Where peaceful protests have made a difference


Romania appears to be ready to set the new standard for popular political movements.

Protesters took to the streets of Bucharest for the ninth night running on Wednesday, with crowds braving heavy snow in the capital’s Piata Victoriei as the country’s ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD) and tens of thousands of people clamouring for its downfall continue to square off. The anti-corruption protests – the largest in Romania since the 1989 revolution – have been good-natured and violence-free, and last night’s gathering of around 7,000 people was in a similar vein...
On Thursday those “Demisa” protesters had part of their wish granted when Justice Minister Florin Iordache announced he was stepping down. “I’ve submitted my resignation. I say that all that I’ve done was legal,” Mr Iordache told reporters. The ruling Social Democrats will now propose a replacement and submit the name to Mr Iohannis, who has the right to reject it.
Through the whole process, however – the noise and colour of the anti-corruption demonstrators at Piata Victoriei, the speeches and mass walkouts in parliament, the frequently angry scenes at Cotroceni Palace and the often malign and misleading input of the country’s TV news channels – one uniting factor has stood out: nobody, but nobody, knows what is going to happen from here.

The Romanian politicians, unlike those in America, are scared.
Tomorrow is the start of the weekend, when the protests will be massive.

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Bollox Ref's picture

and don't end up like Nicolae and Elena.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref
it's yet another crooked center-left party (i.e. neoliberal).
And they've lost control.

The new limit would have spared the leader of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD), Liviu Dragnea, who has been charged with abuse of power for granting contracts worth $26,000 to associates who allegedly performed no work.

Within an hour of the measure’s adoption, more than 10,000 protesters were on the streets. The next night an estimated 250,000 gathered in more than 50 cities and towns across the country. The president and vice-president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker and Frans Timmermans, released a statement saying the fight against corruption “needs to be advanced, not undone”. The demonstrations peaked at over 500,000 people last Sunday, even though the government had rescinded the emergency ordinance earlier that day.

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Bollox Ref's picture


I remember watching the Romanian Revolution live, way back in 1989.

Ceaușescu trying to placate the crowds from some balcony, looking very desperate.

And the snow? Looks worse than Minnesota, if possible.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref
despite the weather.
Just imagine if it warms up this weekend...

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Cassiodorus's picture

@gjohnsit That neoliberalism is still associated with any sort of "left"? Neoliberalism is now the ancien regime...

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione

Mark from Queens's picture

Love those hand-held cutouts of prisoners with the faces of corrupt politicians on them.

Reminds me of one of my favorite parts of the Occupy protest in NYC: There was a small wall heading toward the SW corner of Zuccotti Park onto which there were pasted "Wanted" flyers with a mugshot of each individual bank CEO, with descriptions of their crimes, their salaries, etc.

Identify the perpetrators of these massive crimes, personally. They get to hide behind their palatial living, constant security, blacked-out window caravans of SUV limos and their faceless job positions out of the public eye. Expose these bastards on a personal level. I wish I could find that series of posters from OWS.

We need to revive such focus in our protests.

Key to this would be a shift in mentality among the masses. We have to convince people that the turbaned ISIS terr'ist isn't who you should be afraid of, it's the 3-piece suit-wearing, well-coiffed, sun-tanned, smiling Wall St banker/hedge fund scumbag, who with the capability of a thousand financial paper cuts or a few big slashes, is far more dangerous to your life than the chance that the mythical Middle Eastern terrorist who is not going to blow up your local Arby's or Toys R Us.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Bollox Ref's picture

@Mark from Queens

terribly by 'identity' politics. They know who the crooks are, go about their business, and get results.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

shaharazade's picture

is too flippin big to be cohesive culturally, politically or bio-regionally. If say Oregon was a sovereign state or even Cascadia there would be enough people with common ground to actually get out in the streets and bang those pots and pans and get these criminals out of power regardless of their complicit party. City states or bio-regions that would not be part of the current giant vampire squid implanted humanities face.

My fantasy is that the USA federal centralization busts up. It no longer serves any purpose other then keeping the powers that be so powerful that we the people have no chance of removing the rat bastard pols they install. One of the reasons I did not want the Clinton's to win was in her speeches to the bankster's she said she believes in a border less world. What she meant is that the world would/should be run under the transnationals. Centralization of any power is to me the monkey's paw. Especially this nasty evil USA!USA! USA! empire. 'Goldman Sachs rules the world' as the trader dude once said.

It's hard to have a peaceful revolution when all roads (and money) lead to DC and their standing army both domestically and globally. There is no way we're gonna get enough people out there in the streets to bring the end to this by-partisan farce of democracy. Liberals don't like this train of thought as they are hung up on red vs. blue and the meaningless cultural divisions of symbolic social liberalism.

Maybe the divisive culture wars and our insane identity politics would be lessened if this country was not so centratized. I've never been a big fan of nationalism or patriotism. On the scale where living in it's madness. The 'owners of the place' play it for all it's worth. They twist history, twist the Law and turn the states into fiefdoms of designated D or R corrupt in the bag, tyrants. So maybe we should not cling so hard to the concept of a united USA! USA! USA! Ain't gonna happen and the assholes with power are depending on it.

Good on the Romanians, God bless them and good luck. Since there is no way that at this point that this country is going to bust up peacefully my other thoughts are that people whatever region, state city, county they live in should and could stop thinking in terms of Democrat's or Republicans, liberals vs. conservatives and just get out there and protest the whole shebang.The majority of people here in the USA seem to know regardless of our political ideology or cultural biases that the system has failed and we are all at the mercy of corrupt criminals puppets that keep the big lie of dead as a doornail democracy alive.

Just my thoughts on the latest global glimmer of real resistance to this global nightmare. Here in Oregon it's hard to sort out the so called resistance to Trump from the political machinations of the evil duopoly that controls all information and all resistence that is outside the designated protest pens. None of us can know what comes next if resistance works and people get these fuckers out. Hey since when has anything in this world been static and settled. It's a ongoing struggle that will never end on this planet and one worth pursuing. Act like a Rumanian.

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A problem I perceive with the 'too big theory' is that massive protests over appallingly destructive and abusive State laws and politicians have too often failed to elicit any positive change...

I suspect that this is because corruption and contempt for the Constitutional rights of Americans has become utterly ingrained within corporate/political culture and, having never suffered any adequate consequence, the abusers perceive their abuses as a right in a system where the check and balances have been check-mated and unbalanced for so long that similar attitudes hold within these as well. Only The People have survival incentive and only they can now initiate change...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Cassiodorus's picture

@shaharazade @shaharazade

If say Oregon was a sovereign state or even Cascadia there would be enough people with common ground to actually get out in the streets and bang those pots and pans and get these criminals out of power regardless of their complicit party.

is because of this:

When Oregon was granted statehood in 1859, it was the only state in the Union admitted with a constitution that forbade black people from living, working, or owning property there. It was illegal for black people even to move to the state until 1926

My guess is that a lot of the "too big" phenomenon is merely because white America has a problem with Black people, which is how Jim Crow came to be. There's an obvious solution: an admission of guilt, and reparations for the descendants of the victims of slavery and of Jim Crow.

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"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione


But only one factor.

A general strike in Lisbon, Paris, Madrid or Athens will be easier to organize and have more impact on Portugal than will a general strike in New York. However, that does not explain why so few workers' strikes occur in New York. Oh, a particular trade or kind of job might strike, tho' not often. But we do not get all workers walking out in NY. Anymore.

For many reasons, I am not a fan of using the word "war" for anything but a war. However, since so many do, I will jump on the misnomer bandwagon just. this. once.

From colonial times, there has been a war on the common person and people who had to work for a living, which spread to wars on workers' movements, unions, and then to Communism and socialism, then to Korea, Vietnam, etc. The total,cumulative cost of this cancerous war to the US in blood and treasure is incalculable.

Until recently, Joe Scarborough was wont to bray, "Economic warfare never works." What an ass. Warfare has at least two sides and economic warfare has always worked for one side, the side that began it, starting on these shores with the East India Company. It continued through OWS until today, with weapons ranging from the the arms wielded by Pinkertons and cops, through union busting legislation on state and federal levels and OWS to TPP.

Example from the centuries-long war--and from the Gilded Age, to boot: http://www.democraticunderground.com/11179109

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Song of the lark's picture

Does anyone have a handle on who the " black bloc" demonstrators were at Berkeley the other night at the Milo demonstration. I see widely varied ideas about their level of organization and agenda from both right and the left. If you are fighting for an idea I understand your anger. But if these people are being paid or organized by either side that seems to me a different kind of action. That means good actions can be sabotaged by exogenous forces.

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@Song of the lark

by exogenous forces."

They not only can be, they have been many time and often still are.

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Well, the protestors were peaceful, anyway. Can't say the same for the police, mostly in cities, with Democratic Mayors including Boston, MA; Oakland, CA; and Portland, OR. (Thanks, Obama's DHS and FBI. http://www.juancole.com/2011/11/police-crackdowns-on-ows-coordinated-amo... http://wonkette.com/456282/surprise-homeland-security-coordinates-ows-cr...)

"I'm so old that" I remember when Obamabots assured us, in their most sonorous Obi-Wan Kenobi tones, that the conference call among DHS and 18 mayors never actually occurred. Good times!

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