An Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin
President Putin:
I realize the odds of your seeing this post are remote. But I imagine there are people in Russian intelligence who comb the web for your name and at least glance at what opens up. So who knows?
I am writing to offer a modest proposal to end the escalating American rhetoric surrounding the (alleged?) Russian hacking of Democratic election information and its release in a manner designed to damage the campaign of Hillary Clinton. I realize claims by some Americans that Russia stole the US election in some sense raise Russia's global prestige. On the other hand it must be frustrating for your intelligence analysts to be made to appear so incompetent. And things seem to be getting out of hand, which is never good.
I suggest the following: Give President Clinton a call on Monday afternoon, US Eastern Standard Time. Tell him if the Democratic establishment has not agreed it's time to move beyond these charges by Friday afternoon you'll call a press conference to release portions of the actual information Russian intelligence has gathered on the activities of President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, their daughter and her husband, and the Clinton Foundation. You could give a few examples.
Then mention that the Moscow Kiwanas Club needs a speaker for its mid-January meeting. They are thinking of something in the $500K range, plus expenses. You might add that a number of informed people seem to feel that the Clinton Foundation is perfectly positioned to intervene to alleviate the suffering of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. You appreciate fully that an operation of such magnitude would need to be adequately funded, an obligation which Russia will accept.
Two problems solved for what in international affairs is a very modest expense.
Oh, if you actually have taken over the US in a bloodless coup, providing single-payer health care would be widely considered to be a magnanimous gesture.
It still amazes me that people are so focused on who leaked
the emails and why, but give ZERO shits about the content of the actual documents and the damning conclusions it forces.
Oh wait, that second part probably is the answer to my amazement.
So on second thought....
ahh fuck it... Whats the point...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
To what extent some political people(s)
will go in order to preserve their egos seems endless. It' rather amazing to me as well. Ever notice the complete lack of humility in modern day politicians? They think they are rock stars. Even rock stars, when up close and personal are comparatively humble. Not so for power seekers. It's not about public service anymore. Washington wants to be Hollywood.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Yea, Who Cares Who Leaked The Documents?
It merely confirms what us open eyed, Deplorable, Misogynistic, Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Bigoted, Irredeemable, Basement Dwelling, Bucket of Losers, Paranoid Internet Dwelling, Commies, Bernie Bro's, have known all along...
That the Clintons, their Campaign, and their
"Philanthropic" "Charity"The Clinton Foundation Money Laundry operate in a Corrupt, Unethical, Treasonous, Manner that is Unparalleled in Scale to Anything We Have Ever Seen Before In Political/Criminal Activity, which is Deserving of a Full Investigation, and Prosecution To The Fullest Extent Of The Law...Hillary Clinton was unfit to be a presidential candidate, and unelectable, for these very reasons...
Of course since I supported Bernie, and did not cast a ballot for the "Unindicted" Hillary "The Mad Bomber" Clinton, I voted for Trump by default in the eyes of the "Blindsided Loser" Hillary Supporters and now I'm just a "Special Snowflake."
I'll wear that as a badge of honor that I consider ethics and honesty to be a cornerstone of what a political candidate should be, and will never cast a ballot for those not worthy even as a lessor of two evils.
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Alpha my pal, it them going
Alpha my pal, it them going "Look at the monkey!" and also shouting "Squirrel!" to keep folks off the real issues of the perfidy contained in those leaks,
So long, and thanks for all the fish
You had me going there for a minute, FutureP
You may have started something with your letter. Need a web page dedicated to "Americans for Putin".
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I'll see your color revolution and raise you one stolen election
Congratulations comrade Putin. We, the US, perfected the technique of regime change ... actually bloody coup, through the use of proxies, well armed and trained by us and our surrogates. You manages to up us by one major level and perfect regime change by election hacking. OK, I accept that, you just did a better job. Can we now get on with the task of becoming part of the Russian Federation? I really like the Russian national anthem, has ours beat by a mile. Oo,oo , and I would like our guys to march in your military parades in Red Square, after all we did finally show up in WWII on the Western front. Can't wait to actually cooperate and enjoy all of the vodka and caviar, blinis, borsch and all of the other benefits that come with the privileged of membership. Thank you so much! //snark off//
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.