Divide and Conquer and Fantasy Health Care Dreams


"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." - Plato

Two thoughts:

-this divide and conquer thing. It's occurred to me that it works. Well, you might be thinking, "no shit Sherlock", but hear me out. Everybody says that's what the powers that be are doing, dividing us to conquer us. Even the conservatives on the right say it. Many are in effect positing that if we the people, the 99% (which is wholly inaccurate at this point) would just resist the efforts of our rulers to divide and conquer us, we could unite and march them into the Hague and ourselves into nirvana.

But the fact is that's not so easy because we are significantly divided. We're divided by beliefs, ideologies, how we think we should live, govern ourselves, organize society, our understanding of this country, what the flag really means, what our government really does, etc.

The "Flag Flap" is a good example. You've got a majority of the country believing people should respect the flag and stand for the national anthem, many believing you should get the fuck out if not, and a solid minority who believe people should be free to stand or not stand because the flag stands for freedom. Most of those who take that stance still believe our veterans fought and died for our freedumbs, which of course is crazy shit. Then you've got a small minority who believe they're all fucking crazy and have been brainwashed since birth to believe the illusions of manifest destiny, American freedom and spreading democracy.

That's a big divide.

So we can pretend that if we the people, the 99% that isn't really the 99%, can unite because we really all have something in common but are just being divided and conquered. But that kind of divide is going to be hard to close. In fact, that's the big problem. Most of the country is fucking brainwashed.

-Other thought:

I've wondered how this health care thing will work out when austerity is in the air. We've been under austere government practices regarding social programs in this country, with the sequester and the incredibly inept and corrupt Congress we rely on to manage this country and the capitalist system of high crimes and misdemeanors reaching hyperdrive. The same thing has been happening in Europe, i.e., the socialist tendencies have been giving way to global capitalist greed. The rich are winning and the rest of us are pawns waiting for our end fate.

Deep down, it hasn't made sense to me. How can we progress to a massive socialist program, i.e. a nationalized health care program eliminating major corporations and corporate power, under these conditions? We like to compare what Europe and others have but greed has no boundaries.

"Briefly, the health system in Europe seems to be working to finance the investments of large medical companies and gradually paving the way for ending the public health insurance system and turning it into a private sector.

The middle class, the poor and perhaps the majority of European society will be the victims of this dangerous trend in public health and medical treatment."


Just a matter of time. Seems to me relying on Congress in this political system, under these global gangster capitalism conditions, all things considered, to enact a socialism oriented, national health care system eliminating the insurance corporations and neutering the power of the pharmaceutical and medical corporations, while greed has reached epic proportions, is a fantasy.

And that's what all the efforts to gain such a health care system are doing, trying to get Congress to do it by electing the right politicians. What an old story that is.


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Big Al's picture

Winwood rocks it.

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@Big Al @Big Al

what a musician, one of the very best from the 60s.
gee whiz. a backup singer applauds his first solo.

can the races ever work together? you just saw & heard it. wow.

gee whiz.

edit. see Winwood point to the band at the finish. like you are supposed to do.

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Wink's picture

Heeled Boys" always one of my faves. A local yokel '80s Syracuse "Thruway Band" (known for playing NY State Thruway towns), known as 805, played Low Spark as well as anybody. Unfortunately they were signed by RCA records, and their "Club sound" or "Bar sound" didn't translate to vinyl. But, no doubt among the Top 15, 20 bands that "almost made it."

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

thanatokephaloides's picture


Here's Traffic (with Steve Winwood) doing it live:



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Wink's picture

Dem pickups in various races yesterday. Eight pickups, no losses. That seems to me indicative of what 2018 could look like. Not that we're going to pick up all red seats without losing one blue seat, but that we could win enough to win back the House. Or the Senate. Or both. Or not gain a damn seat. Who knows? But the trend most certainly is moving in the blue direction, and "we" most certainly will take back at least one chamber by 2020.
Republicons don't give a flying fuck about the country or the bottom 90%. Hell, the upper 10% is debateable. They'd choose to burn the whole thing down before throwing a bone or life preserver to the bottom 90%. And if there is anyone not believing that they haven't been paying attention. Not one of these futhermuckers gives a flying fuck about the Constitution or any "Laws" that might apply, becuz none do.
So... so, no, there won't be any kind of ObamaCare reform from them other than what's been offered. Which essentially is the Plan Alan Grayson said they had: "Don't get sick. And if you do, die quickly." We're done carrying your lame ass.
That Plan went down in flames yesterday. So, there still is hope coming from the Fed. Gov't (Congress) that Bernie's MFA can pass in 2018 or 2020, passed by all those newly elected Dems. And, if they don't? Good night and good luck.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Lily O Lady's picture


different from the Dems we have had in Congress. Both sides owe their bread and butter to TPTB.

Still, I'm sending my Democratic survey back with Medicare for All written all over it. I wanted to say that I'm aware they aren't really listening, but I'm not giving up what I believe in because, "We can't afford it," is bullsh1t.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady I was wondering the same thing, and honestly, I haven't had time to pay attention. My hunch is they'll be more of the same but different branding, so what have we gained?

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Lily O Lady's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

a transformation when they gain elective office. Maybe somebody gives them the Ned Beatty speech from "Network." "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature . . , and I won't have it! . . .." Or maybe they fall asleep next to a seemingly innocent pod . . .. Wink

Either way TPTB always have their way, while our wanting to live a decent life and make a decent living is equated with ponies. Yet we can be sure that the fabulously wealthy live fabulous lives with no apologies or regrets. There is an unhealthy narrative which allows such injustice.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

SnappleBC's picture


.. is what, exactly, makes you think any Democrats have any interest in universal health care. The donor class absolutely doesn't want that. Democrats just scuttled it in California (and another state I think). Hillary called it wishful thinking and her entire party sided with her.

No, I'm afraid that we simply won't get nice things until we take control of our own government again.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

WaterLily's picture

@SnappleBC We were supposed to have it by this year. Instead, we got Shumlin's "lead airplane."

I didn't know it then, but my extreme distaste for this man -- after I was stupid enough to vote for him -- was the first little light to dawn on my marblehead that Democrats suck.

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SnappleBC's picture


I thought that in the last year it was CA and maybe CO. Interesting to note Vermont also a bit back. It'd be fascinating to see a timeline of the various UHC plans that Democrats have scuttled.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Wink's picture

Berniecrats are running for various state, local and fed. offices, so... there's the hope & change. And... the Only reason current Elected Dems don't support MFA or Single Payer is becuz we don't hold their feet to the fire. Truth is, most of those same elected Dems didn't support much of anything from Obama, neither. Truth is, most of those elected "Dems" are blue dogs at best. Until we flip seats, you're right, we won't gain anything. But, without any pressure from constituents those blue dogs will continue to act like blue dogs. Until we get those 600 Berniecrats elected - and more behind those, we might as well hold our hand on our ass hoping for hope & change, becuz the Only ones going to bring that is us.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

mimi's picture

Is there a EU health care system? I thought each member state in the EU has its own. The article refers to intensive care hospital services.

I kinda thought the article is not that good to deserve being covered. But YMMV. May be I misunderstood - as I do often.

The divide and conquer thingy. Capisce. I got that and agree.

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Big Al's picture

@mimi I was going to mention that and that I didn't research further, but this is just a late night rant.
Journalism school not required.

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mimi's picture

@Big Al
the rants without falling asleep over the keyboard... yet. But my bedtime is arriving soon. Have a good night.

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calling it for what it is

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only one answer possible.
the possum was right.

"we have met the enemy, and he is us." - Pogo

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Too damn big with too damn many people to ever get along. I dont want to live with them, talk to them, marry them, work with them, have them for friends, or compromise with them. I am a prime example of how big the divide really is.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

I still believe in the power of momentum. It appears that you are viewing this from the perspective of the electoral process. But my perspective is a little different. I see this and many other issues as coming from the ground up via a social movement. No real changes in government come from the elected officials until they are forced to do so. With very few exceptions, the elected officials are the guardians of the status quo. And Citizens United has made it even easier for them to continue to guard the status quo. But the status quo can be changed, even though it is more difficult to do so than in the past.

So what is going on now? My take is that what we are seeing right now is a build up of educating the public in what they deserve. It is a campaign to get the public to believe that health care (not health insurance) for all can be possible. But the public is going to have to demand it. As the oligarchs continue to systematically impoverish the people, the people are going to rise up and demand that they not be sentenced to death for being poor or be forced into bankruptcy by medical bills.

MY time with the Peace vigil was not in stopping the wars because I knew that the four or five us who participated in it could not stop the wars single handedly. But what we could do was educate people as to why they should be against war too. It is the same with health care or any other issue such as legalization of marijuana or raising the minimum wage. What seemed impossible just a few short years ago is now gaining momentum just as same sex marriage has become the law.

Call me naive or overly idealistic, but I still believe in the power of social movements. They take longer to build, but when they reach a critical mass, they are hard to stop especially if revolution becomes the only alternative left.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Alligator Ed's picture

First, the following from the linked article:

Today, 25. Sep. 2017, I attended the ESICM LIVES 2017- 30th European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress held at the Austria Center. Giant medical companies have offered the latest equipment as a replacement of the old in the medical centers and the hospitals.

Briefly, the health system in Europe seems to be working to finance the investments of large medical companies and gradually paving the way for ending the public health insurance system and turning it into a private sector.

The middle class, the poor and perhaps the majority of European society will be the victims of this dangerous trend in public health and medical treatment.

I worked in intensive care units for 35 years. I know how they work and don't work. All things have a price, grade A health care is one of those things. The self-same "costly" advances in medical technology allow those (who can afford it) to live healthier, longer. Those bemoaning the high price paid for medical advances would beg for those advances should they themselves need them. The issue here, as usually, is enforced austerity on the bottom percentage of the population by those dwelling in their mountain retreats. There is plenty of money in the US for these medical advances if and only if money is taken from other honeypots--like the MIC. Let the medical device and drug industries make a reasonable as opposed to obscene profit. We all gain from this. For the price of one modern destroyer (Arleigh Burke class) at $1 B each, a hell of a lot of ICUs could be updated and well equipped. I will not give further derogatory comments about our Navy for another time.

The second point with which I have issue is the inherent divisiveness of this large melting pot we call the U.S. If there is any one glory to our system of public education in the primary and secondary grades, it is the integration of many cultures into a whole--without necessarily surrendering their own uniqueness. Consider this: if we Americans are so divided, why then do a majority (60%) favor MFA/SP? As I have written before, this is the camel's nose under the tent. The Camel (not Harris) will hopefully soon enter the tent in toto bringing with it a less corrupt form of government--this cannot be accomplished without systemic change.

It is better to prepare for the worst but plan for the best.


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