5 things we learned or got confirmed on November 8, 2016.
MSNBC pundits have been saying that Trump defeated both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Put another way, he defeated the status quo, the duopoly and establishment media. They also said this was a rejection of Clintonism, trade deals, centrism, all of it (a result, my dears, that we would not have if The Hillary had even squeaked in.)
Carville, also known as the "It's the economy, stupid" strategist, said that Hillary received a lot of advice, including that she needed to run on fiscal issues. However, she decided to go with GOTV and "temperament" (IOW, "Trump is a sexist pig who brags about grabbing p___ies and who, just like the Goldwater guy I worked for in 1964, also should not have the nuclear codes."). And so, we have yet another example of The Hillary's incredibly bad judgment and lust for the low road. (The Obamas probably came up with, "When they go low, we go high," in 2008: Hillary ran against Obama far lower than did McCain or Romney.)
Okay, the five things:*
1. Never be cocky, but never be resigned to defeat or give up.
2. Don't trust pollsters, establishment media or self-appointed fact "checkers." All three are adept at ignoring and pretzeling facts.
3. Ultimately, it's about the message and how much people trust the candidate to be truthful and to deliver, not about big donors.
Voters, when the red team or the blue team screams at you to donate more because they're behind in fundraising or because they're being outspent, scream back at them to be better candidates. (The exception, of course, is a candidate who is funding solely with smaller donations from ordinary people, as did Sanders.)
Candidates, get a set of principles and stick to them, absent an extraordinary reason to change. No one trusts continually holding up a wet finger to see which way the wind is blowing that particular second.
Trump spent almost nothing on the primary and far, far less than Hillary on the general. Supposedly he had no ground game at all. And, let's not forget: If you have a good message and people trust you to deliver, they will both fund you and vote for you. Sanders proved that, even though, on paper, he did not beat the Clinton machine.
4. Politicians, don't interfere with the primary choice of your base. Dump super delegates, especially those given that status solely by virtue of being big donors. Stop colluding with each other, big donors and with the flocking establishment media.
5. Whose turn it is, who "paid his or her dues, etc. is irrelevant at the polls, at best. It;s a minus. Elections belong to voters, not to parties. No politician has gotten in line to help the 90% for decades. Besides, the one who is next in line has most likely already shown a tendency to lose big races (Humphrey, Mondale, McCain, Romney, etc.).
Anyone who was sentient in 2008 and/or read Game Change knows how bad a campaign Hillary ran in 2008 (when it was also her turn) and how good a campaign Obama ran, even though they were both DLC/DNC Democrats. Instead of copying Republicans, right down to the stupid "It's his/her turn mentality," Democrats need to learn what I think Republicans finally learned after both 2008 and 2012--and what I falsely assumed Democrats learned after Adlai Stevenson: Just maybe, if someone runs a Presidential campaign that is low down, that runs out of money, and that loses at the polls, that candidate may well repeat one or more of those behaviors.
Bad leadership and bad judgment tend not to improve with age. Neither does likeability. And "Oh, yeah, him with that stuff again" doesn't drive people to donate, volunteer, drive their neighbors to the polls, etc. Presidents need much more than personality, but, to win, they probably do need to be able to inspire, to stir imaginations and generate hope. "Prepared, hardworking" (but also ineffective) just doesn't cut it. We don't need an empty suit, though. In a population of over 325 million, nominating candidates who are smart, at least relatively) honest, likeable and effective should not be as impossible as the duopoly has made it seem. (Effectiveness in changing the status quo for the better is not in the interest of the establishment.)
Hillary may work hard and prepare. Nonetheless, she Peter Principled at Billarycare, maybe even at WalMart and the Rose Law firm. Maybe even at the Watergate hearings. She had a long list list of job titles, and talked a good game, even taking credit for Kennedy's SCHIP. But, she had a very short list of accomplishments. (Sorry, I don't consider using words an accomplishment, especially not for a politician. If I learned anything by March 2010, I learned that.) Oh, and screw nepotism. Yes, it worked for John Quincy Adams, but service in the nation's capitol then was a severe hardship and qualified people were much harder to come by. More recently, it's given us only Bush the Lesser. I rest my case.
*All the above, of course, is meaningless if the vote is rigged. So, we the people have to make sure the vote is not rigged: vote caging, paper trail, honest count--all of it. Focus on your cities, towns and states in that regard because the federal government seems hopeless.
We've certainly learned more lessons since 2008. The above are only the five that smacked me upside the head as I was listening to the punditz (sic) on MSNBC during the wee hours.
P.S. Howard Dean, raised on Park Avenue and in East Hampton, is now bloviating that voters wanted to kick the table over, but never thought of the consequences. What a pompous, tone deaf ass.
Yes, you fool, we did think of the consequences. We were simply that fed up and that desperate and you and yours insisted on forcing Hillary on us, anyway. You've been doing similar things for the past four decades. At long last,you and yours left us no choice but to send you a message, regardless of the risks. So, we did, duh.
As for consequences, let your fellow centrist Democrats in Congress, especially the Senate, do their damn jobs for a refreshing change. Use the filibuster, the one-person hold and every other tool that Republicans always use, whether they are in the majority or minority, and no matter what media say about them. Let them treat Trump as the powerless being in the face of Congress and public opinion that they've been telling us Obama is.
If Democrats in Congress don't do their jobs, that's on the them, not the electorate. Oh, and Democrats should try doing better in general--fewer excuses and rationalizations and better results for the 90%. It's up to politicians to serve us. It's not up to us to make sure you all get what you try to force on us.

I for one accept no guilt blow-back
Who can tell how things will go for the next 4 years? Low expectations.
I will continue to expect a Revolution. When and how is still murky.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Of course not! Neither do I. Neither of us is in control.
People like Howard Dean and DWS are. They got what they worked so hard for. Now it's up to Democratic Senators to do their job. If they don't (as usual), it's on them.
The Democrats are going to give Trump and the GOP
whatever they want. Bush 2.0 The only way that doesn't happen is if the progressives in the party rise up instead of hiding under their beds like they did when Bernie and the base needed tthem. If those @#$$&% had stood up and fought for and with Bernie, we'd be looking at a different outcome. No one in the Democratic Party escapes blame for Trump.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We don't know what they'll do. 2016 is not 2000. However, I
can't help what they do. Point is, they have the power to do block Trump. If they don't, it's on them not on the electorate.
They didn't hide under their beds during the primary. They actively froze Bernie out.
I don't think there are any progressives in the party. There are loyalists, like the bots. Then there are big mouths, like Michael Moore, who criticizes for four years until election time, when he, too, becomes an active loyalist.
I am over both kinds of loyalists, especially the Michael Moores, who have both the money and the megaphone to help us do better, but don't.
They can all kiss my entire bottom.
Love it!
I am feeling rather saucy myself.
Racist Misogynists
Stein - Baraka.
The time is now.
I think this IS the revolution
The GOP are not comfortable with Trump any more than anyone else. There is no manifesto - Bernie had a sweet one but he couldn't defeat the powers that be. The GOP will be smashed by Trump just as much as anyone else. I would start watching the military. Turkey promised to close the US base there if Trump won. Trump has made some wildly illegal calls both against US constitution and international law. The military have said they would refuse to follow illegal orders.
I am not smart enough to see what will play out here, but Trump would be wise to implement maximum personal security. His paranoia is going to have no end of triggers, and he is not a stable individual to take that pressure well.
It is 4:15 am. I am having a hard time sleeping, but I am going to get another couple hours at least. But bottom line I think the revolution just arrived in the USA.
"If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back" - Regina Brett
At the very least, the people fired a loud warning shot.
The military have been following illegal orders for 16 years
We have no legal national or international right to invade one country after another, as we have been doing, or to force "regime change" on them. Or to assassinate foreign leaders and our own citizens, to drone bomb gatherings because someone who may be there is "suspected." From what I read, our special forces know that they're being ordered to train ISID and al Qaeda, and are disgusted. It's been reported that Ash Carter openly refuses to go along with what feeble limits Obama tries to put on him, and gets away with it. It's another elite vs peons matter, with the military elite at least as bad as the civilian elite.
Purity of Essence
The drones are actually in CIA hand where following illegal orders isn't everything, it's the only thing.
Eisenhower sent troops to Beirut.
I have no idea what that was about, but I bet it wasn't our business.
And that was probably not the first time.
Our national DNA ain't pretty. Then again, no powerful nation's DNA has been pretty.
right. thank you.
Hey, They Said They Didn't Need Us, So.... Hahahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Guess who's promoting this same attitude at the top of TOP?
My nominee for the person who caused the most damage to DK other than Kos himself: DEO
And she's really losing it:
DEO is such a pompous ass
Condescending and dismissive of anyone not in perpetual genuflect to her martyred autobiography.
Screw her.
And now winning the popular
And now winning the popular vote matters, although I'll bet that was considerably assisted, probably out of Jill's share, too.
Drat, FF keeps freezing on me again after another update last night when I shut down, and I'll bet the scan I'm running shows nothing again...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Ha DEO. It Was Her Molecular Acid Voice
that made me hate the place.
I'll bet she is spitting fire now that an Unabashed Racist POTUS has been elected.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Not checking the cesspool, but I can guess
"It's everybody's fault but Hillary's, and the poors and the brown people are gonna suffer for it, waah, waah, waah!"
Live for identity politics, lose with identity politics.
"Divide and conquer" just became a failed strategy. The "divided" found common cause against the dividers, at least this time.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The idea of breaking the population into manageable
identity groups only works when the groups cooperate and then, it doesn't work for long. But the Clinton/Obama imperative is that it often works "long enough."
There will be no meaningful change until wage earners, and those who wish they were wage earners, find common cause and realize class is the bottom line. The Wealthers realize this, maybe it'll sink in with the 99%.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It doesn't have to be on all issues, either. We can coalesce around issue by issue. I might be on one team one day and a different team the next because the pro-choice and pro-abortion people are unlikely to agree on that. Or on separation of church and state. But, we can all agree that water from faucets should not brain damage all the kids in a town. Or ignite.
Short version of DEO today at dKos
"It's all the white males fault. They are all total Racists and Mysogynists. Otherwise Hillary woulda won."
There saved ya a trip to Orange Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Double post
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Add a few
Fuck yous and middle fingers and you got Denise down pat. She's even speaking in tongues.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
But, she won the popular vote.
The good news is that she lost the electoral college and got the popular vote. So, she won't be the first woman President, but she can't claim she lost because of sexism and he can't claim a mandate to build a wall.
When you win the popular vote, but lose the election anyway, you lost because you didn't run the smartest campaign or have the broadest appeal.
How about maybe TPTB figured
How about maybe TPTB figured they'd be better off with the managed 'competition' after all?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
She is an elitist and racist....
She is exactly what is wrong with the Democratic Party. People hate intellectuals because it makes them think of people like her.
Where's Hillary's fire wall now?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
She best hope this country stays 'racist' because it's her
one excuse for finger wagging and calling everybody else names.
What a hack.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Oh, no you didn't!
"Got a message for you. Denial is not a river in Egypt. It does flow strongly here." , she says.
Yes, she really did write that today at TOP.
You might want to study that sentence for a spell, Ms. D.
Probably not, though.
Racist Misogynists for Stein- Baraka
The time is now.
I was told straight up by both bbb and turkana they didn't
need my vote. I was fine obliging them. These smug bullies got exactly the result they deserved. I went over to dkos today for the first time in forever and see kos calling to put Bernie in charge at the DNC. Hahahahaha. Fuck off. Seriously. You think that even comes close to undoing the damage they've done?
I'm sure Kos himself is in backroom meetings today
with his DNC buddies devising strategies for launching Hillary II, the kinder, gentler, more honest Hillary -- in preparation for her run in 2020. Hahahahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Not gonna happen - she'll be too old, or too dead
They might try to rally around Chelsea, if they don't realize she's (literally) the fruit of the poison tree. Or they might try to find a convenient patsy who will let them puppet her (or maybe him) for four-eight years.
The glass ceiling is cracked but not yet broken - what will they try next?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Only in his dreams.
I don't believe Kos ever showed up in the Podesta emails. He's a wannabe, not a player.
True, Kos is not a player
But he is cog in the Dem propaganda machine.
I think everyone knows I was kidding about Hillary 2020. She is headed for the Dustbin Of History.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
He was probably (and still is now) on the DNC
FAX tree and considers himself successful in breaking down the gates with his insider status.
The only thing can break was/is his site and no matter how much
pandering to those he threw out, those Sanders supporters won't be back. The sock puppets have no need to continue to post. And the DNC operatives are out of work themselves. Hence his call to make Sanders head of the DNC.
Too bad, so sad. Well, not really.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I think the Democratic Party is irredeemable at this point
Especially Hillary, with her "temperament," screaming tantrums in private - remember her reported treatment of her Secret Service personnel : unprovoked "Fuck you's" and their wondering if they should go into the residence to protect him from her, though all he got that time was a black eye and a valuable vase smashed. She reportedly wound up with only brand new recruits who couldn't transfer out because they didn't have any seniority. She was said to have used the N-word a lot in private, too. Maybe some of that leaked out?
Democrats missed the revolution because they ran
to the oligarchs for help and security.
Because they clung to "The left has nowhere else to go."
When there's a conflagration, however, and all the usual exits have been blocked for years, people jump out of third-story windows, if necessary.
Yes! 2016 was the Democrats’ “Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire”!
The question is, what if anything will the people who actually have a say in the Democratic Party learn from this?
Nothing, as usual :) eom
The Lesson Will Be: Court More Republicans. Run a Real Blue Dog*
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
That is what they will try to tell us November 8 teaches.
We know better. We have to stand together and stay strong! No more alleged lesser of two evils.
That is such a tender subject for me.
My mom was a seamstress. At one point, she and my Dad were both members of the ILGWU. My birthday is March 25, the date of the fire, though, of course, not the same year. Whenever I had a job that made me eligible to be a union member, I was.
But, to your question: They KNOW. They have long known. They pretend not to know because it is so much easier and puts so much more money and perks in their pockets when they pretend not to know.
I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (1935), ISBN 0-520-08198-6; repr. University of California Press, 1994, p. 109.
"Look for the union label" was the ILGWU song and it was
a song of solidarity because it promoted all the unions in the needle trades(or at least that's my interpretation). It was necessary because of companies locating to the cheap-labor, right to work, states of the old Confederacy. It was a well run union that was overwhelmed by the global labor arbitrage, unfortunately.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Here’s a 1978 ILGWU teevee spot featuring that song
Can you say more about labor arbitrage?
I am not familiar with that term. I know arbitrage in finance, but not as it applies to labor.
lotlizard, I was thinking of your comment from yesterday,
the one where you quoted that bit about the end of the politics of deference, as I was watching the all the turtlenecks on PBS stroke their chins and wax philosophical. The general consensus was that the people had failed the chattering classes. Racism, sexism, misogyny, you name it.
The bad thing was, there were two black people on the panel. The younger woman had a clue, a good command of the states and some sound insights. The guy, I forget his name, was a Democratic analyst. His analysis was all about slavery, America's original sin, whites angry at sharing power, problematic this and that. Literally not one thing he said about Trump voters was correct, other than the raw stats. The elite have cultivate a black leadership so steeped in the politics of deference they can't communicate in any other way. As Trump would say, SAD.
Sounds like they got it exactly bass-ackward
It's the chattering classes that have failed the people - and now the people know it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Sure we're all such deplorable racists
that we'd rather lose our home to WS, go hungry, lose our jobs, work for minimum wage, have our kids drop out of school and live in our basements than vote for a black person or a woman. If they look at people down their noses any harder, they will break their necks.
If I never go to dkos again, it will be too soon. Having said that, I can't wait to visit BBB and dance on Hillary's grave like I told him I would.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
When you do, send me a message.
I'll log on over there just to rec it.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Trump gets it. Since his win, he has been saying and tweeting
populist comments. Serving the people or whatever. Whether he will actually act on it remains to be seen, but he knows why he won. The rest of them probably know, too, but won't admit it precisely because they don't want to do anything for the people.
They'll learn the same lesson they always do:
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Bill Clinton & his coterie was saying 20 years ago, be patient
the demographics are all in our(The Democrats') favor. They have nowhere else to go. There was no thought to doing what was right for the citizens, the ecology, the planet, only, "Sit tight and we will win forever."
The left has other places to go. The African-Americans can stay home. The Hispanics - and to lump them into one group is ignorant - have other options. HRC found this out last night.
When people speak of Hispanics are they speaking of the Spanish to took up residence in what became the US SW and California and Florida in the 1600s? Or are they speaking of those who trace the ancestry to Mexico? Central America? Or are they talking about the over-favored Cubans? There is no Hispanic vote; there are Spanish speakers of different ancestry.
Clinton had only the failures of American aggressive(read: murderous) military and diplomatic actions on behalf of international capital abroad and austerity at home to offer as her resume. Identity and the status quo was her chosen path: Let's hope smart people put a detour sign where that path began.
My guess is that Bernie would have won 300+ electoral votes and we'd be speaking of president-elect Sanders this morning.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Because the Democratic Party is insanely stupid
the lesson they will take from this election is that they went too far to the left in order to cater to the Sanders/Warren wing and they really need to move further right. Which is the same lesson they take from every election. Which is exactly wrong. Bernie proved the market for strong, sincere populist liberalism.
When the Republicans overreach, which is inevitable, there could be a good opportunity in 2 years to retake the Senate as people discover President Trump needs some checks and balances. That's if anyone could still be talked into placing their trust and vote in a Democratic Party that has proven to be so insincere and duplicitous with their dual public and private faces and their behind the scenes machinations.
The DNC Clinton controlled wing should just finally acknowledge that at heart they are Republicans and become actual Republicans, otherwise we'll go through this Groundhog Day exercise every cycle.
Even though the Dem Party is a smoking ruin at this point and ripe for takeover (Kos thinks Bernie should head the DNC, LOL!) I personally would rather start a brand new Party without the baggage of the Dems using the Bernie campaign of small donors and social media as its model.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Kos needs to
STFU! 'nuff said.
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
Something for the pissed off in both parties, it's time.
Looks More Like 40 Years Ago. Fantastic Article That Someone
here shared:
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I think it predates that.
McGovern won the nomination fair and square and produced the most diverse Democratic Convention in history. The people who ran the Democratic Party apparatus--Scooper, HHH, Meany--all supported the most detested Republican imaginable, RMN.
That "Watergate class" was full of "smart" people who were already tuned into kissing bank and MIC butt. BTW, they also were ready to do two things: 1) shut down the Great Unraveling that was exposing some very nasty truths about this country; and 2) back off support for civil rights along with racial and gender equality. I was in college back then and was drafted into serving as "host" for a luncheon for a bunch of these folks in the fall before they took office (i.e. 1974). Martha Keys, sister of Gary Hart, was one of them, and she had been elected from the district in Kansas right across the river from where I grew up. She learned that day that she had been appointed to Ways and Means, a real plum for her. All her Democratic compatriots were desperate to know how she had managed to get "promoted" like this.
Norman Mineta was there, along with Bob Krueger and the execrable Larry Prescott.
The one exception was Les AuCoin who impressed me as sincere and even a little humbled by what was ahead of him.
The Atlantic article should be required reading.
Thanks for including this link. I haven't seen too many articles this good. I learned some things I didn't know and remembered some things I had forgotten.
It seems obvious to me that we need a party that will reinstate the philosophy and laws that the new Dems overturned. I watched them do it but didn't recognize the future effect of much of what was happening at the time. If you know who posted the article, could you get them to write a new essay on it or write one yourself?
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Yes, and Puerto Ricans, too.
Demographics were on the side of Democrats when Republicans represented the wealthy and Democrats represented people who had to work to earn a living and the needy, especially after the (1) the Voting Rights Act, (2) voter registration drives, (3) migration of African Americans outside the rural South as Democratic voters, rather than as Republican voters (as they had been between Lincoln and the Civil Rights Act). And, (4) before white Southerners flipped to Republican.
Then a series of events turned a chunk labor to the right, while union heads continued to support Democrats. However, Democrats did not want to take pro-labor positions. They wanted the backing of big donors, global traders, etc. They either lied or actually believed that abandoning unions and labor gave them a better chance of winning elections.
Now, they are losing Spanish-speaking minorities as well. (They are also losing some blacks, but nowhere near as many.)
Because really, what do Democrats who are not populists, not strongly pro-working people and unions, have to offer most people? Reproductive choice does not put food on most tables and, in any event is either up to the SCOTUS and, if Roe v. Wade is reversed, up to state legislatures. So, if labor is either going Republican or staying home, the demographics are eroding.
Watch Trump give the Left somewhere to go now.
Want to bet? There are a lot of similarities between his proposals and Bernie's. Watch him lay out his "populist" (democratic) ideas for us, without Hillary continuing to channel McCarthy and red-baiting them. Even Peace will probably get a run.
Whoops! Sorry, didn't mean to
Whoops! Sorry, didn't mean to rec as I disagree on the grounds that Trump has always used/ripped off others to enrich himself, while Bernie has always fought for the more vulnerable and they have nothing in common.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Watch Trump give the Left somewhere to go now.
Want to bet? There are a lot of similarities between his proposals and Bernie's. Watch him lay out his "populist" (democratic) ideas for us, without Hillary continuing to channel McCarthy and red-baiting them. Even Peace will probably get a run.
if the rumor is true that B. Clinton convinced Trump to run...
...H. Clinton is probably fuming today over that brilliant idea.
Well put.
I was unabashedly a third-story window jumper although I expect to survive the fall and my real concerns are about future fire prevention.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Democrats Didn't Miss The Revolution
they tried to Crush It. Poor Old Hellery.
On the plus side, she doesn't have to continue those painful Botox treatments to smooth her wrinkles for the cameras. Watch her get old in a hurry now. Hahahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
"The closeted Trump voter"
What you get when the media and establishment constantly trashes one candidates voters - not the candidate himself, but his VOTERS. The term is thanks to Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism.
They ARE the Oligarchs. That was revealed by Wikileaks.
Wikileaks put Trump over the top.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
HRC campaign was kinder, gentler Corporatocracy.
She need to be taken down. Sanders was the perfect candidate but the corporatocracy didn't approve.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
The corporatocracy prefers Trump to Bernie
An economic crash under Trump is an opportunity to buy up the remaining parts of the planet that they don't already own.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Who cares
Who cares what they prefer? They were going to win under Hillary too. But maybe after a Trump win, the Democrats can pull their heads out of their asses and champion change, rather than being the other side of the duopoly coin.
Lets hope the Democrats dont miss the train
The Grifter Special is leaving today for Arkansas ,platform C. Lets hope we never have another Clinton inflicted on us again.
Someone on one of the morning news shows asked one of Trump's sons if his dad won, would he be able to work with Hillary. Trump kid said "I hope so, I think so."
But, Trump doesn't need to work with Hillary! She's not in congress or any other elected office. I wonder if that occurred to the son.
Not to defend Trump's sons, but they are not politicians or
pundits or news people. What was up with the fool who asked the question?
No, they belong to another group
trophy hunters. Check their photos on Flickr, surrounded by dead animals. Ugh.
To thine own self be true.
One of Trump's sons
was a spokesman. (I don't know which son is which, namewise.) He routinely went on the shows, and held his own rallies for his dad without his dad.
IMO, that makes him the son of a candidate, not a politician.
If a member of my nuclear family were running, I'd do whatever was asked of me to help out. Besides, in the thick of it people get exhausted. Remember Obama talking about 53 U.S. states?
What was the profession of the person who asked the question?
Good grief, Henry.
I just pointed out that Hillary is not part of a group that Trump would need to work with. She's out! Can we let it go?
Obviously, Trump's son is not a politician.
The profession of the person was a news show host type person, probably on CBS as I don't have TV, and occasionally stream CBS News and CBS This Morning as their videos play well on my old computer.
I'm sorry I mentioned it.
Duplicate, deleted by HenryWallace
Perhaps that fool just
Perhaps that fool just revealed that, among other things, The State and Justice Depts. still serve the Clintons because they work/she works with and for TPTB in or out of public office?
Dear FSM, FF is now freezing constantly!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
6. Smash the system while the rot is in plain view.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Anyone realize Trump might have public and private stances too?
It's called politics. Trump is going to be a good President. Conventional wisdom is always wrong and Trump had more in common with Bernie than HRC did. How bad could he be?
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Friend, is this an acceptable explanation for that which
you have observed in the last months?
Of course these elites have private views.
Let me sum them up for you:
We are their slaves.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
How bad could he be? Extremely bad.
He has said he wants to take out the terrorists, come down on them harder than ever before, and not only take them out, "take out their families". That'll teach 'em. It will also make him an international war criminal for intentionally targeting civilians.
He has said he will repeal Obamacare and "replace it with something great". Why didn't Obama think of that! McConnell is already making repeal noises. No sign of replacement on the horizon. There goes my health care.
He has said that he does not believe climate change is a thing. At least, not manmade climate change. He says he will bring back "clean coal".
He thinks the EPA is for sissies. We don't need no steenking clean air/water/land laws!
He probably won't initiate any challenges to abortions, but he will go along with whatever anyone else pushes through. He will appoint Repug conservatives to the Supreme Court. Women whose lives are in danger from pregnancy will receive no relief unless they can afford to travel to another country.
He has called for an end to the minimum wage. He has also vowed to create lots of new jobs. I think those are related - welcome to the world of $1/hr jobs. Work 24 hours per day and have multiple fulltime paid employee roommates, and if you're lucky you will make ends meet. But hey! Lots of jobs! Just not lots of good wages.
I'm sure I could list many more. Not to mention that I feel a little unsafe when I go out now. A$$hole$ are going to be running around grabbing pussy. After all, he did it and became President. It must be OK. If I were black, I'd carry a gun.
You may believe he doesn't mean anything he says, but I am not just reporting what the Smear Queen told me. I watched his videos myself. These are his stances on some of the issues.
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next time
From his twitter handle to their ears.
The spin is starting already. Pundits are saying how depression has sunk in all over the country; how you could hear audible sighs from broadcast anchors last night as the results started to become clear, etc.
Too bad we can't vote out media, too.
They know their asses are out the door.
Their duplicitous, lying, shilling for Hill and gleeful debasement of Bernie, his supporters, and even Trump, is gonna get them fired. No integrity, no judgment, no respect for the American people or the truth, equals no justification for keeping them in their jobs. Trust me, heads will roll; in the DNC, the MSM, the Obama administration, and in Clintonworld.
When the Clinton campaign cancelled the victory fireworks barge in the East River the day before Election Day, that was a tell. Their battleground workers knew she couldn't win at that point. Wish I'd put my meager savings in shorting the market.
Anyway, the prospect of all those irate Clinton corporate sponsors deserting their Shill is a sweet ending to a shit sandwich of an election year. Maybe we'll even be treated to the optics of Hill and Bill frogmarched into a Club Fed by the new FBI director and attorney general (bye, bye lyin' Loretta) in the near future. Maybe their for-profit "charity" will even be encouraged to return the $10 billion raised for the Haitian people to Haiti, and they'll get the clean water, jobs and housing they were promised. Peace.