Green Party Is Not A Protest/Vanity Vote. (w/ Jimmy Dore video)
Alternate title: 'Lesser Of Two Evils' Voters, Are They Out Of Their Freaking Minds?!
The US is doomed unless people wake the fuck up. Neither Dems or Repubs are on your side if you are working class -- that's just a fact. But the 'Lesser Of Two Evils' voters, are going to vote for one of them, because they think it will be marginally less awful. But Hillary and the Donald are both Neo-liberals who will continue rigging the system against you. And the Libertarian Party is Neo-liberal too with a little sugar on top (like legalizing Pot, etc).
There are two ways this will end.
1) The Neo-liberals finally drive the country into Banana Republic range and we are all fighting each other over scraps from the dumpster (and we are getting close already). Kinda like living a real-life version of the movie King Rat.
2) The masses realize they are only screwing themselves by voting 'Lesser Of Two Evils'. And enough people vote for the Green Party to end the cycle.
Sure Green Party has its problems. But Jill Stein has the number one qualifying character quality you should be looking for -- Honesty and she is on YOUR side. I know some are not satisfied with the Greens and want to start a new, more progressive party. Great, do it. We'll all vote for it in 2020.
But you say the Green Party will never get its platform enacted without cooperation from the Dems or Repubs. I actually mostly agree with that. Fact is that Congress needs a huge Courtesy Flush as well. But if Stein can manage to veto most of the horrific Neo-liberal crap coming out of congress, that alone will be a huge win. And she could use the bully pulpit to expose the spin and lies coming out of the sociopaths in congress.
PS. For anyone who is not voting for whatever reason. Thank you for not canceling out the vote of the rest of us.
Here is Jimmy Dore's take on Green Party / Jill Stein.
Length: 6:44
Even Chomsky is supporting the lesser of 2 evils!
I was truly saddened on Friday evening to hear Chomsky on NPR trying to shame people into voting for Hillary and comparing this election to the election of Hitler in early 30's. I've always admired how much he cuts to the rub -- but Mr. Chomsky, you're not getting what's going on here. The depth of the revolt of the majority of people from the 2-party system and the un-choices they provide. I agree that electoral politics is not as significant as many believe, but I also think that a genuine movement of people to reject neoliberalism should not be squashed by voting for Her Highness. Clearly Trump and Hillary are moral equivalents of one another and are probably working together in this un-election to assure her success. This is more like a palace coup than a democratic process. Please don't join with MSM in slut-shaming those of us who are willing to boycott or resist the coronation of an un-indicted criminal and a war-mongerer. It's time that these "super predators" are brought to heel.
Etu Chomsky
I can bear it when celebrities cave into Neo-liberalism because they are professional performers and don't necessarily follow the sausage making in DC. I figure they just don't know any better.
But stalwarts of political progressives like Chomsky. That is dumbfounding. And Sad.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Wrong Analogy.
The false choice that was actually pressed on the German people by the Chomsky's of the day was to vote for the National Socialists because the communists were so much worse. It's very unlikely that Chomsky is unaware of the history of that period, which makes his comments all the more troubling.
I'm curious -- If Noam
were to be asked that question today, would his answer remain the same? I wonder that, if at the time he was first asked that question, if he knew how dirty Hillary (and the DNC in general) had become? I never liked Hillary from the first time I saw her lying eyes support her lying husband, re: Interview with Bill concerning his affair w/ Gennifer Flowers, but I never knew she was as rotten as she has proved to be until this last year.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Even Chomsky is supporting the lesser of 2 evils!
I was truly saddened on Friday evening to hear Chomsky on NPR trying to shame people into voting for Hillary and comparing this election to the election of Hitler in early 30's. I've always admired how much he cuts to the rub -- but Mr. Chomsky, you're not getting what's going on here. The depth of the revolt of the majority of people from the 2-party system and the un-choices they provide. I agree that electoral politics is not as significant as many believe, but I also think that a genuine movement of people to reject neoliberalism should not be squashed by voting for Her Highness. Clearly Trump and Hillary are moral equivalents of one another and are probably working together in this un-election to assure her success. This is more like a palace coup than a democratic process. Please don't join with MSM in slut-shaming those of us who are willing to boycott or resist the coronation of an un-indicted criminal and a war-mongerer. It's time that these "super predators" are brought to heel.
That entree on the green plate special
is not very green and Stein wouldn't eat it. She's (mostly) vegetarian. One more reason I'm voting for her.
Wasn't Nader vegan when he ran?
Ha. I'm semi-vegan
But hey waddayagonnado. There's only so many Green Party memes out there.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I'm more like my dog, I'll eat anything if it has spaghetti
sauce on it.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Her campaign is pushing for Bernie write-ins
On sites where Jill seems to be getting any support. They must be getting a little nervous. Here's an article discussing this, with reasons why voting Jill is not wasted but writing in Bernie is.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Yeah I like the Bernie write-in analysis
Thanks for that link.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Pushing for the votes of people writing in Bernie? I agree!
Maybe it's too rainy today and I haven't had enough coffee
But could you clarify that? I've read it several times and still aren't sure what you meant. Sorry.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Sorry! I thought you meant
that Jill is pushing people who are planning to write in Bernie to change their minds to vote for her. I agree that voting for Jill instead of writing in Bernie would be a good thing.
Did I misunderstand you?
Sort of, but not too badly.
Actually, Hillary's campaign is apparently sneaking around telling Jill voters that it's a good idea to write in Bernie. The article at the link explains and counters that suggestion.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Aren't you nice to say "not too badly!" I twisted your meaning,
though not deliberately. Apologies.
wasted votes
The only vote that is wasted is one in which, instead of voting his or her conscience, the voter chooses the lesser of two evils. No vote cast from a positive perspective and out of an act of conscience is wasted. My vote for Jill Stein is a vote based upon my conscience and is for the candidate who most closely promotes my own values.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
write-in votes are wasted because they are either thrown out
like in Illinois or not reported so they have zero effect on the process. If a third party goes from single digits to double digits that has an effect.
Edit: It's also real easy to throw out write-in votes. The name must be the exact legal name and it's easy to claim "illegible".
Writing in Bernie would be legit if he authorized it and registered as a write-in in Illinois and other states that require registration, but he hasn't and the deadline has passed. if you write in Bernie in Illinois, it will be recorded as "spoiled ballot" just like if you voted for both Trump and Clinton.
Cook county ballot positions:
Candidate Name Party Ballot #
Donald J. Trump & Michael R. Pence Republican 1
Hillary Rodham Clinton & Timothy Michael Kaine Democratic 2
Gary Johnson & Bill Weld Libertarian 3
Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka Green 4
There are choices other than the duopoly. Don't throw away your vote in a quixotic protest that won't even be heard!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
There *are* eight states in which you can write in
absolutely anybody or anything, and it will still be counted (probably as "Other"). Vermont is one of them. The others are Alabama, Delaware, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, and Wyoming. If you live in one of those states, you can do as you like and your vote will count. Anybody else better read the whole list of names on the ballot (some states will have more than others).
California tried to enact a "None Of The Above" provision in 1998-2000, but it didn't pass - probably because it was pointless ("None Of The Above" results would be counted, but discarded in favor of whoever got the most votes, so nothing would really change).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Wasted vote, not
Had I read this excellent article and especially seen the video I would have added comments rather than write
The path for our planet depends on when we stop dirty fuel usage. The longer it takes the worse it will be - tipping point already evident, voting for Jill is the only way to get that discussion in the mix (the 5% min).
If the Dalai Lama pities you it may be time to reevaluate.
Thanks Liluli.
I enjoyed your essay too. The more the merrier.![Smile](
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.