Chaffetz Issues Subpoena to FBI for all the 302s... UPDATED w/ videos
"I've signed this subpoena. We want all the 302s....and you are hereby served," Chaffetz said.
"Since when did Congress have to go through FOIA to obtain 302s?" Gowdy asked.
Chaffetz subpoenas FBI for full Clinton email probe file
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz publicly subpoenaed the FBI's full case file in the Hillary Clinton email investigation Monday, delivering the document demand to a senior FBI official during a contentious hearing where Democrats accused Republicans of mounting a partisan attack on Clinton's presidential campaign. "It's 'trust, but verify' is how it works," Chaffetz told FBI acting legislative affairs chief Jason Herring. "You don't get to decide what I get to see. I get to see it all."
After Herring said he could not promise to deliver all the investigative summaries—known as 302s—in an unedited form, Chaffetz sent the subpoena down from the dais to the witness table where the FBI official sat with colleagues from six other agencies.
It is not clear to me if this is just for show - there appears to be a legitimate dispute about whether it's the FBI holding things up or another Replublican leader, Devin Nunes, who heads the House Intelligence Committee. Click through the link to see whom you find more persuasive.
There are too many back and forths here to be able to summarize it well - it turned into a cat fight between Dems and Rep's. Here's Lynch:
"This is terrible....This is a miscarriage of justice," Lynch said. "This is a sad day in the history of this committee. This is a sad, god-damned day."
Hat Tip to birdiemom87 for this video:
And this video was connected to the birdiemom87 provided:
Chaffetz makes the point that the Congressional Affairs officers sitting in the room for this hearing are collectively making over a million dollars paid for by the American public.
This begins with the FBI rep defending just how well they have provided everything asked by Congress:
Chaffetz: So, what information does Congress not have the right to see?
The FBI guy has an unfortunate name of "Herring." He seems to be living up to that name.

In hopes that I don't offend,
but our current government is a clusterfuck to the 9th degree.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
How could SAYING that be more offensive then what's happening?!
It couldn't be.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
For real.
It occurs to me that sometimes, certain people aren't the evil thugs they're made out to be. They're trying to do a job. However they go about it, whether right or wrong, the bottom line is "They can ask for whatever the hell they want within the scope of the law" and the FBI has to pony up whether they agree with it or not. And who the hell is Lynch (as in Loretta? It's not clear in the post, so I'm assuming) to call that a "miscarriage of justice"? The miscarriage of justice is very clear, and it's not being done by the guy doing the investigating in this specific instance.
God, the Clintons and those who prop them up disgust me. They're supposed to get a pass on all this unauthorized email server crap that exposed our assets and put them in danger? One of the allegations is that essentially, they've done exactly the kind of thing which they've prosecuted others for, and very recently. How about NO??? They DO NOT get a pass.
How obnoxious that they think they're above it all.
Loretta owes Bill,
as she was well reminded in a recent private conversation on a plane with him about their grandchildren.
"How obnoxious that they think they're above it all. "
No kidding. They're behaving exactly like the Bush regime.
... for me, this represents
a "Through the Looking Glass" ( moment, during which we libtards must needs cheer the (presumed) "knuckle-draggers" for actually trying to do the right thing, here.
Weird (drieW)? --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
I just saw this
It looks like he is at the end of his patience with all the crap. Bring it on!
By the way, I just found this, really juicy and really disgusting.
FBI Botched Clinton Investigation: Never Disclosed Hillary, Aides Used Covert Google Server to Hide Benghazi Emails
It’s like a bad spy movie involving a third-world government. Or perhaps a slap stick comedy. The Secretary of State of the United States reading, sending, receiving sensitive emails with national security secrets, threats and classified or top secret intelligence over Google’s public Gmail. We expect this from chatting soccer moms but not from the top diplomat of the United States and her aides.
But it gets even worse. The FBI either never discovered this blatant and clandestine violation of federal laws or did and simply covered it up.
Following the Benghazi consulate attack in 2012, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton secretly worked with Google to reroute email traffic away from her private computer server and use public Google Gmail servers instead. That clandestine move served to cloak her inner circle’s communications from lawmakers, public scrutiny and would-be criminal investigators, according to intelligence sources who provided documents to True Pundit.
Maybe this will be part of the Wikileaks release?
If they put out previously previously unacknowledged emails from a private Google server within a public Google server (that's how I'm interpreting the information in that link) then basically everything Clinton and her staff have ever said on the topic of emails is patently, provably false - plus there's no telling who else used that conduit to communicate.
This could bring on an actual Constitutional crisis if it is found that the FBI discovered this fact and withheld it from Congress, which would mean they were aiding and abetting in an obstruction and cover-up. Or alternately, they might believe they found something so fundamentally illegal and involving so many people that it would topple the entire government and thought for the sake of stability that it was better left buried. I kind of recall reading something along those lines a while ago, that Clinton's emailgate was simply the tip of a very large iceberg with ginormous implications and consequences.
IMO, if a government should topple due to internal criminality and corruption - let it go. Parliamentary countries are constantly dissolving their parliaments on the basis of "No confidence". You pick up and move along. We made it through the Civil War, we made it through Watergate, we will make it again through the next great crisis. Of course it would help if all the media and all the journalism wasn't thoroughly cowed and/ or corrupted as well.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I agree, it is better
to know the truth about the depth of corruption and let the government fall than to continue to cover it up. The pain will be more intense in the short run, but it will be better for every American if we can ferret out the corruption in our government.
They always say that the coverup is what gets people in trouble and there has been already plenty of coverup in this scandal. IMO, this is not just about the Clintons but it is more about saving the republic. Damn, I wish we had a parliamentary form of government.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I've considered this for a while..
That we are skating toward a Constitutional Crisis. The new leaks exposed today do not make things any better. Tons of appointments sold for contribution, plans for Dem gerrymandering in 2010 (we know how well that one worked out, + that's a Republican sin). This party is beyond dirty; it's a rotting corpse. I also saw something about mingling campaign financing, in Virginia involving Kaine, dirty early voting, etc. Who knows what the list will be by tomorrow, and Assange is still out there with his gift. This new DNC leak contains names, addresses, phone numbers CC#s again. There is no redeeming value in allowing this party to live. I find myself rooting for the R's and looking for news in sources I would not consider previously. Obama wants a legacy, and he is living one.
I think this is probably the thing you were referring to about the Clinton Foundation, it's getting more true every day. Conspiracy theory is getting to look a lot like Conspiracy Reality every day.
Edited, just found how they did the voter registration swap: I had put this in the Guccifer 2.0 thread, but it fits here, too.
This is what they used for the primary voter swapping.
And it apparently was a home-grown program. This is what they did to Bernie (and us). I wonder how much Seth Rich knew about this. Someone is going to have a very bad day. I keep thinking about Obama laughing and pooh poohing the idea of election rigging. I wonder how much he'll be laughing today. And Assange will add more icing on the cake.
The data has been "twitterized", but is easily read if you click on the links.
Did anyone here read or hear of this?
I found this particular segment chilling!
This radio show is tops in my book. I don't always listen to it because I am not always driving when it's on, but I find it very valuable and the work that Brian Becker does (and his guests) very important.
I saw something else from them recently
Here's my collection of stories on this theme:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Gowdy got him too
Trey Gowdy Schools FBI Director: "You Dont Get To Decide What We Can See!"
Thank you, birdiemom! I'll add the embed to the diary n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Thank you.
The senate judiciary committee is in charge of
the oversight of the Justice department and the FBI and the FBI is basically telling Grassley that he can't see Clinton's emails?

Yes there is something wrong with that.
I don't think that this is just the republicans wasting their time on this matter. Not when so much information has already shown that first Hillary didn't turn over all of her emails after she left office as she was supposed to do. It wasn't until the committee found out about the private server that she turned them over. And not only that, she didn't turn all of them over and when she was ordered to do so, she had someone destroy them. And then we find out that she still didn't turn all of them over to the FBI.
I believe that the Benghazi hearings were a waste of time because all they were focused on was why Stevens and 3 others were killed during the attack on the embassy but not on what Stevens along with the CIA, Obama, Hillary and others were doing from the embassy. They were running Gaddafi's weapons out of it to give to the 'moderate' terrorists including the sarin nerve gas that they used on the Syrian people. And they did that so that they could have an excuse to overthrow Assad. Over One Thousand People Including Children died a horrible death from the sarin gas.
However if they hadn't held those hearings we would know that she has been using a private email server out of her home.
And thanks to judicial watch we found out about the pay to play that both Bill and Hillary were involved in and all of the other information that we have learned.
This just boggles my mind.
And Lynch has said that this is A miscarriage of justice. This is a sad God damned day!
No Lynch what is a miscarriage of justice is the fact that Hillary will not be changed with mishandling classified information, withholding information and evidence and using her connection at the state department to enrich her husband and her foundation with governments, financial institutions and others who had business with the state department, you f'cking idiot!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Said it before, I'll say it again
Maybe the truest measure of how bad the Clintons have become is that I'm rooting for Congressional Republicans to mount a full investigation of their many corruptions and malfeasances. These are people I'd cross the street to avoid in real life, but I'm still on their side in this fight.
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Meanwhile, the Democrats on that committee
waste talk time fairly ineffectually. One would think that the FBI overreach would be disturbing to them, but they hold the course for Hillary. Today's questioning will be interesting. Republicans seem to have decent former prosecuting attorneys who ask pointed questions.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Democrats are filibustering
I don't think most of them believe the Clinton-scripted BS they're shoveling, but it is their duty as loyal partisans to lie for the Cause. I'm embarrassed that I used to think Democrats were better than Republicans.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Your comments summarize my feelings exactly
I always thought that Democrats represented the moral high ground and that Republicans were unempathetic, 1% supporting, corporatist tool robots.
But, since the Hillary candidacy, where we see the ease with which the Democrats have tossed out any and all concerns for transparency and accountability with our elected officials, I see they just played at being the good guys. They emphatically are no longer the guys in the white hats. Just like no one loathes cigarette smoke more than a reformed smoker, I doubt no one finds the current iteration of Democrats more repellent than a former Democrat.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
As I always say...
We have a party that pretends to care about us, and a party that doesn't.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I wonder
How many of them are entwined with the Clinton Foundation. That Cummings guy really has a bad case of whatever it is.
The world has turned upside down..........n/t
The world has turned upside
Seems as though the world has been turned upside down not only to shake any remaining small change out of our pockets, but to allow any small hope for positive change to fall off the ends of the Earth...
They lie, deny and decry, the latter regarding others they accuse of doing what they do themselves, as a distraction; the classic and long-running industry victim blame strategy so useful to them over this past century in evading attribution for the destruction of human and environmental health and life in the pursuit of ever-higher profits. Why is this permitted to work for so many pathological liars/psychopaths/polluting and other criminal industries/interests placing their own representative politicians into public office or buying them up later with the money so often drained from the public and poorer others - who then often let this behaviour and the disastrous results stand as a 'done deal'?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The Republicans may be pursuing this
for the wrong (partisan) reasons, but if it exposes the depth of corruption in our government, they will be doing us all a great service.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
FBI over-reach is now becoming more evident
In view of recent events, several traits of FBI behavior are being called into question:
1. Year-long investigation does not reveal who transferred secret DOS documents to/from HRC's multiple devices
2. Comey has the temerity to not recommend indictment of Clinton, which if it had been anyone else could land them in prison for many years.
3. FBI covered-up HRC's use of Google account for disposition of some emails--they knew about unauthorized servers, but couldn't find a Google account? Some detective work.!
One result of this fiasco should be to put the FBI in its place--they cannot be the arbiters of what they show or don't show to Congress. I think Comey is morphing into J. Edgar Hoover.
Don't forget
they all report to Loretta, Bill's BFF.
I'm hoping someone in the FBI is at least leaking some of this stuff. Someone in that organization has to be just as disgusted with Clintonista as we are.
Don't forget
they all report to Loretta, Bill's BFF.
I'm hoping someone in the FBI is at least leaking some of this stuff. Someone in that organization has to be just as disgusted with Clintonista as we are.
Great diary, MsGrin, and great sources to review.
Astounding to me that the FBI is still trying to force, or trick, Congress into accepting redacted material that the FBI has shaped to fit HRC's desired narrative. Chaffetz has made himself into the place where The Buck Stops.
YES! The level of HUBRIS is astonishing from the FBI
I thought they at least had more decorum. Apparently not.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I cannot ever recall...
another time when a senior Executive Branch official was actually served a subpoena during testimony.
In the pre-Unitary Executive days (ie. before Bush), such flagrant FBI stonewalling of Congress might have been called a Constitutional crisis.
Quite a dramatic way to assert Legislative Branch prerogatives. Mr. Herring was certainly red-faced.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
You might say he was a red Herring
You might say that...
I couldn't possibly comment.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
On the advice of counsel... n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Jason Chaffetz is my congressman
Although he doesn't really represent me, I live in the Utah 3rd CD which sends Rep. Chaffetz to Washington. As an investigator of the Obama administration, he has specialized in barking up the wrong tree. Also too, he is not good with graphs. But maybe he can turn up something by going after Hillary. Target-rich environment as they say.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I think
there's a reason the GOP assigned it's most idiotic members to go after Clinton. They wanted kabuki, not results.
I think they're actually GETTING some results
it hasn't been uniformly useful, but I'm damned glad SOMEONE is asking questions and attempting to represent a balance of power.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I watched the hearings
The Republican's focus is that HRC got some specialized justice that was "unusual" in many ways and that she should have received the same non-customized justice as Joe Shit. They asked how common was it for the husband of the supposed subject to meet with the AG on a tarmac while the investigation was ongoing, questions about lawyer/client privilege being asserted , etc.
Also zeroing in on obstruction and deletion of emails/documents which were under subpoena, timelines, etc.
They also seem to be zeroing in on how the FBI investigation was remarkably incurious in that they seemingly were not interested in determining how and by whom classified information migrated from classified to unclassified. Someone asked the FBI guy - "Did the FBI interview all senders of classified information?" and they would have to get back to them on that was the answer. Lots of back and forth about how information was being withheld from Congress that they had the right to see. Chaffetz and Gowdy and others landed lots of effective punches in that arena. Democrats basically stayed with talking points of "waste of time" political witch hunt" "case closed", etc. Although One female Dem Congresswoman landed some good pushback by saying the one keeping Chaffetz from what he wanted to see was the Republican Senator heading the Intelligence committee who already had what he wanted to see. But the Pubs pushed back on the pushback by saying that they had been denied unclassified stuff they wanted to see, not just classified because of the cherry-picking done by the FBI. Gowdy made the best points with his saying a probation officer or a defense attorney would be provided the material but the Congress was getting the stiff arm. They also said, you don't get to decide what I get to see, I get to see it all if I ask for it.
If it was a debate contest, I think the R's carried almost every point
A high point of irony for me was when a Democratic Congressman read the Newsweek article into the record about the Bush administration losing 22 millions emails and having private servers. Right. I remember that. That was pretty much taken "off the table" with everything else once the Dems gained a majority. It was a disgrace. It should have been investigated by Congress and/or the FBI but the Dems didn't have the guts to pursue the case - Conyers issued a subpoena to Rove which was ignored and Conyers did nothing when he could have had Rove arrested for contempt of Congress. Chaffetz and the Republicans play hardball while the Dems roll over. And of course Hillary Clinton decried those private servers before she evidently thought, "Hey!what a great idea! Now I see how it's done" and put the same practices into play for herself.
The Clinton aide Justin Cooper came off very well IMO. He seems like simply a poor schmuck who was tasked with being an informal IT guy by happenstance who had no particular skill in IT except what he learned on the fly. We all have someone like that in our offices, right?
The biggest losers in these hearings are Comey and the FBI who are coming off as incompetent or something worse, i.e. the fix being in for Hillary. The Democrats look like Clinton surrogates while the Republicans look like they're fighting for national security and robust investigations and Congressional oversight. And of course there's no denying a big component of this is political, but Chaffetz says, hey we didn't choose this timeline, Hillary Clinton caused this to issue to cross into the election by stonewalling for so long.
If the Dems don't retake the House, they can expect this same stuff to continue right into the first day of HRC's first term.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I hated Bill's administration for exactly this reason
...but at least he wasn't in trouble yet when he was sworn in.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I've been meaning to write this much sooner!
Ms. Grin-
Thank you so very much for the research, time, and effort you are putting into all of your writings to share with us. You are doing important work, as well as many others, here on c99p!
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it!
Have a great day!
Thanks, Christine!
Just doing my best to pass info along. Wild times we're living through!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Well y'a know
Chuckie Schumer came out and said he feinted once. That clears it.
Move on.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
That's pretty much the best evidence we're getting this season
Nothing to see here... keep moving, we have a clock to run out.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member