Jill Stein Raising Money For Recount In 3 Battleground States
I guess the Green Party finds nothing more worthy of their attention than trying to elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. It's Her Turn and even Dr. Jill Stein knows it. This makes me glad I didn't waste any time or money on the Green Party.
The 2016 election results for three states are in doubt, and an effort led by Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein is raising millions of dollars for a vote recount.
The Green Party has a fundraising goal of more than $2 million to challenge the vote counts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states where President-elect Donald Trump has been declared the winner or, in the case of Michigan, where he is leading an ongoing count. The three states carry a total of 46 electoral votes, and Trump would have to lose all three states for the presidential election result to change, something no one is predicting.
The campaign manager for Stein’s presidential run, David Cobb, took to Facebook to promote the recount effort via video message. More than $2 million is needed to meet filing fees, not including legal and processing fees, to facilitate recounts in the three states. Wisconsin alone requires $1 million to file for a recount, and its deadline is Friday, November 25. Pennsylvania’s deadline is Monday, and Michigan’s deadline is next Wednesday.
Reference: Voting system prone to mistakes & malfeasance – Jill Stein on 2016 recount

I wish I hadn't wasted time
and money on the Green party. My efforts to try and build that party here in my state, to connect with others who voted Green, are, as of this moment, done. I'm so tired of this circus..and now watching the party that was supposed to be the alternative for this shit asking for a recount in states that will turn this over to Clinton?
I'm so done. The democratic party is a loss and now the Green Party appears to be too. I'm all for fighting election fraud, but where the hell were these people in March?
They only got my vote
after Bernie and the primaries I could not bring myself to give any more money to any of them. We tried. We voted against these nasty people, I can live with that. I'll never stop being angry but I'm trying not to be in full despair yet. Probably should save some for whatever ugliness is to come.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Where was Jill Stein when Bernie Sanders was being cheated out of the Democratic nomination? There were far more irregularities then than now.
Seems Jill Stein is eager to keep her name in the news
No idea what deal she's cut - but once again, it's all about Jill Stein.
Think she showed a lack of leadership during the primary, disappointed in what it seems the Green Party is doing, or not doing.
Why would anyone give money to the Clintons - aren't their billions enough to do what ever they think is needed. They sure know how to rig primaries, and time for all of them to realize they LOST the election. Wonder how the donors feel now? What did the Clintons do with the billions dollars they raised? Guess they get to keep what they didn't spend. Anyone surprised at that possibility?
President-elect Donald Trump. If the Democrats had a better candidate, maybe, just maybe we'd have a Democratic President. They didn't and we don't. DONE. TOAST.
No more Clintons in the White House. Now, that's something to celebrate.
As I understand it
Hillary Inc. can keep those leftover funds and donate them to other democratic candidates. It would be nice to know just how much they have leftover, but I'm pretty certain is many, many millions. Now, what would a Clinton use all this left over money for? Well, it looks like Chelsea will be running for congress soon. Looks like she already has a campaign trust fund set up in her name! We'll need to find a way to put a quick stop to Chelsea's political career before you can be sure you've put an end to Clinton's in the White House.
My little prediction... When Chelsea runs for Nita Lowrey's seat, she will do so unopposed by a democrat in the primary and no republican in that very blue district will even attempt to run against such well funded candidate as Chelsea. That seat for Chelsea is already bought and paid for!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I wonder which Congressional district Chelsea will carpetbag
Will they never go away?
Beware the bullshit factories.
It's NY-17 the same one where the Clintons have their
home in Chappaqua or how ever you spell it. That's why they purchased the house next door to theirs for Chelsea to live so she will be a resident of the district. You might as well get used to referring to Chelsea as a member of the House. I imagine 1 or 2 terms in the House and then on to the Senate through a similarly corrupt situation where she ends up running unopposed.
As long as their remains a Democratic Party that the Clinton's control, no I don't believe they will ever go away! We're going to have to destroy the democratic party to finally put them to rest. Think of the destruction of the democratic party as the stake that you pound through the heart of the Clinton's to finally end them!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Wasn't there an old movie about the Creature That Wouldn't Die?
I won't believe Hillary is out of our hair until ... well, she'll never go away and leave us alone. She's determined to blow up the world, whatever it takes.
I find myself wondering
these last few days whose burrow she moved out of to move into the Green Party all those years ago.
Jill Stein had no standing
Bernie did, and should have acted.
Stein was probably busy getting on states' ballots again.
Is there another possible
Is there another possible reason Stein may want recounts? Ballot access is often determined by the vote percentage from a previous election, would that not be important to ensure the Green Party had ballot access in three historically liberal states in the next elections?
Me too! This sucks! I voted Jill because I don't want HRC!
This is soooo bogus! Help grow the green party but wait let's get a crook elected first?!!! Bullshit! I'll never go green again!
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
When I received that email a little while ago, I was forced to do what I've been doing so often lately, click on the unsubscribe button and get off the mailing list. We really need a new party.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I'm so sorry I sent her any money!
Either she's a total idiot, or she's as corrupt as Hillary.
Voted Jill, now feel the same as others.
For now, my money will be going to outfits like Democracy Now and TYT, and soon C99. I never gave to GOS, thank FSM!! Just lurked for a decade or so and some hit and run commenting during the primaries.
All the irregularities have favored Hillary,
that I know of. She thought Wisconsin was safe, so pretty much ignored us. I don't think, if she was ever concerned at the last minute, she had time to rig anything here. We use paper ballots fed through optical scanners (by us voters, with our own hands) here.
As for the Republicans, Trump got a lower margin than usual in the heavily GOP counties. It was all the rural areas that went for him. And given our 71 out of 72 counties going for Bernie in the primary, I wasn't surprised that Trump took the state.
Maybe they're looking to start a civil war
do they think those Trump supporters are just going to quietly accept this? These people probably think they can rig it and get Hillary into office. While protests against Trump haven't been real or much of a big deal, protests against installing Hillary just might be different. The audacity of the Clinton's never ceases to amaze.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
And after Hillary made such a big deal about Trump accepting
the election results! If HRC makes it to prez, I'll be glad there's a republican congress to pull her right down again. And Jill can kiss my behind if she thinks this is okay to raise money for the friggin richest candidate ever. Let HRC go ask the Saudis for more money. Oh, right, the foundation dollars dried up after Trump won the election.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
This will highlight "accepting the results." Killing one meme.
Jill isn't insisting that money come from you. Why take it so personally? Let the ones who have a stake in seeing the results overturned do the contributing.
In the meantime, what if recounts do show there was tampering? In full view of the MSM then and now with a recount. Game-changer moment there.
I have no stake in the Trump-Clinton duel. I voted Green, intentionally. Prior to that I was a Sanders supporter. And yeah, I would be less than surprised to hear evidence of tampering in the primary contests, too, if anyone were to look at those.
If the General Election results in these states are not overturned, a bunch of Clinton supporters will have given a bit more money to try to win her the crown. No skin off your back. If the results are shown to be wrong, the whole system gets turned upside down as the sham it has been for not just one election.
I can live with the system's being revealed.
Now, where's my popcorn?
And they're halfway there. Mid-evening on the East Coast, . . .
. . . on Thanksgiving Eve. This looks likely to be wrapped up before morning.
So now it's theater. Take your seats, everyone. We may not have any say in what happens now, but damn if they don't provide a ride!
You can't poison an already poisoned well.
There's an interesting thing about election fraud--once you commit enough of it to change a result at the beginning of the process, it doesn't matter, from an election integrity standpoint, what happens at the end. Once you have contaminated the well, it's poisoned. If the GE was rigged against Hillary, and we correct that result, and say we now have an authentic vote count, we're erasing the fact that she committed fraud to get the nomination in the first place.
We *can't* get a Hillary win which is also an authentic result. It's possible we can get a Trump win which is, but I don't know; it seems likeliest to me that both sides committed fraud in the general, because if I were going up against Hillary, especially after that primary, I'd assume that she was going to commit fraud against me. The only two possible responses to that would be 1)to roll over and lose, virtuously, or 2)to activate countermeasures, or, in other words, commit fraud back at her. In a decent world, there'd be a third possibility 3)activate the legal system to investigate the fraud in the primary, prosecute and convict all proven to be involved, establish a real election integrity safety net in the form of UN observers at the general, and get a real vote count. Or, better yet, 4) once you're done investigating the primary fraud, re-vote the primary.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Oh, don't get me wrong.
I anticipate we'll eventually learn that there were all sorts of shenanigans all over the place.
But anything Hillary did in the primaries is going to be unlitigated. It may be that anything she may have done in the general would be unlitigated -- she sure seems to be able to duck criminal charges or liability on anything she has ever schemed or touched.
What's more, with the response this fundraising is getting, we'll not stop any recounts if the state rules permit them. So why should c99p'ers be dumping on Jill for this? Jill is electoral history, and her one achievement of enduring significance could be exposing some of the shenanigans, if those affected any of these three races.
Am I angry at what unfolded throughout this election year? Damn straight! But here we are but witnesses. Thing is, there's a need for witnesses. More of them. Lots more. Maybe this effort will get some more. Sure is better than beating our heads against walls.
One way this is not fun is for it to be blamed on the Russians.
Then we could get both Hillary and nuclear war.
No thanks.
The key words right here
Why are we assuming it's "grass roots" money?
Seriously? You know this how? Nobody's jumping on Jill Stein when they question it that way. If it's not grass-roots funding, then the position is "we are being lied to", not "Jill Stein is a liar."
This seems to be the key issue
Why would the Clinton campaign not ask for a recount themselves? Why not fund it themselves, they can easily afford it. No, I don't think the results would be overturned, but some of the results were very close and it isn't crazy to ask for a recount.
So why the Greens? It takes the spotlight off the Clintons, after they made such a stink about Trump.
The Greens have to raise funds, of course, since they are perennially broke. I wonder if we will ever see an accounting of it? Will it all come from a handful of big Clinton donors? Will there be a few million left over for the Greens as a payoff?
Nothing about this scam (and yes, it's a scam) keeps the money from being dirty. This won't be the only favor they have to perform for that money, which is just pocket change to the donors.
If they go through with it they are just as dirty as the Democrats.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I wonder if the Clintons are scared of a recount
Maybe Hillary lost by an even bigger margin but had the machines steal some of Jill's votes. I was pretty sure Jill was going to do better than 1.whatever percent.
Beware the bullshit factories.
That's my thought, too.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
When I kicked the Democratic Party to the curb,
I swore they would never get a cent from me.
After Bernie Stayed True to His Values but sucked up to the Democratic Party, I swore no politician would ever get a cent from me.
If Stein is really doing this, no Party will ever get a cent from me.
What a fucking betrayal.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Recounting Where It Counts
Isn't it odd that Stein is not pushing for a recount in New Hampshire? It's the only Northeastern state where she scored less than 1% of the vote. That's suspicious. And there's only a 0.4% difference between the Trump and Clinton counts.
Are only states that might benefit Clinton important to Dr. Jill Stein?
What do we think Jill is getting from Shrillary for this effort?
Will be interesting to learn what's in it for Jill.
Or as the wise man said once: "Follow the money."
Wisconsin uses the same
Wisconsin uses the same voting machines that were banned in California. California banned these machines in part because of a 2004 recount in Ohio by the Cobb (green party) campaign.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Are there scanned paper ballots in those states?
Is there anything to recount? If any of this was virtual voting on touchscreens, how does one even do a recount? Analogy would be to turn an analog oven to 350 and never actually check to see if the actual internal temp is 350. On mine, It would be nearer 400, FWIW.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
WI votes on paper ballots, fed into a scanner w our own hands
No internet connection for "foreign hackers" to use.
71 out of 72 counties went for Bernie (change) - we didn't want Hillary in the first place and she didn't bother to campaign here. Not at all surprising that people voted for the other Change candidate.
NH Voting Laws
Not saying she would have been interested but under NH voting law Jill Stein doesn't have a right to a recount. In NH, a candidate can request a recount so long as the difference between winner and loser is less than 20 percent of the total votes in the towns where the election is contested. Also, the deadline for a recount has already passed in NH. So not asking for a recount in NH is not suspicious.
That hasn't been explained yet
It would seem so, Edg.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This election pushed me from grudging idealist...
to outright cynic.
I just love that the Green Party itself hasn't mentioned it. No press release or anything from the Green Party.
And the campaign is by Jill2016 and not the Green Party.
No mention OF the green party really, I mean, in any policy or issues sense...
See, this is where my brain goes Something wrong here.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Meanwhile over at KOS
There are dozens of diarist choking on their pride. They haven't actually swallowed it. The diary with the most transaction had a recent update:
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Let's just say a
couple more elections like this one and the Greens won't even exist.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Me, too.
I've become amazingly cynical in the past 18 months. I wish there was a political party with clean hands. I'd seriously consider joining.
Pirate Party.
Supposedly they're registered here in Oregon, but haven't been able to find any meetings. (Platform is mostly about informational freedom. Has potential)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
THAT's the Revolution we've been waiting for.
It's eleven dimensional chess. What she's doing is trying to prove that the legitimate winner was Clinton.
Um, because, then, . . people will know we had a legitimate election and that democracy is well in the land of the Free. It's beautiful and the perfect way to spend your holiday money.
Filed in the "that's all you need to know about them" category.
I voted for Stein and I am proud of it...
and I gladly donated to this recount effort. Election integrity efforts are very important regardless of who it benefits. How many here thought there were issues with the Democratic primary? I saw many. Don't we wish there were better systems in place? This is one step in that direction. If discrepancies are found, maybe just maybe there will be reform. For this to happen, there will need to be a significant public demand. Piggybacking on this situation is a good way to achieve this.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Let Hillary's Kazillionaire friends pay for it,
they'll be the ones that benefit. Jill was part of the DNC protests in Philly. What part of "Bernie or Jill, Never Hill" did she not understand?
As far as elections go, the Democrats screwed Bernie voters with everything they could throw at us. We've been asking for election reform since the 2000 election and Dem party does nothing! Why? Because sometimes it's them cheating! During the GE, the Republicans were up in arms about Soros supplying voting machines. Are we going to be fair and do recounts in all of those states as well? WTF! Are the dems trying to start a civil war? And Jill supports this bullshit?
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
I'm willing to bet you anything I have to bet
that they already are...
See my comment about the already-poisoned well.
If Hillary cheated her way into the nomination, for which there is ample evidence, there is no way to get a genuine Hillary win. You can't cheat in the first part of the election and then be the authentic winner in the second part of the election, because you wouldn't have been in the second part of the election at all had you not cheated in the first place.
This is not one step in the direction of election integrity. This is an attempt to deep-six forever the notion that Hillary committed electoral fraud and voter suppression to get the nomination, and to rewrite her as an innocent victim, and to rewrite support for her as support for democracy.
While I'm sure plenty of good people will contribute to this cause, believing it to be the cause of fairness and justice, it is neither.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Have noticed some old friends...
On my Twitter who were once the most Rabid of Hillary supporters...
Now suddenly have nothing but Praise for Jill.
And nothing but disdain for anyone who can't see that every move that Jill made was a genius one that will only benefit us as a country and a people.
I dunno, clearly we must be sexist or something.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree with you
However, if the point of Stein's efforts is to get an honest count on any election, I support that. Hilly won't do it because she may stir the pot enough to further looking into her own antics. I am inclined to thin that any rigging being done was in fact done by the right.
Our entire election process needs to be purged and revamped.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Hillary IS the right
would we support this if it wasn't a Genuine Grass-Roots Effort? Because there's no fucking way that it is. I'll go to my grave believing that.
If someone said to you "Dirty KochSorosBadGuy Money" is helping Jill Stein get votes recounted, you're telling me you really wouldn't care as long as the Bigger Picture of Democracy benefits? Because you know better than that....don't you? Those people don't do shit unless it benefits THEM.
Jill Stein is not magically raising all this money in this short of time all by herself. That's where all of this goes to Grade A Bullshit, right there....
This might be an opportunity to expose the fraudulence
This might actually be a chance to pull back the curtain on the whole deal. I think Jill agreed to do it only on the condition that the Green Party runs the effort to raise money, not corporate interests. I guess the email investigations and the wikileaks are back in business. Which damn evil are we going to have to suffer under?
Beware the bullshit factories.
You'd think they'd have mentioned it.
On their main website.
Under News Even.
Maybe Fundraising? Nope, not there either...
Facebook? Nope... Twitter, other than Jill? Nothing...
First mention of it under a google search for Green Party is... OH look at that.
NBC News saying the Green Party... CANDIDATE.
This is no longer just smelling. This Stinks.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Just another scam
I used ActBlue to donate to Sanders. Without my okay they started 3
recurring donations, two of which were for the DCCC. Be careful people
fraud is alive and well in America.
As for letting TPTB pay for a recount. Trump is already going to give them
everything that their black hearts desire.
I would expect nothing from their website.
Face it. The Greens' website is not much help for anything, and you expect actual trending news? Their website is as poorly thought-out as most of their campaigns that I have seen. Long on ideology, short on useful facts, oblivious to their own "tone".
I voted for Jill, for being NOT INSANE. I was a die-hard Bernie supporter, even though I have since then realized his limitations. If anybody can SHOW me this assumed money trail, then I could understand all the sudden venom towards Jill.
Otherwise, I'm going to assume that this is an honest attempt by a third-party loyalist to help their own bloody party. This need not fit into the Trump / Clinton duality. I think it has a life of its own.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
and meanwhile, when does Stein's online history start, again?
Funny how nobody seems to have ever heard of her much before 2012, isn't it?
Every day,
I get more reinforcement of where we are heading.
The fall of rome was a good thing.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Alarm bells went off after Jill's VP Pick. This is more smoke
This confirms my suspicion that something is wrong with Jill, The Greens , or both. The VP pick never made any sense to me. It said we have no interest in growing our Party. And no interest in winning.
This is more evidence for that. Why not use the election results as a springboard to build interest and draw people away from the D Party. Yet here they are FUNDRAISING for a goddam recount. No shit the system is rigged. They have little cash as it is.
This is sad.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Baraka was not her first choice, but
I don't know anything about him.
What was your objection? thx.
Agree that the Greens
seem to have little interest in, you know, actually winning. Their m.o. seems to be just get the message out, and they're not so great at that.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
What little money I have
is completely on Stein being "not what she seems" after all.
The word "burrow" keeps popping up in my head, and FSM, but I fookin' hate that word in a political context....
Hold on. Trust Vote is in the mix and it may go further.
I received an email tonight from TrustVote.org. It looks as if the count is going to include more than just the problematic Hillary states. I agree with those who have posted above that if this shows the populace the corrupt election methods we have suffered, it may be worth it even to have Hillary as Pres. I voted for Stein and detest both Trump and Hillary, but I want our election process cleaned up and this may be the only vehicle. I'm not going to grouse one way or the other because either candidate is odorous.
Here is the quotation:
In my last letter to you, I indicated that electronic manipulation as well as the much more obvious voter suppression appears to have affected the election results of the 2016 Presidential race. I announced what might need to be accomplished to begin recounting votes in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Ohio. I am happy to announce that the money needed to begin the recounts of Wisconsin and Michigan has been raised!
Additionally, I am also happy to announce that, as of this writing, Wednesday, posted on Jill Stein’s web page for her Recount Campaign, $794,000 has been raised (in four hours!) to pay for additional states down the line.
We are hoping that if we show proof of fraud, which we imagine we will, that Hillary might take back her concession, which is what would be a necessary step. Donations to TrustVote.org will cover the expenses of attorneys and other observers watching vote counting in these swing states.
I hope you join us in donating to TrustVote.org and to Jill’s recount campaign, which is not tax deductible. https://jillstein.nationbuilder.com/recount
So you pays your money and takes your chance or not as the mood takes you. I will admit that I am suspicious of our corporate masters and am giving no more money to any politicians or party until I can see more clearly what is going on.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Hillary means war with Russia. Start digging a hole to hide in.
Unless the ground has already frozen where you are. The radiation will probably get you anyway, but there would be some chance of your surviving. For a while.
I agree sort of.
This election has been an ugly farce ever since Bernie shined the spotlight on the corruption and made it plain for anyone to see and smell. One of the results has been a Republican sweep of Congress and the Presidency. This fact should make it very difficult for Hillary to get much done. She will be in impeachment proceedings and, probably, Clinton Foundation criminal investigations. Certainly she will have a hostile Congress. But before she can be anointed there are some practical considerations.
If by some remote chance the results are overturned, we're in uncharted territory. Do we need new elections in the exposed states, a complete new Presidential election, or another bogus Supreme Court decision? Who will act as President or as head of the Executive branch? This process is a recipe for chaos, is going to take time, and that may mean not much can get done by our government. If that is so, I'm happy. The less any of these neoliberal or radical politicians or deep state bogeymen can do, the better. Trump is suggesting a government by a group of people that Charles Addams would have had trouble believing in. I think he is probably wondering what is going on and may even realize he has a tiger by the tail. TV is not good training for reality.
So we are screwed no matter what. Climate change looks as if it will wipe out most of us at best and all of us plus all other large species at worst. What have we got to lose? Let's make life really difficult for our corporate masters.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
You're kidding, right?
A Republican House and Senate is like Hillary's wet dream.
NOTHING she does will be her fault. Everything will be the fault of the Republicans.
She will have to dismantle everything because all those mean poopie heads forced her to.
All while threatening her with LONG drawn out impeachment hearings that will take forever, and dominate the news cycles for years on end... All while conveniently ignoring anything that might show what's really going on.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
No, I'm not kidding. Perhaps I'm naive.
I understand what you say, it just isn't a possibility I thought of. It seems to me that most Republican politicians despise the Clintons and have hounded them in the past. However, you may be right. I just wonder if she is as clever as you think she is. I have no doubt that the whole lot of them are corrupt enough to think the way you describe. I can only hope that you're wrong.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
is not the right word, I'm quite sure.
Follow the money. That's really all we need to do here.
Jill Stein did not become an amazing fund-raising machine overnight.
Am right with ya, DMW
I think she salivated about having both chambers be Repug. Then she could blame them for obstruction while passing every whim of her corporate sponsors. It took Bill being in charge to get a TON of Republican priorities passed which would hvae had major pushback from the public if a Republican pres supported it.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Well that would be interesting
The Supreme Court trying to decide while split 4 - 4. I would guess one of the 4 "Republicans" would back Hillary. Maybe the Electoral College will come to the rescue and choose Bernie. But the Electoral College wouldn't be considered legitimate if the vote was shown to be rigged. Maybe Joe Biden will work his way back into the conversation. Only Bernie or Jill I think, will be considered, at all, as legitimate. Neither Trump nor Hillary will have any legitimacy with the People. Better start stocking up on antacid for after eating all that popcorn.
Beware the bullshit factories.
It will go back to 9 now that the Repugs have control
It was only the other way to obstruct Obama from getting his pick seated.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
You're worried?
A war with Russia will be nothing but an end game.
The second amendment war will be far more devastating in the near future.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Thanks for the info
The US voting system currently in place would be an embarrassment to a banana republic. I don't believe there is one single "western democracy" whose election system is so completely lacking in transparency and accountability, or so vulnerable to completely undetectable manipulation and outright fraud.
How can anyone talk about building a new political movement aimed at overthrowing the existing power structure, and yet be indifferent to the fact that there is no mechanism in place for objectively verifying the results of US elections? Just how do you plan on gaining power if not through the election process?
This effort is way, way bigger than Jill Stein or any individual. It's about shining a light on what should be the very foundation of a free society, but in our country is a foundation erected on a swamp and riddled with termites. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who thinks that this recount effort going forward is a bad thing has their head so far up their ass that not even Jimmy Dore would be able to come up with an apt metaphor to describe how far that is.
inactive account
Wait a second...
There's a lot of noise about a recount, but no smoke. And certainly no fire. Doesn't somebody have to sue somebody for a recount to happen? Has there been Any "official" action to recount votes anywhere? And, besides, as someone else here said, when Michigan comes in for Trump those overturns still won't be enough to crown Her Highness.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
It's The Holiday Weekend Trial Balloon
good point. They're RAISING money, but they absolutely haven't sued anyone. Yet.
Do you wonder yet if this is a coordinated attempt to see if such a scenario
will flycan be sold to all the News Watching Rubes in America.Anyone who thinks "who is bankrolling the recount" shouldn't matter has their head so far up their ass they'll start choking on it any minute now...
Two things:
1. Who is going to ensure that a recount is less fraudulent than the original count? Hanging chads, anyone?
2. Why isn't Pennsylvania included? There were many reports of machines flipping Trump votes to HRC. How about recounting states she won...just to make sure that we do have integrity in ALL states?
Nothing is worth having HRC as president.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Pennsylvania is included.
If only your post were higher up in the thread
This is how I see it. I can't agree with a number of the posts in this thread, which strike me as a bit knee-jerk.
Not that I want Hillary to win, mind you. However, the corruption must be exposed and it has to start somewhere.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
And how is corruption going to be exposed?
Do we know how the recount will be done exactly? Who had custody of the machines and ballots since election day? Who will do the recounting, inspecting machines (or whatever it is they do), tabulating, auditing? Who will be allowed to observe and what?
It's not like any of the people who will be doing this are above suspicion and not susceptible to being corrupted themselves. Are we bringing in people with no interest whatsoever in the results, except to make an honest determination? Cause I don't think there is such animal and if there is he/she won't be involved in this.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Not a penny. Not a farthing. Not a centime.
If I have any disposable money (har de har har), it will go to Standing Rock.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Good Intercept article on this issue
Seems the vast majority here have made up their minds that Jill sux, recount is a terrible idea, and everyone in the Green Party should eat shit and die. For the 2 or 3 people who read this who might have even the tiniest sliver of an open mind, I would most strongly recommend checking out this article from The Intercept: Donald Trump, Voting Machine Truther, Should Demand Recounts to Prove He Won.
The author, Robert Mackey, offers up some very compelling and persuasive reasons why a recount should take place.
As a Tweet posted by one Erinn Clark noted: "makes no sense to oppose an election audit. many people do regular audits for reasons much smaller than verifying the integrity of democracy"
So I applaud Jill Stein for once again stepping up to the plate and demonstrating that her "Integrity Quotient" is on an order of magnitude higher than any of her erstwhile competitors. And just to be clear, I would be equally, if not more strongly in favor of a recount if Hillary Clinton had been declared the winner. Of the two, I find Trump marginally less nauseating, but for me this is all about fighting for actual democracy as opposed to a demockery - which essentially describes the system currently in place.
It's never a wrong or inappropriate time to stand up for transparency, honesty and integrity in the voting system, which is something Jill Stein intuitively understands, even if it apparently eludes some of the hard-core Hillary haters. Oh, we didn't audit the primaries! Boo fucking hoo. That's exactly like saying: "The police didn't do jack when someone raped my daughter. So why should your daughter get treated any different?"
If that's really where you're at, I pity you.
And P.S. Jill Stein had absolutely no standing to request a recount of any of the Democratic Party primary elections, since she wasn't a participant. Bernie Sanders could have done so, but he chose not to. That fact hardly makes Jill a hypocrite.
inactive account
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Good comment, as usual. N/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Yep, Stein sure does have integrity.
Means her price was probably very high.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Message deleted n/t
inactive account
Can we just cut to the chase of where this is going?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Message deleted n/t
inactive account
Yes, clearly the go to pop culture reference for 12 year olds.
Anyway I thought we were discussing anonymous people on the internet who call names.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Tattoo arm guy
you get the last word. I suddenly realized I'm not the least bit interested in pursuing any further conversations with you. Sorry. Just not worth the time and effort.
inactive account
Don't know why you deleted what you had to say.
But It's your choice.
Emotion gets the better of folks sometimes, and I try not to hold grudges. I have enjoyed your work in the past. Just not this time.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Hear hear!
Frankly, I'm shocked to see the amount of comments on here so against this, and the lashing out at Jill. Was I wrong about the people on this website? Are members here only in favor of cleaning up our corrupt sham of a democracy only when it benefits them and their's? Some of the responses I'm reading certainly make it seem that way.
Frankly, I find that pettiness disgusting. If all of you who are claiming to value clean and fair elections are quick to abandon the notion when the outcome may not be one you like personally, then I dare say that you don't have that value at all, and are little more than an opportunistic pretender.
And yes, Clinton very well likely took the nomination through fraud as well. That's virtually undisputable at this point. But at least people went through the motions to try exposing that fraud, and they were cheered on here. And while the democratic party and the government took those efforts, crumpled them up, set them on fire, and cast the smoldering ashes into a pit of sewage, it doesn't justify being a hypocrite cleaning up the election process now when it may benefit that monster of an organization.
The savior narrative is out in full force on this.
Which is why I ain't buying it.
There's no talk about any of the great things that are being suggested in the MSM or anywhere else.
Just a recount, when they've been telling us for years that there is no problem with the machines or anything. Don't change a thing, just redo everything nice and simple.
These are the people who were telling me I was seeing things when I called the Alt-right Nazis.
Now suddenly everything's ok, and I was right all along, and all I have to do is give up wanting a voice in what my political party does, and support the stuff that will make Hillary the president, and even if it doesn't it will magically make everything better because the MSM will stop lying because everyone can see it. Oh, not that the party supports it or anything, because uh... clearly they were all just out for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.