ALEPPO: Witnessing the Liberation of East Aleppo – Hanano
Vanessa Beeley. 20th December 2016/ 1 hours ago
"This video is in honour of all those who have suffered in East Aleppo under the Nusra Front regime funded by the NATO and Gulf states and imposed upon Syria and its people in order to bring about “regime change” and to achieve the US alliance geopolitical aims in the region and to strengthen Israel in the Middle East."
"They were using images of tiny Omran Daqneesh to cynically manipulate emotions in the west and to nudge public perception towards their goal of a No Fly Zone to ensure the deaths of yet more children."
"Meanwhile, the children of East Aleppo continued to suffer and be traumatised as their siblings, their fathers, their mothers, their world was raped, beheaded, shot, mined, sniped, detonated, exploded in front of them."
"Who will heal these children? Who will give them back their childhood, their innocence? Who will say sorry for the blood in the streets and the dust in their souls."
I have been very closely following the liberation of Aleppo, Syria the past weeks and particularly debunking the lies peddled by the Mainstream Media outlets. This has been, and still is, a shameful attempt by corporations to convince the public that we should continue our war on the Middle East and Africa. And to extend it to Russia, China, Iran.
And I have, by now, many sources of truthful reporting from people in Aleppo who have spent a lot of time there, and are independent of either the globalist regime, or their proxy head-chopping terrorist fronts. If you want to see the raw data (hundreds of verifiable posts, true news) I have collected the past month as Aleppo was liberated from the jihadi gangs you are welcome to scroll around on my facebook: Alex Ocana's Facebook
Perhaps a learning experience?? First we must know the people affected. When we can, and we care, we can take appropriate action.
So, for the time being, I would very much love you to watch this video taken the past week by Vanessa Beeley and see the tragedy and hopes of the actual people who were liberated in East Aleppo while the MSM and corporate globalist governments lied through their teeth about everything. No bloody children or violence in her photographs.

The amount of suffering our government and freinds
are inflicting on innocent children, innocent families around the world is fucking incredible. The corporate media purposely assists which is really sick to think of all those involved (from the billionaire owners to Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, all of them down to sycophant newscasters in Podunk, Idaho) who parrot the propaganda and basically participate in killing children and causing suffering. They need to be held accountable for what they've done.
Christmas in Aleppo
Its so gross that the they use pictures of children blown up in Gaza by Israelis and try and tell us its an Aleppo child blown up by Assad and the Russians, or the past week, the Iranians. The Cancer Hospital in Aleppo was blown up by an Al Nusra (Al Qaedah) suicide truck bomb with 15,000 lbs. of explosives and to this day its blamed on a "barrel bombs" dropped by brutal dictator Assad. It goes on and on and on in one of the biggest and most genocidal media hoaxes ever perpetrated.
Its sickening. The destruction of whole countries perpetrated through fraud is criminal.
But, I want you all to see what is going on in Aleppo tonight as we speak. The last USA/UK/Turkey/Saudi supported head-chopping terrorist was evacuated out of Aleppo about two hours ago. And both Christians and Muslims are celebrating a Christmas tree.
From the Light House.
The truth is trickling out. Unfortunately, if it doesn't fit the
false western MSM message, it will not be covered.
May there be peace in Aleppo
and in all of Syria, soon.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I can't find words to describe
how I feel about what you are contributing here. I thank you. I thank you for not including photographs of bloodied children because I would have looked away. It's not that I would be depressed. It's that the insanity of war and of atrocities against innocent people is so un-human that I believe it leaves us paralyzed with incomprehension. I don't think we have words to describe the emotions we feel when confronted with atrocities committed by humans against men, women and children. It's not natural. It's not even unnatural. It's unearthly.
I want you to know that there are people in this country who know you are right, who understand, even if only because they've stumbled onto photography of such violence when looking up John McCain's clients in Syria. I want you to know there are people whose hearts and minds are focused on finding a solution, non-violent and legal, to end this, to put war out of business.
I want you to know that I, for one, know this atrocity, this war, is a project of my government, my democracy, which means I am part of the problem, and that such atrocity is the hallmark of fascism.
I want you to know that I think about the children of Syria and Iraq and Yemen and Libya and Ukraine and Afghanistan and all the African countries slaughtered by war every day and every night. Thank you for doing what you are doing.
You aren't "part of the problem", Linda.
No, you're not "part of the problem". Not unless you actually consent to and support this war and the other wars like it, and act accordingly.
There's a certain irony here: those Americans who state, as you do, that they are "part of the problem" aren't; they're the ones who are working to deny that consent and have faced the fact that there is, in fact, a problem. And we treat it like one.
The Americans who are part of the problem are those who support these wars and those like them, vote and agitate accordingly, and get others to do so. (And yes, I've had the misfortune to know some of these very benighted souls.) It's obvious that you don't qualify here, Linda, like nearly all other c99p members.
And the other point is this: We do not live in a representative democracy of any kind. In fact, the American Republic only counts as such because the leaders Ownership chooses for us don't inherit their positions from their parents.
We Serfs actually have exactly as much actual control over our country's foreign and military policies as a person whose name is on an automobile's title, but is securely locked in that automobile's trunk while the car thief is merrily joyriding around in it. Yes, we "own" our country's public sector in name, but that and $2.00 might just get you a cup of coffee somewhere. We 99 percenters are very much NOT in the driver's seat and have no reasonable or realistic way of ever getting there.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you for this supportive statement,
and I appreciate feeling like I'm not responsible for this catastrophe, even for a moment, but I still believe this problem is solvable and that it's our problem to solve. War is an abomination, and we, the American taxpayers, are making it profitable. We can stop doing that. And we can bring the perpetrators to justice.
The arrogance with which our politicians announce that we will be funding such evil, such complete inhumanity, is frightening. And I think their arrogance is based on the knowledge that they can unleash something devastating on us if we become too defiant. I think in terms of their unleashing another biological weapon on us. So I take their power and lawlessness seriously. But I think we can solve this by withholding support for what they do and by bringing them to justice under the law. I know that's overly simplistic, but I do believe it. And that is not to say that the powers of fascism are not frightening, terrifying. Their public display of atrocities serves the purpose of putting us on notice that there is no limit to their violence. I get it. But we have to stop them.
Great reporting
by this Canadian at a UN press conference. It's 40 min, but she's a truth teller.
Here's RT on the ground in Aleppo (4 min)
Two weeks since the liberation of the Alshaar neighborhood in eastern Aleppo by the Syrian army, life is gradually resuming its course. More locals are returning to breathe life into devastated streets as heavy machinery clears the rubble.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The truth is there, clear as day
for anyone willing to look behind the curtain of despicable propaganda being peddled by "Western" corporate media. For how much longer can a shamefully credulous, utterly incurious American public subsist on such a poisonous diet of blatant falsity? How long before consumers have finally have had enough of the "prefabricated news product" they are being fed?
Back in the day, Americans used to laugh at the preposterous prevarications of something called "Pravda" or "Truth". Sixty years later we've developed our own version of something equally pernicious, though perhaps more cleverly disguised, and we call it "The News".
To believe or not to believe, that is the question. As the "official story" gets repeatedly punctured, like a curtain with ever more holes, it becomes ever more difficult not to see through it.
The following is an example of how the propaganda is pushed
Interruption and loud noise as a debate tactic.
Every time Eva starts stating some facts this guy butts in and makes sure her voice is drowned out. The meme now is that "fact checkers" are using clever strawman arguments to try and discredit her. You should have heard Burkowsky of DNC email fame. He couldn't make a sensible argument so her interrupted his way through the debate.
There are some small errors she makes, but they are honest ones and when she gets a message she checks and revises like any good academic. The same with Vanessa Beeley and such local reporters like Maytham, John Delacourte and others.
From the Light House.
More from Eva Bartlett
Last of civilians bussed from East Aleppo
Did you see Bana Banana in Turkey?
They have the most adorable 7 year old Al Nusra mouthpiece who was supposedly evacuated from E. Aleppo (after she died or nearly died a number of times on twitter) and this morning was seen hugging, kissing and sitting on Sultan Erdogan's lap telling him "I love you." and thanking him for "helping the children of Aleppo." Is that to say, loving him for arming terrorists like Daesh, Zinki, Al Nusra et al and invading Syria and Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan Autonomous Region) with Turkish troops and bombers? Helping children by destroying their country?
If her mother, Fatemah, would stop spouting off the Al Nusra Zinkian heap-chopper line on Bana's twitter account, Bana might even be able to be a positive message. If Fatemah was in E. Aleppo with Banana, using her daughter the way she did should get her arrested for child abuse.
It looks like she had a brand new satellite phone in her hand. If her mother forces her to go back to Idlib, when she could obviously stay in Turkey (her Dad is a Turkman) and live on CNN appearances, her Mom should be put on trial for homicidal neglect.
I have spent a lot of time following Bana and 'due diligince zing'. Her role is about as transparent, manipulative propaganda as has ever been sold to the gullible public. Still, you have to admit she is quite adorable. I am glad she is in Turkey and safe and hopefully out of the way.
They never gave Janna Ayyad from Nabi Saleh, Palestine, who is a real girl, reporting real news with her cell phone, even one minute of air time.
From the Light House.
Here are the affiliations of
Here are the affiliations of Bana Banana's father:
“Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions” the FSA- affiliated on Thursday announced the integration of several militant battalions fully in its ranks.
The Political Bureau of the Battalions said in a statement about it, that the Battalions of “Mnhaj al-Sunna, Mecca , Rejal Allah, unifying force, Abu Yousef al-Halabi, al-Ansari, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, al-Handasa and Saifullah," merged into the “Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions”.
“Al-Safwa Islamic Battalions” which are spread in the countryside of Aleppo and the northern neighborhoods of old Aleppo pledged to continue the march of the revolution, to confront the forces of evil until the liberation of Syria."
See here for photographic verification: Lemniscat
And then there is this. Friday, 18 December 2015" From here:
"Eight Syrian opposition groups that participated in the Riyadh talks released a joint statement of appreciation to the hosting country, Saudi Arabia, for the ultimate decision against Bashar al-Assad and for standing with the revolution of the Syrian people.
Tags: Statements. Saudi Arabia. Syriaal-Fawj al-Awwal (The First Battalion)al-Safwa Islamic Brigades al-Sultan Murad Division Division 16 Infantry Fa Istaqm Kam a Umert Union Jaish al-Mujahideen (Army of the Mujahideen)Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement The Levantine Front
Al Zenki are one of the head chopping groups, chopped the head off of a diabetic boy and circulated the video.
From the Light House.
Our good friend Soros at work.
The New York public relations firm Purpose has created at least four anti-Assad NGOs / campaigns: The White Helmets, Free Syrian Voices, The Syria Campaign and March Campaign #withSyria ~ The Wrong Kind of Green.
Indeed, the anti-Assad campaign is funded by the Soros Foundation.
From the Light House.
Orphans at the Cinema. West Aleppo. December 19.
Pierre's happy video from West Aleppo
From the Light House.