Cutting off my nose to spite my face.

"Cutting off the nose to spite the face" is an expression used to describe a needlessly self-destructive over-reaction to a problem: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face" is a warning against acting out of pique, or against pursuing revenge in a way that would damage oneself more than the object of one's anger.[1]

We have made it down from Santa Fe and are enjoying our old shack 'camp house' here in teh TX Hill Country, the one we saved from the wrecking crew and bought for dirt cheap, the one we have given a lick and a promise to make it barely habitable, the one with all our sheet from 46 years of marriage that will in no way fit in the 466 sq ft condo in SF. Its cold, 100 years old, and the wind blows right through it. But its ours...

While in TX we will be packing up for our annual sojourn to Costa Rica while waiting to see if Vulcan Turrialba doesn't ruin our plans, visiting elderly parents in nursing facilities, attending a party of a younger cousin who is interesting for his history of accomplishments, including affecting a mayoral race in a TX city by running on a platform of taking out a dam and legalizing marijuana.

We also have a raft of medical appointments and tests, as well as a possibility of an out patient surgery to, say hallelujah, after 5 years one of us will have a port-a-cath cut out and removed.

Paying for Healthcare

We EACH have Medicare and teacher retiree benefit secondary insurance, the former which is under threat from the federal level and the other from the state. That's important, because if either of us was depending on spouse care we would be much worse off.

Bernie's Continued Healthcare for All Fight

Sorry, but even though I like others here was quite upset with Sanders actions at the Convention and afterward, I still find myself admiring his courage, activism, and leadership now.

Yes, I voted for Jill Stein for the second time, voted Green where on the ballot, and yes, I am convicted that the Democratic Party is a lost cause but while we caucus on what comes next I still have to look for something to do to fight the attempts at destruction of the safety net.

Still I can't help but admire the chutzpah and creativity of that damn Bernie Sanders.

Mr. Trump To 'Fix It and Make it Better'


People Power

That we can still influence the process was made evident in a dramatic way this week. Trump immediate claimed credit but I think not.

So what to do next, since we are on the move almost daily over the next week or so...

New Opportunity to Advance Medicare for All ?

We deserve what every western country and others have, healthcare that works. Too many of us are suffering with no care, care that is too expensive to use, crap care or none at all. It's too hard to explain this any other way to the majority. We should harp on this that we should not have the most expensive crap care in the world, we deserve what the others have.

Edited for spelling

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

The winter here in NM is uncharacteristically warm so far, and I'm glad to be in ABQ rather than SF anymore. We've been up to the house in Jemez canyon for Xmas and New Years, but drained the pipes when we left. It'll probably cuddle in the snow until spring.

I've taken a step back from the high position of responsibility I have in my medical group, focusing more on my patients and a few practice redesign efforts to make primary care a more doable job, which is fast becoming a distant memory. Waiting to see if the Clinician Action Network amounts to anything in the fight to save Medicare and Medicaid. We won't be able to back from the new Republican regime, but we will be able to go forward when they've hurt and pissed off enough people. The Democratic party is also going back, in my mind, and I'll do my best to see that anything I'm involved with does not turn to that gang of corrupt saboteurs again.

I hope Costa Rica is warm and embracing and lends you both better health and happiness.

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some Austin buds last August. They had been there a number of times, loved it so much bought a lot to build on in future, sold it, now five years later thinking about retiring there.

Great to hear about your plans for your practice and activism, and wish you best of luck with them. Any more thoughts of France? Smile

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

Decided to put off traveling the countryside there until next year, which fits better with retirement planning. It also gives time to watch their politics shake out a little, since two far-right wingers are going to be pitted in their presidential election.

We bought a house on the west side of Jemez canyon just above Jemez Springs, at 7400 feet. It's on 7 acres and we can barely see one neighbor's roof. Panoramic view of the canyon and Redondo Peak, though. It's an hour and a half from our front door in ABQ, and a celestial delight as a weekend getaway. Been doing a lot of renovating, and hope to get decks around the house and stairs up and down to the driveway outside for improved access to pretty much complete the job this spring. It was a bank foreclosure, so we waited until it was an indecently good deal we couldn't pass up.

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

While the democrats are obsessing over Russia, Greenwald noted the Bernie was getting on with the business of being area opposition and looking inward to the party for reform.

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