Goverment Transparency...and do we have any...


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Alligator Ed's picture

On several occasions I have been criticized for using Alex Jones as a source. I have also been criticized for asserting that Pizzagate (now Pedogate) was B.S. by members of c99. Yes, Alex Jones is a nut but he gets good information. His interpretations of facts do not disprove the facts. This is where Alex gets in trouble with non-conservatives. Not alone in my assertions, Pizzagate is a fact--i.e., highly organized "upper level" pedophilia rings not only in this country but elsewhere. The latest linkage of Harvey Weinstein to both Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton are not mere coincidences. There are and were real indicators of illicit and highly organized pedophilic behavior. And whether B. Hussain is a closet homosexual or not, you can be fairly certain that a $65,000 hot dog importation from Chicago to B.O.'s then residence on Pennsylvania Avenue were not merely for gourmet hot dogs. Gourmet hot dogs are just as much an oxymoron as honesty in Federal Government.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@Alligator Ed He's the perfect little actor. He tells his dumbass audience just enough to satisfy their confirmation bias. The rest of the time he's pushing products no one can or would actually use or screaming insane conspiracies no sane person would believe. That's how he makes money and that's the precise reason no one should take him seriously.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner

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@The Aspie Corner

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The Aspie Corner's picture

@FreeSociety As far as I'm concerned, he's far more likely to be one of the CIA's assets. That's why we see him constantly screaming about stupid shit like water turning frogs gay or something else equally stupid. And I listened to the S.O.B. for years.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

Big Al's picture

is the deep state. He's part of it if you define it as the entire oligarchy and plutocracy that controls this government and country. Jones makes his money off the republican/democratic party fake divide and backs Trump's plutocratic tax reforms, extending the illegal wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, greatly increasing the war budget and increasing austerity on domestic government programs, continuing the republican agenda to privatize Medicare and abolish Medicaid, wage war on Iran for the Zionists and transfer more wealth to upper class thru deregulation and tax reforms.

He's already a war criminal murderer for his actions as CINC and as he has with the fake war OF terror (based on the lies of 9/11) and his demonization and continuation of the imperialist lies and false narratives about Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and elsewhere, he will no doubt toe the company/deep state line about the murder of JFK.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

And if he is on board with the PTB, he was groomed for office before he announced that he was running. The things he is doing or trying to do are the same things that he campaigned on doing. Like Obama, he threw us a few false bones such as saying that he wasn't interested in nation building and a few other things related to the war of terror.
He campaigned on cutting social programs which was like throwing red meat to sharks because his supporters think that people who suck off the government are just lazy and should just get a job and a life.
Repealing the ACA because he knew people hate it and many of the things he's doing now.
I don't see any difference in his foreign policies actions than Bush and Obama except he's doing much more heinous crimes.
He is their puppet who is fulfilling their wet dreams. Killing the regulatory agencies and rolling back everything they had achieved. Their massive tax get the point.
The fact that he is so blatantly open about something Hillary would never have gotten away with doing.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg video.
As Big Al and Alligator Ed say, his opinions or his conclusions are standard right wing nut idiocy, the evidence is there for us to draw our own conclusions.
There are 2 theories about Trump currently afloat. Was he groomed? If so, we will not see the memos. Is he an outsider? The second theory is that the CIA has threatened him. If so, we will not see the memos.
I do not share Roger Stones optimism about Trumps' love for transparency, and it will be a miracle if the memos are released.
Trump will allow the documents to be released!!!!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@Big Al

You're quite wrong about Alex Jones.

Alex Jones was very openly critical of the Bush-Cheney adminstration during the entire time of their ugly reign. He opposed all of the War Crimes, and illegal "Regime Change" operations that have been going on for the last 25 years. He puts on the guests that present the other side (the whistleblowers) from what the crooked Establishment, aka: the "Deep State" is trying to shove down our throats. And he has been one of the very few Media voices I can even think of exposing the big lie of the 911 attacks. Nobody just on the "right" ever touches this. Even Dennis Kucinch and Bernie Sanders do not touch this subject.

He does have libertarian / conservative views, but he equally attacks the criminal political class (Bush Crime family, warmongering McCain, etc.) coming from the "right", and from the GOP. He also talks about the phony Left-Right divide all the time, and the fact that we are all in a fight up against the Global Government "New World Order" (supported and aided by both the Left and Right), and permananent War, and the loss of our Liberties.

I will agree that neither Trump nor Jones are perfect people or perfect messengers. But if they create public exposure about Globalism and do things to try and oppose that -- then this is what we need to see more of. A lot more!

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He's a big time purveyor of fake news. When there are many possible explanations of something that requires thorough investigation, he will toss out all explanations except the one that riles up his viewers, and therefore fattens his pocketbook, and pretend to be 100% sure his one explanation is the absolute truth. He gives reporting a very bad name.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety It's just like Obama or Clinton supporters, they need to claim the whole deal if they're going to claim support.

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@Big Al

The better question here is why is the Establishment and the Globalists so transparently and visibly anti-Trump, and working the Media to try to hound him out of office (or falsify "russia" charges against him for that purpose)?

  • Trump has stopped the TPP.
  • Trump is stopping NAFTA.
  • Trump has stopped the "Regime Change" policy in Syria.
  • Trump has resisted the Globalist plan for hostility and Cold War II against Russia.
  • Jobs and Manufacturing are being revived and are coming back.
  • Under Trump GDP was at 3.1 growth last quarter.
  • Under Trump Unemployment is at an all time low not seen since 1973.
  • Trump is reforming the corrupt Tax Code, with the first $12,000 exempt from taxes (good for the poor), and so that businesses will stay in the U.S., and most people can fill out their taxes using just 1 page.
  • Trump wants to rebuild our Country's crumblng Infrastruture again.
  • Trump is returning back to following an ordely 'legal immigration' process again (we used to do this), and not having the unchecked craziness of wide open borders, and cocaine coming in from Mexico.


The Globalists don't like him. So that is why Alex Jones is rooting for Trump. That's why I will also root for Trump too.

I know that Trump is not perfect. Alex Jones knows that Trump is not perfect too. But he is the first U.S. President to come along since President John Kennedy to anger and upset and challenge the Elite Global Order, and really try to grow our native American Economy and rebuild our local economic security once again.

Time will tell if he succeeds or not. He is still surrounded by a lot of Neocons, and Wall Street insiders, and people who openly want to sabotage his agenda. A lot could go wrong. He could even be assassinated. But he could also put the Clintons in Jail. Rebuild our roads, schools, inner Cities, airports, and Rail systems. Make American Manufacturing King once again (instead of imported goods from 3rd World labor and sweat shops).

The Bushes, Clintons, Obama were all sell outs to the Global government/bank super state (and Warmongering criminals).

Trump represents at least the potential for a change.

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Deja's picture


Trump is stopping NAFTA.
Trump has stopped the "Regime Change" policy in Syria.
Trump has resisted the Globalist plan for hostility and Cold War II against Russia.
Jobs and Manufacturing are being revived and are coming back.
Under Trump GDP was at 3.1 growth last quarter.
Under Trump Unemployment is at an all time low not seen since 1973.
Trump is reforming the corrupt Tax Code, with the first $12,000 exempt from taxes (good for the poor), and so that businesses will stay in the U.S., and most people can fill out their taxes using just 1 page.
Trump wants to rebuild our Country's crumblng Infrastruture again.
Trump is returning back to following an ordely 'legal immigration' process again (we used to do this), and not having the unchecked craziness of wide open borders, and cocaine coming in from Mexico.

Did kos put you up to this?

He's renegotiating NAFTA in secret.

Infrastructure means DAPL and goddamn keystoneXL to him and his moneymonger buddies. Certainly not potable water delivery systems - ask Flint. And not renewable energy projects or bridges.

Cocaine? The 80s called and want their toot back. It's opioids now, and thank ye gods 60 minutes actually reported something to hopefully help that.

Wide open borders? Jesus Howard Christ.

I'd go on, but I'm on my phone and my thumb can only tap so much.

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Ross Perot warns the public about NAFTA


No bought off and bribed politician will ever stop NAFTA.

Only an independently set candidate with a business background (Ross Perot and Donald Trump) know just how bad this is, and will do the behind-the-scenes work required to revamp and reform our Trade Laws.

Trump already stopped the TPP (Hillary's self-described: "Gold Standard").
You will see our Trade Laws change to serve the American worker (and paycheck security) again.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety released in July. Even if he tries to end NAFTA, he's made clear what he wants is even worse for common citizens and better for the rich and their corporations. That's what he's all about. Like Reagan, the trickle down bullshit.

The Sierra Club’s executive director, Michael Brune, summarized the “Summary of Objectives” document this way:

“In a blunt display of hypocrisy, Donald Trump appears to want to copy and paste the weak labor and environmental provisions of the TPP, a deal that Trump claimed to hate. Based on today’s ‘plan,’ one could be forgiven for concluding that Trump’s opposition to the TPP was merely political theater and this administration has no intent of fundamentally changing NAFTA.”

Friends of the Earth was no more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt:

“Trump’s statement indicates he plans to step up his war on public health and the planet by modeling NAFTA’s provisions related to environmental regulation on the TPP. These objectives appear to set the stage for a stealth attack on strong regulation of food, agriculture, chemicals, and biotechnology.”

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@Big Al

That's coming from an Anti-Trump source, and I would not take it on face value.

Trump legally stopped the TPP.
We'll see ... just what happens with NAFTA.

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Deja's picture

He self sabotaged having the bumbling admiral as his running mate, and alienated blacks by saying "your people ". I also know what he said about NAFTA.

I don't trust that Trump will make it any better for me.

I'm recently unemployed, and lost my overpriced insurance.

Look at his appointees ffs. And the way the DEA has been neutered when it comes to opioids, but I'll bet the bank they amp up Obama's war on states with voter approved dispensaries. Guess we get to watch and see what happens.

No one would be able to sell this in Hollywood because it's so brazenly unbelievable. Yet it's happening.

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety @FreeSociety sounding a lot like the twelve dimensional Obamaists in 2009 when some of us were pointing out he was continuing Bush policies. The same bullet points were used of his accomplishments and the same excuses were used as to why he couldn't do all the things he lied about promised and that just wait, he was playing the long game, i.e., twelve dimensional chess.

And as with Trump supporters like Alex Jones, they ignore the bad because they think he's really on their side, when he isn't. They ignore the wars, the killing of children, the fact that he is already a war criminal like Obama and Bush based on U.S. and international law, his so called policies and reforms are meant to send more wealth to the very top, etc.

As for angering the global elite and the deep state. Look at his actions, he's doing exactly what they want which is why Alex Jones and others complain so hard that he's been "turned" by the deep state. They wouldn't be saying that if he was really fighting that same deep state. Look at who he's appointed, just like Obama, treasury by Goldman Sachs, imperialism by military industrial complex, government by billionaires.

The problem is this system of government and how it is designed to maintain the power to those with the most wealth and provide zero voice for the common citizen. Obama didn't save us, Trump won't save us, we can only save ourselves.

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@Big Al

I've said all along that Trump is not perfect. Trump is compromised, and he is not an across-the-board change agent.

But he has the balls to be controversial and make large changes, and potentially do some good things.

Releasing the JFK files, for example, is a good thing. Ending the TPP is a good thing, and certaintly NOT what the Global Elites ever wanted (Obama fought really hard for this, and tried everything to "fast-track" it through). Allowing individuals to pool together in a large association and buy group Health Insurance plans across State-lines is a good thing (better bargaining position for consumers).

It is way too early to judge in just 9 months, and doing big things are never a quick process. Some good things have already happened (and some bad). If people vote according to paycheck issues, instead of phony Russia fears, Trump may win in a landslide in 2020 (despite the Media).

We will see.....

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to support your comments here, but I'm doing so as a hopeful individual. Trump seems to be doing some things that are championed by good people and some things that are championed by the worst possible forces within government and business. Maybe that's the reality, that he may actually do some things that are decent. I'm at the point where not having nuclear war is enough for me to stay hopeful because everything else depends on it.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@Linda Wood
that he would accidentally do some things that would be helpful to the little people, and also that he would piss off and alienate enough powerful people that some of the worst things he could do wouldn't get done.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.


What's amazing is that the Democrats are still saying what's been wrong all along is Trump. Huh? From before he even ran for office?

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Big Al's picture

@FreeSociety thing. Hell, at the top it's all the same thing. What do you think global capitalism is all about? They aren't going to all of a sudden make everything in America, these are rich, greedy sociopaths in charge of a runaway capitalist system. They're dependent on it now. And what do you think global imperialism is all about? Nationalism? Make America great again through imperialism? Imperialism is globalism for the rich, the corporations and the banks. Trump and his cabal, like the entire ruling class establishment, want to rule the world by force. That's not nationalism, it's insane globalism. Trump is no different and neither are Bannon and Jones. They're all greedy power hungry assholes.

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a rare conspiracy theorist who has not looked at the JFK assassination, more or less, until last week. And what made me look at it was seeing the movie, Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House. I found myself reading about how many potential witnesses had died before they could testify before the Warren Commission or before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

And that led me to watch a Youtube video, about an hour and a half long, of a federal prisoner confessing to have shot and killed JFK. And I felt like I had fallen into the spiral of controversies that inhabit that crime. It's hard to know what to believe.

But there are a few things we know, and they cover everything else. Allen Dulles was attorney for the companies that built the war machine that armed Hitler. Prescott Bush was a money launderer for the relationship between those companies and Hitler. Everything else that has happened since, as expressions of this evil in our government, has to do with furthering the goal of men like Dulles and Bush, to destroy democracy and organized labor and to enforce Fascism.

If we can bring down the CIA or GHW Bush for the killing of JFK we will have begun the process of revealing this horrific truth.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Linda Wood We've had Nazi lovers and supporters in government ever since there were Nazis. But they're still there. I hope GHWB lives long enough to go to trial for being a conspirator in the Coup d'etat that took both Kennedys.

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@Linda Wood


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on Allen Dulles's life is essential reading for all Americans interested in bringing the Nazis and the Fascists in our government to justice.

Here's a site that also looks at Dulles's career in creating the treason that still effects us:

… The Hamburg-Amerika shipping line, which Harriman and Walker had controlled since 1920, had a particularly high degree of Nazi involvement in its operations. In 1934, a congressional investigation revealed it to have become a front for I.G. Farben's spying, propaganda, and bribery on behalf of the German government. Rather than advising Walker and Harriman to divest themselves of these tainted assets, Prescott Bush hired Allen Dulles to help conceal them. From 1937 on, the Dulles brothers would serve Bush and Harriman in all their covert dealings with Nazi firms. They also performed similar cloaking services for others, like the Rockefellers...

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