Open Fire 12/08/15
Most people in the United States do not own guns. And they do not want to own guns.
Those who do own guns, well, they are as one with this fellow:
That's right. People who clearly belong in a Mental place. Which is exactly where that guy is. The guy who purchased the weapons of war later passed on to the Non-Ordinary Newylweds that they then used to shoot up a holiday party in San Bernardino.
An employee at a shooting range where the y-chrome of the Non-Ordinary Newylweds went to fire in the hole in preparation for his party-shooting, he described the y-chrome as "a normal guy."
But of course. "A normal guy"—for someone using a gun. Because everyone using a gun is a potential party-shooter. Party-shooting, that is normal behavior, for a gun. For every gun wants people to use it. And the use of a gun is to kill. That's what it's for. As Richard Pryor knew, and set forth in the clip I recently republished here, all guns speak, and what all guns say is: use me. let's—you and me—kill.
Take that Translator fellow, who used to post at Daily Kos. Sometimes he was up, sometimes he was done. But always the gun was around. So, while one night he was there on Daily Kos cheerily offering to share recipes, the next night he was dead. Because the alcohol said: do it. And the gun said: do it. So he did it. The gun was happy: it got what it wanted. The alcohol, it was embarrassed, ashamed. The morning after.
Same with nations. And their serial-killing armies. Same with serial-killing police forces. Same with anybody. You got a gun: it whispers to you: let's do it. let's do it. let's do it. "I Got You, Babe," it says. And it does. Get you. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Till Thanatos is surmounted by Eros. And the guns are thrown away.
The x-chrome in the Non-Ordinary Newlyweds was described as a "typical housewife."
But of course. Because every housewife puts on a shroud and goes out and builds pipe bombs in the garage.
It was said "she chose not to drive voluntarily." Sure. That's so she could shoot at the cops out the back window of the SUV, as her husband drove. Just like any other typical housewife.
The wingers are in a frenzy because the x-chrome of the Non-Ordinary Newylweds is said to have "pledged allegiance" to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who is the goofball currently claiming to be the big cheese in ISIL.
Doesn't seem like much of a "pledge" to me. It was made very shortly before she exited her body, on the vast and uncrossable desert of Facebook, and she "pledged" under a name not her own.
So who would even know? If officious Facebook-snoopers hadn't (allegedly) determined it to be so. And passed that info on to the ubiquitous "unnamed government officials." Who then passed the claim on to various steno-scribes. Who then published it. So the wingers could go into a frenzy.
People shoot the shit out of people all the time and then claim it's for some "reason." That Dylann Stormfront Roof clown, for instance, he shot up a church in Charleston, and said he did so, in part, for Rhodesia—a nation that is dead, a nation that died before Stormfront was even born. Rhodesia never told Stormfront to go shoot up a church in Charleston. His gun and his bad brain chemicals told him to do that.
Similarly, al-Baghdadi isn't taking credit for this San Bernardino x-chrome. He's not saying he sent her. After the fact, yes, ISIL says, yeah, okay, sure, she and the y-chrome, they're "martyrs," right. But that's it.
"I die so that England may live!" No. You died because you were a moron. You picked up a gun, and you listened to it.
"Pledging allegiance" is anyway profoundly stupid, and no one should ever do it, for any reason, or ever pay any attention to it. The x-chrome's purported pledge has no more import or meaning than that of Lou Welch:
Tizuvthee, Old Soapy, land where Thoreau sat and Whitman
walked, despised of all nations, Strontium, aloneTizuvthee
Fucked L.A. starlet of tiny dream untrue even to your
Tiny dream intolerable up-tight dirty noise New
York, rusty muscle Chicago, hopeless Cleveland
Akron Visalia alcoholic San Francisco suicideTizuvthee, I sing
She wanted to kill. Her gun told her so. So she did. End of story.
Deep glumness, expressed in many quarters, about an x-chrome getting involved in a party-shooting. This doesn't fit the profile, wring the hands. A woman. Killing.
Why the surprise? Two days after the San Bernardino party-shooting, the United States government announced that women can now serve in all combat roles in the nation's military. X-chromes can now be serial killers, in all and every way, just like y-chromes.
O happy day. Gender equality. Women too, shall march on a road of bones.
Besides, this wasn't the first—even recent—time, that a husband and wife, they put on their killing shoes, and went out to run killingly amok together, behind some bat-ass insane "ideology."
Back in June of 2014, on an early Sunday morning, Jerad and Amanda Miller, they rolled a shopping cart full of guns and ammunition down sleepy Las Vegas streets, on their way to start a winger "revolution," the first shots of which killed two police officers, and a do-gooder "good guy with a gun," who got his brains blown out for his would-be he-man troubles.
Around 5:45 Sunday morning, [Kelley] Fielder told CNN, the [Miller] couple were awake. They had a cart full of ammunition.
What were they doing? [Fielder] asked.
They told her they were "going underground," Fielder said.
"I should have called the cops," [Fielder] said Monday. "I'm so, so, so sorry—to everybody. I'm sorry."
The wingers are also in a frenzy over this narrative they've concocted that neighbors noticed Ominous and True signs that the Non-Ordinary Newylweds were preparing to go wild, but declined to report it in fear of being accused of "profiling." This, the wingers say, is red-alert representative of the humungous tumor of "political correctness" that is mestasizing across the nation, and will eventually result in all Americans being murdered in their beds.
This winger screaming is apparently based on the blatherings of someone named Aaron "Now I've Got My Fifteen Minutes Of Fame!" Elswick, who claims another neighbor, not him, noticed "quite a few packages" arriving at the home of the Non-Ordinary Newylweds, and "within a short amount of time"; also, this unnamed neighbor observed that "they were actually doing a lot of work out in the garage."
Well jesus fuck, why was my father never reported and arrested and frogmarched in chains off to Guantanamo? He was forever "actually doing a lot of work out in the garage." And I myself, clearly, need to be waterboarded, immediately, and without surcease, because periodically I succumb to the lure of the commerce intertubes, and as a result "quite a few packages" are dumped on my doorstep "within a short amount of time."
The simple truth is that all human beings are deeply weird, in some form or another, and if you are some nosey neighbor, forever poking your probosicis through the blinds, you can easily convince yourself that those around you are involved in criminal weirdness.
I know for a fact that meth-heads the world over are even now in deep freak that as a result of San Bernardino neighbors may start reporting those who are "actually doing a lot of work out in the garage." Because this means soon all the meth people will be going into the pokey. For it is a requirement of methamphetamine, that those who consume it tinker with the innards of automobiles at three o-clock in the morning. Panzer powder actually prefers that such tinkering occur out on the lawn, and in multiple permanently-disabled automobiles, but in a pinch the garage will do. And, if a meth-person is sentenced to a city, and therefore does not have a lawn, or a garage, the meth will satisfy itself with the Panzer powder-consumer dismantling the refrigerator, or the air conditioner, or any other household object, so long as it has many small parts, and can be successfully rendered, permanently, into a snarled, gnarled, ball of confusion.
Then there is the mother. The mother of the y-chrome of the Non-Ordinary Newylweds, she lived in the same house as they. Her living quarters were on the second floor. It is said that she had no idea that down below her son and his wife were accumulating weapons and stockpiling ammunition and building pipe-bombs and contemplating a party-shooting.
People are not believing this. They are saying there is no way she could not have known. Federal agents, as an example, are said to have grilled this woman for nine hours. Skeptical. Unbelieving.
These people, they do not understand mothers. That mothers, they possess many Powers. And that one such Power is to know all and everything of what their children are doing or thinking. They can be endungeoned 600 feet underground, these mothers, and continents away from their children, and yet still, these mothers, they will know, all and everything, of what their children are doing or thinking.
While, at the same time, a mother possesses the Power to be gazing right at her child, as that child commits mass murder, and yet not know anything about it. For, one of the inherent Powers of a mother, is not to have the slightest clue that her child has ever done, or is ever even capable of doing, anything, that is in the slightest way, Wrong.
Of course this y-chrome's mother had no idea what her son and his wife were up to. That is in the nature of mothers. Anyone who knows anything about mothers, knows this.
And then there is the father. The father of the y-chrome. He gave an interview to an Italian newspaper, but then said he didn't remember anything about it.
Before the blackout descended, the father said—or at least allegedly said—to the Italian newspaper, that he had tried to calm his son, as his son commenced to frenzy about Israel, by saying:
I told him he had to stay calm and be patient because in two years Israel will not exist any more. Geopolitics is changing: Russia, China and America don’t want Jews there any more. They are going to bring the Jews back to Ukraine.
In this we learn, that the father is conversant with, or at least in affinity with, some of the slimiest corners, of the deepest cesspools, of the intertubes. Wherein are encountered basement-dwelling propeller-beanies enchanted by the Cheetos dust of a world in thrall to Hebrew-Anglo-Wahhabist (HAW) Overlords. Who direct all and every. All over the world. And, in this thoroughly, and sadly, seriously brain-damaged world, the current push-and-pull in Ukraine, it is seen as conceived and directed by nefarious Hebrews, who wish to resettle themselves there, in Ukraine, in the fabled land of their Khazarness.
One of the current peak examples of how not only lies, but actual clinical insanity, can easily spread, and soon become embedded as truth, in the intertubes, is this lampoon in the Times of Israel, that was quickly grabbed and garbled across literally hundreds of Jew-hating sites, as fact; as sad, amusing, sad example, this frenziedly drooling wonderment, from the Jew-hating, batshit-insane Wayne Madsen, published to the screeching crazed hamster-wheel of Strategic Culture.
When one elects to hate Jews, it is inevitably required that one must eventually deny their very Jewishness. Thus, the "Khazar" theory. Which underlies the clinical insanity that the ferment in Ukraine is about returning Jews to that region—for there, in that region, so goes this mental illness, is where all Ashkenazi Jews arose, as converts under the principality of the Khazars. The fact that DNA evidence has definitively disproved this theory is of no moment to these people: like wingers, Jew-haters are chary of science. Science, after all, is, as Adolf and his people definitively proved, itself "Jewish."
All of which is to say, the world is a veil of stupid shit, which makes it really hard to get over. The only true basic fact is that I am alive, and so are you, and wouldn't it be great if we could both stay that way? And so why don't we make it so we can?
The essential meaning of the Non-Ordinary Newylweds is that they're stupid and they're dumb and they're all so over. The people whom they killed is proof that they've lost; the dead that these idjits made, they have already won.
I am sitting here now looking at pictures of these dead San Bernardino people, and the same thought strikes me as struck when I looked at the dead Paris people. And that is that we—that is, we the human beings—have already won.
Because the sheer diversity of the dead people is proof that these "purity of the volk" retrovert retards, whether they're "keep the refugees out and watch out for any colored native or especially MOOSLEM folk" wingnuts in the US, Middle Eastern "be-like-me" sharia freaks, or would-be confused brain-scrambled "people have the right to be with their own kind" types, are over.
Everybody is the same, everybody can get along, everybody is getting along. And these dead San Bernardino people prove it. Dead at that party were a Vietnamese woman, an Iranian woman, a black woman, a Jewish man, a gay man (who wouldn't buy a car because he wanted to ride to work every day with his lover), an Hispanic man, and on and on and on. These were the new normal. Every day, together, getting along, being along, thinking nothing of it. The world doesn't realize it yet, but these people are the way it is to be. All the borders, all the barriers: gone. The people in this party, become a shooting-party, to bring them dead to the floor, they had already transcended. Nobody can shoot them down. They had already won. Just in being who they are.
When the healers, they arrived to the scene of the San Bernardino shooting-party, the ceiling sprinklers in the building, they had been, mindlessly, activated. Because there had been so much firepower, so much firing, so much death, so much carnage, the unthinking, robotic, sprinkler system, it thought there had been a fire. And so it was—mindlessly, mindlessly, mindlessly—spraying water, everywhere.
And so, from the bodies of the Vietnamese woman, of the Iranian woman, of the Jewish man, of the gay man, of the black woman, all their blood, it flowed, it pooled, all, like all in water flowed: bled into one.
all the colors
bleed into one
bleed into one
That's where we are. The people who kill, they are gone. Laid to rest. Forever. All of them. All the guns, they are gone. I know this. For I have been to the mountaintop. And I've looked over. It's just a matter of time. For the time. To catch up.
we will live
a lonely life for you
there's a lonely
you asked for the truth and i
told you
Powerful stuff
it is truly evil and mindless, the hatred and killing, all of this, and for what? It is so hard for me to fathom.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning hecate...
thanks for another great one.
I'm not so sure Thanatos will be surmounted so easily. As long as he thrives through the fingers of the State and the State party-shooters who so callously and casually take the lives of wedding and funeral participants thousands of miles from our eye sight, evoking the God of the Oil State, how could we expect him to not thrive through the fingers of the less-than-State party-shooters who evoke their God of vengeance. It seems the two entities of terrorism are intertwined in a symbiotic dance of death. A dance that can only be surmounted from both the top down and the bottom up.
don't exist. Do you feel a state around you, where you are? I don't. There is no state here. There is barely even a town. There are but individual human beings, grappling to come together.
Even as the "state" extends itself to arrogating to itself the power to drone anyone anywhere all over the world, the "state" upon which it bases its drone-fire power, continues to crumble.
History is replete with imperial armies scoring victories which, when these are attempted to be reported back to headquarters, it is found that those headquarters no longer exist.
The strongest and most powerful magic is "war is over if you want it." If you want it, it happens.
Nothing happens in this world, but through wanting it.
The Cheneys wanted war, really bad. We didn't think we had wanting as powerful. We were wrong.
The Cheneys, as we know, made a war out of nothing. Surely we, can make peace, out of same.
As for individual human beings there in America, they are sad. They think their penis is too small. So, they get a gun. And then they think they are all okay.
Bang bang. Shoot shoot.
That's a lot, hecate, you said a lot, very powerfully so, and
then you said something about mothers ... I heard a lot of people have answers about mothers...
it's hard to take what you say about mothers, but it is not untrue.
A bit too much for me, right now. I have to take a break.
So, just go ahead and all of you have a nice day. After all, it's just an OT (that reflects what's going on around us pretty well, unfortunately).
Wonderful. Beautifully written and enormously perceptive,
a great exposition of the state of the universe.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Echoing what el has written above
Your writing always transports me to a higher level of introspection. It is a gift that you give us and I really appreciate it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
thank you
both. Very much.
Well done, thank you
about the mothers, one of the murderers was a mother. It's hard to accept that she would choose her fanatical religion, over her own child, a six month old baby.
Yes she was insane but she was also driven by ideology.
To thine own self be true.
Good news! Canada will accept 50,000 refugees this year
About 300 have already arrived December 2 on a government jet. This PM Trudeau is keeping his word.
To thine own self be true.
Thanks for this excellent, OT, hecate. I doubt that
FSC will push too hard for gun control. I say this because I've heard her say during a forum that the Democratic Party (and her husband's) stance on 'gun control' lost Democrats the Congress during WJC's term.
What I do expect to come from this, is more authoritarian calls for 'involuntary commitments to mental institutions.'
And increased employer surveillance of not only employees, but soon, of 'job applicants,' regarding their mental health medical history/status.
There is legislation presently being considered to enact both of these measures.
IOW, it appears that the San Bernardino tragedy is going to be used to further state powers, not to enact further serious gun control measures.
Have a great day, Everyone!
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.