Clinton Campaign Authenticates Emails Released by Wikileaks
The problem with artful non-denial denials is that they can backfire and people can see the scurrying to cover asses. If Clinton's trustworthiness is a top issue, this response has not done anything to improve those numbers:
From The Hill
Hacked Clinton campaign chairman: Russians trying to influence election
"I think we should take a step back and say how we got here. Which is the Russians, as the U.S. senior members of the U.S. government have confirmed, have been hacking into Democrats' accounts, and now they've hacked into my account," Podesta said on "Fox News Sunday."
"This should be a concern to everyone that the Russians are trying to influence our election."
(Emphasis mine.) So, he admits released emails come from his account.
Listen to him go... he's throwing EVERYTHING at this to obfuscate - he sounds quite panicked:
How the Clinton campaign decisions get made
Spoken by spokesman Glen Caplin:
"We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by Julian Assange who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton.”
If Assange 'stole' them as opposed to having manufactured them, then, again, we can understand that they are real.
Podesta also attempted to obfuscate coyly saying he would not indicate which are real and which are not...apparently, the Russians are really, really tricky in this effort to coopt our election, but that's left to our imagination:
Also from POLITICO
Podesta won't say whether hacked speech excerpts are authentic
In an interview with Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday," Podesta would only say that the documents, including excerpts of paid speeches that Clinton refused to release were "purported" to be from his account — even as he forcefully defended Clinton's consistency on trade and Wall Street regulation.
"There's nothing exceptional in there," Podesta said, adding later, "You can pluck a few words — if that's what she did say — out of context."
In a flurry of tweets Friday, Podesta said he didn't have time to go through the WikiLeaks release to see which ones are fake.
This is as firm Podesta can be? Wow, he sounds unprofessional.
CNN sounds critical of Clinton this morning:
Hat Tip to shaharazade for this link in comments
From Reuters
Sanders supporters seethe over Clinton's leaked remarks to Wall St.
"Bernie was right about Hillary,” wrote Facebook user Grace Tilly, “she’s a tool for Wall Street.”
“Clinton is the politicians’ politician - exactly the Wall Street insider Bernie described,” wrote Facebook user Brian Leach.
Kaine responds to the Wikileaks leak. Jake Tapper: "Well, you could ask her."

To actually accuse the Russians of anything pertinent
they would have to prove them to be fake, hence they try to throw whitewash over the whole thing.
And yet
Where they have been going is NOT a challenge to authenticity, but merely saying that because it was obtained illicitly by our long-term mortal enemies, that whatever is released should be ignored simply because it was stolen.
I can't really imagine how anyone not a Hillbot can swallow this instruction and be blind to the content. The only thing that I can imagine is that we are so well trained to ONLY hear soundbites (and go to the source and read for oneself) that people accept nonsensical dismissals out of habit and laziness.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
They paint it as the only wrong doing being the hacking...completely ignoring their own wrongdoing as the original wrong.
Typical Clinton, it is only wrong once someone else finds out about it.
The Russians did it
and they salted them with fake stuff is the equivalence of 'the dog ate my homework''. It's freaking insulting to our intelligence but this whole election is an insult. Nothing significant in them my ass. The fracking/pipeline and selling domestic oil part was hair raising. The cat food commission part2 was significant. Bowles Simpson lives again.
So far what I've read from the Wikileaks release is damming as it shows just what a Clinton administration will implement once the coronation takes place. Next I'm reading the e-mails about about Saudi Arabia and the ME. That will be significant. So I guess if you don't give a damn that her whole campaign is a lie as far as policy and agenda goes it won't be significant to you.
TPP here we come gotta have open trade trade and no protectionism allowed for regular people or the environment. Why don't people read the damn e-mails and stop freaking out about The Hairballs p#*#y grabbing and general outrageous out pourings. Like Bill is such a liberated man. Uh about those airplane trips he took on the pedophile pimps jaunts? Such a cheap trick to dump the pig's tape on the same day as the Wikileaks e-mail release.
Putin did it is also just absurd. Wish people would realize that not voting for either of these evil, unfit psycho, candidates would be a step in the left direction. Jill Stein and then lets figure out how to get these evil fuckers and the horse they rode in on out of here instead of believing they are inevitable. The time is ripe for a real political revolution of the global 99%. They 'rule the world 'as the trader from Goldman Sachs once said so the rest of us better figure out how to organize and have solidarity outside their inevitable new world order.
I watched
Richard Engel, MSNBC foreign correspondent, tearing trump up after the debate. Correcting everything trump said about the ME and terrorism. When clinton's emails came up they softballed a question to him asking could the Russians have done it. He went on and on blaming the Russians for every email hack from the time Bill Gates was dicking around in his daddy's garage till now. What a freakin' lap dog. These lousy bastards are going to get us into another war. A big war.
If the quotes are made up, it would be easy to prove!
All Hillary has to do is release the transcripts. Which she was asked to do 247 days ago.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
They began the "fake" emails and Russians did it
Last week or week before. Can't recall, exactly, but I knew when I heard the talking heads spewing on about it, they were reciting disseminated talking points. It's all well planned to cover Her Heinous' corporate (or other) two faces. I also knew that I didn't believe them, but that the Koolaid drinkers would.
It's a new concept!
The Russians did it! Someone come up with a name -- quick! How about 'Plausible Deniability' Yeah. That's the ticket. It just rolls off the tongue!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Here's what Bernie had to say
about the damn e-mails:
this is from a Rueters article entitled
Sanders supporters seethe over Clinton's leaked remarks to Wall St.
What a nasty slanted article is. More fear, more Putin did it and Bernie still working on sheepdogging the 'so called progressive's' as the article called those of us who are buying their propaganda. Protest votes are the only sane option at this point. Glad to read that they are getting some backlash from the irresponsible 'far lefties' who do care about the real issues and policy, TPP, endless bloody war, and social security and democracy. Shah says Bernie now gets a 0 in his Bernie rating that used to be 50. (the 50 was because of his godawful foreign policy) why aren't the Democrat's denouncing her bankster loviing, fracking, war is good for business, austerity/cat food and TPP speeches? At least some Republican's are denouncing the Hairballs rabid nasty ass sexism. The Democrat's are just saying nobody cares, so what, the Russians, Trump is a pig.
As slanted as his remarks?
Not an agenda put forth by (for example) All of us who are proud Democrats, the better Party, or similar wording. No, Sanders is
Yeah, woof-woof....sorry, I never made the guy out to be a saint, but I still say he's no sheepdog. Not that it matters, really. The damage is done.
Hey lunachickie
maybe instead of jumping on any perceived insult to St. Sanders you could stop being an apologist and nit picking, parsing his stumping in support of the wholesale Demoratic party and Clinton boguasity. Like you tell me how about you move on? Okay he likes the bogus so called progressive platform. How in the hell does that Dem. platform she agreed to sign off on have anything to do with the agenda and policy they are going to implement is so far from this the 'official' platform it makes one laugh or cry.
Are you telling me he is so stupid or naive that he does not know that this platform is weak tea at best and that this Democratic Platform has nothing to do with what Clinton and the Dems are going to do? If he read these e-mails and still spouts this kind of bs. he's a sheepdogger My definition of a sheepdogger is a person or dog who rounds up and moves sheep or people into the pens or the spaces provided by the owners of the flock. So if the shoe fits.
hey shaharazade
maybe instead of getting pissed off at other people who you THINK are making someone out to be a saint, you could stop and read what the hell I actually quoted, and then tell me why anyone would take such great pains to put it that way?
And I'm not telling you anything else, other than "I don't jump all over any perceived insults of "St" Sanders", because between a few of you here, I'd be here morning noon and fucking night, trying to keep up with the vigorously-renewed whinging lately. Has it not dawned on you yet that Bernie Sanders isn't really moving anyone with his "shepherding"? Because that shit is as bogus as it ever was.
If she had a competent opponent - like Bernie
she'd be mince meat. Bernie would have made her eat her words. Trump can't have a coherent thought.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Won't we find that out tonight?
If trump can't put her on her heels with all the shit in her shopping cart well then maybe all is lost.
Cause what those leaks say is in the first 100 days we will get the TPP, the "Grand Bargain" and another war. Bernies progressive platform be damned.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
She never gave a damn about that platform
And St. Bernie isn't going to convince anyone otherwise, no matter how hard he "tries".
I'm with you, but frankly, I trust nothing about either campaign at this point, including this farce of a "debate". You wonder how long the script has been written on this one....
That's the whole point.
That's the whole point. Hillary didn't care about the people, or about having a consistent platform. The work of the diverse platform committee was to get a people oriented platform out there. Hillary gave it lip service only when she thought voters were listening.
Bernie is right to keep her feet to the keep her focused on what she said she "agreed" to.
I agree and I worked on platform issues for our state convention
I see Bernie voicing what we choose to stand for as a nation - that was why he put so much emphasis into the platform.
As we have just seen demonstrated Friday with her speeches, Hillary has put forward a public position with respect to the platform, and she intends to do the opposite once the public position has helped her get coronated. Clinton put more effort into curbing attention to Bernie with the platform than into shaping a document of purpose.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
For sure you can't trust either one
From where I sat with my wife for a bit it was way to hard to watch knowing that unless a miracle occurs, one of these will be our president, it's mind boggling.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
"Open Trade? Open Borders?"
Of course, but only for the wealthy and their large sums.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Open Trade =TPP
(No subject)