Just because (rant alert)
I watched most of the Vice Presidential debate and I am exasperated. Here are some of my exasperated thoughts about politics 2016.
Just because two insane people are different kinds of megalomaniacal psychopaths doesn't mean one is sane.
Just because two people incompetent to be President are incompetent in different ways doesn't mean one is competent.
Just because two bigots have different levels of circumspection and secrecy doesn't mean one is egalitarian.
Just because two highly privileged white people pander to different voter bases doesn't mean one of them "fights" for anyone but herself or himself.
Just because two people would likely mishandle classified information for different reasons doesn't mean one of them is suited to be trusted with classified information.
Just because one privileged person plays a worn out woman card every other day and the other privileged person is a man doesn't mean one of them is a feminist.
Just because one has difficulty apologizing for warmongering and the other has difficulty apologizing for verbal incontinence doesn't mean either of them is sensitive to others or "takes responsibility" for squat. (FYI, psychopaths: taking responsibility doesn't mean a belated, terse non-apology apology. It means a humble, sincere apology, but that is only apologizing and apologizing is only step one toward taking responsibility. Taking responsibility means cleaning up the mess you made. For example, if you stole, you don't only apologize. You pay back what you stole. It's a measure of your insanity and self-absorption that you don't know that. If you both live to be 200, neither you will be able to clean up the messes you've made, nor stop making new messes.)
Let's not pretend one of the horror shows is better than the other because one is more dishonest, circumspect and secretive and has had political handlers for thirty or forty years. Or because the other megalomaniacal psychopath has not had the political power to do things more horrible than the things he's done as a private citizen. There is not a thing of which Hillary and her camp have accused Donald that she has not been guilty of herself or worse, not a one. However, he has not (yet?) been guilty of some of the things of which she has been guilty, like advocating for the Iraq War on the floor of the Senate and her actions and inactions as Secretary of State. (If you think that an unrehearsed, off the cuff remark by a private citizen on the Howard Stern, then contradicting yourself later, is equivalent, think again. Or just think.)
And the Vice Presidential candidates? Like two eleven-year bullies shouting insults and lame zingers at each other, thinking they're proving their fitness for the Oval Office. That isn't two people of Presidential timber, fit to take office if one of these unfit-looking circa 70 year olds should not make it for four years. It's two deluded wooden dummies. Moreover, if they won't or can't obey debate rules for one night, what in hell makes anyone think they'll respect the rule of law for a lifetime?
For just one thing, does anyone know how we get back our Constitutional rights from the Constitutional Lawyer In Chief or any of his successors? Because, right now, most of them exist only if we manage not to tick off anyone in power, which means they don't exist. Certainly, the Fourth Amendment is a dead letter: Breathing after 911 is not "reasonable" cause for invading anyone's privacy.
We all really, really need to stop trying to put lipstick on either one of these tickets and face reality: Forget Watergate. The allegedly lesser evil duopoly, exacerbated by the From/Clinton Third Way, is our long national nightmare. And, bloody Hell, it is far from over, nor will it end on election day. The duopoly and its propaganda arms created this mess on purpose. Unless we figure out how to end the duopoly--which is accelerating into monopoly--this crap will never end. Not for you, not for your kids, not for your grandkids or your great great grandkids. Throw in global warming and then let this sink in slowly: N E V E R.
I sincerely just don't get why all Americans who physically can haven't been rioting since these two losers locked in the nominations. Or, at the very least, all who physically can sitting or standing (outdoors) in silent vigil for the 99% during every spare minute. Or both. Or something.
Are we more insane than "our" candidates are? Or is it exhaustion? Or learned helplessness? Or is it boiling frog syndrome?
While some 19th-century experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true if the heating is sufficiently gradual,[1][2] according to contemporary biologists the premise is false: a submerged frog gradually heated will jump out.
Do we really have less sense and less get up and go (literally and figuratively) than effing frogs? If not, why are we not all jumping out of the pot? Do we need more misery before we do? And won't it be too late by then?
I Demexited in June or July. (Argh! I should have marked the date for anniversary celebrations). More recently, I began considering ex-patriating, which is far from an ideal solution: Just ask Snowden.
Enough! (Why did I watch even part of that debate?) I need to be happy again, even if only delusionally so. In this instance, I am extremely grateful that I am so easily distracted, mollified and entertained.
Good night, all.

Sorry about the sound. As partial penance, I did research and
math (which, as we all know, is hard).
I don't know how old Lennon was when he first heard this song (but I bet he knew) or which version Lennon first heard, the original or a cover. However, Lloyd Price was the first to release this song (or "drop" as those crazy kids today say), which happened in 1957. Lennon was born in 1940. We'd need months and days to figure exactly, but Lennon's being around 16 or 17 when the Lloyd Price version of this song was first released is close enough for folk music (or for doo wop). So Lennon was certainly not 12 or 13 when he first heard any version of this song.
Being the fan of U.S. rock 'n roll that Lennon was, my guess is that the first version of this song Lennon heard was the Lloyd Price version and Lennon heard it soon after its release.
As for the sound, I listened to a few versions and did not like the sound quality of them. At least it's Lennon. (Meaning no disrespect to Mr. Price)
Reading your rant was, I'm sure,
more enlightening and satisfying than watching the debate.
“let’s not pretend … just because”. Another version ...
Thank you so much for the kind words, Janis. Now that I have
returned to myself almost fully, I like my reply about Lennon and your reply better than I like my ranting OP. (I just added Stagger Lee to my reply.)
I had never heard that Ray Charles song until I searched youtube for Just Because. Actually, I searched to check out the lyrics to an even older swing or pop song that ends "Because, just because." However, I could not find it or remember anything else about it. Maddening! Anyone who can remember, please post or message.But, as usual, I digress...)
When I searched youtube I saw that Charles song, and listened to it. There are singers and then there are giants. Charles was a giant. Thanks for posting it.
yeah, Ray Charles was a giant, your words are so
to the core. I am 68 now, I am still mad I lost my only record from the 1968 from him.
If I could write like you, I would rant the same way. But see, we have to protect ourselves from getting crazy or paranoid or bitter or depressed. Not going to happen that I let myself drowned by the campaign idiocy.
I listened four minutes to the debate and then closed my laptop and went to sleep. I remembered hearing on the radio the pre-debate preparations on C-SPAN. There was some dude lady from the Commission who decides everything about debates. She was on that commission for fourty years. I learned a lot through her remarks, especially that after fourty years she had no clue, absolutely no clue, what her responsibilities should have been. Actually the lady on C-SPAN asked her some question and she answered, "oh, I hadn't thought about that, thank you, that's a good idea, I will think it over". I am still so mad that I refuse to search for you now, what exactly it was about, all I remember was that it was a very essential thingy to the functions of the commission, but that lady, like a complete braindead boneheaded nobody had "never thought about it in her 40 years of working on that commission". Yeah, somehow, I think it's time to start thinking.
So, that's my morning rant. All the anger comes out after I wake up and my rants are just unfiltered.
Now after I listened to Ray Charles, I am a bit more "together" and will start my day "doing something for real'.
The Commission on Presidential Debates?
One of important things we should do is figure out how to get debates out of their partisan bipartisan hands and into the hands of a truly neutral entity again--if there is such a thing anymore.
Thank you for the kind words.
Yes, that's the right name for the commission ...
I am sorry, I have to go now and it takes me time to find the clip, where you could watch the pre-debate broadcast from C-SPAN.
Debate Preview - watch as of TC 48:00
I only listened to it on the radio, so may be if I would now watch it again, it would appear to me differently and I wouldn't have ranted the way I did. But I was kind of put off about it,https://www.c-span.org/video/?414226-101/vice-presidential-candidates-de... when I drove and listened to it. It's always different if you have the video and can see the person speaking and the body language and stuff. Didn't mean to trash the old lady. Sorry.
Thanks for the links.
No worry about the woman. I won't tell her, so she'll never know.
I agree with everything you wrote.
Well done and great rant.
Here's mine.
The reason why people aren't out in the streets protesting what is happening to this country and to them is because they don't see what you, me and the other people here do.
Look at the Hillary supporters who refuse to see that she is in the pockets of the banks and corporations and that she really is a f'cking warmonger!
How they can look at what she did during her time as SOS and believe that she is going to even 'try' to do what she is campaigning is going to happen is mind boggling.
Her Iraq war vote because Saddam had used chemical weapons on his own people 10 years ago and her other reasons that we all knew were lies.
She pushed for more troops in Afghanistan, pushed for the overthrow of Gaddafi because she said that he was going to commit genocide. Where was the proof of that? (WMDs anyone?)
Or that Assad used sarin gas on his own people (WMDs again) and after she said those things happened she thought that the best way to protect those people was to bomb the hell out of their countries.
All 3 countries are now much worse off.
She bragged that she traveled to 128 countries but what did she do or say in those countries?
She sold weapons to governments that have human rights violations charges against them.
Pushed for fracking.
Gave speeches about how the TPP is the gold standard of trade agreements.
Helped financial institutions and other businesses out that had business before the state department and after sorting that out for them or sold those weapons, her foundation would receive millions in donations.
Does anyone believe that Saudi Arabia's, Qatar's government actually care about the people in Africa who are dying from AIDS?
I don't know of one thing that Hillary has done to make anyone's life better besides the banks and corporations? One thing?
Then there's Trump.
The people in this country had the chance to try to change the course of it, but decided to go with the person who is partly responsible for the condition it's in.
How anyone can believe her after Obama pretty much said the same things 8 years ago is beyond me.
But they do.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
An equally great rant, snoopydawg
Thanks ...
Yes, snoopydawg indeed does great rants. And you are great at
posting encouraging comments and great music. Thank you for both.
You're welcome
And thank you for your kind words.
Thank you, snoopydawg.
No one I know in real life does not see that. Either they are not voting for her or they are sick about voting for her because they believe she is the lesser evil (incorrectly, IMO, per my OP). What accounts for the apparent discrepancy between real life and online?
Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (1935), ISBN 0-520-08198-6; repr. University of California Press, 1994, p. 109.
It may not be literally a salary, although it might be. Some are paid posters; some have other economic interests, like a federal job or a job with a Democratic politician, etc. The Clintons and their Foundation themselves employ many people. But, for some reason, many posters feel it will benefit them to pretend she is some sort of demi-goddess; and the easily-influenced and approval seekers get sucked in.
At the time, before she voted, no one I knew IRL or online believed Bush. I very much doubt she did. The Democratic Leadership Council and the Progressive Policy Institute, however, favored that war. Will Marshall, former employee of the DLC and founder of its offshoot, PPI, even signed the PNAC letter. And we all know that Hillary leads from behind--way behind in some cases. IOW, she is a follower, not a leader. And a right winger. Besides, I don't think she has ever met a war, a surge or a regime change she didn't love or couldn't learn to love right quick. And there you have it.
Talk is cheap, especially politician talk. I care about outcomes and accomplishments. Even when she writes about her "accomplishments herself, it's all "Helped with," which could not be more vague or unquantifiable. And if "helping" means the way she "helped" Kennedy and Hatch with SCHIP, it's a straight up joke. http://caucus99percent.com/content/which-hillary-potus-ads-have-you-been... The biggest "help" she gave with SCHIP was to lose Democratic support for Billarycare, which motivated Kennedy to step into the breach with SCHIP and he somehow managed to get Hatch on board.
Well, she dropped "Rodham" and very suddenly developed a Southern drawl after Bill lost his first attempt at a second term as Governor of Arkansas and badda boom badda bing, he got a second term eventually. Then again, his being Governor was a big help to her, what with the Board of WalMart and the Rose Law Firm.
I know: I bet she babysits free for Chelsea. Then again, Chelsea does a lot for Hillary. O.K. I got nothing.
I believe the answer to this
Is that people know something is wrong, terribly wrong in this country, but have a difficult time putting their finger on it. Some blame terrorism, some blame immigrants, some blame the NRA, and on and on and on. I believe in this point in time people have not lost enough yet. More and more are everyday but until nearly all of the 99% feel the pinch there will be no revolution in the streets. We all feel the need to protect what we have and not risk losing it.
Crappy job, sure but hell at least I'm working.
Expensive crappy insurance, sure but at least I have it.
No pension, no savings but hell there is still social security (we'll see).
I can always sell my home (who is going to buy it when they don't have the income).
I see this all the time in my job. The person with the decent job, some savings and can afford some extras is just not going to risk it all for the poor person, the black person, the immigrant, the women, the native american and especially the environment. Unless and until it all comes crashing down there will be no rebellion. And when it does come crashing down it may be too late.
Edited for spelling errors.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
"And when it does come crashing down it may be too late."
Either it's too late already, in which case, I'm going to think about opening a cotton candy, belgian waffle ice cream sandwich, funnel cakes and malteds stand and forget about politics, or we should, right now, be figuring out what to do next. Do we urge a vigil, a general strike, what? When? How do we get the word out? How do we raise money? How do enlist at least one sympathetic famous face, like Sarandon or Ruffalo?
Any serious course will require raising funds and no one is going to feel comfortable funding if I or some other person they've never heard of asks for the money. If there is a familiar person people know who is the face of the organization, who can get on TV talk shows, etc., people may donate.
In real life
//No one I know in real life does not see that.//
I can count on two fingers the people I know who are willfully blind about HRC. Everyone else I know who plans to vote for her falls into that "lesser evil" category. But even they have resorted to bending themselves into pretzels to self-justify that choice, which does not lend itself to mass demonstrations in the streets.
Righteous rants, HW and SD. I'm with you all the way. I do find myself hoping for a peaceful uprising, and soon. I fear it's the only thing we have left.
Let's hope
the uprising is peaceful. At this point, I'm not sure that change will happen without pitchforks and torches.
Things would have to get very bad before a violent revolution
ever begins, especially in this county, whose people I see in general as too obedient and too passive (especially me--used to be, anyway). Also, the size of the country does not lend it self to the same kind of action as happens in smaller nations. I am not saying, Rule it out, though."
Violent revolution probably equals race war and more tyranny.
I am not a pacifist by any means but, a violent revolution would lead to even more oppression and tyranny and probably a race war to boot. Right now #BlackLivesMatter and white/Asian/Native/Hispanic allies are in the forefront of protest, but it is, by ideology, a leaderless non-organization. The protests are isolated locally and ignored by MSM... what we need is a way to coordinate protests so that there are always a half dozen going on all the time. A way to get them in the news without looting and smashing windows.
From the Light House.
It doesn't need to be that way. But, I don't think it's going to
happen anyway, so I am not going to stress my "beautiful mind" over specifics.
They will never let things get so bad that violent revolution seems worth it. I think the Depression and the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the Great Society proved that.
#OpDeny270 @OpDeny270 12h12 hours ago
(Not a warning, but a how-to manual of how to increase chances of success and reduce bloodshed in a revolution.)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
From Dictatorship to Democracy
I missed your comment, but thanks for the link to the Anonymous video. I have the book mentioned "From Dictatorship to Democracy" which can be found at http://bookos-z1.org/book/1264473/574aa8 for those who live in countries where borrowing a copy to read is legal.
I would like to use the video as a key to a new essay.
From the Light House.
The uprising in Standing Rock is peaceful,
Yet it is met with dogs, bulldozers, and teargas...even a LRAD. Some people aren't protesting because they can't afford to be physically injured.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
"Willfully" being the key word. Thank you.
I agree with you totally. It's LOTE justification, and which
is the LOTE? That's why I'm voting Jill, for whatever good it will do.
I think there's no demonstration because of fear, exhaustion, and hope. Fear of losing what little we have, exhaustion from working all the time along with inability to be away from our jobs because no savings, and hope that it's really not as bad as the "winger" blogs (like this one!) make it out to be.
She's a grandmother and a former defense attorney, she can't be that bad, can she?
He's a family man and a Wharton grad, he can't be that stupid or psychopathic, can he?
We've done okay with Obama, haven't we?
The psychopaths' masks of sanity fool the masses, https://psychopathyawareness.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/how-do-psychopaths...
Edit to add: Good on you for watching the debate so we don't have to!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
A lawyer I know was asked to take an incest defense case. He
said no. The person asking said the "dad" didn't know it was wrong because he was uneducated. The lawyer responded, "Bullshit!" And that was his last word on it. And it wasn't because the lawyer didn't need the money.
Hillary went to lengths to explain why she took that rapist's case. Once again, we have only the word of fabulist Hillary that the judge would not let her off the hook. He or she is no doubt dead by now. Besides, ever since the 13th amendment, each of us has a constitutional right not to do work we'd rather not do.
She could have said that she could not, in good conscience take it because she knew she would not be able to give the client the best possible defense. The judge may have gotten ticked at her in the moment but maybe not and, either way, so what? The judge would have gotten over it. And that doesn't explain why she laughed repeatedly as she told someone about the case. Besides, since when is mildly annoying a judge a reason to ignore your deeply-held convictions and re-victimize a 14 year old rape victim of a 40 year old man? Why does no one ever call her on this kind of "explanation?"
I think you and WIProgressive nailed it. Things are too bad to have physical and emotional energy left over for activism but not bad enough to risk your life to change things. (That quick summary of mine is not doing justice to your points.) When it's so bad that you and a lot of people in your town can't feed your kids, you may rise up. Which is probably one of the reasons they have so many programs for kids. They know it's better to throw us a bone or two than risk revolution. France and Russia taught them that.
After my first year in law school
I got a summer job at Legal Aid. My first case was a man who had molested his daughter AND wanted visitation in prison no less. I did do the initial interview because I was too afraid to talk to my supervisor. When I returned from the visit I told my supervisor I could not represent the client. She started on about constitutional rights, blah, blah. My response: the Constitution did not guarantee anyone that they would be represented by me.
Now, contrary to Hillary I was raised in poverty, barely spoke English at the time, had just recently moved to the States, and am very shy to boot. If I could make a case for myself you bet Hillary could. (Don't ask me why I chose law, it was a very bad fit but I had something to prove.)
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
It may not have felt like it fit, but you did it with integrity.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
The hugs are for you when you were scared. And your response to your supervisor was on point. Maybe you preferred to do something else, but it sounds to me as though you were a damned good lawyer and a good person.
With Hillary, it's not only that she took the case. It's not that she went after the girl, which maybe she saw as necessary to fulfill an ethical obligation to the client. It's that she was laughed about it repeatedly when speaking about it, later. I don't remember if I saw that in snopes or another fact checker or if I posted the link--and I am not awake enough yet to check stuff like that. But, if I didn't post the link, anyone who googles will find it.
Because they don't see what you and I and others
here see. I think that is a big part of the issue, along with either sheer physical exhaustion of working to survive and the mental exhaustion that comes with that. Most of my friends know enough, after listening to my own rants and listening to Bernie, to know that Shillary is not the answer and neither is Trump. But many just don't want to really look at how bad things really are. They just want this election to be over and to try to go back to some semblance of their lives. And with an MSM that's as bad as ours is, I think it becomes easier to just buy what they're selling.
And as WIProgressive states, many are willing to go along and think things will somehow be OK. That somehow, things won't really get worse, and that they are surviving now so what the hell? Until they see it personally, and by then it most likely will be far too late. Just like the idiotic Tea Bags who've voted their own SS and Medicare down the toilet so many times by voting for "freedom" - they won't see what they've done until they themselves have to try to live without it, and by then it IS too late.
Great rant, and good on you for even watching that hot mess of a "debate" for any length of time.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Thank you. I think, with the right kind of effort, people can
be persuaded to do a silent vigil, just take a lawn chair outside and sit down with a snack and a magazine or a book, a half hour or a day in nice weather, despite everything. I don't know about you, but, except for Occupy Wall Street, I don't seem to hear about a demonstration until it's over or happening in a day or two ten states away, with no specific info about places to stay, etc. The one exception was an October demonstration in DC that got pre-empted anyway when Occupy Wall Street started in September. If you don't ask too much of people and give them plenty of notice and specifics, I think they will go along. Not risk their lives, but just let everyone know a lot of people are fed up.
No, they didn't. Social Security and Medicare still exist, mostly because Republicans refused to do anything Obama wanted, other than the sequester because they, like I, knew defense wasn't really going to be cut only "entitlements." Those who voted for Obama in 2008 are the ones who voted against Social Security and Medicare. We just didn't know it until the WAPO interview in January 2009.
Please note the dates of these articles:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/15/AR200901... (shortly before inauguration)
http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2010/08/obamas-cat-food-committee-alan-g... (appointing cat food commission was his first priority after Obamacare well on the way to passage, which happened around March 10, 2010)
http://www.crewof42.com/news/conyers-on-jobs-weve-had-it-lays-out-obama-... (Republicans held the majority then)
As my boss likes to say . . .
Sometimes stupid has gotta hurt.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I watched the whole debate, sober.
My "drink" word was climate change. I ended up sober.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
You used the wrong logic, obviously!
Your "drink word" should have been "any lie or bullshit".
You would have gone through a lot less pain!
[video:https://youtu.be/f55CqLc6IR0 width:420 height:360]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I laughed, even though it's beyond sad.
My funny bone works faster than my brain.
I didn't have a drinking word. For me, it would have had to be hemlock or nothing, so nothing.
I am losing friends over this
Last night at a business dinner that I didn't even want to be at the topic of politics came up and everyone at the table--colleagues I've known for over 20 years--is voting for Clinton. Why on earth did I take the bait? People peered down at me over their spectacles, spoke to me as if I were 5 years old, and spouted every CNN cliche: "Don't you worry that a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump?" "We have a responsibility to keep the ship of state afloat!" "Don't you care that he's a racist?
It was truly terrible. I felt so inarticulate and outnumbered. And horrified that people I considered intelligent have swallowed so much propaganda so thoroughly. But they were looking at me with the same horror...
Welcome to my world.
Every. Single. Day.
I'm exhausted by the sanctimony, and the lack of real-time back-up. And I know exactly what you mean about feeling inarticulate. In our defense, we don't have the advantage of parroting simple bullet-points propagated daily by the MSM. HRC supporters, of course, believe they thunk up their very own arguments and that those arguments are Correct and Smart.
(Sorry, yes, I'm feeling petty).
thanks, Eagles
feeling pretty blue today so I appreciate it.
I have decided to turn this about. Jill is head and shoulders
above all the other candidates, thus she and only she is entitled to all the votes.
Thus a vote for Trump is a vote for Clinton.
Thus a vote for Clinton is a vote for Trump.
Do you people WANT the evil, lesser or greater, to win?? Of course not. Then vote for Jill. They can't quite figure out whether I'm kidding.
Fortunately around here, most people don't like either Trump or Clinton. The discussions have been easier starting from there. If they don't like Jill either, I get them to consider Gary Johnson.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump
And a vote for Hillary is a vote for Hillary and a vote for Jill is a vote for Jill. Vote your conscience or at least try to.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Wave this in their face.
Your vote is yours alone.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
It Is Super Ugly Out There.
A friend of mine told me she was going to hold me personally accountable for a Drumpf win.
This is not normal. It is not OK. And it is not healthy.
I don't know what to say other than sorry it happened to you.
I actually think that Hillary is the fascist candidate, judging by her supporters.
Was chatting with a friend, a libertarian guy who hung out with me on a FB thread where I was being assaulted like this and offered some dialogue. We both persevered and one of the Clinton supporters (a Canadian with "lots of political knowledge") totally wigged out and said that we smug Americans were responsible for half the world wanting to bomb us.
It was an epic, hideous meltdown. This shit is just not normal.
Drumpfs supporters, for the most part, call you a libtard and move on.
That said, Drumpf's supporters scare me more when it comes to the potential for physical violence. Especially if he doesn't win.
It's super creepy out there and hard to figure out which way is up.
Once again, sorry for your experience, especially in a professional setting. I'm with you, and you are not crazy.
Give this a read: http://ahtribune.com/us/2016-election/1232-hillary-clinton-democracy.html
It steadied my mind.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I have had several friends...
(One ex-friend), and my next door neighbor tell me the same thing. Again I say, wave this in their face: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I commented about this the other day.
With me, it's not so much about voting for Clinton, the supposedly lesser evil, (yes it is but I'm trying to be kind). My problem is that people with whom I am very close, who I have known and admired for 50 years all of a sudden don't care about warmongering, assassinations, killing of civilians, etc. Oh, and election fraud, let's not forget that one! Who cares about that when we can have a woman president, right?
ETA. This is in response to katchen, I don't know why it didn't post as a reply to that comment.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I know! It's like one day we woke up in the
Bizzaro Democratic Party.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"