(The reason Wall Street Skated:) Obama to give $400,000 speech at Wall Street conference

Obama to give $400,000 speech at Wall Street conference

Former President Obama has agreed to speak at a Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald LP, senior officials at the firm told FOX Business.

Obama will speak at Cantor’s health care conference this September for a fee of $400,000 and has agreed to be the keynote speaker at a luncheon held on one day of the event.

The company confirmed that Obama has officially signed a deal with the New York-based investment bank, but said it needed to coordinate with the former president before making an official announcement. He may still back out of the deal.

Like his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, he may face some criticism for the high-priced speech. Clinton was criticized for giving private speeches to banks and financial firms prior to her 2016 presidential campaign for the White House. The difference for Obama, of course, is that his presidency is behind him.


Yep, the difference is that Obama isn't running for anything anymore. He doesn't have to worry about 'appearances', he can openly show the rest of us what kind of 'progressive Democrat' he really is.

Poor Clintons! What will they do now that Obama's hijacked their grift??

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If we rank Presidents from most despicable to least, I would put this lying traitor at the top of the list.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

TheOtherMaven's picture

and his lickspittle lapdog Martin van Buren? I think some people would take issue with that placement....

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven There really is no comparison.

I understand the anger and disappointment many feel with Obama. Hell, as a black woman just a year younger than him, I am highly embarrassed and pissed off that the first black President turned out this way.

Still, fair is fair and as time goes on, assuming Orkin Galactic doesn't show up in our skies (thanks earthling1 - https://caucus99percent.com/comment/247852#comment-247852), Obama's presidency will find it's appropriate place. He won't be the worst but he will be in at least the top 10 of the worst.


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Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos

Amanda Matthews's picture

@Dark UltraValia
He had no problem with the Clinton Creature's pay-for-play schemes and scams. Now we see why. He's her with a better plan. He's taking his pay off AFTER being president for two terms. She was too greedy to wait.

He was a fucking ringer planted by TPTB. He was 'Transformational' all right. He helped transform this country into something like the old USSR. The lying sack of shit covered for Wall Street, made bankers whole after they crashed half the world's economies, devastated the workers and the plebs of half the planet. He didn't care about Wall Street criminality as long as we 'looked ahead' and let Wall Street walk away with the money the plebs saved for their 'golden' years. NO other president has been so openly and arrogantly corrupt. His intent from the beginning was to cover for filthy rich criminals at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

He lied about government spying. He prosecuted more whistleblowers than any other president in history.

While his Wall Street banker buddies got bonuses, Obama gave the middle class and the poor 'austerity'. He didn't do one fucking thing for anyone not making millions.

He shit all over unions and the working people of this country - bastid never did find those comfortable shoes, did he?

He made the bush tax cuts for the rich permanent.

He saddled us with his 'legacy' healthcare coverage bill that was doomed to fail from the start. He gave big pharma and the insurance corps a captive client base though. He was looking out for HIS constituency his entire time in office. Unfortunately for 99% of the country that wasn't us.

Does no one see a real BIG problem with a guy who smoked pot, did coke and other drugs himself, who's oldest daughter was caught smoking the demon weed and had it posted on the internet (and and who's punishment was a world-wide vacation with daddy instead of starting Harvard right away), and all the while miserable hypocritical SOB want us and our kids punished with incarceration and monetary penalties for DOING THE SAME THINGS THEY DID AND STILL DO WITHOUT ANY REPERCUSSIONS WHATSOEVER? WTF? Jail for thee and thine but NOT for me and mine

I really hate hate hate that guy. Maybe because I was such a tool that I not only walked all over South O to help get that fraud elected not just the first time, but I did it again because I went along with the "he'll do what he promised if he gets re-elected" train of ignorance. That I believed him twice is on me. That he's a liar and a fraud and always has been is on him.

It seems somehow appropriate that the corrupt banker (and her family) who backed a little known sweet talking state senator to help them get away with their criminal acts in Illinois that was the prototype for all the fraud that came after would somehow end up in his administration along with Summers, Geithner, and all the other crooks.

The Privilege of the Pritzkers

He needed Larry and Timmy to come in so they could help him complete their objective fleecing of the American working class. He began as a front man for criminals and that's how he's going out. He'll be known for the corrupt opportunist that he truly is. He''l be up at the top of the list of the worst to ever park his lying ass in the White House.

By the way, how much did the first black prez do for black people? Not a damn thing. He was the patron saint for the big money boys and girls his entire time in office though. I sat at the front desk of a business in North Omaha where men and women of every color (but mostly black because North O is where the black community basically resides) came in EVERY SINGLE DAY begging FOR WORK. The phrase I heard all the time was "I'll do anything". Did he help those people, his black constituents? Hell no he didn't. Mr First 'Black' Prez didn't give fuck one.


Except about him and his. My curse for him and his is that they end up experiencing just one-half of the misery that he has caused the rest of the planet. I think his oldest needs to suit up and get her ass out there on the front lines and fight for her Daddy's bank balance and the bottom lines of the 1% like they expect our kid to fight for them. Put some serious skin in the game. Let's see her standing next to the kids and grandkids of the Pelosi family and the Feinstein bunch, the McConnell girls and the Trump boys. They like war so much, let's see how much Obama and the rest of them really believe in their BS. I am of the opinion that it is 'Put. Up. or. Shut. the. Fuck. Up. Time' for those who actually prosper under this rigged system of ours. It's time our 'royalty' suited up for battle like they did throughout history. They can stand up for themselves for a change. Let it be their blood spilled, their children dead on the ground. Pay the price for THEIR privilege.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

snoopydawg's picture

And his worshippers on DK were so excited about him being back in the USA and giving a speech on Trump's 99th day.. comment after comment were about how much they missed him and wished he was still president.
And who could have seen this coming?
As for the Clintons, after she lost the election they shut down their Global Initiative part of the foundation. I'd like to know where the money went to. Or if anyone is going to check.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

dance you monster's picture

Like maybe if the MIC pays him better?

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Outsourcing Is Treason's picture

Clinton's "speaker fees" were bribes from people who wanted something.

Obama's "speaker fees" are the quid pro quos from the people he didn't prosecute.

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"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush

snoopydawg's picture

@Outsourcing Is Treason
and that's why many of us were saying that Hillary getting paid to give a speech to the financial institutions looked bad.
I saw what she had done during her time as SOS when anyone who had business with her state department would first pay Bill to give a speech to them and then after Hillary fixed their problems they would donate to their foundation. That's the definition of pay to play.
Huma Abedin wrote an email about this when the official from a foreign country gave Bill a million dollars for his birthday and then wanted time to speak to her.
Huma said "it's her mess, she needs to clean it up"

And Barack was soft on the banks for this reason. Plus they bankrolled his campaigns and Podesta chose his staff for him and they came from the financial institutions.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Outsourcing Is Treason The Clintons were able to actually deliver favors immediately and with certainty. Obama will be paid hefty fees if he can use his influence to deliver favors. So far he has done well showing he could install a corporatist to lead the DNC. Obama probably still has pull with Pelosi. I would bet at one point he will have to spank some democrat for not getting in line. In this sense, he may become the Rush Limbaugh of the democratic party. Any goper who criticized the Limberger almost immediately apologized to avoid his wrath.

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riverlover's picture

The rest of us are offered nothing.

A very hard day for me, mentally and physically. Still pickin' may way through the weeds. Flowers blooming soon. But near tears with pain. Somehow I got hardened to tears, too bad.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Lily O Lady's picture


I hate to think of you hurting.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"


Sorry you feel the need to push yourself. Wish you could sit down, put your foot up, and have people bring you things.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

dance you monster's picture


But that's why he has to take the fee: he's just so poor, and his grandchildren will need the money to protect themselves. At least that's what appears to be today's talking point (from a site I'll not link) about the Clinton speaking fees.

Oh, I certainly don't blame her in the least for making speeches for pay, TBH I never understood the uproar. I do believe that part of the motivation was security for future generations. I’m not finding fault with that, Bubba and HRC have status based off the positions they held, future generations might not have that celebrity.

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k9disc's picture

@dance you monster

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

snoopydawg's picture

@dance you monster
they made plenty of money before he was president. Michelle worked for a hospital in Chicago IIRC and they signed a book deal for $65 million so they can't claim that they left the WH dead broke.
Bill sold his influence before Hillary ran for president. In fact he was getting paid for his speeches while she was SOS. It seemed a little weird that he was speaking to the same people who Hillary had business dealings with, but what do I know about how it works for rich people?
Barack is going to have the same type of influence peddling as Bill did. Maybe better because he left office scandal free.
Okay scandal free personally the other things that he did that was against international laws should count but we know that when the president does it, it's legal. Right?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

... so now I guess it is payback time.

Hope you had a good vacation, Mr. Prez. As you can see, our country is in need of something presidential.

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First time negatives over 50% since March 2014


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k9disc's picture

set for former leader of the free world.

One Million per Hour.

And I love that phrase "Private Industry Predation". I think it's got legs. Let's exercise them...

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Bollox Ref's picture


Nah!.., just smug sociopathology bringing home the bacon.

Next up:

"Civic Engagement with the Providers of Personal Defense. Let's Not Go a Bullet Point too Far."

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from a reasonably stable genius.

divineorder's picture


Cantor’s health care conference


Here's an old description of the annual conference purpose:

Inaugural Healthcare Conference

Starting on July 08, 2015 7:00 am Save to calendar

At Le Parker Meridien Hotel

Cantor Fitzgerald’s Inaugural Healthcare Conference is a one-day, multi-track conference featuring presentations from 50+ top tier healthcare companies across the broad continuum of the healthcare, taking place in New York City on July 8th. From “bench to bedside”, the conference aims to connect leading public and private healthcare companies with institutional investors, addressing investment opportunities and trends shaping healthcare from the earliest stage of development (“bench”) to patient treatment (“bedside”).

The conference agenda includes presentations from C-suite executives representing a variety of healthcare subsectors including biotechnology, specialty pharmaceuticals, medical technology, life science tools and diagnostics and healthcare facilities and services, in a variety of formats, as well as highly relevant topic panels.

The 1-day conference aims to provide investors with broad access to leading healthcare companies and an ability to drill drown into some of the most relevant topics in healthcare today. With over 50 publicly traded companies and numerous private companies available throughout the day, investors will have the opportunity to expand knowledge and sharpen investment focus, and participate in 1x1 meetings with company management.

Thank you for joining us. We look forward to seeing you in July in NYC.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

gulfgal98's picture

@divineorder Investors and investment opportunities. Bad

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture

didn't have much to do with financial matters. The 3 speeches that Wikileaks leaked were about countries and wars. And Jaime Dimon was at all 3.
The latest one I read today was about the North Korea and its threats.
One part of the discussion was about how the threats were good for the defense industry.
As we know, the banks have always funded both sides of the wars.
Hitler wouldn't have been more than a fear monger if Ford hadn't built their military equipment, the banks financing him and IBM helping him both build the camps and supply the gas for the showers.
As Smedley told us, wars are great for business, and in WWI there were 21,000 new millionaires made. Some of the people who fight in their wars today qualify for food stamps. Ain't that great?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture

and Michelle is so beautiful. I don't know who to vote for, Michelle or Chelsea.

meanwhile..."I never understood the uproar"...well, gee, we're not surprised, you dumb #$%*!!

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. . . oh God please God oh no NOT Chelsea!

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@SancheLlewellyn No more dynasties!

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Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos

@Dark UltraValia
I don't think Michelle has any interest in it. Subject herself to the racist abuse beyond what she already got from her stint as First Lady?

I wish her well, though. Smile

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Amanda Matthews's picture


The last thing the left needs is the third iteration of a failed political dynasty.


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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

"Payback's a bitch"---more like "payback's very rich".

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karl pearson's picture

Found these interesting facts regarding speaking fees for former presidents:

  • Gerald Ford was the first president to be paid for speaking, earning $40,000 for a speech.
  • Bill Clinton is paid the most for a speech (up to $750,000) and has earned over $100 million in speaking fees.
  • G.W. Bush receives $100,000-$175,000/speech and has made at least $15 million for speaking.
  • Jimmy Carter rarely gives paid speeches and when he does he usually donates the money to charity. To quote Jimmy: "We give money. We don't take it."
  • I can remember people being horrified when Reagan gave 2 speeches in Japan for $1 million each. Now this distasteful practice is acceptable.

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@karl pearson Imo its a national disgrace. I'm sure in their minds they think they are providing a much needed service, on second thought its just about the money and if it means selling out the 99% so be it.

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