The Hill Goes Full Monty
I couldn't think of an appropriate metaphor for the clear insanity of this Hill article by Sebastion Gorka, of all people:
We are in a war with what I call the “Global Jihadi Movement.” Its foot soldiers are not victims of economic deprivation or the consequences of “climate change.” They are conscious actors who have chosen the life of jihad because they have consumed and subscribe to a totalitarian ideology that is informed by religion, specifically by fundamental Islam.
Okay! Maybe this is one of those Freedom of Speech thingies, because They Hate Our Freedoms. I recently commented that The Hill and Politico both did a fair job of representing The Washington Consensus. Not a big fan of The Hill, but I check in weekly or so.
I do not recall an opinion piece quite this hysterical in either spot. I also thought Gorka had been thoroughly repudiated as a fanatical racist. This may be the preamble to Trump nuking North Korea, because Venezuela and North Korea are hotbeds of Global Islamic Terrorism.
Or something.
I am compelled to throw in
The Brutal Slice of Trump's Razor
because it seems like a good observation:
. . . in honor of ‘Occam’s Razor’, the foundational mode of reasoning devised by the 14th century scholastic theologian William of Occam. According to Trump’s Razor: “ascertain the stupidest possible scenario that can be reconciled with the available facts” and that answer is likely correct.
[Edit] I just have to add that this is wrong on so many levels I can't completely comprehend and process it. For starters, eight people justify this maniacal response? But we just ignore assassinations by cops, mass shootings and Puerto Rico, et. al.? [End edit]
Reads almost like he knew the attack was coming.
The one below it too:
A jihadi policy twofer! Give Trump his wall and give Rex his blank check!
So... I guess Rudy has taken to wearing ISIS drag now?
Keep spraying that scent Rudy, because something stinks.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Lots Of Problems
And they all seem to be sufficient and independent justification for nuclear retaliation. (1.) Iran or Iraq and (2.) North Korea have been identified as clear and present dangers. (3.) Immigration and (4.) Minor loss of life in "mass murders". You could easily add Ukraine and Turkey as flashpoints requiring nuclear retaliation.
With a little envelope pushing I am certain the list could get to 10. How many nuclear flashpoints are too many? Somewhere between Zero and one.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Update Via Seen. Flake
Damn the facts, full speed ahead! The "terrorist" did not enter the U.S. through the immigration program that Trump referenced to blame Schumer for the "attack_:
Raw Story:
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Just more mainstream media
Just more mainstream media fueling even blogs to "wag the dog" and "Look at the monkey over there!" kind of crap, they prefer to think all of us are idiots and morons like the masses in Idiocracy.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Gorka is not even good at what he does.
Gorka is not even good at what he does.
As additional reasons for this "global jihadism", if he were to mention US military intervention in the Mid-East, the Iraq War, the policy of regime-change that has predictably created political vacuums for 'terror groups' to gain power etc., he could possibly convince those other than the far-right of his "global jihadism".
Instead, it looks like he is strictly blaming fundamental Islam for killing people that are not 'pure' enough.
Gorka would be dangerous if he was good at what he does.
Mike Taylor
i wonder whether gorka realizes that the US and UK
were (are?) sponsors of the brutal anti-islamic regime in Uzbekhistan, and exploited that regime's unsqueamish approach to torture in order to obtain "intelligence".
i'm willing to bet the muslim Uzbek who drove that truck into the crowd was aware of this fact.
but nevermind, mr. gorka, you go right along projecting your particular bigotries into the complex motivations of people you've never met and about whom you are unlikely to ever know very much.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Must fix this for this idiot.
We are in a war with what I call the “Global CORPORATE DEEP STATE
JihadiMovement.” Its foot soldiers are not victims of economic deprivation or the consequences of “climate change,” FAR FROM IT, THEY ARE PERPETRATORS OF THAT MISERY FOR OTHERS. They are conscious actors who have chosen the life ofjihadCORPORATE TYRANNY AND DESTRUCTION ALL OVER THE GLOBE because they have consumed and subscribe to a totalitarian ideology that is informed by religion, specifically by fundamentalIslamCHRISTIANITY, US DOLLAR HEGEMONY, AND CORPORATE GLOBAL DOMINION, FOR PROFIT, THE MOST SACRED MOTIVE OF THEM ALL.Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur