Dear god why? Attack of the Bernie Bros
I went to the great orange satan, no not Trump, the other one.. Daily Kos... just to check out what was happening.
My blood pressure! So high, so quickly. Had to close it down and come back here.
The Bernie Bro hating is on top of the wreck list over there... oh so much gloating you bernie bros! Stop it, it's all your fault.
So... a year after female Bernie supporters of color asked them to stop using Bernie Bros because they felt it was racist, sexist and and marginalized them, the Hillary supporters still can't help themselves. They go right back there.
We didn't vote, we stayed home, or we had a secret plan to vote for Jill Stein to ruin the election. Now we're gloating.
I'm happy I had this site to come back to. My blood pressure has already gone back down. I can't even with these people. They're horrible. And I'm not talking about the Trump supporters!
An old joke comes to mind.
Doctor! It hurts when I do this!
...stop doing that...
(Sorry, couldn't resist. But I am so glad I abandoned TOP a year ago. I think the phrase "Toxic Fandom" applies to those that remain.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Phrase applying to Dem party franchise as a whole: “Broken Base”
I can't help myself
Hard to look away from the disaster. Few poor souls trying to mediate and represent over there, but for real...
Love ya, mean it
I kept my mojo
just for this.
I've posted more in the last two days than 7 months.
Don't it beat all that I've tried to get the skull and crossbones and now I can't.
I'm having a hoot over there but I'm sure a new edict is in the works.
And laughing is good for the health.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It was fun for a couple of hours Tuesday night
I went back yesterday and was so disgusted. They sound so stupid and unable to make a coherent argument.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I haven't logged in there nor made any comments
but I've been reading over there to see the reactions. Who knew that the Denial River was 3000' deep and the Dkos crew is swimming at the bottom of it?
If anyone thought the vile treatment of Bernie Bro's was bad after the dictators edict, you won't believe what's going on now. I have never read so many comments that contain the word "F%^$ You" and "asshole" and they are all getting recommended. Who's responsible for Trump being elected in the minds of Dkos morons?
Bernie did it. He should have never ran, he single handily destroyed the princesses reputation when he openly discussed her Wall Street speeches. It was Bernie alone that made the country she was a corrupt liar. No, I'm not joking but there's more!
Yes, the Bernie Bro's are also fully responsible for rallying behind Bernie and an agenda that never had a chance of being implemented. They should have never backed him and allowed him a chance to destroy her reputation. Those wanting "free stuff" are what caused her demise. And we should have never started attacking the DNC for rigging the primary with the unfair debate schedule. We just cast a dark shadow making people believe she was an illegitimate candidate. And, we were the reason people voted for 3rd parties or stayed home. Who knew we were so powerful?
And STEIN!!!! It's all her fault. She should have never ran. When it became obvious that she didn't have a chance to lose she should have dropped out and thrown her full backing behind the Queen!
And EMAILS! And COMEY!!! And WIKILEAKS!!! Remember when we tried to warn them that the email server was going to be a big deal? They told us to STFU it was a huge "nothingburger", no one cared about her damn emails. Well, seems their tune has changed. It's now one of the major reasons she lost and it's all the fault of Comey and Wikileaks. Yes, Julian Assange should be killed and Comey should be on trial for something that isn't quite clear in their ranting. The "nothingburger" turned into a nuclear IED. Remember them saying that Hillary was the most thoroughly vetted candidate in US political history. We tried to warn them that there was still a lot of unvetted baggage being dragged behind her. As it turned out there was enough unvetted baggage to fill the warehouse of lost luggage at O'Hara International airport. But in their tiny little minds, it should have never been discussed because she was the anointed one.
The denial over there is so thick that the computer scrolls through the list of comments slowly. The internet cannot even process that level of denial. As I read through those comments there are so many names I have never seen before. On the most deranged comments I roll over the posters screen name to see when they joined. I'd estimate that 40%+ are from people who signed up in 2016. And strangely, another 20% who signed up in 2008. What is similar about those two years?
I thought that the CTR paid Hillary shills would have already disappeared from the site since they weren't getting paid anymore. After reading through some of the comments there, I thinking they are still being paid to drive the post election narrative. I left there before the March edict when I realized the site was being overrun by the new posters that were solicited by Markos to post diary after diary of "Why I Love Hillary" and "Why I Once Supported Bernie, But Now Love Hillary". It was obvious that there were literally hundreds of paid operatives invading the site and Markos encouraged them with his attempts to drown out the Bernie supporters. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to find out Markos went to CTR and asked them to send the paid shills to his site. After all, the highest paid shill on the site is Markos!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
I forgot to mention...
in their minds there is one person who bears absolutely no responsibility for this loss! The Queen herself is in no way responsible! She was the perfect candidate, who ran a perfect campaign and but was cheated out of her coronation by all the others! She was perfect!!! There has never been a better candidate in the history of the world! Period!!
I suspect Markos is going to have to have another purge over there pretty soon. I don't think the paid shills and Hilbots are going to like this one!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
No matter that the Democratic candidate was utter shite.
Not a lot of self-reflection going on then, I take it.
(I'll pass on checking for myself.)
from a reasonably stable genius.
Did some master shapers of culture somewhere
decide that right-wing fanaticism needed to be countered by equal and opposite Democrat-branded fanaticism?
Isaac Newton,
I think.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
The Right reacts again, and then the Left reacts to *that* . . .
Who’s injecting energy into the cycle of action-reaction?
Is it worth trying to dampen it? Or must it first shake itself to pieces, and later something new be built from scratch?
How would you dampen that ^^^?
No, I think the best way is sit back and watch...and then let the wind die down a bit. And build a new one.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Hoping that We the People have better luck than the 3-legged dog
While in retrospect the U.S. Constitution is turning out to be a spectacular failure from the standpoint of democracy and civil liberties, it was designed and built soundly based on the state of political knowledge of its day (the late 18th century).
Show them this:
and then tell them to make up their fucking minds.
Nothing is going to change at the DNC. They have no capacity for self-reflection, and they couldn't get a clue even if they drenched themselves in clue pheromones and stood in the middle of clue territory during clue mating season.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
That's just lovely. I've used it myself a couple of times.
Ha ha, good one!
Probably not even if the UN organized an emergency clue relief effort, and did round the clock saturation air drops of clue CARE packages for seven days and seven nights.
inactive account
Here's a "Bernie Bro."
The Sanders campaign brought a lot of young people into politics and gave them some hope. The DNC and the Clinton Machine crapped on 'em.
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Why that smug bastard!
He should go back to his frat parties and beer bongs. /snark
More seriously, that was both heart-rending and encouraging.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
We should use this to our advantage.
Those disenfranchised did not vote for Clinton by staying home or by voting for someone other than Clinton. If we own it, we can use it. Bernie started the process, but he does not own the process, I think we should take ownership. Be honest, We didn't support her so why should let her voters feel like the victims. They set her up to fail by choosing her over Bernie, so we should keep rubbing salt in that wound.
I'm a 49 yo female
and my Mom's 67. We were both very strong Bernie supporters. She asked, if all the Bernie supporters are Bernie Bros, does that mean we're Bernie Bros too? I said, no Mom, we're obviously Bernie Hos. Somehow that never caught on though.
"The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it."
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
Bernie Bras?
from a reasonably stable genius.
I went there a few times
I thought it would be fun, but it really wasn't so much. I felt sorry for them on Tuesday night - yes, I know they don't deserve it.
Well, my sympathy was quelled by the nastiness of those "sore losers" still calling us sore losers. I saw comments about how HER loss is all Bernie's fault and Putin's fault and the Bernie bros fault for believing and spreading all the "lies". I started to reply to catskill julie who was saying something about whining baby bernie bro bullies, but then I just closed the page. Why even bother?
I wasn't at that site as long as many of you were. I think I joined in 2014, and I never wrote a diary, but I learned a lot from everyone there, and I commented frequently. Once the primary wars started, I got really turned off. It felt like abuse to me, and one thing I learned from enduring many years of abuse is that abusers will never admit that they're abusive, and in fact they always believe that you're abusing them. I saw many, many of the tactics of abusers/bullies being used against the Bernie supporters. Just the fact that they still call us Bernie bros proves it. They know very well they mean it as an insult. They would not engage in a rational conversation then, and many of them still won't.
What I think is that the Hillary people there felt that the Bernie people were saying that we were "more progressive" or some such thing, and maybe that rang true with a lot of them. It made them feel that we were attacking them personally, and maybe that's why they were so vicious. My abusive ex-husband always used to mock me about how I thought I was so "good" and so ethical just because I wasn't a selfish jerk (like him).
Anyway, I doubt that they'll come around. After all, they're still hating on Nader.
The thing is, they believe they speak to us from atop (aTOP?)
a lofty peak called “the moral high ground.” Added to a belief in their own intellectual superiority as well, it’s a fatal combination.
People convinced of their own moral superiority and the rightness of their cause can conclude they no longer need to observe any niceties. We’re raining on their crusade. We’re traitors to their little Cultural Revolution. Like NoDAPL signs at a Hillary rally or “No more war” chants at the Dem convention, we must be photoshopped out in real time, or otherwise banished from their presence.
It’s an easy trap to fall into. No one’s immune. Let us hold fast to humility. Contempt for the masses (whites? men? red states? those less-informed / less-educated than we are?) is not a good position from which to lead a revolution.
Some of our best truth-tellers right now are “comedians.” Maybe that’s why. What to do in a time when all the serious expert insider people are lying because lying has somehow become the essence of their job? “Well, folks, I’ll tell you the truth, you don’t really need me to tell you, anybody can see it, but nobody’s saying it, except I can, ha ha, because you know, I’m just a comedian.” Humility.
Maybe it is time to repost this essay over there.
If I was ever so inclined to step across the threshold to hell again, I would. I took it down when I left DK in part because the vast majority did not understand it. I do not believe that they would understand it any better now.
Republicans (or fill in the blank) are not the enemy.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Great diary!
Nah, they're not ready.
Thank you. It was only a passing thought as I
am sure that most of them still there will never understand it. One of the few replies to the essay when I posted it there (right after the first Sanders-HRC debate) was "We are not the enemy!!" Says a lot, huh?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
it's a waste of time
there's no capacity for self reflection and understanding of the election facts. Everything is a conspiracy against Her Heinous, be it led by Bernie, Jill, Comey or the best of all, Putin.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
Have you seen "Black Mirror" Season 3 Episode 1
Because that world is what Daily Kos is.
I have
It's painful to watch.
This totally describes DailyKos and the Hillbots
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Day 2 of Trumpocolypse
IMHO I think you should re-post the essay. At some point we, meaning the 99% are going to have to come together. In the not too distant future the Trumpsters are going to realize they have been conned. Just like we did during Bernie's candidacy. We need to start putting forward the people's agenda and bringing in all those tribes of identity politics into it. United we stand divided we fall. I may be naive but I think a lot of people who voted Trump made a last ditch cry for help. I remember when Trump said to the Black Community that the Democrats have failed them. Doesn't the same hold true for many poor whites? if they don't completely throw in the towel they need a welcoming place/party. Somehow we need to build it.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
^^^ This ^^^
Either Trump really surprises everyone by actually doing stuff that 70% or more all across the spectrum want . . .
Or he turns out to be TOOTR — the Obama of the Right. Everything just continues on as before, only worse.
And if it’s the latter, then a lot of Trump followers are going to be mighty disappointed.
That’s our cue.
Provided we can avoid the trap TOP fell into and get off our own moral high horse (or rainbow-farting unicorn). Can we embrace — alongside the identity groups that usually have progressives’ sympathies — those white and/or male etc. folks who are hurtin’?
We better. Because if we don’t, the Alt-Right will. White identity politics. White nationalism. You betcha.