Survey: Worst 3 policy decisions made by Congress/President in the last 25 years?
Out of curiosity, what do you think are the 3 worst policy decisions (in terms of long-lasting effects) passed by Congress and the President over the last 25 years? I don't mean anything related interparty warfare (Clinton impeachment, government shutdown battles), just passed legislation.
I realized that this is probably the easiest way to see why exactly Clinton lost. Here are the three I came up with last night:
1. The Iraq War Vote- No explanation needed as to why this is the number 1 failure
2. The repeal of Glass-Steagal- Set us on the path for the great recession (I'm aware that the repeal itself may have not had much of an effect, but then neither did any single piece of legislation to my knowledge. The GS repeal was a good strategy to get the ball rolling and honestly we could still use these protections today...badly).
3. NAFTA- Emblematic of vicious neo-liberal policies that have enriched the wealthy while undercutting American manufacturing base.
All three of these had something in common: Hillary Clinton was on the wrong side of all of them. All of them caused serious harm to many people in this country (and outside of the country as well in all of these cases); for all that we say that voting Republican is voting against self-interest, there was plenty of evidence out there that a vote for Hillary was a proven vote against self-interest for some.
I'm curious to see how what answers pop up (I asked a friend last night and he said the Crime Bill). Will anyone have an answer that Hillary Clinton wasn't wrong on?
Here's mine
The Iraq war.
The telecommunications act.
The Patriot Act.
Again, Clinton on the wrong side of all 3.
NAFTA, TTP, and the Cat Food Commision
All for it until they were against it.
The last two will be back from the dead in the near future. If I am wrong, I will drink tabasco and eat jalapenos without any tea near at hand.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
Hmmmm, tough to choose only 3...
1. The Patriot Act
2. Ending welfare as we know it
3. No Child Left Behind
I do not count the Iraq War simply becasue it would have happened even without a vote. Although, it does give insight into a lot of politicians and their dependence on the MIC.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Lot's of good choices in this thread
but I would have to agree with Dhyerwolf.
More bad ones:
Bankruptcy Bill
Libya (her baby)
Iraq Sanctions
Hillary Care
(Just off the top of my head)
Top 3:
Glass Steagal, et al.
Crime Bill
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The failure to act on climate change.
I don't disagree with the others that have been written above but I think climate change, and the inability to confront its cause - global monopoly capitalism - has the greatest impact.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
You need to modify to combine repeal of Glass Steagall
(Gramm, Leach, Bliley) with the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. It was the two together that caused the economies of several nations to crash in 2008. (And both are still the law of the land).
I see no reason to limit the number of awful things to three., though.
DOMA stunk and was unconstitutional to boot.
prison "reform."
Iraq War/AUMF/Patriot Act
ending welfare.
She was for all those, too. She gave a full-throated embrace of her husband's entire administration when she ran in 2008, though she has backpedaled on prison reform since Republicans started opposing it (as has he).
Aw c'mon
now you're just piling on.
On to Biden since 1973