Breaking down the election by the numbers
Over at TOP, this election was all about the racism and misogyny of Donald Trump.
But in the real world...
Many predicted the missteps and scandals of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign would lead to weakened support among women, blacks and young voters in Tuesday’s election.
Those concerns proved to be largely unfounded, exit poll data shows...Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won the female vote 54%-42%. In 2012, President Obama won among women 55%-44%.
Women accounted for about 52% of the electorate on Tuesday, a 1-point drop from 2012 — even though this year’s election was the first in which a woman was the presidential nominee of a major political party...While black voters overwhelmingly supported Clinton, Trump lost by a narrower margin than his predecessor.
Trump won 8% of the black vote, compared with 6% of the black vote earned by Romney in 2012.
About 88% of black voters supported Clinton, representing a decline from 2012, when 93% of black voters cast their ballot for Obama...
Probably the biggest surprise is with Hispanics.
It has been widely reported that the 29% of Hispanic voters who supported Mr Trump was greater than the 27% who voted for the Republican candidate Mitt Romney in 2012, despite Mr Trump's comments about Mexicans and plans to build a wall on the US's southern border.
And remember how Clinton courted the Republican vote?
There were stories before the election of Republicans planning to vote for Mrs Clinton because they did not like their own candidate, but the exit poll actually suggested that 7% of people who identified themselves as Republicans had voted for Mrs Clinton, while 9% of those who identified as Democrats had voted for Mr Trump.
Obviously this is a story of Clinton's weaknesses rather than Trump's strengths.
Need more proof?
As for the post-election finger-pointing about how the racists turned out for Trump, consider this.
“Clinton suffered her biggest losses in the places where Obama was strongest among white voters. It’s not a simple racism story.”
Low-income rural white voters in Pa. voted for Obama in 2008 and then Trump in 2016, and your explanation is white supremacy? Interesting.
— Tim Carney (@TPCarney) November 9, 2016
Finally, there is the dubious claim that Bernie wouldn't have done any better against Trump.
The RealClearPolitics average from May 6-June 5 had Sanders at 49.7% to Trump's 39.3%, a 10.4-point cushion.
In that same time frame, Trump was polling close to Clinton and was even ahead in multiple polls.
During an appearance on Meet The Press at the end of May, Sanders acknowledged that disparity: "Right now, in every major poll, national poll and statewide poll done in the last month, six weeks, we are defeating Trump often by big numbers, and always at a larger margin than secretary Clinton is."
That polling was of course based on a hypothetical scenario, five months from Election Day. However, Sanders' popularity among white working-class voters might have been the difference in this election; voters that Trump ultimately won.
Sanders defeated Clinton in both the Wisconsin and Michigan primaries, two of the states that Trump surprised in on Tuesday.
Bernie was also strong with the same millennials that supported Obama, millennials that were turned off of Hillary by her campaign's dirty tricks.
Among voters 18 to 29, Clinton defeated Trump 55%-37%. The split represented a tighter margin than in the 2012 election, when Obama defeated Romney 60%-37%.
Minor-party candidates performed strongest among voters under 30, with Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson earning 5% of the vote in that age group and Green Party nominee Jill Stein winning 2%.

The concept of Trump in the news every day going forward... very troubling. And in the WH and Guliani, Gingrich and, etc.
Thinking of going off the grid (sort of).
Any bets when the MOTUS (Molester of the US) will do the first unconstitutional thing?
We are screwed. Lalalalalala!
The political revolution continues
With luck, no worse than wet cigar guy.
We have been getting screwed for decades, Shockwave.
Guiliani, Christi..blah blah blah.
Kissinger. Period.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hellery just missed that brass ring
Too bad too sad.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I know it goes
against conventional wisdom and history, but I think Bernie's lead over Trump would have increased when more and more people heard his message, like at the debates. Especially after all the trump sleazy shit came out. Unless, of course, they found something in Bernie's past, like, he's a Socialist! He's been married twice! He's going bald! He's actually from New York! He wears glasses! You know, really damaging stuff...
but what would the media cover then?
No Emailgate, no Clinton Foundation, no Slick Willie scandals from the past, no Hillary health mysteries. They'd have to cover the REAL issues! And it would be clear that the guy ACTUALLY speaking for the disaffected was not the paper Billionaire who would not show his tax returns but the long time Senator talking to an empty Congress about important legislation for hours.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
Jimmy Dore has The Math
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
What is the democratic establishment take on the numbers?
Just a rhetorical question. Establishment I mean people like Podesta, Pelosi, Schumer, Donna Brazil, rich super donors, and backroom names we don't in the inner circles of power--I don't think Kaine is close to being in that clique.
At TOPS the trend/consensus is that it is about identity politics (and Putin second?) and not much more.--which then as dallasdoc notes is that inevitably some coalition members are kicked off the island.
In the past hasn't the party establishment moved to the right ideologically at every loss?
So we have one part of the party--let's say partisan party activists--engaged in destructive and divisive identify politics, and the establishment following Trump to the right. What in two years state elections will decide who gets to draw political boundaries of office holders, and the gop looks to be seating pretty.
You know, I wonder if the primary was also about the continued viable existence of a national democratic party. And the party chose wrong.
Another good piece, I think (linked below)
Why Trump Won and Clinton Lost
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Frankly, reading that article
Frankly, reading that article and other discussions, I really don't see much difference between Trump's public stance and Clinton's private one,
And I'm seriously wondering if a lot of Trump's blather was designed to appeal to TPTB, this ensuring his win as Hillary continued to mindlessly drill holes in her hull, since the whole thing was to be rigged anyway.
The Repubs got away with blatant voter suppression/and doubtless further cheating in the general and while there would have been the same attempted on the Dem side, (according to the work of a statistician posted on his blog, which was posted here some time back, the Clinton coterie also cheated against Obama, who merely won by a smaller apparent margin than really existed, voter-support-wise,) nobody here seems to be discussing this?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
OK can someone please demystify "TOP" for me?
Seems like you are referring to DailyKos. I don't know this lingo.
Love ya, mean it
TOP = "The Orange Place" = dkos
Ha ha
Never would have guessed that!
Love ya, mean it
I thought it meant "the other paper"!
Showed my age for sure.
Michigan and Wisconsin?
Who cares if Bernie beat Hillary there, and they happened to be linchpins in Trump's success? Those are just "white states" and old white votes. The democrats are the party of minority voters and the minority voters have totally spoken of free will and well reasoned logic to support Hillary in other places. All Bernie can win is the whites. He doesn't know how to outreach to minorities! He wants to disenfranchise them!
Love ya, mean it