Orange State can't go back, they have jumped the shark leaving reality behind

With all of the new information from wikileaks that disgusts just about everybody over the criminality that is Hillary Clinton, I decided to view the list of diaries at Orange State (aka Daily Kos). I have been doing so on and off for about the past two weeks.

How many diaries do you think I found about the wikileak e-mails on subjects that horrify people and especially progressives?


When the Hill-bots over at Orange State (aka Daily Kos) talk about the conservative bubble of Faux Noise, Hate radio, etc. they need to take a good look in the mirror. Orange State has jumped the shark on ignoring reality.

I wonder just how much money Markos is making from turning a once respected site into a Hill-bot echo chamber?

I would ask if he thinks the site's respect was worth it, but he is too busy guarding the gates he once wanted crashed.

Let me be clear now...

I have MORE RESPECT for Free Republic than I do Daily Kos, why?

Free Republic is a disgusting right-wing hate filled site, BUT they are honest about who they are!

Daily Kos is far from being honest about itself. Then again Honesty is to Hillary Clinton as Holy Water is to a Vampire. As such a Hill-bot drone site like Daily Kos and its Hill-drones are scared of the truth!

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Bollox Ref's picture

Not having been there for some 7 months, I imagine it's much like Bruno Ganz in "Downfall", moving imaginary armies around as Berlin falls.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Shahryar's picture

1. Delete the dKos bookmark
2. Delete any links to diaries that you might have bookmarked
3. Ignore links that lead there
4. Don't go there
5. Sell everything
6. Move somewhere else

I've got the first four done, working on 5 and 6.

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Remove any browser cookies from that place as well: you never know how they might be used.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

It is the Kingdom of Brainwashed Minions for Shillary and nothing more make no mistake about it...
I'm sure they are reporting in Vivid Pornographic Detail each new woman that comes forward with claims of an encounter with Trumps Finger...
I'm sure any slips of details such as the "Armrest Being Lifted" on the 1st Class Seat will be discounted by the Clinton News Network and The Clinopes Website, then cited as evidence in the articles at DKus...

Frankly I'm starting to feel like these tales are starting to appear "Overdone" especially knowing it is a Wag The Dog over the Podesta E-Mail Dump so the credibility is really starting to lag with me...

Not that there was much to begin with...

I see why Bernie got the hell out while he did...
I don't blame him a bit...

Now can we perhaps get a 95% Secret Service Budget Cut for the next 4 years?

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Bisbonian's picture

we might get that last, through the new Congress.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Pluto's Republic's picture

They choose what makes them most comfortable, based on their experiences, values, and prior commitments.

This year, everyone was forced to make that decision. It isn't easy for anyone. The way individuals behave during that process doesn't mean a thing, except to reveal that individual's essential character.

We are all living with our decisions and finding our way. Community helps, and making it better provides a good return on investment.

I really don't think anyone in the US is informed enough to make a decision for the country. The system is very intricate and largely opaque. People refused to keep the constitution up to date through the generations. That's why they have no universal human rights, today, that cannot be revoked by the government. So, they're vulnerable. Elected officials are now merely part-time temps, and then, they're gone. The government goes its own way. Democracy cannot address that.

I figure everyone has a right to make themselves as comfortable as possible, in their own political cocoon.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
lotlizard's picture

More and more people have figured out the system is rigged.

They may make poor choices about what to do about it, but where would they get the information to make good choices?

All the information they get by normal means is controlled by a rigged, filtered system and cannot be trusted. Once they see through the game, they may not know much, but they do know who they can’t trust.

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GreyWolf's picture

Getting' kinda zen-like in Plato's Republic, but yeah, I agree with "everyone has a right to make themselves as comfortable as possible".

If we are mice and rats in a maze, and the mice just set up camp around the food pellet chute, while us rat's scratch and chew at the walls, it "doesn't mean a thing, except to reveal that individual's essential character."

Look, over there; there are mousey mice, munching their allotted food pellets; and look, over there, there lays a once healthy grey wolf, now delusionally gnawing its leg off, dreaming of freedom, and of escape from a trap, and of chasing rabbits in a far off field.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

You know, I'm part wolf. I suppose all dogs are.

But I was raised by wolves. Which may be obvious….

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
GreyWolf's picture

I mis-spelled your name and then you mis-spell mine ... lol, touché Wink

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bondibox's picture

It's often the absence of information that marks a website's demise.

I knew the kos was worthless when I tried to search for Wilding, you know, the name of the plaintiff in the DNC / Sanders case. The search returned results for the word "Wild".

I can't think of a single time in the history of the internet when a search engine replaced one word with another. That's what you'd call a broken search engine. Or modified by design...

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F the F'n D's

The Aspie Corner's picture


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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

thanatokephaloides's picture

I still get emails from those assholes even though I'm bojo'd.

Open one of the said emails.

Scroll down to the bottom.

Locate the link labeled "Unsubscribe". (Federal Law and the laws of most States require it to be there, and to work.)

Click the link and follow any subsequent prompts until you are told that you have Unsubscribed.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

MarilynW's picture

take part in discussions, write something and/or can I spare a donation of $3.00?

I have blocked them. I haven't quit because I still want to go through my diaries there and save any good ones.

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To thine own self be true.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

for any media outlets over the next four years if you know who accumulates enough votes. We as citizens will be so disconnected from reality that we will need progressive spies inside her administration and an underground [railroad] communication system just to pass along truth.

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snoopydawg's picture

left or wer banned.
Almost every front page diary has a link and asks if you can donate $$$$ to either Hillary or another candidate.
The site gets to keep a percentage of each donation if done from a certain donation link.
I'm seeing a lot of personal stories about someone's sexual abuse since the trump case came out.
And yes there are countless diaries each time some woman comes forward and says that trump assaulted her.
If I recall correctly, there once was a time when there were a bunch of women coming forward and saying that Bill sexually assaulted them.
But that was in the past, right?
Oh wait. So was trump's

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.


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Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Bisbonian's picture

More smelt than I bargained for.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Deja's picture

Especially if there was one (or more) making reference to it becoming a rah rah Hillary only site? Or mention of the Ides Edict?

It wouldn't change anything, but it would be satisfying. Yet another, 'I knew it!' moment.

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I thought originally that I could hold my nose, punch my face, and vote for Hillary. And do what Cenk has stated, then work to move Hillary off her worst positions. That did not work at TOP. I would say the general tenor of front pagers and newly trained Brock posters was Hillary was to be reinvented as a perfect democratic party candidate with no criticism at any level. When Kaine was selected, many of his positions were ignored or re-invented. One of the most egregious was that Kaine represented everything the site hated about and fantasized and wrote about Bernie supporters regarding "white male privilege".

The attack on Sander supporters continued after Clinton won the nomination. Some voices said STFU already, but most supported it the dead horse whippings. I figured this was a way to marginalize Sanders, his supporters, and in particular the political positions.

Wikileaks have shown the utter intellectual and moral corruption that is Hillary Clinton and those running shit around her. Those revelations make a mockery of all the "progressive diaries" at TOP as they are meaningless in the context of the leader of the democratic party and probably president who they hold as unassailable. For example: BLM support? Leaks showed guidance to dem congressional candidates on how to marginalize BLM protesters and demands. Like gopers who shout in the wind about deficits and yet supported Bush's huge deficit spending, TOP will do similar and shout in the wind about such things as income inequality and the goodness of increasing min. wage and who will say nothing about Clinton doing nothing but offering pap while she gives corporations more tax cuts and breaks.

I will sometimes go to TOP to read the headlines to get a sense of the democratic party agenda in the same way I go to Drudge to get a sense of the day's right wing agenda and talking points.

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