Robby Mook Tap Dancing with Chris Wallace

Hat Tip to Lonestar Mike for full interview link:

Partial interview:

Here's where I found it - a lot of it is transcribed:

The Daily Caller

Robby Mook Spent Sunday Throwing Huma Abedin Under The Bus [VIDEO]

“There’s credible reporting out there that this came from the laptop of Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin,” he continued. “Why on Earth wouldn’t Hillary Clinton say to her closest personal aide, was there any stuff on your laptop, and what was it?”

“I appreciate your question because people want answers,” Mook responded. “There’s nothing about Huma Abedin in the letter that was sent out.”

“Why wouldn’t Clinton ask anybody? They could be emails from anybody in the world.”

I continue to be amazed at how low the campaign will stoop...

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It's 9:20

[video: width:420]

Chris Wallace also asked Mook why did Clinton say that the letter was only delivered to Republicans and no Democrats, when it was actually sent to 8 Democrats. Wallace pointed out that Comey's letter was issued at 1:15 p.m., then Podesta made the same false claim about it only being sent to the Republicans at 3:45 p.m. and then Clinton made the same false allegation three hours after that.

Mook said Clinton only looked at the first page, but not the second where it showed the 8 Democrats who also received the letter. Seriously? You'd think Clinton and her team would at least read the whole thing.

This whole thing is a mess and Sec. Clinton - you built this.

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WindDancer13's picture

report before she cast her vote "with conviction." Can't even glance at page 2? HRC apparently has a very short attention span for everything that isn't a lie or that will benefit her and only her.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

k9disc's picture

Isn't that why they call it an Executive Summary?

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Alligator Ed's picture

the truth". Nice. Very nice. Who was it that destroyed 33,000 emails or more? Who was it that lied about classified material on here emails? Who was it that lied about receiving an FBI subpoena? Who was it that exchanged classified information with non-governmental people? And, now, the Queen of I-can't-rememberland can't read the second page of a brief document? Who was it that couldn't remember ever having sent/received emails from Bryan Pagliano--and 38 other things?

Robby--you know the answer and your cheesy smile will not deflect us from the truth. Americans are waking up, tired of being lied to and financially squeezed by (let's face it) evil elites who care only about more--more this, more that, more anything.

I'm voting for Jill but I'll tell you, Trump is going to win in a landslide. Maybe, Robby, he'll have enough on you to put your smug, lying ass in jail so you can be near your boss.

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All of them, young or old, male or female, all have that saccharine smile and that condescending manner.

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tourniquet's picture

robbie "smiles" mook. i hate that this is fox news hitting them hard on this. the "left" media is just letting that hail mary zing.

"chris if you're asking if we were completely full of shit earlier with the talking points or whatever the answer is 'absolutely, yes.' but blah blah something blah hypotheticals blah." *GRINNN*

by the way, 3 point difference in the race right now. what a disgrace.

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tourniquet's picture

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You could not convince a dog to bark. Where is Nathan Thurm when She needs him?

Feel in need of a shower after the long campaign?
Get clean with Green! This is fun.

Stein - Baraka

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