"Where to Invade Next" - Find it out and see Michael Moore's movie - You won't regret it
I wished every American would see this movie.
Michael Moore gives the answer to his movie title's question as a suggestion at the end, rather 'en passant' and in an understated way that it is probably overheard: "In the lost and found department" somewhere in the constitutional archives or some such, he says. With that answer he gives those of you, who can't help to be in despair about the current affairs and status quo in the US, a reason to smile and to be hopeful. A masterful ending.
Michael Moore's movie has the soul of what I think Americans call a true "Mensch". I don't know how else to say it, but I believe Americans need be grateful for this movie. It has a big heart, a smart witty brain, a way to say the most serious things in a way that even the most tender person "can take it", not be offended and may be able to laugh about it, though nothing he talks about is a laughing matter. That's the genius of the film. (Most of the reviewers couldn't help themselves to say that he cherry picks the goodies and overlooks the "difficulties" to live in those countries. To which I say the reviewers listened with only one ear, the other being stuck up with their own perceptions. I wonder how the European reviews will be. Probably they too will not be able to really understand 'the other side, the US').
I read through four reviews for the movie now. Many say the movie is funny. Hmm, it is funny, but for the movie being funny only, I was too often too close to tears. But that's because I see that from the European expat's side as someone who has lost what Michael Moore "conquers" on his tour of invasions into countries like Italy, Tunesia, Slovenia, Norway, Finnland, Germany and France and decided to claim and take back to the US. (All those countries of course surrendered to Michael's mighty invasion gracefully) He touched my heart. I saw myself thinking and talking like the people he met. It's pretty impossible to express those things as a foreigner in the US. Michael Moore spoke my heart and he did it so tenderly, softly and lovingly that one could only smile (together with him). And he is capable to save your American souls at the end, gives you something that you can believe in and have some hope. He IS a true patriot. And BTW he doesn't lie, when you watch the segment of the French school lunches, it is exactly that.
I have to add that Michael Moore was very generous, loving and sincere in the way he talked about Germany. (If he knew, may be he does, how afraid I am that all the good things he said might end pretty soon, and the ugliness will rear its beastly head all over again... ) What a Mensch. I could give him a hug. I hope he recovers from his pneumonia.
Anyway, go see the movie.

I definitely need to see this movie, assuming it rolls around to
our little burg.
Michael Moore is a damned treasure, and his humor is always tinged with either pathos or acid depending on whether he's trying to comfort or condemn.
Do get well, Big Mike. We need you, buddy.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon