Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary
Submitted by Amanda Matthews on Sun, 10/22/2017 - 1:55pm
Jimmy Carter Unleashed: Russians Didn't Alter Election, Obama Didn't Deliver, We Didn't Vote For Hillary
1. The Russians didn't steal the 2016 election.
Carter was asked "Did the Russians purloin the election from Hillary?"
"I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes — or any votes," Carter said.
So the hard-left former president doesn't think the Russians stole the election? Take note, Capitol Hill Democrats.
2. We didn't vote for Hillary.
On the way to see Garth Brooks. Will comment later. My kid is driving. Hopefully there will be a later.

I too think that part of the reason why Hillary lost
can be pinned on Obama's performance after the what he campaigned on. Many people are even worse off than when he came into office. People see their health insurance premiums going higher than their mortgages. Their wages have stayed stagnant while their costs of living has continued to go up.
Then they saw Hillary getting paid huge amounts of money for her speeches just before the election and that showed how out of touch she is with them. Knowing that she spent 4 years working on a trade bill that would cost Americans even more jobs and remembering that her husband's trade bill caused hundreds of thousands of jobs to be off shored.
Trump was telling them something different than what Obama and Hillary offered.
Not just his actions in the Middle East, Jimmy.
(edited. damn autocorrect. offered = off shored)
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The Russians obviously got to Carter
I wonder if it was Pokémon or the puppies that finally assimilated #39 into their powerful reach.
Jimmy, blink twice if you're under duress!
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
If we had that here ...
Nope, you aren't alone about this
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Off Topic: enjoy Garth Brooks!
And have fun singing along to the extra, live-only verse to Friends in Low Places! Hell, enjoy singing along to the whole freaking concert.
Funny thing, I am NOT a country music
kinda gal My ex- loved it but it just got on my nerves. (I got on his nerves because I like rock.) I have been around for quite a while and i’ve blessed to see some of the best of the best. Stones, McCartney, The Who, NEIL YOUNG, Petty, Clapton, Winwood...
Garth Brooks is soooo damn good that he can stand right up there with any of them. For almost three hours that entire arena partied like mad. I am so happy I was there. Crabby old unit that I am, I half dreaded going. I can’t believe how good that chubby, scruffy, 55-year old man is. (He’s been playing here since the early 90s but he was ‘country’ so I blew him off.)
He had to add 4 additional shows on top of the one Friday night. Two yesterday, two today, All five shows were sold out in minutes after the tickets went on sale and there was a limit of 8 per customer.
I can see why.
EDIT: deleted an ‘s’
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I do loves me some Garth ;)
I like most all genres except for death metal. Garth is a bar sing along kinda guy from way back when I was slinging or toting cocktails. Glad you enjoyed it!
Amanda, an impressive list of concerts. You rock!
Ack, so abrasive to me at this hour
Even this is slightly the same, and hurts my feelings but I'll share:
This is more my speed at this late hour:
De gustibus non disputandum
Thanks. It was truly a surprise. And a
lesson in not being so closed minded. I would have liked anything he did back when I was being a snot. Thing is that when I was young Country was Porter Wagner, George ajones, etc.
Johnny Cash, Lyle Lovett, Dolly Parton were about as far as I ever got.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Anyone who thinks *Carter* is "hard left"
doesn't know their left from their right.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Oh, I don't know about that.
Carter works with Habitat for Humanity. What could be more hard left than wanting to provide houses for homeless people? Why, that's downright Commie.
Sure wish I could upload his brain
I would like to see what he saw, because at least one policy doesn't align with the Habitat work. (He, at his age, actually works onsite!) Wish I could figure out why he made certain decisions. Who influenced it? Pressure?
Or, maybe his later-year work is an attempt to make amends.
Jimmy Carter
is a good and decent man. I have no doubt he believed everything he did was for the good of the American people. He worked hard to improve energy efficiency. He believed in conservation. He attempted to expand civil rights. He was not inclined to use force and he put more pressure on illegal Israeli activities than any president with the possible exception of Eisenhower. (It's close.)
But Jimmy Carter believed in the invisible hand with the fervor of a true engineer. Carter deregulated airlines to improve competition. We now have concentrated airlines with very little regulation and weakened or eliminated unions. Deregulation started under Carter, not Reagan. In fact he never did anything for labor at all.
The stagnation of middle class wages also began under Carter even though we like to use 1980 as a starting point.
Jimmy Carter is the best former president in American history. I wish he'd known then many of the things he knows now.
Me too, FuturePassed
Me too. The whole deregulation thing is what I was getting at. He's a good-hearted human being. So, I wonder what he faced, and who/what pressured him.
I honestly think he believed it then.
Jimmy Carter was not afraid to put his life on the line for his country. And remember, this is in the early stage of the transition of liberal economists to neoliberal economists. A lot of people he should have been able to rely on were telling him it was the way to go.
Jimmy Carter Amazes me more every year.
Best ex-President ever.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Absolutely, but you can be certain that
After all, if they actually told the truth, his Presidency, even with it's flaws, would put every last one of the Presidents who came after him, to shame!
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
Carter granted amnesty to all the draft-dodgers.
Including me. I can't think of any other President who would've had the balls to do that. I believe Carter also made a good stab at trying to reform the CIA, which was a very ambitious and laudable endeavor. Unfortunately that idea didn't work out so well, since we ended up with Poppy Bush running roughshod over the White House.
Anything even remotely liberal about American governance seems to have ended with Jimmy Carter's Presidency. I wouldn't say it was his fault though.