with homes in New York and Palm Beach among others.

There are more links in this article that talks about this case.

Poor Anthony Weiner, he got 21 months for secting a woman while Epstein only served 13 months if you can call being able to leave every day serving.

This is just one more way that the PTB protect each other.
Think that the Clintons will ever be charged with anything? It's not happening.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
