I've Been Vindicated
Those of you who follow my mostly depressing blog know how I feel about the job market. Well, my mother-in-law finally understands my perspective. Her partner has been looking for a job that's more in line with her experience and is still currently working. Problem is, most postings are asking for qualifications that far outweigh the job itself.
The labor market is hopelessly glutted, and it's only going to get worse. It will take a catastrophe before 'Murica finally pulls its head out of Horatio Alger's ass and realize that we are not temporarily embarrassed billionaires in need of just one spin of the big wheel away from paradise.
After all, I just turned 33 a couple of weeks ago and the supposed cut-off for tech jobs is 35 because of so-called 'outdated skill sets'. My ass. Software changes these days are so incremental no one even notices changes at all.
Either way, I'm just glad those closest to me finally get what it is I've been saying for years, even if it took a little while to figure it out.
See ya around,
Aspie, one person at a time will not a
movement make, but just well may make your life a little easier.
Uh, I need to disclose my life with the "handicapped".
Mom was a "cripple" with one leg 4 inches shorter than the other.
Dad was shot to shit D-Day, left with one lung, one kidney, one intestine, part of a spleen, part of a stomach, and he lost the sight of one eye. They raised me.
I married a paraplegic. He rests in peace.
I would challenge anybody to point out that one person who is perfect in health and mind.
I am so sorry you have to justify your position in society when you would not have a problem if you were rich.
I am just so sorry.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
perfect in body and mind
Simple. Find out who is able to land adult-wage jobs, locally, on their own demand.
The real problem is that the labor markets are so glutted that employers can not just find these people, but they can find more than enough of them to meet any possible needs. There are no positions left for the non-perfect.
I am 58 years of age. No American, my age or younger, has ever experienced a balanced labor market, much less one favoring labor at all. It's been a buyer's market all the way back to at least 1970. And employers take maximum advantage.
And may all of them experience return to "complete with all the senses" after death, as the Tibetan Buddhists maintain they will. And all other imaginable Peace be upon them. Cat only knows they've earned it.
For if they were in principal working years in this day and age and in their conditions, they'd likely be unemployed and homeless because they aren't perfect in every detectable way -- and employers have a superfluity of those who are just that to select from.
The few handicapped folks who get employed in real jobs are nothing else but Potemkin window dressing, hired to try to disprove what Aspie and I (and millions of others) know altogether too well to be true.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That's America for you.
@on the cusp: You don't have to explain or justify your actions or your lifestyle if your name is Donald J. Trump or Hillary R. Clinton, but if the rest of us need the pittance in SNAP benefits, EVERYONE is on your ass....that is, until it happens to them.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
@The Aspie Corner O I know, Aspie. I know.
You are not perfect so it is because you failed, or something like that.
I have had to get permission from judges to make rulings evidence and testimony on weekend visitation with children for individuals who could not get into the courthouse because of claustrophobia, etc...
Not everyone can climb stairs, or ride elevators.
Aspie, my professional life for the past 31 years is mostly to give everyone some semblance of a chance for justice.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I see so many people say "Get a job"
and quit living off their money. They have no idea what people who aren't working have gone through or what their situation is. Or that they could be one accident or major health issue away from being financial or physical difficulties and they too might need to rely on government help.
Until recently I didn't look like I should be on SSDI and the other social programs that help me survive.
I would rather be working at the job that I used to do that brought me a lot of satisfaction then to be living in constant pain and poverty.
And now I'm watching to see how much of the social programs are going to be cut so that our bloated MICC can have more money and equipment that they don't need.
Trump and others in his cabinet are suggesting that the program that helps with gas and electric during the winter aren't just going to get less money, but cut entirely out of the budget.
If that happens there are going to be a lot of deaths next winter because the people who rely on this help aren't going to be able to pay for their utilities and their medications because they won't have enough money for both.
The money for food stamps might get less money as well as HUD and people who rely on section 8 and other low income housing are going to have a harder time finding places to live. The waiting list for each program is already 18 months or longer and the places available are already quite decrepit.
I wish that everyone who thinks that the amount of money I get each month for living expenses is too much to live my life for a month or longer. They can see what it's like to live in constant pain and worry if my disability and financial situationis going to get worse. Or if I am going to receive enough money for food stamps and the if the LIHEAP program is going to be available this winter.
I'm happy that your MIL has finally had her eyes open and sees what the job market is like. It's too bad that she didn't believe you until she was exposed to the truth.
I understand why you feel vindicated about how difficult it has been for you to find a job.
Have you been able to get SSDI back yet?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That BS about inflated job qualifications
I've seen tons like that where the specs are for 5 yrs of experience on a product that has only been around for two yrs
Other BS qualifications are that you have already been working on the company's internal product line, so it is very suspicious.
Yes, the decks are stacked. If you haven't already, my humble suggestion is to get back in touch with your friends in the area that you want to work in, as they will know who needs to see your resume and help you polish it to get the face time.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
I've been telling people that for 40 years.
Thank you for the vindication!
Love ya, Aspie!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Why we have no jobs.
When I was young I would have loved to have been able to do this job. Being in an air conditioned building, propagating plants, and interacting with like minded individuals. That would have been awesome.
When "automation" and "robots" are mentioned the image is often of a very high-tech, and skill-intensive environment in which science fiction "SkyNet" robots are about to become sentient. The reality is this. Environments that could be productive with lots of human interaction are becoming sterile wastelands of high throughput and obscene profits for the few.