To Charlotte Police Chief: Release Video of Killing of Keith Lamont Scott
Sources (with excerpted text) below:
Putney said Scott exited his car with a gun, then got back in the car. Officers instructed him to drop the gun. As he got out again, officers fired shots. Putney also said officers seized a gun from the scene, but they did not find a book, which family members have referenced.
Officer Vinson was in plain clothes and was not wearing a body camera, according to Putney. The officers in uniform on the scene were wearing body cameras, but it does not give a full picture of what happened.
"I don't know that he (Keith Scott) definitively pointed a weapon at an officer" but he says Scott did have a gun. "The video that I have reviewed, I cannot see in totality, everything that occurred."
Putney claimed he is unable to release the footage because state law requires a court order to publish such videos. “The law is pretty specific, especially around criminal evidence for an investigation,” he said. “I cannot release that.”
But that’s not true, the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina told ThinkProgress. The controversial law prohibiting police officials from releasing such videos to the public is not yet in effect.
CMPD attorney Mark Newbold later contacted ThinkProgress to clear up the confusion. Putney was invoking a different piece of law — state statute 132–1.4 — which says that “records of criminal investigations” are not public records. The statute also says such records “may be released” by a court order.
Newbold acknowledged that doesn’t quite amount to an explicit prohibition on releasing videos like this, and that “there’s no matrix that spells things out.”
If Putney’s own statements at a Wednesday press conference about officer Brently Vinson’s shooting of Keith Lamont Scott are accurate, the decision not to release the footage makes little sense. Putney said there is hard evidence disproving multiple pieces of the story that Scott’s family members told of his death in the hours before a peaceful protest bubbled over into civil unrest that left 16 cops injured.
Family members said Scott was sitting reading a book and did not have a gun. Putney says detectives recovered the gun and did not find a book.
The chief also said Scott was given repeated loud verbal warnings to drop the weapon police recovered. The videos would presumably verify that key point.
Putney did acknowledge, however, that the videos may not contain the entirety of the encounter. “The videos I’ve reviewed, I cannot see in totality everything that occurred,” he said at Wednesday’s presser. He also said it was “a matter of seconds” between officers’ verbal warnings to Scott and Vinson’s fatal shots.
Link to photograph of alleged picture of gun found at the scene of the killing of Keith Lamont Scott:
Other Sources:
Scott was shot by officer Brentley Vinson earlier in the day, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg police. The shooting occurred when officers were at an apartment complex searching for a suspect with an outstanding warrant and they saw Scott get out of his vehicle with a firearm, the department said.
Vinson fired his weapon and struck Scott, who "posed an imminent deadly threat to the officers," the department said in a statement.
A man identified as Scott’s brother said that Scott was sitting in his car, waiting to pick up his son from school. [...]
Shakeala Baker, who lives near the site of Scott’s shooting, told Reuters that she had seem him there waiting for his son on other days, as well.
Scott’s mother, Vernita Walker, described her son to the Charlotte Observer as “a family man,” who was “a likable person. And he loved his wife and his children.”
Keith Scott, 43, was shot and killed by Charlotte-Mecklenburg officer Brentley Vinson, who is also black, after being mistaken for a wanted man.
Police said officers went to a Charlotte apartment complex around 4pm looking for a suspect with an outstanding warrant when they encountered Scott, who was not the suspect they were looking for, inside a car.
According to department spokesman Keith Trietley, officers saw the man get out of the car with a gun and then get back in. When officers approached the car, the man got out of the car with the gun again. At that point, officers deemed the man a threat and at least one fired a weapon, he said. A weapon was recovered by detectives at the scene.
According to police, officers immediately began rendering aid after the shots were fired. Scott, a father of seven, was pronounced dead at Carolinas Medical Center.
The police version is at odds with that of Scott’s family who have insisted that he was disabled, sitting in his car reading a book, and had no gun. “He sits in the shade, reads his book and waits on his kid to get off the bus,” Scott’s sister told reporters. “He didn’t have no gun, he wasn’t messing with nobody.”
Scott’s family is disputing claims by officers that he had a gun. According to his sister, her brother was reading a book and waiting for his kids to get off the bus when cops shot him.
“He didn’t have no gun. He wasn’t messing with nobody,” the woman told a news reporter. The sister says the police jumped out, asked him to put his hands up, and shot him on sight. [...]
The victim’s brother also told reporters that his brother got out of his car because he was scared when police approached him. [...]
Another witness on the scene of the shooting said that the victim was unarmed and his hands were to his side when shots were fired.
Daughter’s video in aftermath of shooting:

but our video units have very complicated button devices that our officers have not yet trained in the use of. within two years we expect them to be able to operate such devices; if we had more funding it could probably happen sooner. it's a matter of extensive training.
also, our video homogenizer is working with very, very difficult video homogenization software, the vast majority of which requires someone who understands video homogenization software, and our video homogenizer doesn't do that. we hire high school dropouts, after all.
please understand that our brave officers are working as hard as they can to obfuscate this situation publicly.
"Cops" always claim there was a gun, pcp, drugs
something super duper scary like a book or a comb or a toy truck so they had to execute the unarmed citizen.
Apparently in OK, you can be shot to death if you car stalls on the road.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
It would be funny one day...
To see a cop arrested for possession with the stuff he was holding to plant as evidence...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
hey, right?
"PCP". pcp users usually drop their pcp on top of grass, and smoke it out of a pipe. so where are those things? at the very least, a pipe? no, none of that though, he must have smoked a bunch of pcp at a friend's house while he was buying his extremely extant vial of pcp, then decided to drive home.
the only reason this could possibly make sense is that he stopped his "broken down vehicle" in the middle of the friggin' road, it's the only thing that bothers me about this situation. should he have been shot for being high on pcp? oh, fuck no, and the video sure as hell doesn't look like this guy is tripping balls, or if he is, he's tripping some extremely compliant balls. but why stop the car in the literal center of the road, blocking both lanes of traffic? was the vehicle moved by the cops? seems unlikely..
... but why stop the car in
From the Color of Change petition email I recieved:
...Terence Crutcher was on his way home from class when his truck stalled in the middle of the road in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Four police officers responded to this call with guns drawn. A helicopter hovered over him and his car as he walked with his hands up. Seconds later Terence was shot and killed by officer Betty Shelby.1 His crime was being a large Black man.
Officer Shelby shot and killed Terence because she saw him not only as a threat due to his Blackness, but as a disposable being. She saw her racist projection of a big, Black “bad dude”.2
Demand Officer Shelby be indicted for her barbaric “shoot first” tactics. There’s no room for officers who see Black bodies as threats!
This is a story that went “unnoticed” in the media until the extremely disturbing video footage was released and it showed Terence clearly cooperating and officers blatantly racially profiling him to death. It’s clear that the image of a big Black man with his hands raised was a threat for Officer Shelby, a threat that informed her it was ok to shoot and kill Terence. Shelby didn’t see Terence’s humanity, she didn’t allow him the benefit of being a person in need of help.
Officer Betty Shelby needs to be indicted immediately for the killing of Terence Crutcher.
Terence was one of many Black folks killed by police last week including 13-year-old Ty’re King in Columbus, OH.3 It’s heartbreaking and traumatic to experience this reality so frequently with no justice or accountability. Officer Shelby’s fatal reaction to a Black body is something that seems to be ingrained into the psyche of most officers across the country. We must hold officers like Betty Shelby accountable if we are going to change the violent and racist culture of policing. ...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
last time my car died
T died and I had no steering or breaking. Our car ended up straddling the lanes as well.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
i didn't realize
that cars were made that weren't steerable or stoppable after they lost power. that seems like a problem that's really, really really really worth working on. but hey, if it happens, well, that's fucking stupid. the idea that a car would exist in which, after the engine stopped working, was completely uncontrollable is an extreme, extreme failure of the american car industry
Obvious question is what are they hiding?
Obvious answer, a lot.
The law should require the release of police video when complaints are filed, and failure to do so for any reason should result in a guilty verdict.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
By definition...
If the police are not accountable to those they are supposed to be protecting, then it is a police state.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Oh and...
Thanks to the NRA - NC is an open carry state. One is supposed to be able to carry a gun around without the cops bothering you. Where is the NRA in this? Crickets.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Oh Wait...
It was a Black Guy...
Not covered by the NRA...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Well according to NC law
carrying a hand gun is legal. (NC Fire Arms law)
So I'm wondering why the police were so quick so shoot a person engaged in legal activity, if in fact he was carrying a gun? The US is awash in bloody violence, a river of blood if you will, especially state violence against the people who have been crushed economically for a generation.
According to Killed by police, 844 people have been kill by law enforcement this year alone. More of our citizens have die at the hands of our own law enforcement, than all people killed by terrorism since 2001.
We (the US) just gave $38 billion to Israel, but we don't seem to be able to find the money to help our fellow citizens in Flint, and other cities across this country that are crumbling from lack of maintenance, whose citizens are being crushed under the weight of austerity and neoliberalsim, that only help the 1%.
The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. (I am so pissed off right now I can't see straight.)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
As stated above, the NRA lobbied and demanded open carry in NC. I guess they meant only for white people.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Can't stand this, and I don't
Can't stand this, and I don't have to live in it... yet.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
So, He had a gun or not?
Can't tell from this post.
Doesn't that matter?
No whites involved for what its worth.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!