5 things we learned or got confirmed on November 8, 2016.
MSNBC pundits have been saying that Trump defeated both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Put another way, he defeated the status quo, the duopoly and establishment media. They also said this was a rejection of Clintonism, trade deals, centrism, all of it (a result, my dears, that we would not have if The Hillary had even squeaked in.)
Carville, also known as the "It's the economy, stupid" strategist, said that Hillary received a lot of advice, including that she needed to run on fiscal issues. However, she decided to go with GOTV and "temperament" (IOW, "Trump is a sexist pig who brags about grabbing p___ies and who, just like the Goldwater guy I worked for in 1964, also should not have the nuclear codes."). And so, we have yet another example of The Hillary's incredibly bad judgment and lust for the low road. (The Obamas probably came up with, "When they go low, we go high," in 2008: Hillary ran against Obama far lower than did McCain or Romney.)
Okay, the five things:*
1. Never be cocky, but never be resigned to defeat or give up.
2. Don't trust pollsters, establishment media or self-appointed fact "checkers." All three are adept at ignoring and pretzeling facts.
3. Ultimately, it's about the message and how much people trust the candidate to be truthful and to deliver, not about big donors.
Voters, when the red team or the blue team screams at you to donate more because they're behind in fundraising or because they're being outspent, scream back at them to be better candidates. (The exception, of course, is a candidate who is funding solely with smaller donations from ordinary people, as did Sanders.)
Candidates, get a set of principles and stick to them, absent an extraordinary reason to change. No one trusts continually holding up a wet finger to see which way the wind is blowing that particular second.
Trump spent almost nothing on the primary and far, far less than Hillary on the general. Supposedly he had no ground game at all. And, let's not forget: If you have a good message and people trust you to deliver, they will both fund you and vote for you. Sanders proved that, even though, on paper, he did not beat the Clinton machine.
4. Politicians, don't interfere with the primary choice of your base. Dump super delegates, especially those given that status solely by virtue of being big donors. Stop colluding with each other, big donors and with the flocking establishment media.
5. Whose turn it is, who "paid his or her dues, etc. is irrelevant at the polls, at best. It;s a minus. Elections belong to voters, not to parties. No politician has gotten in line to help the 90% for decades. Besides, the one who is next in line has most likely already shown a tendency to lose big races (Humphrey, Mondale, McCain, Romney, etc.).
Anyone who was sentient in 2008 and/or read Game Change knows how bad a campaign Hillary ran in 2008 (when it was also her turn) and how good a campaign Obama ran, even though they were both DLC/DNC Democrats. Instead of copying Republicans, right down to the stupid "It's his/her turn mentality," Democrats need to learn what I think Republicans finally learned after both 2008 and 2012--and what I falsely assumed Democrats learned after Adlai Stevenson: Just maybe, if someone runs a Presidential campaign that is low down, that runs out of money, and that loses at the polls, that candidate may well repeat one or more of those behaviors.
Bad leadership and bad judgment tend not to improve with age. Neither does likeability. And "Oh, yeah, him with that stuff again" doesn't drive people to donate, volunteer, drive their neighbors to the polls, etc. Presidents need much more than personality, but, to win, they probably do need to be able to inspire, to stir imaginations and generate hope. "Prepared, hardworking" (but also ineffective) just doesn't cut it. We don't need an empty suit, though. In a population of over 325 million, nominating candidates who are smart, at least relatively) honest, likeable and effective should not be as impossible as the duopoly has made it seem. (Effectiveness in changing the status quo for the better is not in the interest of the establishment.)
Hillary may work hard and prepare. Nonetheless, she Peter Principled at Billarycare, maybe even at WalMart and the Rose Law firm. Maybe even at the Watergate hearings. She had a long list list of job titles, and talked a good game, even taking credit for Kennedy's SCHIP. But, she had a very short list of accomplishments. (Sorry, I don't consider using words an accomplishment, especially not for a politician. If I learned anything by March 2010, I learned that.) Oh, and screw nepotism. Yes, it worked for John Quincy Adams, but service in the nation's capitol then was a severe hardship and qualified people were much harder to come by. More recently, it's given us only Bush the Lesser. I rest my case.
*All the above, of course, is meaningless if the vote is rigged. So, we the people have to make sure the vote is not rigged: vote caging, paper trail, honest count--all of it. Focus on your cities, towns and states in that regard because the federal government seems hopeless.
We've certainly learned more lessons since 2008. The above are only the five that smacked me upside the head as I was listening to the punditz (sic) on MSNBC during the wee hours.
P.S. Howard Dean, raised on Park Avenue and in East Hampton, is now bloviating that voters wanted to kick the table over, but never thought of the consequences. What a pompous, tone deaf ass.
Yes, you fool, we did think of the consequences. We were simply that fed up and that desperate and you and yours insisted on forcing Hillary on us, anyway. You've been doing similar things for the past four decades. At long last,you and yours left us no choice but to send you a message, regardless of the risks. So, we did, duh.
As for consequences, let your fellow centrist Democrats in Congress, especially the Senate, do their damn jobs for a refreshing change. Use the filibuster, the one-person hold and every other tool that Republicans always use, whether they are in the majority or minority, and no matter what media say about them. Let them treat Trump as the powerless being in the face of Congress and public opinion that they've been telling us Obama is.
If Democrats in Congress don't do their jobs, that's on the them, not the electorate. Oh, and Democrats should try doing better in general--fewer excuses and rationalizations and better results for the 90%. It's up to politicians to serve us. It's not up to us to make sure you all get what you try to force on us.

America's rejection of the propaganda was the most important
part of this election. It is the rise of independent journalists not corporate hacks pawning themselves off as journalists.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
After January, no one will put restrictions on what the FBI can
investigate or how.
Then again, maybe we're being naive. As George Carlin said, it's a big club. And a club it is. They keep us bitterly divided, but they are fine coming together with each other.
I've seldom seen her look so genuinely happy, as opposed to the forced, manic stuff she did on the campaign trail.
Well, we're stuck with him but I hope we don't have to see or hear from her again for a good while.
"Hill and Bill frogmarched into a Club Fed by the new FBI dir"
Great comment Writerinres.
I especially love the images of the fireworks people being told to pack it all up and go home (btw, is that true?). But nothing rivals all the image of all that champagne uncorked making people sick instead of more emboldened in anticipation of more and bigger pillaging under their Wall St puppet.
Watching the stock market reel is just one of too many aspects I'm relishing today.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
In re the fireworks
I read it on the Post and Daily News. They were cancelled on Monday.
As for the reasons:
OK that last one is a joke. But I like it.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
if the media hadn't given Trump all the free publicity...
...we would possibly be seeing different results today. media, point one finger to yourselves.
Dear Mr. Tasioulas: at best a very naive statement.
The party is an organ of those who have been willingly oppressing billions worldwide through economic policies, military enforcement of the dictatura of global capital, and the destruction of the very ecosystem from which you and I draw breath.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
3rd party
MSNBC pundits have been saying that Trump defeated both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Put another way, he defeated the status quo, the duopoly and establishment media.
Neil de Grasse Tyson (of all people), said quite awhile back that Trump was effectively a 3rd party candidate.
With all due respect to Neil, that is obvious. Bernie was, too.
Both, however, recognized that they had to run as Thing One or Thing Two if they expected anything.
Speaking of which, I am trying hard to find another term for "third party." So far, "newer party" is all I've come up with.
In my opinion, the very term "third party" is subversive of the 90% and supportive of the duopoly. It helps perpetuate the false notion that America has only two political parties. This is a very partial list in that it a bunch of the most recently-formed political parties are not on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_the_United_St...
"The New Party for US" - shortened to The New Party or The US
Tyson is an example of a smart and educated person who makes "authoritative" statements out of his field that are just plain wrong. Another Tyson example is his pronouncements on GMO's saying that they are selective breeding which exposes his ignorance of evolutionary biology.
Can we be rid of Robert Reich now?
It seems to me the American people want Social Security to remain as the prime social program for old age security and want Medicare to be run without Big Pharma & the insurance companies & the AMA gaming the system for profit. "People before profits" is not a conclusion that is divergent from the presidential results.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Pitchfork Party
Was suggested on another thread, this morning.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If RNC was as corrupt as DNC, Trump would not be Candidate
Tyson is right. RNC was livid with primary results but let them stand UNLIKE the DNC.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Look out for the initials: NPFU!
Everything gets abbreviated. Whenever I name an organization (I get to name only the ones I've started), I often come up with the initials of a word I want the entity to be known as. Then I try to come up with a name that fits the acronym.
I was trying to replace the term "third party."
Trump spent almost nothing on the primary and far, far less than Hillary on the general.
Nora O'Donnell on CBS said Clinton outspent Trump by $500 million.
Ponder what $500 million might have done for infrastructure
or safety net issues. Imagine.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
At least! Does that include all her PACS since Ready for Hillary
Does that include the free
Does that include the free billions in media publicity gifted Trump in running as the Official Greater Evil intended to scare voters to Hillary?
My favoured personal theory is that he spent almost nothing campaigning until he realized that he actually had a shot at the Presidency and a chance to make far more money wheeling, dealing and stealing as the US President than he'd make with the mere publicity of having run. Also that Pence, so similar to Hillary's far-right, TPP-supporting, anti-abortion VP, was part of the deal with TPTB in their letting him win over the equally uncontrollably egotistical and obvious psychopath Hillary, so that Pence will either act as his Dick Cheney in running things, with Trump as a figurehead, or entirely take over the Presidency at some point, for whatever cause is given/results.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Dem party
Though I appreciate the sentiment, I disagree with the
second point and the first needs some perspective.
I get he says one of the darkest times in the party, but, of course, the darkest times in the Democratic Party were when it supported slavery, then opposed Lincoln, then was the party of Jim Crow, with Democratic elected officials oppressing by day and burning crosses by night.
It was the party of Tammany Hall, World War I, the Korean "Police Action" and the Vietnam "Era." Continuing Gitmo and torture are nothing to sneeze at, either. Lots of dark moments in both the largest political parties to go around. And, while we did not always know what was going on in those smoke-filled rooms of legend in which candidates were chosen, we know it was probably nothing good.
Just because some things were laid bare this time doesn't mean it was all sugar plums and rainbows before wikileaks. Or even that we know everything about this time.
Also, people who keep predicting the collapse of the Republican Party and/or the Democratic Party usually get proven wrong very quickly The Republican Party, for example was the subject of a "post-mortem" by its very own RNC not long ago. It was dead again in 2012. It was REALLY dead once Trump became the nominee. And yet...
It will be a while and a lot of hard work before the duopoly is broken.
Dear Mr. Elite: You and your party are a sham.
That world and its febrile chattering class died last night forever.
We have come and shall tear down the hulking remains and actualize the aspirations of those from whom this defunct political system have stolen on behalf of the super rich for centuries.
Local, free to all who struggle, closing the mouth of elitist propaganda and irradiating corruption in its DNA.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Edited: reply to top of this thread, not to the post immediately above.
Sirota was another great voice chase from TOP
They have lost far more talent than they deserve to have even had.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Chewed through our monthly data watching Democracy Now! with
Sirota and quite a few other interesting participants.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
So would be 'important
So would be 'important historical documents' those State Department and other emails which Hillary 'accidentally' had deleted, once they were requested as such - and the server(s) wiped of - as pertaining to yoga and weddings. Not that those couldn't be retrieved by the (privatized) Allseeing Spy-Eyes demanding 'More(Back)Doors' in computers for less personal and national security all round...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I am so glad that Her wasn't the first woman President.
Women deserve so much better! Indeed, they deserve nothing but the best.
#7: confirmed -
Long-suffering and long-ignored lefties get stubborn and vengeful when you rob them and then try to make light of it.
#8 - Stealing elections is not only bad, but may come back to bite the Great Ass in the ass.
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes
Proud and cocksure, they slipped on “G~d’s great banana skin”
The beauty part here, IMO, is that Trump is perceived as
having beaten both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
I was not stubborn or vengeful, though. I simply stopped believing that "The left has nowhere else to go" and that Democrats are the lesser evil. I've seen Hillary's loss as the lesser evil all along for the reason stated in the thread starter. They are saying this is a rejection of everything Clinton, including centrism (which I see as little more than pro-choice Republicanism). That never would have happened if she had won. They would have quadrupled down on centrism. If Democrats aid and abet Republicans instead of pushing back against them, who can push back the right?
It's Good News, Bad News Situation
Notice Hellery actually won the popular vote (unless they are still counting votes). I've been an advocate for dumping the Electoral college, but hot damn, it worked in our favor this time. Hhahaha.
#NotMyPresident trending HARD on the tweeter.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
popular vote
Still counting. 4 states have still not been called.
The people have spoken.
No more Clintons in the WH.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Happy Snoopy
This one's for snoopydawg! Let's dance.
Peace & Love
Proud to say I've never voted for a Clinton / eom
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I never want to listen to her
again. Or Big Dog.
I hope the elites abandon them. In my dreams, some Saudi royal sues them to get their Clinton Foundation contribution returned. After all, they didn't come through with delivery of the White house, as likely promised.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Damned good point.
I would love to see that happen.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Saudis or some Gulf clan ought to adopt them
Then they could finally bask in the mock royal splendor they have always craved.
A few hundred million is not enough to live royally?
Things are worse than I thought!
They'll also have to return the paid-in-advance deposits...
on the Lincoln bedroom.
This is all on her, her heinous did everything wrong
Let us not forget that Clinton had every advantage: Presidential campaign experience, the full backing of her party, a much bigger ground apparatus, oddles of experts and surrogates, the Mighty Wurlitzer of the media behind her, an opponent widely deemed to be world-class terrible – utterly unqualified, undisciplined, offensive, with a mother lode of scandals – and what historically was deemed the most important asset of all, a large lead in fundraising.
Yet Clinton was a lousy campaigner and strategist. By all accounts, she was a micromanager who regularly overrode her staff’s advice. All the big-ticket Madison Avenue spin-meistering could not get the dogs to eat enough dog food.
You don’t win voters by telling them they are stupid and beneath contempt. That is tantamount to saying you have no intention of representing them
You don’t win voters by failing to offer a positive vision and selling only fear
You don’t win voters by trying to get them to believe you’ll suddenly behave differently and take positions contrary to the ones you’ve held for decades to extract cash from the the richest and most powerful
You don’t win voters with a record of failing upward
You don’t win voters by saying your opponent is a sleaze, even when undeniably true, when you are at least as sleazy yourself
And readers in Lambert’s live blog last night read Clinton’s defeat the same way:
The Red Wave is rolling across this country because
the Democrats wont listen to their base.
Trump’s election is completely due to the incompetence and arrogance of the D elite.
It’s really amazing to see how little of the blame is going to Clinton herself. It was her decision to set-up a private email server. It was her decision to serve as Secretary of State while accepting millions from foreign governments. It was her decision to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars while unofficially running for President. It was her decision to call millions of Americans deplorable.
The liberal histrionics and gnashing of teeth (especially on twitter) are actually just making me mad now. So, you sat out the fight from 2008 to the present and suddenly NOW the world is coming to an end. Where were you when Occupy was scuttled by your precious Democratic administration? Where were you when Secretary Clinton was negotiating away the last vestiges of labor rights in this country? Where have you been while state after state has passed right to work laws? Where were you when the current administration ramped up deportations? Where were you when the DoJ pumped weapons into Mexico just to see what would happen? Where were you when a sixteen year old American kid was blown to pink mist in Yemen? And the list goes on…
I should make this into a card that I hand to every single person tomorrow who blubbers about the coming apocalypse. The world was already on fire. Now the veil has been lifted. I’d hope to see these fresh discontents on the picket lines, but something tells me that’s unlikely.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Friend, no one in power listens to protests.
It is not enough to protest. Protest only works when those who have power can be affected by disruption or electoral change.
That world, if ever it existed, is long, long gone.
Those who oppress us know they are immune to 1) democracy 2) public demonstrations.
We have to grow a new society, one free from the crass manipulation of the oligarchs.
Build it one hand at a time, but build it we must.
Start with this idea: control comes through will, not though expectations.
Peace and love be with you, the reader.
There are a whole lot journalists I used to respect
that I will no longer read or quote their writings to friends. Too many to even list.
Now we get to laugh at the MSM for selling their souls to Hellery. And I assume they sold themselves expecting a payday when Her Heinous was coronated.
All the journalists that totally destroyed their professional reputations by covering up and excusing all of Hellery's lies and corruption. You don't just flip a switch to restore your reputation.
Same goes for all the sellout performers as well.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Didn't I read on DailyKos a couple years back that ...
... at some point, Bill Clinton had encouraged Trump to run?
Everybody seemed to think Trump would be so easy for Hillary to beat. The Clintons lived and died by the polls, and they were hoist on their own petards. They've nobody to blame but themselves. Ye
Didn't I read on DailyKos a couple years back that ...
... at some point, Bill Clinton had encouraged Trump to run?
Everybody seemed to think Trump would be so easy for Hillary to beat. The Clintons lived and died by the polls, and they were hoist on their own petards. They've nobody to blame but themselves. Ye