(Huh?) Libertarian Icon Ron Paul Says He Won't Be Voting For Gary Johnson (VIDEO)
Onetime Libertarian presidential nominee Ron Paul said Monday he isn't planning to support Gary Johnson, the party's nominee for 2016.
Instead, the former Texas congressman told MSNBC that he agrees with Green Party candidate Jill Stein on many issues.
After he was introduced as a Stein supporter, Paul was quick to point out that he is not endorsing Stein or anyone else. But he said he feels Stein's policies have a libertarian bent.
"Liberty is all chopped to pieces," Paul said. "Liberals defend some parts of liberty and conservatives other parts and progressives are pretty good too on foreign policy."
"I said if the independents who don't know what to do and who should they pick, I say if you tend to lead progressivism and liberalism and you are interested in expressing yourself—you can vote for the Green Party," Paul clarified.
Now the 'iconic' Libertarian says vote Green. What next?
Wonder if many will take his advice?
(Video at link)

Ron Paul has always been progressive on many issues.
Note: Ron Paul also had kind words to say about Bernie Sanders (during the Primary run when he was building his movement).
The MSNBC crowd (and DKos) like to paint Ron Paul as some sort of weirdo and "racist" (in quotes), but this of course has been just one more sad example of how you cannot ever trust the Mainstream (so-called) "liberal" Media (liberal in quotes) anymore than you can trust FOX News or Rush Limbaugh.
The truth is that Ron Paul (while not a traditional progressive) has always been progressive in many, many ways, and has been genuinely concerned with the middle-class burden with his policies, and he has happily made common cause with real progressives over the years like Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson, Bernie Sanders, and Ralph Nader ... on a host of issues.
So it does not surprise me at all that he finds Dr. Jill Stein as the most acceptable of the 4 candidates.
It basically comes down to this: Gary Johnson is good on many issues, and "libertarian" on many issues -- but he does not have that much depth about the big time corruption and forces that really grip this Country, and are implementing a (repressive) Globalist governance structure.
Unlike Johnson (who is out of his depth here), Dr. Jill Stein is more philosophically compatible with someone like Ron Paul who really wants to change the whole system, and the whole paradigm in a big way (and not just nibble around the edges).
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ3-Xa2Ivxg width:640 height:480]
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTCr3dtDv1o width:640 height:480]
I can hear
the wailing now from the fake progressives. "Ron Paul endorsing Jill Stein! OMG, she's not a progressive like our hillary! Anyone voting for her is nothing but a heartless libertarian! Why next it will be ted cruz endorsing her!"
Minds exploding on Dead State in 3, 2 1,....
But Hillary's got the 'youf' vote, right (sob)?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Not me. Ron has good ideas rolling around in a large space. There's bound to be major concussions without the padding.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Wow! This is good news.
I'll take Jill Stein endorsements anywhere I can get them.
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Just makes me wish
that he beat out Romney in 2012. He probably would have won the general election, and I'm sure I'd have voted for him.
There may be two types of Libertarianism
just like there are two types of Authoritarianism.
Gary Johnson wants to free everybody of governmental control, such as less intrusion into private lives (NSA) and for the un-dead known as Corporations. Get rid of those pesky bureaucrats (Federal Regulators, FDA investigators, Bank examiners, Department of Agriculture inspectors). Yeah, that's the ticket--totally unregulated Capitalism--and ability to smoke pot.
Ron Paul was for the little guy (us 99ers), and not so much for Corporate free rides--though he wouldn't be as tough a regulator as current times require.
Very true
There have been left-libertarians and right-libertarians since approximately forever, and they have at times made common cause. Ron Paul has generally fallen into the right-lib camp (anti-regulation and pro-capitalist), but being the cantankerous non-conformist that he is, some of his ideas overlap with the left-libs. And human nature being what it is, his ideas may be evolving in a more left direction. We shall see...
I think that one of the points of Libertarianism
is that there might be millions of types of Libertarianism.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Ron Paul show --- Aleppo
I have never watched the Ron Paul Liberty Show but this is a very recent interview with Vanessa Beeley who has been reporting from inside Aleppo which I found on a left socialist friends time line on FB. Finally, a real reporter confirming what I have suspected from USA propaganda... the "rebels" are the terrorists on the same level of civilian abuse as so-called ISIS.
Articles by Vanessa Beeley at: http://21stcenturywire.com/author/21vbeeley/
Not surprising that the "far right" is finding a lot in common with the "far left". In libertarianism, a small state remains. In communism, there is no state. American Libertarians are not real libertarians. The Soviet Union was not communist at all.
For that we have to look at Revolutionary Catalonia in the late 30's. See Orwell's (1938) Homage to Catalonia. We have a strong tradition of anarcho-communism in Bolivia.
And Bolloten, Burnett (1991). The Spanish Civil war: Revolution and counter-revolution, as well as Orwell's book are available at Bookos:
From the Light House.
Well I learned something today. I learned that I knew/know
nothing about Ron Paul. (I guess I've been judging him by his squirrelly son.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
... Gary Johnson supports
Must just make the point that under the corporate coups Gary Johnson supports, I rather doubt that military cut-backs would be possible, as this would 'illegally' cut back on the potential of various involved parties to realize their guaranteed maximized anticipated corporate/billionaire profits. And those acting as corporate management under this would probably be replaced if they failed to help with the global corporate hostile takeover they'd supported - even if they didn't understand it at the time, whether through simple ignorance or blind greed for their own perceived wealth and power increases.
The push came on to double the military draft potential by adding women in just as Hillary, the corporate pick, and the corporate coup which she promoted as Sec of State, are to be coronated at the same time... Although it'd also be a great way of dealing with those pesky youthful protesters and activists...
They say the additional military draft will be delayed in effect, rather like recent (and briefly made) claims that the TPP would not be shoved through 'this year' when we knew darned well that - unless stopped - it'd be shoved through just after the selection - unless that was stopped - as the attempt to pass the TPP is in progress.
The draft hasn't even been a thing for how long - why would Generals and politicians be pushing/voting for it to be extended to the other half of the population just before Hill's coronation as Warlord Of AmeriCorps and that of the TPP?
Bernie and Jill are both shut out, with faked polling seeming to be a thing still/again; neither would support the TPP or any corporate coup, and both would cut the military and dump the endless invasion of/attack on other countries... but the guy who supports the TPP shows better in the (often obviously selective) polls than does Jill, whom we know to have picked up a fair number of supporters.
The TPP and the Fast-Tracked others are not 'trade bills', as we know; they are Trojan Horses carrying a mechanism intended to place the domestic law of involved countries in the hands of involved corporations by outsourcing law and using extortion in the form of pre-approved massive and multiple lawsuits by any/all of thousands of corporations/billionaires to guarantee that the profits of their fantasies are drained from populations whose law is thereby determined by corporate lawyers in a global corporate court/billionaire-only court where the public interest has no standing.
It's a hostile corporate take-over of free countries and people protected against such frauds by common law, domestic laws, Constitutions, human and citizen rights, yet this traitorous fraud is claimed by the perpetrators to be 'legal and binding' upon the public on a 'Simon Says So' basis and the signatures of traitors - when it is not and can never be.
But they're trying it nonetheless, in corrupted/bullied governments and courts around the world as Obama pushes for a corporate-friendly Republican as the deciding US Supreme Court vote in quelling challenges to the unconstitutional coup and Hillary suggests one of her creatures for that role...
This is the last chance any of us in any country will likely have at a peaceful, political solution. We know to expect massive cheating in this US election, where these coups originated and if the American people vote in evil, even the hope of proving cheating and having the fraudulent candidate rejected as leader both by the American people and internationally is gone.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Thus exemplifying the folly of LOTE
The self-fulfilling prophesy says that LOTE will always work because people otherwise not inclined to support either major party will ignore third party candidates on the grounds that "they can't win". If enough people said no, I'm voting FOR somebody else, that somebody else could win. There are probably a sizable number of "lurkers" out there, who haven't committed to either duopoly candidate but if voting for their conscience, could make a major difference in this year's truly deplorable (sorry for pun--NOT) election.
Funny thing is, Indies are
Funny thing is, Indies are the largest voting pool - if even just the Indies voted for Jill, she'd win on votes and if the population refused to accept yet another disaster being cheated in, doing whatever it took to fight for their remaining shreds of apparent democracy, both evils could be avoided.
Better, people could double the opportunity to try for a non-corporate candidate with the OpDeny270 approach.
(Twitter link below, because it was handy.)
Even for the blinded Greeds, a comfortable life with President Bernie would be better than a slow, oxygen-depleted, monster-storm-torn, earthquake-wracked death in the poisoned corporate hell-on-Earth they wish to globally create - even with their (unregulated, built to maximize profits) life support systems anyway prone to glitching, having left themselves with nowhere else to go...
But note that the TPP-supporting Libertarian - with rigged polls suggesting that he has a better chance than Jill, for those to be conned into this maintenance two-corporate-party trade-off scam - is being suggested as the only alternative likely to be in this situation?
Edit: (This doesn't harm Jill's chances.)
From https://twitter.com/OpDeny270
#OpDeny270 @OpDeny270 5h5 hours ago
#OpDeny270 Retweeted Psychwriter1515
Bernie won 56% in OR. So we can hope Berners support Jill in there. Likewise, Greens can help Bernie in RI, VT, NH.
#OpDeny270 added,
Psychwriter1515 @k_chappelle
@OpDeny270 Not enough support in OR for Jill unless BIG decided push. OPB = Jill only polling 15% ages 18-34 #BringBernieBack #JillNotHill
#OpDeny270 @OpDeny270 17h17 hours ago
Book details how Team Obama schemed to let Hillary skate nyp.st/2dD5PP2 #OpDeny270 cc: #OctoberSurprise
(Gotta read this - dunno if Bill Clinton's quoted as saying to tell Attorney General Loretta Lynch that 'the President' wanted to see her - but the President is Obama - Bill was a former President and the Clintons haven't yet been cheated into the Presidency... if that was the phrasing, might she not have assumed that the real President wanted to see her?)
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Interview with author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”
From Yes magazine (March 2016):
More confessions of an economic hit man:
This time, they’re coming for your democracy
Thanks, hadn't seen that.
Thanks, hadn't seen that.
Quite a number of us had seen this sort of fatal disaster coming some time ago, though...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
As always, brilliant in his diagnosis
not particularly helpful in his proposed cure.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver