Is the c99 Community's Reaction to the Trump Dossier Naive?
This post wrongly called out MarilynW. I'm not taking it down because at this point the harm has been done. However, I refer you to this post, in which I apologize to Marilyn. There I explain exactly why my apology is necessary. I also specifically explain in detail what I did wrong and why it was wrong. In the future, I promise I will will not call out any member of this site on the front page.
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This is a response to a number of comments by MarylinW a/k/a Agathena at TOP) in La Feminista's essay, "Why is the inauguration still going ahead?" MarylinW/Agathena is of the opinion that we, as a community, are not taking the allegations in the recently published "Trump dossier" seriously enough.
Dear Agathena:
Your concern about our collective naivete at c99 is duly noted. Clearly, we have been lax in our analysis of these reports and dossiers and whatever else has been going on in Trumplandia.
You question our dismissal of the dossier's allegations and then go on to make this further claim:
There is a second dossier which will back up the
first one regarding Trump & the Russians. There are other factors like the "President" elect's advisor contacting the Russian envoy in the US, 5 times in one day, the day that sanctions were imposed on Russia by President Obama.
Michael Flynn, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for national security adviser, held five phone calls with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the United States retaliated for Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election, three sources familiar with the matter said.
The calls occurred between the time the Russian embassy was told about U.S. sanctions and the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that he had decided against reprisals, said the sources. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing internal U.S. government deliberations about the issue.
All the opposition here against anonymous sources doesn't consider that when Greenwald was contacted by Snowden initially, Snowden was an anonymous source. Greenwald had no proof that this person was credible but followed it up, even going to the trouble to learn how to encrypt his correspondence in order to continue communicating with this unknown person. He did not ignore this anonymous source but he is telling us we should ignore anonymous sources today.
Remember Watergate? the continuing saga was based on an anonymous source called "Deep Throat."
I am laying aside my scepticism concerning the MSM and watching these events develop. "Where there's smoke" and there's a lot of smoke.
Perhaps you are right, but, if I may ask a question, what is bothersome about President-elect Trump's adviser, Michael Flynn, Trump's named selection to be his national security adviser, and Obama's former head of the DNI, contacting or being contacted by the Russian ambassador (not Putin) on a day when Obama was taking aggressive and, to my mind, excessive action to ramp up conflict between Russia and the United States?
The three sources stressed to Reuters that they did not know who initiated the five calls between Flynn, a former three-star Army general who headed the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama, and Kislyak. Nor did they know the contents of the conversations, and declined to say how they learned of them.
One source said there was nothing intrinsically odd or wrong about a Russian diplomat speaking to a member of Trump's team following the U.S. announcement. Moscow, the source added, probably would want to have some sense of what Trump's team thought about the measures.
Contacts, btw, that were revealed to the media by anonymous sources whose revelations clearly show this information about General Flynn's contacts with the Russian ambassador were obtained by the use of "sources and methods" of intelligence gathering - likely NSA taps or "hacks" of the Russian embassy, but perhaps intel from human spies placed there as well. The potential disclosure of such "sources and methods" has been used, paradoxically, by the US intelligence services to justify not releasing any substantial proof of the allegations that Russia "hacked" the email accounts of the DNC and John Podesta and gave them to its "co-conspirator/agent" Julian Assange and his organization, Wikileaks, in order to influence the election.
What makes this fight so tricky is that the CIA’s best evidence really might be information that it can’t release publicly without compromising valuable sources of future intelligence.
Trump made no secret that he wanted better relations with Russia during the election campaign. Obama, after using the "Red Phone" connection to the Kremlin, a communication that threatened Putin with "armed conflict" over possible cyber attacks by Russia, merely because Wikileaks continued to release documents from 2015 and early 2016, (a story leaked to NBC by an senior administration official). Obama then followed that threat up post-election (despite admitting that Russia did not "hack" or harm the integrity of the voting process on election day) with these high level diplomatic sanctions and nine months of massive military training exercises on Russia's borders, coincidentally timed during the same week this alleged Trump/Russia dossier (and now your claimed second dossier) alleging Trump's "treasonous" connections and ties to with Russia (and the possibility that he was compromised by Russian spy agencies.
To me, this suggests a lame duck President who is pulling out all the stops to de-legitimize Trump's electoral victory on the eve a transition to a new Presidential administration. Trump, as President-elect, holds views antithetical to those of the Obama administration, GOP and Democratic party neocons, the Pentagon and the US intelligence services regarding US-Russian relations and the conflict in Syria.
Moscow said the two men discussed combining efforts in the fight against terrorism, talked about "a settlement for the crisis in Syria" and agreed that their aides would begin working on a face-to-face meeting between them.
Trump's office later said that Putin had called to "offer his congratulations" and that they had discussed shared threats and challenges, "strategic economic issues" and the long-term relationship between the two nations. [...]
Those views put Trump at odds with many GOP defense hawks, who have praised his promise to increase military spending but are uniformly suspicious of Moscow and have denounced Russian actions in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Syria. The offer of cooperation could also immerse Trump in a deep controversy with the Pentagon, where military and civilian leaders have strongly opposed collaboration with Russia, particularly in Syria.
U.S. intelligence officials have also expressed concern, noting that the Kremlin is believed to have been involved with hacking the email accounts of prominent Democrats, in hopes of injecting chaos in the U.S. electoral process and perhaps swaying the outcome of the vote.
I'm all for March Wheeler looking deeper into this, as I am no fan of Trump, or his policies (other than a lessening of our current renewed cold war approach to Russia), but to date I've seen nothing to change my mind that these are trumped up charges and part of a deliberate smear campaign suspiciously timed to distract and divide Americans further, and advance the interests of the MIC and it's neocon supporters in and out of Congress. They bet heavily on Clinton and lost.
Yet, supposedly this "oppo research" was available to Clinton prior to the election and she did not choose to publish it herself or use it other than to spread rumors of its existence. She certainly did not give it to the FBI herself (unless the person who compiled it did so st her bequest - see my discussion of that point below).
Nor did the first media outlets who were offered this "dossier" for publication choose to do so, including the NY Times.
In a brief interview in the Times newsroom on Tuesday evening, Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The Times, said the paper would not publish the document because the allegations were “totally unsubstantiated.”
“We, like others, investigated the allegations and haven’t corroborated them, and we felt we’re not in the business of publishing things we can’t stand by,” Mr. Baquet said. [...]
Immediately after BuzzFeed’s publication, some reporters volunteered that they, too, had received copies of the report. “Raise your hand if you too were approached with this story,” Julia Ioffe, a journalist who has written extensively on Russia, wrote on Twitter, adding that she had not reported on the information in the document “because it was impossible to verify.”
Other organizations and outlets given the dossier refused to publish it, including the Brookings Institution's blog Lawfare, hardly a Trump friendly outfit. The Baltimore Sun, in perhaps the strongest language to date, condemned the publication by Buzzfeed as harmful to all journalists and professional media outlets:
In crossing one of the few lines left for mainstream news outlets, a demand for some level of verification, BuzzFeed could not have given Trump better ammunition with which to vilify the press as dishonest, biased and all the other claims he makes in trying to inoculate himself against valid criticism. [...]
The word “dossier” has been used to describe it. But that’s as phony as the language Smith used to try and wrap his site’s reckless click-chasing in the mantle of journalism.
If BuzzFeed was really doing anything approaching journalism in trying to confirm the information it published, it would have known that the “dossier” had been available to other journalists and they passed on it because they could not confirm. [...]
Thanks to BuzzFeed, all of us in the press are diminished.
Worse, instead of verified information they can trust, citizens get more salacious rumor from the Web and rancor from the president-elect.
I assume you approve of the actions of Buzzfeed, and the dissemination of this unverified information by a an alleged former (or perhaps current) British intelligence officer (MI6), Christopher Steele. A man the Telegraph is now saying has cast a shadow on the reputation of MI6.
For the past eight years [9-11 Grosvenor Gardens in London] has been the headquarters of Orbis Business Intelligence, where one of the desks is occupied by Christopher Steele, the former MI6 officer who compiled a toxic dossier on Donald Trump that now threatens Mr Trump’s relationship with Britain, Russia, and the US intelligence services.
For more than a year, Mr Steele, a Cambridge-educated father-of-four, has worked in the shadows, building up intelligence from sources in Russia on Mr Trump’s dealings with the country after being hired by anti-Trump Republicans and then Democrats to find mud and make it stick.
More worryingly, he has also dragged MI6 into the growing row, with Russia claiming he is still working for his former employer. [...]
... Mr Steele was described by one source as a medium-ranked officer of middling ability, who spent most of his 20-year MI6 career on the Russia desk. [...]
By 2009 he had founded Orbis with Christopher Burrows, another MI6 retiree, offering clients access to a “high–level source network with a sophisticated investigative capability”.
So it was to Orbis that Jeb Bush, one of Mr Trump’s opponents in the Republican presidential primaries, reportedly turned when he wanted to find material that would damage the billionaire businessman.
Associates of Mr Bush hired FusionGPS, a Washington DC-based political research firm, which in turn hired Orbis in December 2015. When Mr Trump became the presumptive nominee, the Republicans ended the deal with FusionGPS, but Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton stepped in and continued funding Mr Steele’s research.
By May last year journalists in Washington were already beginning to hear rumours about the dossier, and by October its existence, and the role of a “former spy” were being written about in US publications.
People hired to find dirt on other people for use in political campaigns usually manage to find something, no matter how far-fetched or implausible. That's the purpose of oppo research. It doesn't have to be verifiable or even truthful, it merely needs to be damaging. Clinton's team mentioned the thinly sourced 35 page "dossier" to favored reporters such as David Corn in October, but even they and he refused to publish its contents, though they did use its existence to attack Director Comey of the FBI and its investigations of the Clintons.
So forgive my naivete, and my failure to jump on board the "Trump's a traitor" bandwagon, despite my distaste for the man and disgust over his impending inauguration. I haven't seen much of anything to substantiate the charges against Trump in Christopher's Steele's document, and apparently neither have many, many reputable journalists. Yet, here we are, days before Trump becomes President, discussing this scandal, one which doesn't have much "there there". It's a lot of noise, to date, but not much else.
Nonetheless, its mere existence has been used to justify increased conflict with Russia, calls for investigations of Trump by Republicans and Democrats alike, and more anonymously sourced stories that say little other than "Trust us - Trump is a Russian mole." If the shoe was on the other foot, and this dossier (or one similarly outrageous in its allegations) was being used to attack President-elect Hillary Clinton, would you feel the same way and express the same concerns about her impending Presidency that you are posting here about Trump's?
Please, feel free to take your time and answer honestly.

Your analysis of Trump's behavior
seems more brilliant than his behavior itself.
And yet, he managed to become President of the United States, essentially single-handedly. So I hope you're right that there is something worthwhile in his unconventional method of accomplishing things.
What you said here is important, I think.
You made me think of Vito Corleone keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.
If Trump has any independence at all--
which I'm not sure of--he doesn't actually want a hot war between superpowers.
He doesn't want to destroy the Earth. It's where he keeps all his stuff.
He's having a great life. He doesn't want to change anything.
Wars are just fine with him. A war that could destroy everything? Not so much.
It would interfere with the fun he's having. And, unlike Clinton and her pals, he's not enough of a nutcase that he doesn't see that.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I tend to agree with that.
More than anything else, Trump is an opportunistic SOB. He has never been burdened by any particular code of ethics, but he does seem to enjoy the good life quite a lot. I can't see him sacrificing that for anything even remotely ideological. Perhaps this is why he resonates so strongly with the American psyche. We are not after all, a people so much inclined to ideology, as to self-advancement.
What you say here
is what keeps me from feeling despondent:
I don't know how to format a couple of columns here, but to compare Ashton Carter with Donald Trump:
Ashton Carter: in the nuclear weapons business; wants nuclear proliferation; wants crisis; wants to show nuclear weapons are usable, and for a small number of people, survivable; ergo, wants nuclear war with Russia and some un-calculated number of survivors.
Donald Trump: in the hotel business; wants people to travel; wants people to party; wants people to spend money; wants people to play golf; wants people to buy fake college courses; wants people to read about him and get hooked on his tweets; how can they do that if they're dead?
Obama was never in control of his appointees,
Trump might actually be in charge - they may not have the free hand Obama's have had. Trump's campaign manager was asked about differences in position between Trump and one of his appointees, and she said that X understands that he will be implementing Trump's agenda.
So I don't think we should lose all hope yet.
Hard to believe
And does anyone actually believe that an MI6 agent was wandering around DC offering up this dossier on Trump and no one in the intelligence services got wind of it?
It's undoubtedly a part of the plan. Now, if we could completely suss out the plan.
I would also remind people
that when the DNC first "discovered" that they were "being hacked" by "the Russians" they refused to let the FBI investigate. Instead they turned to CrowdStrike (Dmitri Alperovitch, the Atlantic Council) to investigate. The Atlantic Council is historically and virulently anti-Russia.
DNC: "Oh look, the Russians are hacking us!"
Comey: "Let us investigate."
DNC: "Oh no, we're going to let friends of our oppo researcher, Ukrainian American Alexandra Chalupa, investigate this. That way we won't find any fascist Ukrainian fingerprints on this "hack" but will find Russian fingerprints!"
PropOrNot: "And we'll point out all those treasonous Americans who stray from the National Security State's version of world events as hopeless, naive Soviet enablers, like the Rosenbergs!"
Something like that.
Yeah, and with US media keeping mum
about Crowdstrike's questionable DNA. They were widely portrayed as being above reproach, reliable, and completely objective.
Lots of Ukrainian support for Hillary during her campaign.
Several Ukrainian expat families in Canada,
I know from personal acquaintance, who are passionately anti-Russian. Probably for good reason. Stalin was no friend of Ukrainians. They say he killed millions of them. Maybe he did, I don't know -- but I'm inclined to take their word for it, because some of the people I knew were actually there, or their parents were. The worst insult you could give them would be to say that they were "Russians".
These folks I knew were kind of upper-class Ukrainian, and may not have been typical. Surely more "White Russian" than Bolshevik, so there is that. But there is clearly a historical and cultural distinction between "Ukrainian" and "Russian" that is not at all amicable, at least from the expats' point of view.
Same way the Irish hate being called Brits
and for very, very similar reasons.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Except the Irish aren't pushing for a third world war.
The closest they ever got was in their sympathy for Hitler during the second one. Which is extremely unfortunate, but given that it was only 20 years after the Brits' remarkably bloody suppression of an anti-colonial revolution, it's not exactly unheard of.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Stalin wasn't Russian.
He was Georgian.
La Feminista's essay
about cancelling the inauguration seems to have disappeared. Too bad. I'd like to read it.
Who took it down?
I am confused.
Isn't this the one to which you refer?
I presume
I hit the link a half hour ago that said, "Page Cannot Be Found". These days it's hard to keep track of deletions. Could be site owners, posters, the CIA, the NSA...
this site has a hiccup. I hit a link sometime yesterday and got the same message. But the link had not disappeared at all. It was just a little hiccup.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I don't really care . . .
I have very little (one of those limit things we teach about in Calculus class) interest in the "Trump dossier" and for very good reason. Over the years I have been outraged, euphoric, and every shade of mental state in between with respect to the state of our "ship of state" vis-a-vis "the quarreling sailors". After this many cycles I have come to the conclusion my days of taking this all seriously are long past.
I am in a "wake me when it is all over" mode, and ready to use my skills if we ever decide to start fixing the situation. As long as politicians feel obligated to pander to those that hold power (and you know of whom I speak) we are ineffective. As long as we play along with the stupid "reality show" / "bread and circuses" distractions and not focus on articulating, en masse, demands to implement real solutions, we are just wasting our time and talents.
Can't blame you for that
I'm in a hopped up on steroids because my autoimmune disorder is acting up again mode (thus my sudden surge in posting here).
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I feel your pain brother.
Different issues but some days it is not easy to function "properly". Just keep smiling, it keeps "them" wondering.
I too am hopped-up and/or dragged-down.....
(fluctuates randomly) by steroids!! Cortisol, or lack thereof due to a tumor on the pituitary gland. Christ, I get a burst of energy, and start cleaning the house and FBing like mad at 1am, can't sleep all night, and then during the day I'm so bloody foggy I can barely form a coherent sentence!!! LOL But those "hopped-up" moments are times of great production on and off line!!! I understand!
Hope you are able to get off the steroid beast soon!
Me too
Not a healthy way to live day to day. My sympathy for what you are going through goes without saying.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The story seems to still be moving forward
After reading these two essays, I started looking it up and it is moving along. The best one from today is the Independent's article, Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele's frustration as FBI sat on Donald Trump Russia file for months, from about eight hours ago.
The former agent has been named before, Christopher Steele, but now the company that was hired to create this oppo research is also named, Fusion GPS. It's a pretty good rundown of what the current knowledge is. I think the British press is great.
Isn't it weird, though, that the press is still reporting that Mr. Steele is in hiding?
Huh, so I guess they still want to punish the FBI
for making Hillary's path a little less smooth.
I maintain my original opinion on the whole thing:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Maybe Trump can fake his own assassination --
in which case we'll be singing this song instead:
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
I like the post
There are a huge number of Democrats who are now touting the Trump dossier. There are a small number of progressives who find it highly suspect that Deep State saw fit to append the dossier to its reports to Obama and Trump, then leak the fact that it did so in order to give the dossier credibility (without officially doing so). I'm glad you spoke up, Steven D.
thanks Doc
I do appreciate that. NCTim is entitled to his opinion, but so is everyone else here. I don't feel I pulled a DBAD, which is the only true rule I am aware exists here, as gjohnsit mentioned above. Others mileage my vary, however.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
The numbers on who believes in this stuff
versus who doesn't are frightening. Almost no Republicans do. About 64% of indies don't. And about 60% of Democrats do.
That is horrific. It makes me want to Demexit tomorrow morning at 8 sharp (the only reason I haven't yet is I haven't wanted to think about it or take the time to go down there). It makes me feel that I should trust nobody with a party affiliation. Because what's been demonstrated, horribly from about 2000 to now, is that people decide what they believe based on what organization they belong to. In other words, people pick a team, and then the team leaders tell them what to believe. That is horrible.
The real minority in this country are the people who keep using their critical thinking skills regardless of which set of leaders is talking. Although I'm not really sure of that--after all, there's those indies. Dear god, I hope they're all using their reason and thinking for themselves.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
DemExit. If required to "join" something else, I opted Green
But I am a Free Agent now.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
To answer the question in your title,
I'd say no, not at all. In fact, any opposition to anti-Russia propaganda is good and has to be done. The overriding concern isn't Trump or hacking or any of that, it's war with Russia. We can't let that happen therefore we can't allow this propaganda, even if there are some truths to it, be allowed to pass without criticism.
The long and short of it is simple - Trump's inaguration is
going forward because he hasn't been convicted of any crimes that would prevent it from so doing. That's it, end of story.
More importantly, that isn't what any of this sorry and silly noise is all about anyway. Simply put, Hillary lost. What US elites and their Brazilian allies succeeded in doing in Brazil is unlikely to succeed here. Hillary lost. Hillary because Hillary had far too many negatives with far too many people - she lost - it is over, you cannot resuscitate her non-existent presidency any more than the non-conservative wing of the Democratic party can resuscitate Bernie's. She lost. Forget it.
You can try and save the country. You can try and save the Democratic party. You can try and save face. You can try and save your pride. This egregious propaganda campaign serves the later listed objectives far, far better than it serves the first and second listed. (PS - Hillary lost, in her own right, on her own behavior and history, the people wanted change, not 8 more years of Ronald Reagan crossed with John McCain)
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Could be a diversionary tactic, among several now
to claim that #Pizzagate was a Russian plot to hack into people's computers and put pedophilia files on them. Pizzagate is looming large and sinister. Threatening some some livelihoods. Scrubbing of sites daily now.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Matt Taibbi - article just out. Title says it all..
The Russia Story Reaches a Crisis Point: If Donald Trump really is compromised, we need immediate action, not media overreach
Marilyn W. Vs Steve D
If trump is compromised, need immediate action. = Marilyn's position
But what we are getting is media overreach. = Steve's position
I agree with Matt T and Glenn G
I can understand Marilyn's hurt - the country could fall into a dictatorship. People could be murdered in the street. The American experiment in government could be over.
But TRUMP follows the collapse of political parties. And the collapse of the promise of growth through globalization. And the end of the era of taking resources from the earth with no global consequences.
The Climate Regime is the major political actor and Trump supporters seem to be betting on putting off the necessary response for 4 more years
I'm not v StevenD, I am v Trump
Steven responded to my comment with an essay in order to stack the deck. He misquoted me, exaggerated my comment about anonymous sources out of all proportion, inserting words like "naive" that I did not use.
I just haven't dismissed the dossier(s) about Trump's visits to Russia completely - I'm taking a stand like Marcy Wheeler, that there might be something there. That's my position. I have no idea what immediate action would be called for, maybe impeachment or censure, if the dossier had the goods on Trump.
My country Canada will bankrupted by Trump if he keeps his promise on tariffs. We will have massive unemployment and it will happen so fast no one will have time to get adjusted to it. My friends and family in Canada are literally losing sleep over Trump in the White House. That's where I am coming from.
To thine own self be true.
Trump can easily be impeached on many other grounds.
One of my first questions after the election was how difficult Trump would be to control. If he does not cooperate with the Repubs in Congress they can throw him out pretty easily. His businesses can give them plenty of grounds.
Business interests in the US will not allow Trump to put up tariffs that trash the economy of the US and Canada. Trump would need the cooperation of Congress for these tariffs and they would have done it long ago if business interests in the US were in favor of it. Most US ordinary citizens really like Canada and also want the trade agreements between our two countries.
The very low wages in Mexico are sucking jobs south of our border; this is causing legitimate concern especially in our rust belt states. The problem is more complex than many of the Trump voters realize. I am glad you have pointed the Canadian concerns out; as a US citizen I want to support our strong friendship and trade with Canada. (I really want to see the border opened up the way it used to be, too.)
This really reminds me of the hysteria
from each side when the other one prevails.
It's all doomsday.
Hey, BO is going to take all our guns; criminals will kill us all!!! Never happened.
Hey, Reagan is going to cause worldwide nuclear war and destruction!!! Never happened.
Now, do you really believe that it would be in the US or Trump's interests to destroy Canada economically?
It's hysterical to be afraid of what Trump might do?
Yes, Trump has threatened to impose tariffs against Canada and Mexico. The US is Canada's greatest export market.
Hyperbole does not enhance the point you are trying to make.
To thine own self be true.
Really, the wonder of it all,
despite all this 'stuff' floating around for months, is that Clinton couldn't beat this buffoon via the accepted electoral system.
Truly, the American Establishment is a fully paid up member of ClintonWorld. Witness the desperate bleating now.
Too late. Trump will be President.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Agree. This Russia b.s.
is about ClintonWorld and the attempt to save what's left of it.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Steven, I love you man
But I have a concern about this essay. Why was it necessary to point out Marilyn's TOP name and why address her here by that name, rather than her c99 name? This I think was a mistake made in the heat of the moment. Unless there is some obviously wide difference in the posters thoughts here as opposed to at TOP then, what does it matter?
Something to think about friend.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I think the level of Russian support by #GoldenShowers
Is rather odd. Maybe he genuinely thinks we should have better relations with them?? But why... he doesn't seem to care about any other country on the planet....including ours!! Makes me very suspicious that Pooty-Baby either has the goods on #GS, or #GS wants to preserve a business deal that's already in-progress, or one that he might like to get started. I think there is going to be zero transparency in this fake #GS Admin. He supports Pooty-Baby over John Lewis.... I don't get that. There is something fishy going on. I don't trust the GOP, the Dems, the intel agencies, or the media, so god only know what the truth is but I think #GS is up to no good.
I find this comment to be
largely unintelligible. If you could make your point without reference to catch-phrases and pejorative nick names, maybe that would help.
Just re-read it. You'll figure it out.
If you don't like what I wrote. You are welcome to say so.
OK, I think I've decoded your cryptography,
though I'm not sure what the purpose of it is. Apparently by "#GoldenShowers" you mean Trump, and "Pooty-Baby" is intended to designate Vladimir Putin. These nicknames are meant to make it clear that you detest them both, and that in your opinion any agreements between Russia and the USA are therefore to be considered inadvisable, if not catastrophic and treasonous. Primarily because you suspect that Pooty-Baby "has the goods on" #GoldenShowers. Have I got that right so far?
Good. So then you also opine, or rather insist, that the level of support Trump gets from Russia is "rather odd", suggesting or assuming that it must be on account of "a business deal that's already in-progress, or one that he might like to get started"... but without offering a shred of evidence that any such supposed deal actually exists.
So far councilor, your case is looking weak -- pejorative nicknames notwithstanding. Now the defense will stipulate that Mr. Trump "doesn't seem to care about any other country on the planet....including ours!!" which is rather obviously true, and cannot be gainsaid. But this is a far cry from assuming, let alone proving, that he is engaged in some nefarious collusion or plot with the Russian government! As I'm sure any reasonably objective, and fully informed jury would agree.
I rest my case.
LOL!!! Well Done!!!!
Yes and yes on the names. I do detest Trump, and did so long before he ran for President. Putin does not seem like a friend to many different human demographics such as the LGBTQ community, and various countries. I think it would be extremely unwise to trust him in most any capacity. With that said.... Russia is a major player on the planet. Like it or not, we must interact and work with them on various issues. Regarding "catastrophes/treason", no, that's not how I feel about dealings with Russia. Yes, I do think there is a real possibility that Putin has something on Trump. Then again, maybe he doesn't! We'll see how this plays out....
Re evidence of a deal....Nope, don't have a shred. Just making a comment on my gut instinct which is frequently quite good when it comes to politics. But then again, I could be full of shite, eh!!
Calling Trump #GoldenShowers makes me feel good, do you really want to take that away from me!!! LOL I think he's a lying sack of shit for a human being, that will do great damage to the country, and environment. Am I glad that HRC lost, well, yes, and no, and yes...... I'd like to think that this ass whooping will bring the Dems to their senses and get them off the corporate/money corruption kick, but so far, it's not looking to hopeful. Sigh.....
Re the last paragraph!!! LOL LOL Shit, I lost my case!!! But I still love your comment!!! LOL
Have a good one... I'm off for a late night walk. Too much politics makes my head spin. Particularly with what the GOP looks like they have in store for us the next four years....... AND knowing that are our "savior" (the Dems) would likely sell us down a lot of those same rivers if the price were right!!! Gotta go walk....
Happy walking, comrade.
And may we both live to see less contentious days.
For the line is long,
And the fight is strong,
And they're breaking down the distance
Between right and wrong.
- B. Dylan
Answer to question posed
Call me naïve at your peril.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This kind of drama makes me want to logout permanently, even
though I know I won’t, because the rest is worthwhile.
I recognise that I have participated in this drama, but my intentions are good ...
Janis, I shouldn't worry.
Whenever I need a 'pick me up', Sir Charles Stanford's 5th Symphony does the trick.
Either that, or one of Martucci's two piano concertos.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you dear sir, bollox.
I will look for those musical 'pick me ups' as soon as I finish this thanks to you.
I trust you're feeling better.
Well, I like to play the theme that the organ takes up
in the last movement of the Stanford, on the piano!
I think the armagnac took.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The last movement starts at the 33rd minute ...
Nice that you can play the piano for healing of the heart and body.
I must try some armagnac.
Cheers, and thank you.
Thank you Bollox Ref,
for introducing beauty into it all ...
Martucci essentially invented modern Italian symphonic,
concerto tradition. Everyone else was writing opera.
His La canzone dei ricordi (Songs of Memories) are quite wonderful.
from a reasonably stable genius.
hauntingly beautiful, and operatic
I usually just crank
some Disturbed.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It makes me laugh
I want to suggest naps all around. There is no reason for this to get so personal or for anyone to care. Someone doesn't like what someone said on the internet. Oh damn.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This isn’t just anyplace on the internet, is it?
c99 puts its pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else
We are all human. We make mistakes. We say things we wish we hadn't. We misunderstand, and we internalize when we shouldn't. We have good days and bad. The big difference here is that we give people room to make mistakes, and we still have their backs. I doubt you would prefer anger and resentment.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It gives me ear worms
Divide us divide us divide us. Troll badge achieved.
be the water not the stone
That's my problem, that last sentence. Where I live in California kids go hungry, and people are sleeping out on the street. I don't want to live among so many assholes who think charity (or nothing) is a cure for such sickness. Putin!
Family squabble. Fessup of steroid-induced rage.
Just another day at the office or something. All shall be fine, maybe.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Cheers to you, riverlover
"Who hears the rippling of rivers will not utterly despair of anything." –Henry David Thoreau