Charlotte Riots Are Off The Chain!
Submitted by Meteor Man on Sun, 09/25/2016 - 11:02pm
Nine hours ago:
The Latest: Officers Surround Charlotte Stadium Protesters
A group of around 100 demonstrators have gathered across the street from Bank of America Stadium to protest the shooting death last week of a man by a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer.
The protesters, holding signs and led by a man on a bullhorn, were surrounded by at least two dozen police officers on bicycles on Sunday afternoon.
There appear to be multiple locations. Here's Livestream from Mediate via WCCB:
Live on YouTube, Day 6:
[Edited:. Matt Forney video, day 6 - 9/25]
(video link error or operator error replacing video)

Here'sThe Set Up
We've been watching for about 45 minutes and it was just a group of well dressed and reasonable young people walking down the street.
Then they made a "wrong turn" and were blocked by the cops, tear gassed and chased into a field. Now they are "contained" and at the mercy of racist cops
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
It's not "racist cops" that is a problem. It's an issue far, far more complex ball of interconnected issues other than just race that we're dealing with.
Rikers! Shut It Down!
Well it's off to jail we go. Probably for disturbing the peace. We have better Riots than that after a Lakers or Dodgers game.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Funny isn't it?
After a college football team wins or loses many people from their schools will riot in the streets and overturn cars, break windows and do worse things then peaceful protesters do and I don't remember seeing them being met with the riot police forces.
It seems like it only happens when groups like OWS and the BLM protest that the riot police needs to come out.
And when these groups are brutally taken down, more than half of the people in this country cheer the police on.
And they won't get the message until it finally happens to them.
But by then it will be too late.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Great pictorial of the Rikers Protest,
which originated in my neighborhood of Astoria, Queens. Lots of white folks in solidarity too. Couldn't make this one because I was sick, but have to others last year.
Kalief Browder should never be forgotten. His story is beyond tragic. And yet there are so many. Too man people brutalized at the hands of racist, out-of-control and unaccountable thugs running that (and every) prison. There's plenty of evidence for why we should abolish our inhumane prison system entirely.
I have a lawyer friend who defends prisoners there and his face is ashen when he comes back from visits. The horrors and indignities everyone endures, from visitors to those awaiting trial, are unspeakable.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Two Thousand Protesters Wandering The Streets
No idea how accurate the count is, but that's what the person filming claimed. They have walked an estimated 26 miles.
The location is actually Belmont, NC. Don't know where they started. Maybe Belmont is 20 miles from Charlotte. May not be in the same county. Dunno.
It looks like 15-20 white folks just joined the Protesters.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The protests are usually peaceful until the riot police come
and start hassling the protesters.
This has been their tactics since the started being trained by the Israeli military after 9/11.
The DHS sends the heads of the police department to be trained and then they train others.
The militarization of the police was started under the Bush administration by the DHS and under Obama's administration more equipment was given to the police departments.
After the Ferguson riots he said that he'd roll back the program, but as usual, he lied. All he rolled back was giving them bayonets and a few other things, but then continued to give them heavy equipment like what is used in war zones.
And why do the police need to have this type of equipment? In the event that people in this country will get off their butts and demand that our government start to represent us instead of the corporations and the war machine.
After the TPP is passed and any bills or regulations cities and states have voted for can be taken away by the corporations if they get in the way of their profits.
Some states have banned fracking and raised the minimum wage and if a corporation wants that overturned, they can sue under the ISDS and 3 foreign corporate insider judges will rule on the case and if they rule for the corporations then their decisions are final. This is why many people feel that the TPP is unconstitutional and treasonous because our government is voting to give away our national sovereignty over to the corporations.
The regulatory agencies will become toothless.
The republicans have been trying to roll back the regulations, but again it's going to be a democratic president that will do what they have been trying to get passed, just like NAFTA and the other bills that Clinton passed that has hurt so many people in this country.
And remember in the NDAA that Obama signed a few years ago, the president has the authority to have the military detain any US citizens, lock them up and not allow them to have access to a lawyer.
Habeous Corpus has not been reinstated under Obama's terms.
And this is my opinion why the police have been militarized.
Don't forget to read Ray Balko's book The Rise of the Warrior Cop and see how many rights congress has taken away from us under the guise of the war on drugs.
Many people think that Biden is a kindly fellow, but what he has done to us when he was in congress is despicable! Read the book to see what he has done to our rights.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I will categorically state that the police don't need tanks. If
a situation gets so out of control that tanks are needed, then call in the National Guard who are trained for emergencies from civil unrest to rescue operations following a disaster.
It's bad social policy to give military equipment to local PDs and Sheriff's Depts. Military equipment and the training that goes with it is opposite from the desired community based policing and the ethic of serve and protect.
The Bush/Obama continuum has really hurt the USA, in my opinion.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I suspect that it has become worse since 9/11, but that has been
the scenario since the sixties. There is a protest, the police come, the police riot and terrorize the protesters and some or all of the protesters then start to riot themselves.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's amazing what congress can find the money for
when they want to, but for 'some reason' they can't ever find money for social programs or infrastructure or anything else that would help people in our country. It's fine for them to give billions in foreign aid, especially to countries that have horrible human rights violations or trillions in tax breaks for the corporations.
They have also found over a billion dollars in grant money for police departments to buy
Here is an example of how much money some states got.
Even towns with populations under 1,000 were buying Bearcats and other types of equipment just in case they get attacked by terrorists.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sooner or later the powers that be look incompetent.
I remember in the 60s that my wife and I attended a peaceful gathering in downtown Palo Alto, California, which was anti-war but also had local issues to emphasize. Shortly after we left to walk home, the police, who had been hidden in stores nearby, made a sweep to arrest everyone who was at the gathering. Just as the cops marched down the street the movie theatre let out and the cops swept up all of the moviegoers along with everyone else. I will never forget one letter to the editor from a Navy Commander who was jailed for seeing a movie: his refrain was "I have been radicalized." He wasn't alone.
With a little luck, Charleston and the other places where the oligarchy is asserting its muscle will radicalize even more of us.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Great story polkageist. Cop overreach does radicalize moderates,
when they're finally subjected in person to the intimidation and thuggery themselves, whether willingly or unwittingly, that up until then they only read about and didn't concern them.
I've seen it happen at protests too.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
No Update Available
My Mediate day 6 Livestream is now day 4 and I can no longer Google day 6. Nite nite.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn