Suzie loses it. HDS (Hair Derangement Syndrome)
Submitted by EdMass on Wed, 03/22/2017 - 6:46pm
Where to begin?
When the White House twists the truth we are all less safe
Finally, many Americans, not just the broader world, recoil in anxiety and confusion when a U.S. administration fosters counterfactual assertions and projects unpredictability. When the American people question the commander in chief’s statements, his ability to harness public support to confront a national crisis is undermined.
Oh let's see Suzie...Rwanda, Mogadishu, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Benghazi, Red Lines in Syria, Iran nukes et al?
I'm betting that your room is next to Valerie J's at the new BO Mansion in DC.
C'mon. You can tell me. I believe everything you say.

Have to wonder if anyone takes such drivel seriously.
Which makes me wonder why she would write something like this, as in, what good does she think something like this would do. Really all it does is make her look stupid, or more stupid.
Rice should have deleted this before submitting it. She
undercuts her own case.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
good pork chop too.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Talk about twisting the truth,
this article takes the cake. And it must be nice have a megaphone like the WaPo in hand while you're doing it. The problem with Ms Rice's little puff-piece in praise of American foreign policy, is that it reads like more an indictment than a defense. Only a life-long DC insider could have come up with something so devoid of self-awareness and common sense. And then they wonder why so many people voted for Trump.