If Manchester Terror Attack is an Atrocity, What are US Wars in Middle East?
I get it. Whenever people die in Europe or America at the hands of people allegedly connected in some way to ISIS or other jihadist groups, its horrific. It gets a ton of media attention. Muslims and their faith are called into question. Yet when thousands die from US air strikes in Iraq and Syria, the news is ignored, or glossed over. Which makes me wonder who the real terrorists are?
The Pentagon has admitted the most recent US airstrike attack in Mosul killed over 100 civilians. At a minimum.
A Pentagon investigation has found more than 100 civilians were killed in a US bombing in Mosul, Iraq, in March, making it one of the largest incidents of civilian death since the US air campaign against Isis began in 2014.
The military reports 101 civilians in the building were killed, and another four died in a nearby building. Thirty-six civilians remain unaccounted for.
Remember, this is what they admit to doing. It doesn't take into account the under-reporting and cover-ups of other air strikes by the US and their allies. Read the New York Frigging Times in their May 25, 2017 article titled "U.S. Airstrikes on ISIS Have Killed Hundreds, Maybe Thousands of Civilians," if you don't believe me.
Data compiled by Airwars, a nonprofit group that tracks reports of civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria, showed a significant jump in the number of reported deaths in the first three months of 2017.
The military recently confirmed that American-led airstrikes had been responsible for at least 352 civilian deaths since the start of the war against the Islamic State. But Airwars estimated that the total was eight times higher. The group found that at least 3,100 civilians were killed in American-led airstrikes from August 2014 to March 2017.
As the NYT reported, US military officers in the Middle East have the authority to call in airstrikes against snipers, almost guaranteeing increased civilian deaths and other casualties. Then there is our government's increased airstrikes in Syria, which have led to - surprise - increased deaths of civilians, as the Washington Post reported in March of this year.
BEIRUT — U.S. drone aircraft fired missiles and dropped a 500-pound bomb outside Aleppo on Thursday in an attack that the Pentagon said killed scores of al-Qaeda militants but that local residents described as an assault on a mosque crowded with civilians.
U.S. officials said the strikes in the town of Jinah killed “dozens” of militants at a meeting of the terrorist group. But local activists and a monitoring group reported that at least 46 people died, and more were trapped under rubble, when the attack struck a mosque during a religious gathering.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring network, described the scene in Jinah as a “massacre,” saying the dead were mostly civilians. Photos from the area showed rescue workers pulling mangled bodies from a mound of rubble.
And these are the deaths our mainstream, CIA funded mainstream media have been willing to report. What does not get reported are the number of deaths, many of them atrocities, attributed to US backed groups in Syria and their Al Qaeda allies, because no mainstream media outlet will touch that story with a ten foot pole.
All over the Middle East, including Yemen and now Somalia, as well, US forces are participating in or assisting airstrikes and bombing raids that would have been called terror attacks in WWII. We are told these strikes are killing terrorists. The truth is they are killing for the most part people who pose no threat to the United States. In effect, the US is involved in genocide and war crimes along with its major allies in the region, especially Saudi Arabia. We've even armed both sides of the war in Yemen!
The US death machine rolls blissfully across the Middle East, while back home our government's actions are portrayed as defending America from terrorists by a lying and complicit media. Yes, the country most responsible for millions of deaths in the Middle East since George Bush the First, has been called a liberator, a supporter of democracy and a defender of freedom.
The truth is far harsher. Our government and its use of our our military in these endless wars, has committed war crimes, from the use of chemical agents, to torture, to the massacre of civilian populations, to death squads, to the funding of known terrorist organizations to do our bidding.
In short, America is the Bad Guy we've been looking for. We are the face of terror that the rest of the world fears most.
AMEN! ! !
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I'm shouting that from the rooftops! When someone tells me how sad it is what happened in England, I look at them stone faced and ask, "what about all those women and children we're killing in the ME?" It stops these jokers right in their tracks.
When they start to shed those crocodile tears for those we are murdering there, I'll consider crying for all the non-Middle Easterners that are being murdered.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It's like being on a runway train heading for the Grand Canyon.
It's destroying everything in its path and when it crashes, it's taking us down with it.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
No phony war on terror
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
So true. I remember Obama saying that Iraq was
nothing like Vietnam. Was he lying or deluded? Maybe both.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Obama was right.
We were eventually forced out of Vietnam. But we can stay indefinitely in the Middle East and keep killing civilians, testing new munitions (e.g. MOAB), and enriching the rentiers that own defense contractors.
Well, the Iraq version of Vietnamization is no more
successful. And we're never going to win. Pulling out would leave chaos in our wake.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Chaos was almost certainly the goal from the very start.
Chaos in the region gives Israel, the Saudis, and the U.S. a free hand to conduct all sorts of operations and basically do whatever they want. See the Oded Yinon plan, the Project for the New American Century, etc.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Chaos is not a corollary of US foreign policy, it is rather the goal of US policy. "From the ruins of an old social order we shall build anew, after our own image" seems to be the operative theory. It's utterly misguided of course, but that's what you get when you pack DC think tanks with ideologues.
Sun-Tsu said, "In the midst of chaos lies opportunity."
That is the goal of our fascist state. The trappings of democracy are falling away.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Nagasaki. Hiroshima.
Soft civilian targets.
I don't think a society comes back from doing something like that, even if they refuse to address it. I think they simply get used to what they are.
The ensuing cold war enveloped them, and it continues vigorously today. I think the people feel helplessness to stop the US's onward lurch into chaos and destruction. They have never had to own their actions before the world. They remain disconnected from what brought them into this distorted place in time.
At salient moments, they become self-aware with a brief moral shock and say, "What are we doing?" But they never really sense that they are actively creating this present, and so don't know how to escape it.
Terrorism is like beauty: It
Terrorism is like beauty: It's in the eye of the beholder.
They blow up a stadium: Terrorism.
We blow up a school: Didn't happen/had to happen/collateral damage/who cares?
Sadly I think it may take another major war...
on US soil before the chickenhawks realize exactly how awful it is.
They think they can just sit back and bomb people and it's all fun and games and a nice boost to their profits.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
When the US/EU coalition bombed Libya
to smithereens, plenty of people and lots of stuff got blown sky high. God alone knows how many Libyans got killed. Some of the blood-soaked detritus from this "enterprise" landed back in the UK (big surprise!) igniting secondary fires and explosions there as well. To widespread shock and dismay. This known as "blowback", though it could also be called karma, or cause and effect, or be referred to simply as a "what the fuck did you expect to happen?" sort of thing.
But apparently no one did expect it to happen, and no one seems to know how to prevent it from happening again. And again. And again. The idea that maybe it might be best to stop bombing Middle Eastern countries, does not seem to have occurred to any of Britain's top leaders. There will be instead much wailing and gnashing of teeth, many public calls for solidarity, stronger policing... and even more bombing.
It doesn't count when we do it.
Sick, sick society we have....
Taibbi has a new article out asking how low does a pussy grabbing, body slamming Republican have to go to lose?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
IMO this "pussy-grabbing" meme
that is being directed against Trump with such great enthusiasm, is a red herring. Of the multiple reasons why Trump might be considered to be an inappropriate President of the USA, his penchant for grabbing available pussies should rank very low among them. Bill Clinton and even JFK were also notorious pussy-grabbers, and only somewhat more discrete about it. But none of this matters, in the larger scheme of things.
Look, if we want to get to the heart of what really ails the USA, we have to stop being diverted by irrelevant, and largely msm-created memes. Neither Trump's ridiculous hair, nor his bombastic personality, nor his numerous social peccadillos, are in any way relevant or important to the destiny of the planet, or the American empire.
Focusing on Trump's glaring improprieties brings no one any closer to understanding what's really going on in the halls of American power. In fact, Trump's very gaucheness may well prove to be a kind of key, to unlocking hitherto secret vaults long hidden within those halls.
Thank you! That sums it up for me too. Very well said. n/t
And thank you! Americans would do well
to refrain from focusing exclusively on whatever their corporate media tell them to focus on, and instead to determine for themselves what's worthy of attention and what is not.
We think we're the good guys
just because we don't strap the bombs to our own bodies. Instead, we just contract the work out, then sit at home and intentionally decline to discover what's being done in our names. The American media is happy to help us ignore it, since they don't report this stuff. These deaths don't matter--it only matters when THEY kill US.
Remember the Boston Marathon bombing? That killed THREE people. And they made a fricking movie about it. Al-Jazeera has these last strikes at 106 civilian casualties, not that anyone in the stateside media is counting.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
According to MGTOW shit posters....
It's all Ariana Grande's fault.
Fuckin' morons.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
It's weird how various people are valued differently
Civilians in Manchester are valued highly, Copts in Egypt, less so, and civilians in Mosul scarcely at all.
If it's illegal to fund organizations that kill innocent people, why is it legal to pay taxes?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
our government is waging a war
on the American people everyday with each law clowngress passes.
Austerity pretty much kills as many Americans as war abroad kills foreigners.
the war of the 21st century is a class war, and we the 99% are losing the war.
So the real terrorists are the 546 people running the government.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley