Did Progressives REALLY cost Clinton the Election? I say yes....
Well at least the more I think about it the more I think we should at least lay claim to it and own it regardless of it's validity.
So yeah, in my opinion I say go ahead and own this one.
Let them shout, "You assholes cost Hillary the election!"
To which we should reply, "Yep! now maybe next time you will consider the left when selecting your candidate because while the left may not have the power to win alone, neither do you.
What we do have, is the power to STOP you from winning with shit candidates that don't support our ideals. So if you want our votes field a candidate that is worthy of earning them or just hop the fuck off on your merry way."
Let them blame us, I really don't give a shit and actually think it may end up being quite useful.
They have marginalized and taken advantage of the left wing of their party for far too long and it's only appropriate that it comes back and bites them in the ass.
So while it may not be true, I don't mind in the slightest if they hate us for it.
I embrace their hate just as easily as I do that coming from any other far right winger or asshole without a grasp on reality.
I don't mind hate from people I find despicable.
I would be more concerned if the Clintonista's loved me rather than hated me.

Well, she did say,
That she didn't need us. Oops. I assume she included ambivalent independents.
I can't stomach Trump, However I am not bothered at all by anyone that voted Trump in protest of Clinton.
Though, VOTE GREEN NEXT TIME. please.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I'm not sure I agree with the "progressive" label
But I agree that anti-establishment sentiment across the board cost her the election. I agree that enough people have woken up from the matrix that her "matrix campaign" failed. It wasn't enough to get us a real president, but it was enough to stop Hillary. It's sort of a Pyrrhic victory, but it's the best I can come up with in this great of two evils moment.
The part that is not Pyrrhic is the idea that more and more people are waking up. For me personally I'd rather shed the establishment labels like liberal/conservative in favor of a more accurate reflection of the struggle, capital vs. labor.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
What people need to ask themselves is how bad can a
candidate be when the country would rather have a deadbeat sexist serial liar instead?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Wait, which one are we talking about now? :)
(Sorry, just couldn't resist.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Let's not forget the Black vote, especially inner city votes.
I knew she was done for in PA and probably lots of other states when she only left Philly with a 400k edge... 450k seals the state from the conservative rest of state and 430 should do the trick but 400 means you have to be popular elsewhere. She did ok with college educated women in the close burbs after the pussy video came out, and the transit strike ended before Election Day, so where were the votes? Well, as for other groups...what have the Ds done for them lately? Think Detroit was a similar situation ? Good, but not enough, although they held back those votes long enough to see if it could make a difference.
As for your general statement.YEAH, blame me too!
I'll tell you where some of them went...
Hillary was the headliner, and the last act on stage Monday night at the big Independence Mall rally in Philly. I managed to get in late and up pretty close.
After Bruce and Bon Jovi, Bill, Chelsea and Michelle, President Obama introduced Hillary. Instantly, a few people started leaving. Most of the people who I saw walking out on her were African American men and a few women. It made realize how energized they were for this current President, and how much they didn't give a rats ass about Hillary.
But the supposedly next president of the US just started speaking?!?! Monumental event, right? Yet a small % of people who were motivated enough to put up with the security and crowds to go to that rally did not bother to stay to watch history.
Definitely a harbinger of what the rest of the city who didn't bother to go to the rally was going to do... they couldn't be bothered. Not a huge number, and please don't get me wrong in *blaming* anyone. I'm just noting a very real, albeit anecdotal observation on the ground. It was the first inkling I had that Tuesday was not going to go well.
Love ya, mean it
Nope! Uprated the whole thread for the discussion, and I
understand where you're coming from, but I want nothing to do with the Trump monster. I think we're going to see the effect of the Greater of Two Evils, especially with the whole Repug Congress.
Get ready for the acceleration of climate change, income inequality, environmental destruction, wars in the ME, etc., etc. Watch people and our world die more each year in the Trumpocalypse.
I don't think there were enough progressives to make a big difference. I think there were a lot more low-information voters who either bought into Trump rhetoric or didn't care or didn't like her appearance or voice or femaleness. About 47% of voters stayed home, 25.5% voted Hill, 25.6% voted Trump, 1% voted Jill. Why lay the blame at the 1% of us who were dedicated progressives? Nope, not accepting it.
It was Her appearance, Her history, Her negativity, Her campaign, Her strategy, Her coldness. I had nothing to do with it. A decent candidate would have excited more loyalty. A decent candidate would have excited the base to come out and vote for her. She lost Obama voters, for heaven's sake.
In fact, I'll be designing shirts saying, "Don't blame me, I'm an Independent". The biggest block of people to blame for this mess are the ones who voted for Trump. You voted for him, you own him.
Which is not to say, sure, put a bug in every Dem's ear privately that they had better do something to earn the Indie vote next time. But nope, I'm not taking the blame. Not doing it. Trump is not my monster.
This is also not to say that the Clinton monster would have been any better. That we were doomed either way is exactly why I voted Jill.
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In chalk, on the sidewalk
on my university campus, someone wrote: "Bernie would have won." 'nuf said.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
and I couldn't be more pleased that we did.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Anyone know when the results of the write-in ballots
Will start coming in? Heard there was a big campaign to write in Sanders. I ignored it, because I'd rather he wasn't blamed for her loss---he needs all the political capital he can get on the Hill right now. I voted Stein, of course. In any case, just curious about the results.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
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