Time To Gird Our Loins For The Coming Austerity War
The full phrase is girding your loins with truth and putting on a breastplate of righteousness before going into battle for a just cause. That sounds like good advice to me; we're going to be standing in the full brunt of a storm of truthiness in the near future as TPTB and media elites 'splain to all the Little People why we can't have nice things like healthcare and retirement with dignity. Trump isn't even inaugurated and they are already chomping at the bit to get the scissors to snip the safety nets into little bits.
Why am I mounting the horse to ride to all the Middlesex village and farms this morning to sound the alarm to the country folk, "The deficit cutters are coming! The deficit cutters are coming!"? Because the first light just went on in the old church belfry.
I watch Morning Joe most mornings. Why do I torture myself like this? Because this is the most prominent daily show that focuses almost exclusively on politics and where the media elites and politicians of the right (in other words Democrats and Republicans) meet to discuss life in the bubble. This is where the talking points are tried out and where you can watch the party lines be altered as a response to public reaction and polls and whatnot.
And this week was the unveiling of the knives coming out for Social Security and Medicare. Ringmaster Joe S, who remained mostly silent on "entitlement reform" during the election after years of blowing this trumpet, just picked it up again and promotes this ad nauseum regardless of whatever topic is on the table. One guest yesterday morning (sorry, was in the other room and didn't see who it was) went ahead after his lead and just outlined the goals: raise retirement age, alter CPI, and means test Medicare.
This agenda which we have seen time and time again, could have come right out of any right wing think tank as well as any bi-partisan panel made up of Republicans and the DINOs who are dying to work with them to cut the nets. The Millennials should be on double red alert about this, because they as per usual will be the ones to really feel the shaft. Entitlement cutting is always couched in terms of leaving current or near future benefit recipients out of the picture as a precaution to keeping all the angry blue hairs who vote regularly and religiously out of the street.
This gameplan is also always couched as an economic necessity which is complete and utter BS. The next segment of private industry that needs a bailout will get it. The next war that "needs" to be fought on whatever pretext will be funded. The only funds the politicians always have difficulty in finding in the Federal sofa cushions is money that flows directly as a citizen benefit without going through a sieve of profit-taking crony capitalists who horn in on the action through some form of privatization.
Don't buy into the bs and try to help everyone around you not to buy into it as well. The United States is not a business and it is not a household budget - it is a sovereign nation (a least for the time being) with a fiat currency which has shown an amazing capacity to create and recycle money to those entities it deems meriting of such actions, like, oh, say Wall Street in the meltdown. (29 Trillion dollars according to L Randall Wray over a period of years. The Feds 29 Trillion Dollar bailout)
So stay alert, my friends. As this wealth transfer commences, there will be those few journalists and economists who will write about the shaftathon by TPTB. We will have to educate one another about the fallacies being promoted and we will have to share information and use social media wisely in order to deploy shame as our most powerful weapon. Education and shaming worked to turn back chained CPI and it worked in derailing the TPP. Our politicians don’t have any problem in screwing us on a regular basis in the normal order of things as long as everyone can maintain the pretense that they don’t know that we know we are being screwed. Once that cover is blown, game over.

Thanks. The Pentagon reported that it has lost $125 Billion.
It cannot account for the missing billions. Of course no one will be held accountable and the appropriation will not be reduced by that amount(or any amount). There are over 800 US military bases throughout the world now and the contracting to build them was not with local businesses but with Haliburton and a couple of others - Haliburton was reported to have taken in over $300 Billion.
There is money for peoples' retirement and health needs; money for interurban train service; money for schools and paying teachers adequately for once; money for clean water and waste treatment - in other words: Money for a decent life for all Americans if those who control the political economy would direct it to those ends.
It was also recently reported that in 2015, life expectancy in the USA dropped. Is it an unusual concatenation of circumstances like 1993 or are we seeing the predicted result of the impoverishment of the wage earning class? Is this part of Obama's legacy?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
All great points.
Props for 'concatenation'.
Yes, it's shocking about life expectancy dropping. Aren't suicide rates rising as well? That could play a part as well.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
There was an unexpected spike in deaths of males aged
45 to 54. Among the causes of death were drug overdosing (including prescription opiates); alcoholism; and suicides. These would be included in any rational "misery index."
The report that I read, and I hope remember correctly, was that the spike in early deaths was not mainly seen in minority or immigrant groups. The author of the article pointed out, and most would agree, that when a person loses his/her job and pension, that person can sink into depression. (An economic depression is a national, regional, and personal event.)
(I don't know if I ever had the occasion to use "concatenation" before and I hope it was used properly.)
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Um. No.
The $125 billion is money that is wasted on administrative costs. That is according to a report that the Pentagon tried to bury.
There were stories going around that the Pentagon can't account for $8.5 trillion since 1996...($8,500 billion, $85,000 million)
This is what a billion dollars looks like in $100 bills.
This is what a trillion dollars looks like in $100 bills.
Each of those pallets is $100 million.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Thanks for the correction.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Not accounting for the 8.5 trillion means DOD
stopped doing audits so they can't provide details, or give an audit trail, of where all the money was spent.
That illustration makes me want a forklift truck
Would it really be a big deal if one of those pallets drove off? I promise to donate it to the Green Party.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I'm thinking it will be presented as a choice -
The Little People will be presented with two doors:
One will say "Jobs and Infrastructure" and the other one will say "Social Security and Medicare".
We will be told - "pick one because you can't have both" and then that will set of another nice set of divides among The Great Unwashed to play against one another in upcoming elections.
Guess what? We want both. Jobs in and of themselves broaden the tax base. Jobs reduce the stress on other parts of the safety nets like Medicaid and Snap. I'm sure there's lots of corporate welfare that can be cut. Hey, how about negotiating drugs in Medicare? I bet that would save a few bucks.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
The real choice will probably be neither
Trump's infrastructure plan seems like nothing but another big corporate tax cut, coupled with an opportunity to privatize the commons and extract more money from the 99%. SS and Medicare will come under various attacks regardless of whatever else happens.
I suspect the coming recession will likely scotch the SS and Medicare privatization plans once again. Giving SS to Wall Street always sounds sellable to the oligarchs until the stock market tanks. And the inherent contradictions of the arguments to end Obamacare and the arguments to privatize Medicare are too glaring for even our captured media to ignore.
I'm already advising my senior patients that they're the ones who had better get out in the streets with torches and pitchforks when the "entitlement reform" bandwagon rolls out of the barn. "People your age are the ones these idiots count on to vote for them. If you get out there and protest, they'll back off in one quick hurry. They won't listen to the younger folks, but they'll sure listen to you."
Please help support caucus99percent!
Seems to me
that one helps pay for the other if implemented correctly.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Just by going to medicare for all
we can reduce our healthcare spending by 40% minimum. If we accept that we currently spend 17% of our gdp on healthcare, that's roughly 7% of our gdp to be saved or 7 Trillion dollars. That's $21,000 for every individual.
Of course this type of savings is heresy to capitalists...because socialism !
I sadly agree...
It seems the people a ripe to reject the lame stream lying media, but I'm afraid they may be addicted to corporate propaganda.
I've been thinking it's time to revive the teach-in.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think this is an opportunity to attack imperialism.
Trump and his admin are going to request the sequester cuts be lifted from defense so they can rebuild the military while increasing or at least maintaining austerity cuts in domestic programs. The excuses to rebuild the military are bullshit. It's time to take down imperialism and use that money to increase domestic spending.
But what about Trumps campaign posture of reducing
the cost of being the security cop for the rest of the world by demanding that other countries chip in more for the defense burden being carried unfairly by the US to its own detriment? That resonated with lots of his own voters who wanted to take that money and devote it to infrastructure.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
He also made it clear he was going to rebuild the military
and he's said numerous times he wants the military exempted from sequestration cuts, including this last week. So his supporters are going to be a little confused, more then they already are. But it won't matter to them.
True enough.
In order to be confused, one must first be able to think... In the case of Trump supporters, that appears to assume facts that are not in evidence.
For anyone who needs a primer...
Notice Box 6: what to do AFTER your loins are properly girded.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
"Good to go" for battle or hard labor!
That's what comes to mind. In every cabinet pick - depopulation. In every report of austerity - depopulation. In every report of life expectancy declining - depopulation. In every stand your ground law - depopulation. In every militaristic encounter with protesters - depopulation.
That is the goal. Period. Are we prepared to fight this?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
How seasonal! Scrooge would approve.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I read through the comment thread on gjohnsit's piece
on the Rec list at TOP. The HRC people, to the extent they were open-minded at all, were racking their brains trying to figure out what was wrong with "those people," i.e. people who didn't vote for HRC, and what was necessary to bring them to Enlightenment.
It seems to me that your point highlights that the problem isn't how "those people" think and what they believe. They're completely powerless. What threatens our society is what the 1% think and believe. They know where the policies they pay the politicians to implement will bring us. They know how horrible and brutal that sort of place will be. But their lust for power and money drives them to keep pushing until economic hardship has brought not just declining life expectancy but de-population itself.
The lack of mental stability among our elites constitutes a threat to human civilization itself.
I would like to sentence them all to watching endless re-runs
of the Marley confronting Scrooge scene in A Christmas Carol. Every hour the film would pause to have a Big Brother megaphone boom out through the theater - "What is your business?" And they would all have to shout back in unison, "Mankind is our business!" before the reel commences up again.
That might do it.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yes, GS, once you see it
it makes sense. The 1% knows exactly what the goal is - more for them at the expense of the population - and they know how to achieve it - by decreasing those who compete for those scarce resources. 300million need water? How about only 100million? You get the picture, but more importantly, THEY know how to achieve that picture.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
The Austerity War for us
I imagine, will be fighting the neoliberal wing of our Party, per usual.... as for Republicans I am unsure how we can fight this apart from good old activism and hope.
This soldier is ready and standing-by.
Progressive to the bone.
"Morning Joe" is the Donald Trump Fan Club
Now more than ever, "Morning Joe" is the Donald Trump Fan Club. The place to find out what the 1 Percent are planning to do to us.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."