Nebraska does its part in North Dakota
We are so blessed because, our so very wonderful Nebraska State Patrol has sent troopers to North Dakota. I am so proud that they would answer the call of distress from our nearly next door neighbor to the North in its time of need.
What? Are you saying I misread the headline, "Nebraska State Patrol sends assistance to North Dakota for pipeline protests", and this is not about protecting citizens · · · And What The Fuck! How is it they have the authority to patrol two states outside their border???
Seriously, you could help: Please consider informing Gov. Pete Ricketts that we all find this action deplorable. BOLD Nebraska needs all the support it can get · · ·
Editorial Note: I am not representing BOLD Nebraska in anyway. This letter has not been sanctioned by anyone in BOLD Nebraska, hell they do not even know I exist · · · well for the most part anyway · · ·

Ya know--
Hasn't the Federal and State governments done enough shitting on these people for generations? Genocide, creating poverty and famine. All they fucking want is for us to get out of their house and stop crapping in their yard.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Expressing anger is good, supporting the effort is better.
I do hope we can influence our governor to instruct the State Police to return to their collective duty posts. The Nebraska State Patrol is responsible for safety on Nebraska Highways. They are not responsible for supporting some shitty out of state/country corporation hell-bent on destroying our environment · · ·
Minnesota does its part in North Dakota
How woulda thunk it: Some nimrod sheriff doesn't understand the concept of jurisdictional boundaries. And I thought Nebraska was backwards.
Richard Stanek
(Sherrif, Count of Hennepin-R) is a known asshole.
People weren't very impressed by this particular stunt.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You think you have it bad ‽
If you would like to see the future of the USofA, for your edification, I suggest you take a look at Nebraska.
I do not fear the Trump™ for I have experienced the Ricketts™.
This sorry excuse for a human being went to extraordinary means to reestablish the death penalty into the Nebraska State Penal Code. Believe it or not: The Nebraska Unicameral (ostensibly a non-partisan legislative committee), overrun by Republicans voted to repeal the death penalty on May 2015 over governor Pete Ricketts' veto. Let that sink in: A bunch of right-to-life republicans not only voted to remove the death penalty from the Nebraska State Penal Code. They defied their benevolent (Okay, okay malevolent) leader. Wow, that fried my brain.
And, wait for it: Pete Ricketts (the rat bastard) got pissed off. In his official capacity as Governor of the state of Nebraska Pete helped fund, and promote a state referendum so that the good citizens could vote to restore the death penalty into the Nebraska State Penal Code.
This guy needs a thrashing (metaphorically speaking of course). It would really help if a large number of people would tell him he should recall the Nebraska State Troopers that have inserted themselves into the situation in North Dakota.
Didn't the Army Corps of Engineers say,
Stop It!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
That would be Professional Oversight
We can't trust professionals to do the right thing, only the invested (preferably with very big pockets) have the right to make those kinds of important decisions. They pay good money for those politicians that keep those agencies in line.
I would think but have been shown to be wrong
that the Posse Comitatus Act would not allow that. I guess that was pre- invention of state troopers.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.