"Fake" News and the Censorship Rabbit Hole
In casting about for explanations for Hillary Clinton's historic and unprecedented loss, the media elites have seized upon a new villain - the Great Unwashed were the unwitting dupes of sinister propagandists who infiltrated the rubes' minds by means of The Book of Face. Vile Hillary untruths took root and overpowered the simplefolks formerly natural inclinations to accept spoonfeeding by established corporate news sources when determining for whom to cast their vote.
The impetus for this great revelation ironically enough also seems to have been propagated by Face Book among those wringing their hands over the hoi polloi's rejection of HRC. Despite the stamp of approval cast upon her election by virtually every newspaper in the country, all the cable channels (with one notable exception), all the pundits, all the political Party leadership of both parties (the Republicans by virtue of their faint praise or open condemnation of their own candidate) and all the polls, i.e. the entire power structure of the whole nation united against Donald Trump and yet the plebes went ahead and elected him anyway! The shock and horror of it all, how can it be explained?
While most of the egg-faced smarty-pants meritocracy focused on finger-pointing and circular firing squads for not noticing that the general populace had been stripped of their homes, jobs, wages and health, one obscure communications professor from a similarly uncelebrated grove of academe stepped forward with the obvious answer - Fake News was the culprit! When awful things happen, we can always rely on some helpful academic or pundit to 'splain it all to us, right?
Here is the article that provided comfort to our rejected betters:False Misleading Clickbait and Satirical "News Sources"
Notice anything missing? Yes, that's right the actual "sources" or list that is referenced in the title and cited by all the secondary commentary articles about her list is missing. And since apparently everyone writing about her list did the professional thing and linked to it, the fact that she has eliminated it means it has been vaporized in its original form. Why would she do that? Well apparently there are some people who object to one person determining arbitrarily what constitutes "fake" news and she got a boatload of pushback. (Note, I have always been willing to offer myself as the Empress of the Universe and make all sticky and difficult decisions for anyone not sure about who or what to believe, but as yet, no one has taken me up on it.)
The rest of her article offers up some decent but hardly earth-shattering advice about researching the history of any site offering information that someone may or may not choose to read/believe/ disseminate. The Daily Kos, Huffington Post and Fox News are called out for further scrutiny as they may practice "hyperbolic" or "problematic" pieces rotating with "legitimate" and "important"coverage. Let that be a warning to you, DK, Huff and Fox - we have our eyes on you!
Now here are the issues that some have raised about the professor's list, the "fake news" explanation for Hillary's demise and what corrective measures are necessary in order to get the nose rings back into the sheeps' nostrils:
This Professor's List of 'Fake News Sites' Goes Predictably Wrong
But Zimdars' list is awful. It includes not just fake or parody sites; it includes sites with heavily ideological slants like Breitbart, LewRockwell.com, Liberty Unyielding, and Red State. These are not "fake news" sites. They are blogs that—much like Reason—have a mix of opinion and news content designed to advance a particular point of view. Red State has linked to pieces from Reason on multiple occasions, and years ago I wrote a guest commentary for Breitbart attempting to make a conservative case to support gay marriage recognition.So what happens if Facebook staff were to look at Zimdars' list and accept it and decide to censor the sharing of headlines from these sites? It's within Facebook's power and right to do so, but it would be a terrible decision on their end. They wouldn't just be preventing the spreading of factually incorrect, fabricated stories. They would be blocking a lot of opinionated analysis from sites on the basis of their ideologies. The company would face a backlash for such a decision that could impact their bottom line.
Note that Facebook is deciding as we speak exactly how to censor "unacceptable" content from Facebook newsfeed. I would post Zuckerberg's piece on it but that's an issue for another essay.
Now the Professor has offered up a second article using as her vehicle this time the stolid and always trusty (yes, that is snark) Washington Post:
My 'fake news list went viral . . .
It appears that she may have tumbled onto some of the issues her facile initial piece prompted for discussion:
Obviously, fake news is a major problem. We need to make sure people have the tools to detect it, and we need to understand why people may purposefully share news they know to be fake — maybe they’re being malicious, they think it’s funny or it aligns with what they want to be true. And we definitely need to find ways to discourage the production of non-comedy, non-satire fake news. We need to do all of this while making sure that alternative voices and robust exchange of information are not stifled.
Ah, there's the rub. How do we stifle alternate news sources without appearing to stifle them? I'm sure numerous think tanks are on it as we speak.
Why does "fake" news exist in the first place? Could it have anything to do with the giant consolidation and self-censorship practiced by most if not all of the "mainstream media" who have by and large abrogated their role as unbiased and objective watchdogs whose major motivation is educating and informing the American public? What happened to the the famous Fourth Estate? Ah, here's a guy with a clue, but only a clue, John Herrman in The New York Times ( I know, the irony)
Fixation of Fake News Overshadows Waning Trust in Real Reporting
This tactic was used on the language of social justice, which was appropriated by opponents and redeployed nihilistically, in an open effort to sap its power while simultaneously taking advantage of what power it retained. Anti-racists were cast as the real racists. Progressives were cast as secretly regressive on their own terms. This was not a new tactic, but it was newly effective. It didn’t matter that its targets knew that it was a bad-faith maneuver, a clear bid for power rather than an attempt to engage or reason. The referees called foul, but nobody could hear them over the roar of the crowds. Or maybe they could, but realized that nobody could make them listen.
You know what's interesting about that observation? Herrman was speaking about Trump's "euphoric inversion of rhetoric" against his critics. I read that paragraph and thought - that is EXACTLY the tool that was deployed by the Clinton campaign against Bernie supporters in the Bernie Bro campaign calling what to most observers would be the most liberal and progressive part of the Democratic electorate and telling them that they were comprised only of elite white sexist, racist males.
My point being that "fake news" is not some new righty Trumpy manipulation of the rubes in order to defeat Hillary that liberals and Democrats themselves eschewed in their own virtuous adherence to THE TRUTH - fake or slanted news and commentary has been around as long as there have been stories around campfires, tablets and chisels, printing presses and now the Internet. The challenge to those in power has always been how to silence the voices, seize the tablets, break the presses, and or bury the link.
Hey media - how about you try a really revolutionary concept - follow where the facts lead and write about it and try to build up TRUST and CREDIBILITY, the only currency that counts in driving public
The whole concept of "fake news" is in itself fake - news that is factually incorrect is usually pretty easy to counter and disprove. What is harder to dismiss is uncovered news, news that is ignored, news that is inconvenient, news that doesn't support your goal, news that requires research, news that respects the intelligence of your readers, news that presents alternative interpretations, etc. This is the void that has been left by our establishment media and it is no wonder that readers and voters are deserting them in droves and seeking alternative sources of information and commentary.
In reading more on this topic, I came upon this Mother Jones Article which is a reprint of an article originally published in PacificStandard:
This Critque Of Fake Election News Is A Must Read For All Democracy Lovers with the subtitle She’s doing the Lord’s work — or Mark Zuckerberg’s, depending on who you ask which I would have incorporated into this essay if I had found it earlier simply to add more and better context to understanding the motivation behind and rationale for creating the fake news list and the criteria employed for being named to the list.

but profit!!!!
It's not about truth or honest analysis...it's about making money. Drive ad revenue...keep people on edge...frighten them. T-rump or Hellery...doesn't matter... we can scare the sheeple with either one... we'll keep 'em watchin'.
They thought $hill would better do their bidding (and her trials would get great ratings). I imagine they're seeing the upside of T-rump. And round we go again missing the real issues. The media of mass distraction.
Spacebook is the same game with an even more controlling effect...also focused on profit.
I loved your last paragraph. Thanks for the essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If it is true that "they"
Are seeing the advantage of Trump, why are his latest choices for his team being so villified?
For instance "George Washington," a writer over at zerohedge, is realizing that media critiques of Flynn, Trump's National Security selection, are bogus. Why? Because Flynn might not be so bad after all:
From George Washington's post:
Because Flynn:
Said "What we have is this continued investment in conflict. The more weapons we give, the more bombs we drop, that just… fuels the conflict. Some of that has to be done but I am looking for the other solutions"
Said "We definitely put fuel on a fire [by going into Iraq]. Absolutely… there is no doubt, history will not be kind to the decisions that were made certainly in 2003. Going into Iraq, definitely… it was a strategic mistake."
He has called for greater accountability for US soldiers involved in abuses against Iraqi detainees: "You know I hope that as more and more information comes out that people are held accountable… History is not going to look kind on those actions… and we will be held, we should be held, accountable for many, many years to come."
Admitted that drone assassinations create more damage than good . He didn't disagree with a reporter's suggestion that drones tend to create more terrorists than they kill
Flynn also blew the whistle on the U.S. complicity of “the West, Gulf countries and Turkey” in the rise of ISIS
Has fought for prioritizing fighting radical Muslim jihadis above stirring up a war with Russia
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
Dude is a career warmonger. He's also anti-Iran,
pro-Israel, which is the flavor Trump is going for and believes the Syrian war is on Assad and the terrorists; supports the fake war OF terror. He's no different, the show will go on. He fits with what apparently will be Trump's primary foreign policy goal in the ME, going after Iran and continuing the U.S. wars for Israel.
Ah, ha! Maybe a source of the problem:
Quoting from your link:
"I read/watch/listen very widely, from mainstream, corporate owned sources (The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes) as well as The Atlantic, National Public Radio,"
Aay, yup = think we've identified a Yuiuge part pof the problem.
Also, in case not realized yet: WE DON'T WANT CLINTONS BACK IN WHITE HOUSE. New big sign on WH door: no crooks, no liars, no cheaters, not anyone reckless with important classified government information, = additions to list welcome.
Lemme see, yay caught the link!
We all get FB algorithm walls and never read the other side. This article indicates that it can change voting patterns when one gets set in tribal mode, if your FB friends pix are displayed as agreeing with a "news" article it reinforces one's belief.
I still blame MSM for giving us a vacuum situation. And then it goes to rumor mill stuff. Always has. No MSM to combat that. FB should stay out of it.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
That's a good article
about the debilitating effects of the echo chamber. It supports the essay that Bob Swern posted about the SNL skit about reality denying liberals living in bubbles. There can be no doubt that bubbledom is not a healthy environment for anyone, which is one reason many here gave for tunnel from the suffocating dogma of Daily Kos as their online home. (Who didn't love the delicious irony of Daily Kos itself being mentioned as a purveyor of "fake" news?)
But to me the major takeaway of this debate of trusted or untrustworthy news is that mistrust of the established media is what fostered the rise of the insurgent and alternative news sources. One went down and the other went up.
One case as an example where a major, formerly trusted news source shits in their own credibility nest, one that I have written about before - Jonathan Capehart and his article promoting that Bernie Sanders was unethically capitalizing on the photo of a contemporary of his at the University of Chicago leading a housing sit-in. As Capehart finger wagged at the end of his treatise about Bernie's moral shortcomings - It's about ethics! Only, then of course, Capehart turned out to be completely wrong and the picture was proven to be of Bernie. Did Capehart clearly retract and apologize about his own role in promoting a provably false meme about Bernie? No, instead he wrote a CYA follow-up blaming the wife of the person misidentified in his piece for misidentifying the photo and warbled on about the Fog of Memory or some such twaddle. Will I ever have any respect for anything Capehart says in the future either in writing or on air? No, I won't, because he didn't have the moral fiber to own up to his own mistakes in reportage. This has further meaning for me, because he sits on the Washington Post Editorial Board!
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
We've been living inside a lie since 1963
For that matter, any society is built around myths (the welcoming Pilgrims and sharing Indians, until the Indians got pushy and we pushed them away, for ex). I agree. When you start limiting what is truth, or true truth, then you set yourself up for censorship. Funny how the media don't seem to worry about this.
I Think There's Going to Be a Push for Official News.
The reigning in of the "media wild west" that Obama called for a few weeks ago with the goal being an established "truthiness" (no snark here).
Truthiness... to inform the citizenry. Gross.
Great piece, Phoebe.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The Little People tell each other stories we can't control!
That is the crux of the "issue" if you reduce it down to its basics.
It's elitist snobbery - don't the proles know that the news/information we deem is suitable for them is the news they should/must consume?
It's snobbery but it covers a real fear of the 99% controlling their own news dissemination because some real problems have arisen from the proles educating each other by candlelight - notably "chained CPI' was stopped in its tracks as was the TPP.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Yea, Kind of Hard to "Catapult the Propaganda" Like This:
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I think its even simpler then that.
If the little people keep telling each OTHER stories, how will we convince them to give us MONEY to tell them stuff?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I think the prevailing
I think the prevailing attitude is
Never give a sucker an even break.
You've nudged me into thinking about
That CNN Talking Head who informed the public that if we read Wikileaks, we had participated in a crime. ("It is illegal to read Wikileaks.")
Then this Talking Head stated it was okay for those in the news business to read Wikileaks, as after all it is their job to read stuff and then interpret the stuff so we would know exactly what stuff to believe without bothering our tiny little pinheads over it.
Certainly incidents like that one make my heart swell for the sacrifices our journalists make.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
WJC proposed a 'Ministry Of Truth' during a CNBC
interview. He indeed meant a 'state-sanctioned' news bureau.
I posted the transcript at DKos, several years ago. In time, CNBC killed the video.
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Mollie you touch on a concern that I have
Now that we live in a "post-truth" era and the truth we do have exists in the ether, how do we guard against the re-writing of history by the powerful? Thank heavens you provided a transcript, but the video itself is living history. Would the video still be available on the wayback web archiving, or is it lost to the masses forever dependent on the largess of CNBC in deciding whether to ever let it see the light of day again?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Hi, Phoebe--thanks for the excellent essay! Sorta caught up
(right now) in enrolling in Mr M's employer's Open Enrollment, etc., but I plan to find the transcript, and post an excerpt and a link to it, later next week.
In the meantime, I did a quick search, and it appears that the YouTube version of the CNBC interview (video) with WJC and Mati Kochavi, was terminated.
The YouTube version was posted by uber right-winger, Alex Jones. It was absolutely legit, however. Mr M and I happened to see the interview as it was broadcast. The interviewer was (then) CNBC host--and 'Money Honey' (ugh!)--Maria Bartiromo. Again, for whatever reason, CNBC removed the original video from their website.
Have a great rest of the weekend!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit and therefore– to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
The SOSD Fantastic Four
Available For Adoption, Save Our Street Dogs, SOSD

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
do you have a link?
"egg-faced smarty-pants meritocracy"
I always enjoy the color in your essays. I thought of people I didn't think were like that behaved that way this year...
David Brock is convening a group on Inauguration weekend (a la the Republicans in 2008) to kick some Trump ass - am not sure which makes the world a worse place, Trump or this verion of anti-Trump: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/david-brock-donald-trump-donor-net...
I gather Brock got nothing when he offered $5 mil for dirt on Trump as the election was coming to a close, so I suppose it's likely they'll have to make mischief: http://www.caucus99percent.com/content/david-brock-offering-5-mil-leaks-...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I was just going to say...
That colorful turn of phrase is why I like reading you, Phoebe. She is always spot on and provides me with a solid chuckle.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Does anyone anywhere consider David Brock to be a beacon
of media accuracy? Shouldn't he simply become the official publicity director for Clinton Inc. and devote himself to following Chelsea around the world as she demonstrates coal-free cookstoves while she struggles to position herself as the legacy 1st Female President?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Oh hell no
Rebuild the political left? I mean c'mon Ds already give up on Mr. Outreach? I think so. After watching most of Bernie's talk in Miami Dade, it is clear he is continuing his fight for workers and plainly states what that means to him is taking on the establishment and Wall Street, reforming the corrupt Democratic party from the bottom up.
I can't rag on him for keeping going and giving people hope, but I can't fund him anymore. That's what the book is for and maybe there are enough people left to help out and keep him running around the country being the anti-Clinton. It's the only way to bypass corporate media to be heard for real. He loves it, I think. Go Bernie
The sub-header for that Politico article is:
(in reference to Brock)
The Clinton enforcer is launching Koch brothers-like donor network to rebuild liberal power.
Of course it should say "to rebuild neo-liberal power".
Thought for the Day - Democrats are even stupider than we think, since they think we are as stupid as they think.
Yeah, David Brock, Hillary "enforcer", that's the ticket.
Honestly, what can you do with a Party as deluded as that?
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Get away- the Party is dangerous to itself and others.
Re: Democrats are even stupider than we think
Shorter Zuckerberg:
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The Getty images grift of the internet.
At some point there is going to be friction between them.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Snopes gave you a big thumbs up
me too, and the last paragraph is perfect.
The 4th estate is long gone.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Despite an overwhelming advantage of money and media
they couldn't put enough lipstick on that Clinton and the rabble chose the jerk over the corrupt insider. People are rarely as dumb as you think or as smart as you'd hope.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
It became a common and popular meme throughout the
Hillarysphere that Saint Hillary ws being hammered by lies, slanders and smears and that she had survived decades thereof (specifically GOP lies, smears, etc.) and would overcome all the repetitin of those and the damage they did to her image as well as all of the new ones.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I even believe that is likely
Comey brought up another look into"Some Things Suspected of Hillary" at the request of the Clinton family.
It has long been established that the soccer mom type-voters feel sympathy for Hill, whenever a man wrongs her. She really needed to get out the vote among women voters. This tactic worked too: she did get 54% of all us white women voters.
Plus ain't it a lil bit stinky that Hill's investigation involved some hundreds of thousands of emails that first Comey didn't seem to care about? Only then he cared about them days before the election, and then he managed to analyze ALL of them in a week or so. So her "clean bill of scandal-free" political health is announced LOUDLY by Comey across the media, with Hill never mentioning the free publicity Comey brought her. Although she did let on during those final days of the election cycle how once again she was persecuted by that Monster of FBI perfidy, James Comey. (Who once had worked for the Clinton Family in some capacity involving banking and their Foundation. But the media never mentions that.)
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
I need to vent about how the Washington Post Baloney-
Filled publication came to be that way -
Back in late 2006, Pelosi and John Conyers let us know that "impeachment could be on the table" -- if only the ever pathetic and marginalized Dem Party could achieve a majority in both Houses in Congress.
So we the Electorate undertook the task of doing just that. And lo and behold, without so much as offering us some gratitude for giving the Dems their victory, Pelosi held a press conference and remarked that impeachment was off the table. Queried about this, she let us all know that our Congress critters were all very "busy" with pressing matters.
I found that confusing, as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were merrily humming along. So what pressing "busy" did Congress have?
Years later, I figured it out. That March, of 2007, Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon had flooded the halls of Congress with his lobbyists as he wanted to buy the US Post Office. And by the end of Spring 2007, he had done just that. And most remarkable of all, he began owning the US Post Office without Amazon paying one thin dime for that acquisition. Instead he let small time postal users pay for it.
In response, someone at caucus99percent might reply: "What are you stating, oh mighty CJ? I just googled "The US Post Office" and it is still under the control of the Federal Government, with not so much as the profile of Jeff Bezos on a postage stamp to indicate that yr statements are true." Ah, but that is the beauty of the acquisition. The Federal government does still own the Post Office in terms of liabilities, like paying the employees and having branches of post offices open and maintained across our nation. What Bezos actually acquired were the benefits of US Post Service ownership without any of the headaches.
The main benefit he and his lobbyists acquired was that he received a special and extremely low postage rate. That way, Amazon can offer its customers "free shipping." And how does our Post Office deal with this postage rate discount that our Congress critters decided that Bezos deserved? By increasing the rates small time businesses and medium sized businesses pay, that is how!
But here is the rub - this benefit to Bezos spreads out across the business landscape of America. Without the discount Amazon owns, I can't afford to offer my customers the benefit of free shipping. Doing so would cut my profits in half. So when people see my publishing house's books for sale, and see that I don't offer free shipping, they decide to buy said books from Amazon. Amazon happens to have a contract with us to handle our books. So now Jeff Bezos gets the orders for the books I normally would sell and as the middle man, he has ensured that he receives the forty percent share of our profit margin.
So it is not just that Bezos has that cheap postal rate, but that discount becomes a major leveraging power, forcing all his many contacted business customers to hand over 40% of their profits to him. And remember, his business clients are no longer only publishing houses but toy manufacturers, shoe companies, food distributors and a host of others involving anything bought or sold anywhere in the world.
Soon after acquiring the benefits of Post Office ownership, Bezos bought up the Washington Post. And just how do you think he has his reporters report on any political figures and Congress critters who greased the skids for him to have his Post office deal go through? Do you think there would ever be much investigative reporting on, for instance Di Feinstein?
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
That is some good inside baseball on Amazon and the USPS
Thanks! I confess that I order a lot through Amazon and the free shipping of a Prime membership has a lot to do with it. Although, I feel duty bound when I have discovered a book through a particular website, I still order from that website - it's an acknowledgement that I would have never found that book on my own because I would have never been aware of it enough to search for it on Amazon of my own accord.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Strongly prefer BookFinder
and places like BooksPrice -- have avoided Amazon for at least the past five years. Appalled that a professional society I belong to is pushing Amazon Prime in its newsletters becaue it "donates to charity."
It's like the Traveling Wilburys song about when your inside's out and your outside's in.
I fully understand the advantages
of how Amazon helps its customers. And my husband and I feel no distaste to our customers, when they order thru Amazon. After all, how many Americans know about all of this.
But the fact that Congress gave Bezos the benefits of the US Post Office to Amazon's owner is appalling. And we both doubt this political favor was done merely out of gratitude for Amazon helping them find books they now love or any of its other customer-friendly policies. Some definite Quid Pro Quo happened, of that we are sure.
Believing in the improbable can make your life a miracle.
Jeff Bezos/Bozos is just another example of a long line
of white collar corporate greedballs. He's got plenty of company with Moonves and the MSM, and tRump and all the organized crime posses he hangs with. I do very little business w/Amazon. Getting old and never was a big materialist to start with.
Love the essay and comment thread. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
This was my response to a
This was my response to a Facebook friend who shared a piece on "fake" news"
Great response Chaddiwicker!
especially your first point - Fake News "controversy" is SQUIRREL! to divert attention from the abject, complete, and total failure of the MSM and the punditry in this election.
And in that vein, how about this (hat tip to Way of the Bern redditors) for linking to this:
NYT Advocates Internet Censorship
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
So NYT is attempting to re-build market share NOW?
A tad too late. I found the reportage biased and spotty. Bernie? Nope. I am still boycotting their sins of omission.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Controlling narratives.
Looks like this whole fake news concern is about who gets to control the narrative on social media and the Internet. Apparently media moguls didn't quite like the competition in controlling the narrative this election cycle. I suspect this is not about some guy in Outer Albania having multiple pro-Trump sites but about Wikeleaks, RT, and other counter main stream media sources.
Nobody is going to support the wiping out of "fake news sites" with their own unique address on the Internet. So the next step is for Facebook to delete them or have Google delete them from any search results. Or Paypal not allowing donations which happened to a site called southfront.org which reports on military actions with a pro-Russian slant. (Or Scottish bank canceling the servicing of RT's accounts.)
If the corporate media comes up with some official list of fake news sites, I suspect most people will just give it a middle finger.
Fake news? There was a lot of it--
MSNBC, Washington Post, NYT, CNN...Fox too, of course, though ironically they were more dependable on Hillary than any of the other major news networks!
If they want real news, they're going to need to go to Democracy Now! or various citizen journalists. TYT aren't as bad as the other fake news sources, in that they sometimes disseminate real news, but sometimes promote propaganda.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Amy Goodman and Democracy Now
seem to follow the prescriptive of following the facts wherever they lead without being invested in the outcome - she unmasks as many if not more Democrats as she does Republicans. I found her coverage of the fake "chicago miracle" involving charter schools and Arne Duncan (and by linkage the Obama administration) to be both horrifying and fascinating. Note that she is "Democracy Now" and not "Democrats Now". She's one a few journalists that can be counted on one hand of being biased towards facts and not ideology - I would include Glenn Greenwald and David Dayan and David Sirota and Matt Taibbi in that group, but it's a very, very small club of iconoclasts.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Adding you to that list.
Your analysis just keeps being been front rank and irreplaceable. Big handshake from afar to you and JtC as well!
I'm uplifted more than I can express by your kind words. Thank you for reading my essays and commenting. I have to shake JtC's hand as well for providing such a great environment for reading, writing and commenting for our community. Very little drama here, which is a good thing.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Johnny Cash many years ago
asked the musical question, "Can you blame the voice of youth for asking, What is truth?" Now that we've become so fully immersed in the "age of information", the question seems even more difficult to answer than it was back then. It's almost as if the more we know, the less we can be completely sure of. The story about blind men trying to define an elephant illustrates one predicament of contemporary information-sharing.
Related to this, there's the problem of deliberate falsification, aka organized disinformation campaigns, as well as the clearly self-censored and "slanted" news being distributed by our major media outlets. How can people possibly come to know the real elephant amidst all the cacophony?