OMG, OMG, Trump Fired Comey!

Remember when Comey sucked and needed to go? At least according to these folks OT:

Some comments...

Comey is a disgrace to the reputation of the FBI. He obviously interfered with the election. He needs to be removed from the FBI. It's sickening to see that he can break the law and get away with it, when it's so obvious.

There’s a strong argument for bringing Comey up on charges of violating the Hatch Act. Lock him up!

Mr Comey betrayed the American people with his treasonous act. I don't know if he can be tried in a court of law for this.

Comey is scum in the long FBI tradition. It’s almost enough to make one nostalgic for the blackmailing, racist transvestite.

Republican or Democrat- Comey had no business doing what he did- the FBI director cant be trusted.

What Comey did was inexcusable.

Let history judge him to the partisan hack that he turned out to be … he delivered evil to the White House because once again, a Republican put party before country. For someone like Comey who believes in God, he will truly have to think of some really good reasons why he though Trump would be a better POTUS in order to get through the pearly gates.

I HATE the fornicator, Comey.

Comey’s role was part of a criminal conspiracy which involved Comey, Giuliani, Jason Chaffetz...

Comey should resign, period.

Now that they get their wish...odd, not the reaction one would think..

Impeach Trump for silencing his critics!

No wonder it's so laughably easy to call out their idiocy...even Trump can do it, and though I harbor no love for the guy, I gotta give him props for his recent twit. Beautifully illustrates these morons have less than zero credibility these days:

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MarilynW's picture

I was responding to the heading of this post, as if the firing of Comey by Trump was a tempest in a teapot. It isn't.

"Bill did it too"
Bill Clinton was forced to fire Sessions by the Justice Department which had a ton of evidence against Sessions. The comparison is ridiculous.

"The Justice Department report found, among other things, that Sessions had engaged in a sham transaction to avoid paying taxes on his use of an FBI limousine to take him to and from work, that he had billed the government for a security fence around his home that provided no security and that he had arranged business trips to places where he could meet with relatives."

As a Canadian, I'm coming from a different space. Look, I understand the bitterness here over the fact that the DNC + Hillary destroyed the chances of Bernie Saunders but I don't think that bitterness over that defeat should enter into every leftwing political debate for the foreseeable future. That is giving her more power than she deserves.

You left out the part that Trump fired the head of the FBI while he was conducting an investigation about his campaign. Yes I know most people here do not think there is any Russian connection but I think there is.

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To thine own self be true.

SnappleBC's picture

@MarilynW I readily admit that I am so completely overloaded with Democratic hysteria that I might well have missed something actually important happening. I generally figure if I read it on DKOS or legacy media it's fake news.

I'll look into this Comey thing in the next few days and decide if I think this is yet more Democratic babble or is there something worth knowing about. I think there may be some smoke in the whole "firing of someone who's investigating you schtick". Insofar as Russia-gate, the Democrats have so completely perjured themselves over the last year that the situation is akin to Joe McCarthy yelling, "Get him! He's a commie!". I find it prudent to not leap to any conclusions... particularly when that same group is arguing in favor of both continuous war and starting WW3. Someone's gonna have to show me the commie.

Honestly, the way I see the whole thing is that one set of our plutocrats got into a tussle with another set and lost and so Comey's going down. I don't think you, I, or most anyone else has any clue what's really going on here.

As an aside, I'm an expat living in Canada. I'm not particularly bitter about the DNC and their shenanigans during the primary. My statement all along was that we knew we were fighting a corrupt enemy. That was the whole point. It was hardly surprising when the DNC did corrupt things. It was more like a sad confirmation. I had already #DemExited in 2012. Obama fooled me the first time but by 2012 I was much more aware of reality. Honestly there was no way to miss it after his handling of the global financial crisis. I hope they paid him well.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@MarilynW It's interesting that you ascribe it to bitterness. I see it as having learned some very clear lessons about this country, which are now basically impossible to avoid. These are only some of the lessons I learned:

1)Election fraud is now being committed by both parties, and will not be punished under the law. It can be expected to continue. Those who demand a plan for dealing with this will be chided in McCarthy-like fashion by people purporting to attempt to wrest control of the Democratic Party from the Clinton faction.

2)The Department of Homeland Security has been given responsibility for securing our elections apparatus. In other words, the police state now has direct control of our elections. This probably came about because there was enough election fraud and manipulation on both sides in the general last time that the fraud essentially cancelled itself out, leaving a result more or less representative of the population's feelings about the matter: Trump was hated by 58% of the population on Election Day; Clinton was hated by 60%; Trump edged her out while a large portion of the electorate sat on the sidelines in disgust.

3)Rich and powerful people, especially politicians, will never be held accountable for wrongdoing under the law.

4)The Democratic party, while it believes that Clinton is owed the Presidency, and is angry about her not getting it, is still more than willing to lose to Republicans.

5)In fact, given their voting patterns on Trump's cabinet, they actually have little or no interest in actually fighting Republicans, even the King of All Evil himself.

6)You can also see that pattern in their policy votes, especially when regards foreign policy.

7) They will, however, harp on Trump's immeasurable personal evil endlessly, as it is their only justification for demanding more votes and thus their only reason for being.

8)The Democratic Party deliberately smeared Bernie supporters as dangerous thugs, and let that story run through the press for a week before a very quiet retraction was issued by the AP. They showed no interest in stopping the story, or even getting out in front of it, even when people on Twitter started saying things like "Don't worry, Barbara Boxer. We'll take care of those BernieBros. All it will take is to send 50 people from each state with baseball bats to the convention." Those who understand what it means when you portray somebody as a thug will understand the gravity of this act; the rest will brush it off as trivial.


It was Hillary 2016 and all its consequences, including Trump's campaign and his ascension to power, which taught me those unavoidable lessons.

Being who I am, I've now integrated what I learned last year into my view of the world and that view will, obviously, influence every subsequent discussion I have and every choice I make.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

MarilynW's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

Trump is good for the Deep State or The Bureaucracy. He given more authority to Homeland Security and he has given the CIA the right to control drones without getting authorization from the WH.

We have to remember Trump and his supporters are not conservatives, they are Trumpites who are against Democrats and Republicans who oppose Trump. In their colossal ignorance they are strengthening the power of the Deep State and that is bad for everyone.

Another thing I have come to realize is that Trump and his followers love outrage, they thrive on it. So Trump is producing so much outrage that we need a new meter in order to quantify and qualify it. I think it would be prudent if we dim our reaction to the outrageous things he does @The Voice In the Wilderness . I'm actually getting bored with that crazy person.

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To thine own self be true.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@SnappleBC It isn't particularly clear why Trump firing Comey is particularly bad; I guess the idea is that the President shouldn't be able to fire someone at Justice for investigating him, because nobody should be above the law.

But we already know that powerful rich people, especially politicians, are above the law. There's a Navy guy in jail for compromising security in a way less pervasive and arguably less damaging than Hillary did with her (for two months passwordless) private server, yet the same people who are freaking out because Trump fired Comey were freaking out last year because Comey was investigating Hillary. Investigating Hillary is somehow "interfering in politics" instead of ensuring that the powerful are not above the law, and that the law is administered equally to all. So if it's Hillary, it's right for the law to let the powerful have a privileged status; if it's Trump, he's bad for asserting the same privileged status by using his power to shut down the guy investigating him.

By the way, that's giving the Comey freakout people the benefit of the doubt; I'm assuming here, for the sake of argument, that there is some real Russia link to Trump and that Comey's investigation of it is why Trump fired him. Even if all that is true, the double standard here is incredible.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

TheOtherMaven's picture

so why should he act any differently just because he's in the Oval Office instead of the boardroom?

Who's next? Wink

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

And then there were none (that goes for both red and blue wings of the American Neoliberal-Fascist party).

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

@Citizen Of Earth Comey's announcement in July was not the words of an honest lawyer (if not, man). He went out of his way to create the impression of exoneration of clinton in a manner not befitting a lawyer. Claiming the intent requirement was not met was an outrageous statement. Furthermore, claiming that no prosecutor would bring charges was hyperbolic spin intended to create the inference that she could not be found guilty of any crime.

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MarilynW's picture

Trump asked Comey three times for his loyalty, Comey declined. The next head of the FBI may not be so independent.

Good article here about how and why Comey overstepped his office by speaking out about Hillary. First the context, most people in Washington at that time thought that Hillary would win. Comey thought if he didn't speak out and then under a Hillary administration, the Republicans would form an oversight committee and question the action of the FBI insinuating that they protected Hillary. Comey speaking out about the fact that they could not find anything actionable against her was him being self-righteous.


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To thine own self be true.

SnappleBC's picture

@MarilynW @MarilynW

I wasn't able to find any supportable facts in it... or at least the New Yorker chose not to bother. What I saw was a house of cards with strong conclusions based on thin air. There are statements like,

Comey’s dismissal came just as his Russia probe appeared to be widening. Just last week, the F.B.I. director went to Rosenstein, who had been in his job only for a few days, to ask for significantly more resources in order to accelerate the investigation, according to the Times.

I haven't done it yet, but right here and now my guess is that when I go google the New York Times and look for what they wrote (not linked, of course) I'll find either "anonymous sources" or another reference to some other paper. We'll see how that goes Smile

There's this bit:

On Monday, Trump tweeted that the inquiry was a “taxpayer funded charade.”

That was a testable fact but I happen to agree with Trump. I'm not really sure how any thinking individual could come to any other conclusion given how this all unfolded. RUSSIA! was just such an obvious distraction from the fact that the DNC had rigged the election. I think this is the Democrats Benghazi. Or, at least, at this point with the facts available it sure as heck looks like that.

What I agree with is that Trump's letter is certainly bullshit. But that's hardly a concession on my part. Pretty much everything which comes out of Trump is bullshit. But that article might as well have been written by the DNC. And as we all saw, everything which comes out of the DNC is also bullshit.

Honestly, a part of me even has a hard time caring. Why on earth would it really matter to me which set of Plutocrats wins this particular little battle when I don't even know the sides or the stakes. I'm more interested in trying to stop the Plutocrats than trying to stop Russia. Things like global warming, world hunger, and the like depend on it.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

SnappleBC's picture

@SnappleBC So far at least I've turned up two narratives:

"Officials" claim that a request for more resources was made.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said it was false that Comey had asked Rosenstein for money for the Russia investigation.

So on one hand we have anonymous sources making unsupported claims. On the other hand we have a specific individual making a publicly available claim. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Now that's some hard hitting reporting. To be fair, I didn't find the NYT article so I went with Fox News. If anyone's got any specific support for "Officials" I'd love to see it.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

Unabashed Liberal's picture

after months of ridiculing Comey for his handling of the investigation into FSC's 'home brew' server, much of their Base has been left confused.

I had to laugh at this,

ENTERTAINMENT 05/10/2017 10:16 am ET
Stephen Colbert’s Audience Applauds James Comey Firing

“Huge Donald Trump fans here tonight,” the late-night host quipped

Stephen Colbert opened his Tuesday night “Late Show” with the news that President Donald Trump had abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey.

The audience immediately started to clap and cheer at the news, leading Colbert to quip that there were “huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.”

Colbert’s guest on the show, Jon Stewart, later discussed the audience’s bizarre reaction to the Comey news.

When Colbert asked the audience why — “Is it because of what he did to Hillary?” — they cheered again.

“But you know he’s investigating Trump’s campaign ties to Russia, which now will evaporate like cotton candy in the ocean,” Colbert said. . . .

Obviously, not the reaction that Colbert was expecting. Wink

If Dem lawmakers continue to proceed down the road of 'the Russians are coming,' they may negate any opportunity that they might have had to regain some of the seats they've recently lost.

Regarding Comey, he may have been well-meaning, but, IMO, he was blatantly inept in his handling of his 'public' role as FBI Director. Bottom line, with the scrutiny that any Comey replacement will receive, it's possible that Dems may be better satisfied with his successor. So, I have to wonder if they are just punkin' their Base--to raise money.


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."
____Author Unknown

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

detroitmechworks's picture

@Unabashed Liberal [video:]

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Unabashed Liberal Whoops.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Good riddance to him.

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy. I do blame him for Hillary's loss but not as much as I blame voter suppression or Hillary's fundraiser-based campaign. (A necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition for her loss to Donnie Tinyhands.)

Still, Cheeto Trump and his evil Keebler Elf Beauregard can dodge and twist on their own fishhook trying to squirm out from their own corruption. Maybe Jared Kushner can add "FBI director" to his growing list of hobbies.

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MarilynW's picture

three times during a dinner Trump invited him to, refused. He deserves credit for standing up to Trump. And Comey's Trump appointed successor will very likely make Comey look very good.

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To thine own self be true.

@MarilynW When he already pledged his loyalty to Obama?

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
