OMG! Russia is hacking this article!

My hair is literally on fire!
Or maybe it's my pants. I can't tell.
Either way, Russia is taking over America and soon they'll be force-feeding us borscht three times a day.
It's all because of fake news like this!

Those monsters!
And this Putin Puppet!

Spielberg you bastard!

It's a good thing that we can rely in the mainstream media to always accurately and fully inform us of what is going on in the world.
For instance, Time.
And the New Republic.

Stephen Glass, a former journalist who fabricated dozens of articles, told Duke students in a journalism ethics class Monday that he has repaid $200,000 to The New Republic and other magazines that published his work.
Monday’s disclosure appears to be the first time Glass has revealed that he repaid The New Republic, Rolling Stone and the publisher of the public policy journal Policy Review for more than 40 stories he fabricated.

And the New York Times.

The New York Times has concluded, after an extensive internal investigation, that one of its former reporters committed "frequent acts of journalistic fraud."
In a 7,500 word article published Saturday on its Web site, the prestigious newspaper accuses the reporter of making up reports from other cities while writing from his apartment in Brooklyn. The paper says the reporter invented quotes, wrote about scenery from published photographs and stole material from other news organizations.

And Rolling Stone.

Of course, all the fake news being pumped out by the "Russian news media" was pro-Trump.

A widely reported story on mainstream news outlets this week was that President-designate Donald Trump requested secret security clearance for his kids in an act of nepotistic impropriety.

The story was reported, among others by CNN, NBC News, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, CBS News, and Salon, which snarkily headlined, “Donald Trump’s trying to give his kids top secret security clearance, making sure his conflicts of interest are extra bold.”

But as USA Today reported, “Despite reports suggesting the contrary, a transition team official says Donald Trump did not request or begin paperwork to have his children gain top-level security clearance, according to a pool report.”

Or pro-Democrat.

Facebook and social media aren’t the only places where fake news hoaxers buy ads to swing election results. In one of the most famous political hoaxes in US history, a 527 group was formed by Vietnam Veterans who didn’t even serve with John Kerry in Vietnam to air four television ads claiming that John Kerry’s actions in Vietnam were dishonorable, unreliable, and not befitting someone seeking the office of the US presidency. Their claims and credibility have since been widely debunked.

Of course, the news media would never, ever take something as serious as war and sell it like a product.

Over at Fox News, Laurie Luhn, a top aide to former Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes revealed a lot about the network’s inner workings when she went public with bombshell accusations of sexual abuse by Ailes, who has since resigned in disgrace after multiple other female employees at the news network shared their own similar stories of harassment.

In one expose, it was revealed that Fox News doesn’t live up to its branding as “Fair and Balanced” or other tropes like, “We report, you decide.” Instead, the network had a vested interested in making sure its viewers decided in favor of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.

Listen to what Luhn said: “I was very proud of the product. I was very proud of how we handled 9/11. Very proud of how we handled the run-up to the Iraq War. My job was to sell the war. I needed to get people on the air that were attractive and articulate and could convey the importance of this campaign. It was a drumbeat.”

Propaganda is just another way to say: fake news.

And of course, our trusted news media would never engage in CIA propaganda, amirite?

Sometime read the Wikipedia entry about Operation Mockingbird and marvel that you are on a non-profit encyclopedia’s well-sourced article, not some seedy conspiracy blog.

The details read like something you would expect out of Soviet-era Russia, campaign by the Central Intelligence Agency from the 1950s – 1970s recruiting major journalists from respected news sources to present the agency’s propaganda as news.

It wouldn’t be complete without bribes for journalists and publishers.

And then there is that bastion of journalistic ethics, the Washington Post.

In 1980, as the War on Drugs started by President Richard Nixon raged on, a Washington Post journalist named Janet Cooke published a story entitled, “Jimmy’s World,” about an 8 year old heroin addict.

The piece profiled Jimmy’s travails in tragic detail, noting the “needle marks freckling the baby-smooth skin of his thin brown arms,” and chronicling his aspirations to become a drug dealer. The piece resonated so strongly it led to an all-out police search to find the boy and Cooke was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

That’s when Cooke admitted the story was a hoax and returned the Pulitzer, the only person to do so in the award’s history.

Let's not forget the myth that still lives in liberal circles.

In 2014, when a Ferguson, Missouri Police Officer confronted a suspect who matched the description of an assault and robbery that had just taken place at a convenient store, the young man, 18 year old Michael Brown, fought with the Police Officer, Darren Wilson, struggling to wrest his gun away. When Wilson pursued him on foot, Brown turned and charged at him, and Wilson fired several shots into the front of Brown’s body, killing him.

This was a very delicate tragedy with strong racial overtones, and in a rush to support a racially-charged, inflammatory media narrative, journalists enthusiastically spread a fake news story: that Michael Brown had his hands up and yelled “Don’t shoot!” at the time Wilson fatally discharged his firearm. It turned out to be false. Upon investigation by the Federal Justice Department, eyewitnesses changed their stories or admitted they didn’t see the shooting take place.

The eager embrace of this narrative by the media had real world consequences, stoking tensions and anger in Ferguson and leading to looting of local businesses and protests that turned violent. The shooting happened in August 2014. By March 2015, MSNBC anchor and Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart finally offered a mea culpa with a column entitled, “‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Was Based on a Lie.”

Fake news has always been there

From before this country even existed.

In 1769, John Adams gleefully wrote in his diary about spending the evening occupied with “a curious employment. Cooking up Paragraphs, Articles, Occurrences etc. — working the political Engine!” Adams, along with his cousin Sam and a handful of other Boston patriots, were planting false and exaggerated stories meant to undermine royal authority in Massachusetts.

Several other leaders of the American Revolution likewise attempted to manage public opinion by fabricating stories that looked like the real thing. William Livingston, then governor of New Jersey, secretly crafted lengthy pieces that newspaper publishers featured. One, titled “The Impartial Chronicle,” was anything but, claiming that the king was sending tens of thousands of foreign soldiers to kill Americans.

But the most important was crafted in 1782 at a makeshift printing press in a Paris suburb. Benjamin Franklin, taking time out from his duties as American ambassador to France, concocted an entirely fake issue of a real Boston newspaper, the Independent Chronicle. In it, Franklin fabricated a story allegedly from the New York frontier .

The story was gruesome: American forces had discovered bags containing more than 700 “SCALPS from our unhappy Country-folks.” There were bags of boys’, girls’, soldiers and even infants’ scalps, all allegedly taken by Indians in league with King George. There was also a note written to the tyrant king hoping he would receive these presents and “be refreshed.”

Even against our most celebrated President.

Abraham Lincoln was more than just a foe of slavery. He was also a mixed-race eugenicist, believing that the intermarriage of blacks and whites would yield an American super-race.
Or at least, that’s what newspapers in 1864 would have had you believe. The charge isn’t true. But this miscegenation hoax still “damn near sank Lincoln that year,” says Heather Cox Richardson, history professor at Boston College....
The miscegenation pamphlet was perhaps American history’s most successful fake news campaign. Long after the election, the pamphlet’s authors were revealed to be Democratic newspapermen bent on scuttling Lincoln by fanning racial anxiety among working-class white Republicans. The two writers set the controversy alight by soliciting feedback from some of the more guileless anti-slavery intellectuals, including Lucretia Mott, who voiced vague support for the pamphlet’s principals—and then sending those letters to Rep. Cox. Other Democrats had written the later batch of fake miscegenation pamphlets making the rounds in working-class white neighborhoods. Though abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison were well aware of what was going on, they were powerless to stop it.

However, the biggest problem out there, by far, are the important stories that don't get reported.
The thundering silence on our wars of empire, our surveillance state, our prison complex, our police state, the epic failure of our democracy, the epic failure of globalization, global climate change, and the total failure of our news media, is still under-reported.
But we'll censor Facebook and Google instead.

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sojourns's picture

I like Borscht. Don't forget the sour cream!

Good essay.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

At least thats how my babushka made them.

Love the diary but now I am left to wonder which celebrity peed in a glass jar?

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The way you've laid this out is just awesome. If I can get friends to read it, hopefully it will resonate with them much better than I ever could.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

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journalism in particular, is that the higher you are in the governing structure and the more money you make, the more you are shielded from any accountability.

The Glass affair(s) was a failure of editorship. The editor assigns stories and should be responsible in verifying the sources and general methodology of the reporters he/she supervises.

Judith Miller.

We have found out much too late that false stories are printed and are used by others in charge of the political economy to base their actions on. As the Bushes, Obama, and Clintons have shown, they live for lies and the ownership and supervisory structure of journalism, corporations, and government willingly supply them.

We are forced to try and eke out a living in a corrupt society where the 1% get their way and ethics, morality, tradition, and the truth mean nothing unless it should coincidentally reinforce what they were going to do anyway.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

SparkyGump's picture

Why is the right so much better at lying? Is their target audience more gullible? Yea, sure everyone lies, especially politicians but I encounter much more "misinformation" coming from right wing sources. In this post truth era, I think the left needs to more fluently speak the language of stupid or they may very rationalize themselves into irrelevance.

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The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.

After so many dems convinced themselves, for not only the current election, but recent mid-terms, that the repubs were imploding and dem ascendancy was just around the corner??

After all the bs sold by Obama, B Clinton, and HRC, you wish to believe that the other side is better at lying??

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stories/investigations/science behind the stories that lead to follicle flambée.

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Lily O Lady's picture

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

snoopydawg's picture

until after the election because the White House asked you to not report that they had been illegally spying on US citizens until after the election?
Gee, how would that have affected the results of the 2004 election?
Would more people have voted in Ohio so that it wouldn't have been close enough for them to steal the election
After so many people saw through the government's WMDs propaganda, why or how are they buying the Russia interfered with the election?
They are not giving that up on DK.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

Big Al's picture

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CB's picture

The media are misleading the public on Syria

Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why.
Under intense financial pressure, most American newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks have drastically reduced their corps of foreign correspondents. Much important news about the world now comes from reporters based in Washington. In that environment, access and credibility depend on acceptance of official paradigms. Reporters who cover Syria check with the Pentagon, the State Department, the White House, and think tank “experts.” After a spin on that soiled carousel, they feel they have covered all sides of the story. This form of stenography produces the pabulum that passes for news about Syria.
Americans are said to be ignorant of the world. We are, but so are people in other countries. If people in Bhutan or Bolivia misunderstand Syria, however, that has no real effect. Our ignorance is more dangerous, because we act on it. The United States has the power to decree the death of nations. It can do so with popular support because many Americans — and many journalists — are content with the official story. In Syria, it is: “Fight Assad, Russia, and Iran! Join with our Turkish, Saudi, and Kurdish friends to support peace!” This is appallingly distant from reality. It is also likely to prolong the war and condemn more Syrians to suffering and death.

US media version of civilians leaving East Aleppo:

France 24 version:

RT version:
ALEPPO UPDATES: Thousands of Civilians Saved By Syrian Army Breakthrough in East Aleppo

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Very recently that about 30,000 non-Syrians have gone to Syria to fight Assad. Somehow making them Syrian rebels. At least their hate for the West is probably moderate.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

I was watching a BBC special (a government sponsored news organization) and they had a special on the roots of bin Laden and the Islamist jihadist movement. Any who they of course spoke about CIA involvement and they looked at CIA propaganda efforts. They were interviewing one guy about it.

He said that William Casey became head of the CIA he was very vehemently anti-Soviet. He cited to his new CIA underlings about how he read about this and that. And I remember one of the items was that the Soviets supported at the time Arab PLO terrorists giving them refugee in Eastern Europe. So he cites all of these things, and the CIA underlings told him all the stuff Casey read was false and just CIA propaganda.

You know, propaganda works.

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I was watching a BBC special (a government sponsored news organization) and they had a special on the roots of bin Laden and the Islamist jihadist movement. Any who they of course spoke about CIA involvement and they looked at CIA propaganda efforts. They were interviewing one guy about it.

He said that William Casey became head of the CIA he was very vehemently anti-Soviet. He cited to his new CIA underlings about how he read about this and that. And I remember one of the items was that the Soviets supported at the time Arab PLO terrorists giving them refugee in Eastern Europe. So he cites all of these things, and the CIA underlings told him all the stuff Casey read was false and just CIA propaganda.

You know, propaganda works.

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detroitmechworks's picture

On the grounds that they do more good than harm.

Too many people are very, very stupid.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

That's when hacks with no real job skills like Donna Brazille get paid to lie on CNN, right?

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CB's picture

for a couple hundred dollars a month.” - CIA operative

The following is another excellent expose' on the incestuous ties between the US government and media from a historical perspective.

Who’s the Biggest Peddler of Fake News?

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detroitmechworks's picture

Journalists copypasta the press release and expect adulation.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

GreatLakeSailor's picture

If you haven't checked out these folks, take a look:

25. NYPD Editing Wikipedia on Police Brutality
24. India’s Solar Plans Blocked by US Interests, WTO
23. Modern-Day Child Slavery: Sex Trafficking of Underage Girls in the US
22. Department of Education Cooperates with ALEC to Privatize Education
21. Little Guantanamos: Secretive “Communication Management Units” in the US
20. The Walmarting of American Education
19. Global Epidemic of Electronic Waste
18. Women’s Movements Offer Global Paradigm Shift toward Social Justice
17. Deadly Medical Neglect for Immigrants in Privatized US Jails
16. Over Three-Quarters of Freedom of Information Act Requests Not Fully Answered
15. Understanding Climate Change and Gender Inequality
14. FBI’s New Plan to Spy on High School Students across the Country
13. US “Vaccine Court” Has Paid over Three Billion Dollars to Vaccine-Injured Families
12. Why Our Lives Depend on Keeping 80 Percent of Fossil Fuels in the Ground
11. CIA Warned Bush Administration of Terrorist Attack Prior to 9/11
10. CISA: The Internet Surveillance Act No One is Discussing
9. Big Pharma Political Lobbying Not Limited to Presidential Campaigns
8. Syria’s War Spurred by Contest for Gas Delivery to Europe, Not Muslim Sectarianism
7. No End in Sight for Fukushima Disaster
6. Over 1.5 Million American Families Live on Two Dollars Per Person Per Day
5. Corporate Exploitation of Global Refugee Crisis Masked as Humanitarianism
4. Search Engine Algorithms and Electronic Voting Machines Could Swing 2016 Election
3. Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Threaten to Permanently Disrupt Vital Ocean Bacteria
2. Crisis in Evidence-Based Medicine
1. US Military Forces Deployed in Seventy Percent of World’s Nations

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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

And what about that bacteria developed to eat the Gulf oil spill, that then mutated so that now it eats everything in its path. Has a name, but can't remember it.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Your writing is compelling! Thanks so much for keeping us so thoroughly informed. The media is crap. They are trying to deflect from the fact that THEY are the fkn fake news. The electorate has been in a deep slumber. I'm hoping they are washing the sleep from their eyes. This essay helps. Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

Epistemology, the study of knowledge, reveals the dilemma of human existence: how do we know the truth? Are our individual perceptions alone adequate to delve into truth or lack thereof? How do we know the real from the unreal? This is an exceedingly pressing issue in this day of WMD, when false narratives can lead to disaster--and frequently have. An empirical research into issues can lead to a knowledge of what was demonstrably true in the past. But events change in hours--or less. How do we then learn of empirical truth? Sources (reports of witnesses) tend to be consistent in their interpretations of events, but one previously trusted site may without warning become unreliable. How to tell?

The answer is to collect as much information of a particular situation as one can to cognitively embrace a given "truth". But with the internet, there is such a wide selection of reportage, it agains throws us back to the same dilemma: is an individual's private perception of the world any better or worse marker of reality than the plethora of multiple perceptions (both true and false). Searching the internet is not helpful, because we tend to choose information sources which comport to our own beliefs. By design, this search for "reliable sources" will be skewed by our own prejudices, even those not consciously acknowledged.

In the end, first-hand witnesses are the most reliable, if they are honest. But first-hand witnesses can only give perception of a small part of large events. Thus the need for multiple, varied sources are needed. But each new perceivers brings an individual interpretation of the disparate events events occurring on large scale. These perceptions may, and often do, conflict with other first-hand perceptions, even when honestly pronounced. So there is a "crazy quilt" effect of large scale events, even when honestly covered by multiple first-hand witnesses.

There is no way to scientifically "average" the discordant perceptions making up the large picture. Do we try to mathematically induce order into to this chaos, and how would that be done? Do we filter these perceptions according to our own preconceptions?

But deliberate lying can be difficult to ascertain if one does not have perceptual representatives at any given event.

This epistemological nightmare has not yet been resolved to my satisfaction, so I will fall back on filtering these reports through my own world view. Can this be different for any of us?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

And big brother is watching you.


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Beware the bullshit factories.

MarilynW's picture

like what he tweeted during the night, Google offers me at the top a story that Trump and his wife Melania are getting a divorce. I never click on it.

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To thine own self be true.

Pricknick's picture

Yes I can.
Great post.
Take a bow.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

of us all?
In an abrupt about-face, Romney emerges from dinner with Trump full of frog legs and high praise

Emerging from the dinner, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee seemed to address those concerns, noting pointedly that Trump had done something he had been unable to do: win.

"By the way, it's not easy, winning," Romney said. "I know that myself. He did something I tried to do and was unsuccessful in. He won the general election."

The man who Romney once denounced as divisive and dangerous now carries a "message of inclusion and bringing people together."

Trump seemed please. Upon leaving the dinner, he was asked by CNN's Jim Acosta whether Romney might be his next secretary of state.

He replied: "Well we're gonna see what happens."

Aren't you happy that you will see what happens? If you see it. All I have is a blank, empty stare, seeing absolutely nothing.

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solublefish's picture

to get to this worthy nugget:

However, the biggest problem out there, by far, are the important stories that don't get reported.
The thundering silence on our wars of empire, our surveillance state, our prison complex, our police state, the epic failure of our democracy, the epic failure of globalization, global climate change, and the total failure of our news media, is still under-reported.

And that bears repeating.
Nice job.

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Sandino's picture

fake news is a fundamental part of US foreign policy for over 15 years.

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CB's picture

"Strauss believed it was for politicians to assert powerful and inspiring myths that everyone could believe in. They might not be true, but they were necessary illusions. One of these was religion; the other was the myth of the nation." - Adam Curtis

Excellent documentary on how we got to be where we are now:
Three part video:

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Aardvark's picture

Строгость требуетъ тоже, что Великiй Хакъ никогда не праймериванъ.

Миръ ти и любовь, ω чтеце

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