Trans Aspie shot dead by police
Kayden Clark posted a video last summer about the service dog whom he had trained to help with his Asperger's meltdowns. It went viral:
At that time he did not reveal that he was also transgender.
On December 14 the 24-year-old Arizona trans man posted the following youtube.
He had also found doctor:
Kayden's life was looking up, he thought.
But on January 9, after his therapist visit, he posted this video:
The WPATH Standards of Care require a letter for a therapist before beginning hormone therapy.
I understand somewhat what Kayden was going through. Personally I had issues with OCD to deal with along with my gender dysphoria. But amazing: When I transitioned, the OCD just melted away.
On Thursday police were called to Kayden's home because he was threatening to kill himself.
Police entered the home to try to find [Clark], and when they located [him, he] lunged at two officers with a knife, a police spokesman said. The officers feared for their safety and fired at [him], police said.
They shot him dead.
Media reports following Clark’s death used female pronouns, and referred to him using his previous name.
Reports also included quotation marks around the phrase ‘preferred name’. Some used the name Kayden, but still used female pronouns.
Police spokespeople also misgendered Clark, referring to him only by his previous name and using female pronouns.
Detective Esteban Flores also misgendered Clark in quotations given to local media.
She had one knife that we know of, she had something else we’re not sure what it was, the officers said it was dark inside the room.
--Detective Esteban Flores

Body cams might have cleared this up....
But they may have also shown why they're called "pigs."
You're right. An unbelievably ultra sad story. So close to a happy one, and yet so very very far.
RIP Kayden Clark. If anyone deserved better out of life, it was you.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon