Open Line 12/29/15
So now the Big Fear is that even though all the mosques and malls and mails and Mooslim tubes may be all bugged and buggered, true howling Evil shall still fire burn, cauldron bubble, in the dark dank recesses of the family home, where none of the many Dick Tracys may See, Hear, or Know.
"[I]t is increasingly a challenge for us to see the threat of somebody radicalizing, consuming poison in the privacy of their own home, because they may only show signs of radicalization to a very small group of people," FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday in a speech in New York.
The big worry is that none of the tools used to track and penetrate terror networks, including electronic surveillance and monitoring communications, can thwart plots hatched between individuals who are in regular physical contact.
"It's a very difficult issue," said one U.S. intelligence official who tracks terrorists, echoing Comey. "Penetrating a family unit is extremely difficult, particularly if they don't communicate outside the family."
Well hell. There's an easy fix for that.
Behind Winston's back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.
I know a guy who back in the early 1980s married his crack pipe. It was, in many ways, a mutually satisfying relationship. However, and as can sometimes occur when people, places, and/or things couple-up, they were known, on occasion, to reinforce each other's not most sterling qualities. Such as when they decided, together, that the Government was Looking and Listening from the cable box, there on top of the TV.
Many a cable box they disassembled, searching for the Government. This went on for some months, until finally the cable people said they would not send over any more boxes. Desperate, they hit upon the notion of operating the television at all times at top volume, so the Government would not be able to hear anything but TV-blare, and to drape over the cable-box several lead-lined pillowcases, so that neither could the government See.
Sometimes they would visit our various homes, and urge this solution on us, too. But none of us were in the marriage, and so we demurred.
Then, in the early years of this millennium, the fellow dropped by my place and urged me to go out and look in his car trunk. This I did. There, in the trunk, were many highly detailed drawings. These, he informed me, were basement floor-plans of a local evangelical church. Wherein, he revealed, were frequently conducted satanic ritual child sexual abuse anathemas. He was going into the pokey soon, see—he had been avoiding the place for decades, but now it was Time—and while he was in, he wanted someone out, to Know. That someone was me.
Now, it is well known that when one's consumption of cocaine and/or methamphetamine proceeds beyond the bounds of reason, behaviors and beliefs eventually manifested shall include: (1) determinedly marching out of the house at three o'clock in the morning to tinker in the innards of multiple automobiles; (2) filling glass jars with accumulated invisible spiders and mites plucked from one's pores, which shall be vigrously flourished before various friends, acquaintances, reporters, and medical personnel; (3) the firm conviction that day-care providers and Christian ministers are getting naked and calling on Satan so together they can diddle little children in the basements of the churches and in the day-care centers; and (4) the Knowledge that there, on the top of the television, somewhere in the cable box, They are Looking at you.
So, I just figured the guy was a drug victim.
Then, three years ago this month, I read that Comcast, Microsoft, Google, and Verizon had all submitted patent applications for televisons and/or DVRs designed to Look and Listen. Whether cocaine is bubbling up in your pipe, or drooling out your nostrils, methamphetamine is gibbering in your veins, or no.
For instance, Verizon's proposed Watch Box, bristling with cameras and microphones, and traveling under the terrifying rubric "Detection Facility 104," would indulge in the following:
—If the DVR hears you getting frisky on the couch, it will input terms like "romance, love, cuddle" into the system and play "a commercial for a romantic getaway vacation, a commercial for a contraceptive, a commercial for flowers, a commercial including a trailer for an upcoming romantic comedy movie."
—"Additionally or alternatively, if Detection Facility 104 detects that a couple is arguing/fighting with each other, Advertising Facility 106 may select an advertisement for associated marriage/relationship counseling."
—The DVR will be able to know what kind of beer you're drinking: "If Detection Facility 104 detects a particular object (e.g., a Budweiser can) within a user's surroundings, Advertising Facility 106 may select an advertisement associated with the detected object (e.g., a Budweiser commercial)."
—If you seem stressed, then, to be considerate, the DVR will show an ad for "aromatherapy candles."
I had meanwhile already become well-acquainted with the fact that a hideous and for a time unstoppable tulip-mania had swept through the American criminal-justice system, back primarily in the 1980s, when dozens of innocent people were sentenced to hundreds of years in prison for allegedly fondling children in satanic sex-cult rituals in day-care centers and church basements. Only years later was it determined that this was all shit made up, and all those people were released.
So, when I was confronted with the Reality of Detection Facility 104 and its brethren, I revised my opinion of my friend. He was, I decided, not a drug victim. Instead, he is a person unstuck in time. Like Billy Pilgrim, in the true-life non-fiction account Slaughterhouse-Five, by noted war historian Kurt Vonnegut.
For he was right about the electronics Looking and Listening. He just though that was happening in the early 1980s, rather than when it actually is. Which is pretty much right now. And he, as others, got swept up in the ritual sexual abuse tulip mania. But he commenced the dance of St. Vitus around 2008 or so, when the people were already all out of the jail. Instead of in the 1980s, when the mania was in full flower with everybody else. It's not like he's wrong or weird. He's just not wholly in sync.
The last time I saw the guy, he was leaving the courthouse. He had been pulled over some weeks before by a law jockey, who, after looking and listening to him, concluded he had to be controlled by something illegal. So he was arrested. But when all the tests came back, there was nothing there. So all charges were dismissed. That is just the way that he is, now. "Normally."
He told me that he and the missus—the crack pipe—had parted amicably. And then he was on about his new thing, which involves Mars. However, I found I had already got there before him. But we will get to that, here, some other year.
We interrupt this program for this special word from space:
Yes, soon it will be New Year's Eve, traditionally a time when the white people stay up late, wear silly hats, blow horns, and then go out and get arrested for drunk driving. Once they sober up, they stagger home, and there lay on the couch and watch TV football all day.
Thus it has been so, and for millennia.
It did not surprise me, however, when I stumbled upon a tube called Muslim Matters, and there learned that Muslims are supposed to get a prune-face about New Year's.
This made sense to me. Islam, after all, was founded by a man who liked to ride his horse very fast across the desert, looking for heads that needed to be cut off. Then he would retire to the tent, where he would rotate his penis among various wives and concubines. Meanwhile refining the religion he had invented, featuring himself as its bestest and lastest prophet. Clearly, there was simply no place in this man's life, for liquor, blat-horns, or pigskin.
Muhammad Wajid Akhter records in Muslim Matters four Islamic gripes about New Year’s.
First, "it is technically inaccurate and pagan." Well, shit. Them pagans—fucking everywhere, and seemingly impossible to get rid of.
"As Muslims," Wajid intones, "we have our own calendar that has been in constant use for 1400 years. Even though we may end up using the Gregorian calendar due to circumstances beyond our control, we know for a fact that Allah has ordained the use of the lunar calendar for us in our worship—and therefore, by extension, our daily lives."
But New Year's, "its origin—like so many Western holidays—lies in the pagan Roman festivals associated with Janus—the two headed deity who symbolised change." Janus is actually a pretty cool dude, but we don't have time for that now. For Wajid is now on about how "the Gregorian calendar (so called because it was developed by Pope Gregory) decided on the 1st of January as the New Year to celebrate the circumcision of Jesus."
Wait . . . what?
But—get this—turns out this is true. Seems that all this time, there on New Year's, the white people, rather than drinking and eating Doritos, should have been out filleting foreskins, in honor of the Skinning of their Lord.
As for that Pope Gregory goober, I wrote about that ass and his calendar, of which Wajid complains, here.
Wajid's next bitch about New Year's goes like this:
"What," grouses Wajid, there in Muslim Matters, "is there to celebrate?"
New Year's, bespeaks Wajid, "is a celebration that is completely cut off from the reality of the rest of the Ummah. The starvation in Somalia, the murder in Syria, the imprisonment of Gaza, the ethnic cleansing of Burma—celebrating the New Year is pretty much exactly the opposite of the 'fever and wakefulness' that the Prophet spoke about when he said we were like one body."
Okay, this is the "shit is bad and so we're bad too if at any time we have anything like a good time" argument.
Next up, New Year's "usually involves un-Islamic practices." Like, "when you picture New Year's Eve celebration, you don't picture people sitting in an Islamic environment encouraging each other towards good as the clock strikes midnight. Instead, they are mixed gender events where people wear fashionable clothes, dance and sing songs, etc. It is necessarily an Islam free zone[.]"
Oh my god. Women and men dancing and singing together. Surely the earth shall quake in the greatest of pain, and the very stars of the sky shall wink out in shame. AND WHAT IF THERE'S NAKEDNESS? The very prophet, yea verily, might have to shriek and poke his eyes out.
Finally, decrees Wajid, New Year's is "against the spirit of Islam."
Apparently there was some massive Muslim confab on this question:
This issue occupied the minds of greater people than us—Uthman, Ali and many other of the greatest Sahaaba. When the great assemblage of the companions of the Prophet had discussed this issue at length, the matter was brought to a close by the wise words of Caliph Umar that are as relevant today as they were then. He said:
"The Hijrah has separated truth from falsehood, therefore, let it become the epoch of the era."
Right. I especially like the "truth" of how Muhammad took off from the Temple Mount on a flying horse that winged him up for a tour around the various heavens, where he met some prophets and also his god. Said magical sojourn thereby conveniently enabling Muslims to supplant the site of Solomon's Temple, the holiest site in Judaism, with their very own al-Aqsa Mosque, to mark the spot where Muhammad went a-heaven-flying on a Very Special Horse.
Just as the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris sits atop, quite deliberately, what was once a druid sacred grove.
Animals duel over dirt, with their piss, to mark their territory.
Humans, in their own way, do the same.
That rock-'em sock-'em three-fisted tough-guy "war correspondent" Bill O'Reilly, always on about the US "secular progressives" declaring "War On Christmas," he ought to eject his anus from that comfy New York chair, and take his loofa mitt to somewhere where Christmas actually is ODed. Like Somalia. And Brunei.
Somalia has banned Christmas celebrations, joining Brunei, citing reasons of faith and security. The Muslim majority nation, which officially adopted Sharia in 2009, says that Christmas celebrations and festivities "have nothing to do with Islam" and fear that it could attract Islamist attacks.
Abdifatah Halane, spokesman for the mayor of Mogadishu, told Reuters, "Christmas will not be celebrated in Somalia for two reasons; all Somalis are Muslims and there is no Christian community here. The other reason is for security. Christmas is for Christians. Not for Muslims."
The move follows the Sultan of Brunei's decision to jail Muslims who celebrate the festivities. Hassanal Bolkiah told residents of his country that if they plan to celebrate on December 25, they could face up to five years in jail. The government warned last year that Muslims would be committing an offence if they so much as wore "hats or clothes that resemble Santa Claus." Businesses have been warned to take decorations down, and authorities have stepped up spot checks across the capital.
Begone your buttocks from NYC; get your mitts over there, Bill. Save Christmas!
But no. Bill would no doubt prefer to just go cower out there in the Bronx, hiding in Jesus' house, which is currently for sale.
A 14,000 square foot estate built for Jesus Christ in Riverdale, New York is going on the market for $10 million dollars because the Son of God has still not returned to Earth to claim it, reports the New York Post.
Known variously as Chapel Farm, Fair Hill or Chapel Hill, the castle-like building was built in 1928 by Genevieve Ludlow Griscom, the wife of Clement Acton Griscom Jr.—a wealthy ship heater magnate.
Genevieve Griscom was a member of a religious order known as the Outer Court of the Order of the Living Christ, who believed that Christ would return to Earth and would rule his heavenly kingdom from the 17-room dwelling—now with a carport and attached garage.
Members reportedly dusted regularly, and the floors were kept polished, in anticipation of Jesus’ return. Genevieve would enter for an hour or so every day and play a large pipe organ.
But the woman died in 1958, and the house was sold to a developer. Eventually it was handed over, free, to the Archdiocese of New York, which showed no respect at all for Jesus by selling his freaking house, to some college that was going to rip it down and put up dorms. But nothing happened. Until it was bought by some eccentric who fondled tropical fish and crooned "Duke of Earl." At that time, "[t]he house was a shell of its former self. Its front door was boarded up, the windows had been shattered and a group of raccoons was living in the attic."
Fools! Among those raccoons was Jesus! For where did it ever say the guy would come back, again, as a human? But no. The fish-man, and indeed all the people, they did not Know, nor did they Recognize him. And so, again, he was Forsaken. And now, it is too late. The raccoons, they are gone. And so, the planet, it continues, an annex of Hell.
Let's hear a little song about Jesus' step-father, Joseph, who doesn't get a lot of press. From Dan Bern. Of Dan Bern & the International Jewish Banking Conspiracy.
In other Jews, Sarah Silverman went to her twit machine December 25 and inscribed therein a sweet little holiday message, reading: "MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus was gender fluid!"
Immediately, hooting ignorant humorless knuckledragging ur-humans began pounding their twit machines till their fingers bled, in spleening, screaming horror, denying a truth well-known to all Jesuits—including that pope guy over there eating the pizza—which is that Jesus "knew all of what it was to be a man" (with "man" meant here as "human").
The guy was constantly shifting shit around: water into wine, loaves into fishes, demons into swine, corpses into breathers—of course "he" was trying out any and all genders. And having sex in 'em all too. And the sex, it was Good.
A few days earlier, for the solstice, Silverman put on her twit machine, the truth.
There's no beforelife & there's no afterlife. So be brave & love each other & make it count, Babies, 'cause this is it

Good Morning, hecate, good morning JtC,
thanks for being kind to me. I just wanted to apologize to JtC to having him called "daddy" yesterday. I always regret to let out my "joke" comments. So, I couldn't sleep and needed to make this apology.
Have all a good day.
I feel sick. Think I have to get rid of my TV box now, throw my 'puter in the dumpster, stop paying my bills to Comcast and live happy ever after just without it. I mean, we didn't die before those surveillance fuckers and their networks messed us up, right?
Now, ok, another incidence of silly comments. As I said, I feel all of it makes me sick. And I don't take drugs. Sigh.
Again, have all a good day.
i don't know
that you need to apologize for calling The Ruler daddy.
Morning all - hope you had a good Christmas...
TV is your drug mimi - you just need a new supplier. I've spent the last few days binge watching Blacklist and River on Netflix. Anything more mentally taxing than walking has been a no-no. I took two weeks off, and the time is zipping by. I will work 3 more months, and then I am going to physically retire instead of just changing my employment arrangement. I can't wait. 40 years in the same freaking job - I am so done and so ready. I may never get dressed or stand up again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
new Study indicates that retiring is the best way to live long and prosper. Enjoy!
I received a hoodie for Christmas. So I am going to go out today and commit Crimes.
Thanks for the link.
The first time I realized I wasn't really immortal, I was in my 40s. Stay away from gated communities in that hoodie.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
we don't
have those here. If there is a gate, there are cattle on the other side.
They tried to put one up once in the town down the hill. But people laughed and laughed. So they got embarrassed, and took it down.
my drug is blog reading ... it's a sickening drug
... I don't want to spoil your hopes for retirement. I worked 40 years in all the wrong places and was ready too and very tired. ... It didn't took long to realize that retirement makes you more tired. Now I want to work again, but in the right place for a change.
And I am really proud of myself, if I get up and get dressed, because if I don't, I feel like a lousy loser. See what I still can't get over, because my brain is just too small to make the leap:
He is correct, but I read the BNR (and read your comments, btw) and definitely don't want to work against Sanders. So, I am so mad that I can't reconcile both. Now tell me how can reading blogs and twitter be healthy, if it pushes you in such dilemmas. I hate my drug. I definitely won't read twitter. I just did for twenty minutes and the crap it piercing my stomach as if I had swallowed living crabs and they play futz with my intestines.
This morning I was day dreaming of how it would be if my eyes were not seeing all the images on TV and the internet and my ears would not hear the sounds coming out of both and my mind would not think about what I read. May be that would be heaven.
There is a joke.
Man says, "Doc, it hurts everytime I do that."
Doc says, "Then don't do that."
I like jigsaw puzzles and fun murder mysteries too. Things that entertain your mind and empty it at the same time. I have thought long and hard for a really long time. Everything falls out it is so full. I loved my job. It served me well. I'm just done caring about it. Sounds like you need some peace and some fun.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
hey dk, happy retirement to you
I retired at 62 or at least as retired as I can be and still survive. Work about 12 hours a week. But I love my job, so altho I'm still working, at least I look forward to it instead of dreading it (I've had those "dreading it" sort of jobs before.)
My real job now is Hellraisers so my worries about getting bored during retirement have been laid to rest. Hellraisers is a job I can do in my pj's, best kind of job ever!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
happy retirement, dk!
congratulations on your imminent emancipation.
Best wishes
on your up and coming retirement, dk!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Ditto regarding 'congrats.' Hope yours is as enjoyable
as mine has been. I'm volunteering at a local Rape Crisis Center, and occasionally at a local Food Bank.
The key (IMO) is to not overcommit, and/or do something that you really have expertise in, or enjoy.
Good luck!
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Aw geez mimi...
no need to apologize, I totally get your humor. No need to self censor yourself here, as long as you're not violating DBAD, you're good to go. Quit sweating the little things.
ok, if you say so, I trust you /nt
-> 1:16 ^10
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Heh, looking for the government....
Jesus as a racoon? Bet he still has it in for plant life:
As always, an early morning hit of the surreal as I gaze out my window at a big ass tree felled by the wind.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Did it at least land its big ass away from your home and other valuables?
Is it a "hoosier" tree?
Further wisdom from the Book of Indiana—now removed from the canon—that I mentioned yesterday:
Various different-one Science Men have advanced other Theories:
That verse you link to indicates that perhaps Jesus, cranky, felled the tree.
Poor Harry. He ripped up his entire flat—even smashed the Madonna—and didn't realize the Government was in the sax!
Jesus, now homeless, rudely evicted from his palatial Bronx estate, is reduced to stealing a scrap of carpet:
Yield curve flattens
A flattening yield curve means falling inflation expectations.

An inverted yield curve means recession.
it is
coming out of the wall!
jerry lewis
has always been wrong, he's older than god, he's babbling uncontrollably, and it's high time he be deported to France:
"Refugees should stay where the hell they are. Hey, nobody has worked harder for the human condition than I have, but they're not part of the human condition. If 11 guys in that group of 10,000 are ISIS—how can I take the chance?"
On The Hairball: "I think he's great. Because he's a showman, and we've never had a showman in the president's chair."
Um, Zombie Reagan?
Migration is a basic human right. Borders and judicial jurisdictions are man made and arbitrary.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
it is a
basic human right, and that is why Lewis should exercise it immediately and migrate to France, where they have always treasured him as totally representative of all that is American.
He's also out there blowing Reagan:
CNN poll
Obama brought "Peace and Security" to Syria
Wait, what?
is aptly named, no doubt targeting dipshits.
Seems HRC's carryovers are working overtime, polishing
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Morning hecate...
man, how your creativity flows! Do you have a right-brain valve that you can open at will that gushes forth a data dump of literary goodness? Amazing!
I too used to open cable boxes, by the dozens, back in the late 70s. Not for the love of the pipe, but for the love of the Free. A friend who worked for the cable company taught me how to carefully remove the tiny screws that held the bottom plate onto the box, these were special headed screws that had to be taken off with a special tool so as not to mark up the screw heads that would give warning to a investigative cable guy that the box had been tampered with, so one had to be very careful.
Once opened there was a certain IC chip that if one would carefully insert a small standard screw driver under and slowly lift one end of the chip until it was about 3/4 of the way out, then all channels that the cable company had to offer would be broadcast through the jimmied box for FREE!! One had to monitor the TV while chip lifting to get it in just the right position and all the while be very protective of electrical discharges, heh!
The special screws then had to be replaced to look as pristine as a new baby's butt, that was the purpose of the special tool as the cable company was hip to this technique and would invent spurious reasons to enter customers homes to inspect said boxes for said jimmie jobs. But I was very good at cable box enhancements.
For this reason I became very popular with many friends and opened many a cable box.. This cable box fix worked for many years until the box design was changed, up until that point I was very adept at dodging Larry the Cable Guy, taking special notes from Seinfeld's Cosmo Kramer.
Thanks for another great one, h!
if we
had known you then, you could have found the Government in his box!
I bet you were the clever fellow I was reading about last night. ; )
'Twas not me...
but I did grow up watching WGN Channel 9 from the 60's on. My family moved from the farm to a small city in northern Illinois in the early 60s. This small city was in an experimental area that was tested the new-fangled cable technology, there were only a few test areas at that time. It was amazing coming from a rural setting where we had maybe 2 or 3 very snowy Over-the-AIR antenna stations to having multiple crystal clear TV stations that were broadcast all night long. It was like stepping into the TV Twilight Zone. Most of the cable stations were from Chicago with WGN being my favorite, it had many good programs back then, heck, they televised every Cubs game, that, my friend was a treat for a young lad.
Once a ditto head, always a ditto head
Analysis: Only one meteorologist in entire US linked ‘climate change’ to record hot Christmas
Some guys just can't get out of their own way.
Greg Fishel was once a Limbaugh-loving climate skeptic. Now he’s fighting global warming
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Temperatures today at the North Pole are expected to be
in the range of 50 degrees above normal which is eye-popping.
I saw Sanders just a couple days ago talking about how it was above 60 in Vermont over the holiday.
Where's your fuckin' snowball now, Senator?

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Good day, hecate and 99%'ers
Great stuff as always, hecate! You are a very tough act to follow. I keep hoping that some of your writing skills will rub off on my Wed. open thread, but alas, not so. Speaking of crack, I better get cracking on my open thread for tomorrow.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
there goes the Thursday OT
I was gonna write exactly what hecate wrote, except not as intelligently. Oh well.
When my group plays on a bill I always like some new, not quite rehearsed enough group to play right before us. It makes us sound better to the crowd. Which is why I'm glad Thursday doesn't follow Tuesday.
I am the designated sacrificial lamb on Wednesdays. I call it esoteric Tuesdays followed by mundane Wednesdays. My open thread from last week got exactly three comments.
I am hoping for a better turnout this week.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There's a reason...
your last OT only had 3 comments and it isn't because of your writing. Starting this weekend, probably for my Sunday OT, I'm going to start posting site stats and graphs for the previous month. Some folks may find them interesting. Generally, Tuesdays and Wednesdays have the most traffic, with September having the most hits for the year. You'll also be surprised at which countries we get the most hits from too.
Anyway, back to my first sentence, I'll post a graph that will show you why you only garnered 3 comments in your last OT, hint: It's the holidays.
last one got eight. I was going to commit seppuku, but then I stepped on my glasses, and couldn't find the right sword.
remember: if you find youself digging around in your carburetor at 3 a.m., you have cracked too much. ; )
Just move your thumb off the hole
... and the combustion chamber will purge.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Is this knowledge obtained at 3 a.m.? Or at some more Normal hour? ; )