Hillary Clinton's health
Submitted by Caerus on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:14am
Leaving the 9/11/16 ceremonies in New York.
Approx 90 minutes after event started.
Went to daughter's apartment.
Campaign statement said something about her being bothered by the weather? Heat. Wrong day for that excuse.
Here she is, looks like collapsing, and being helped into her van.
You can almost hear that woman saying....
"there, there, dear, it will be all right" - and why is Hillary holding her right hand over her heart.
If you were walking, wouldn't your hand just simply hang loose from the shoulder.
Thanks again to Alex re: Zeiss anti-seizure lenses. Definitely not regular sun glass lenses. AND she never wore sun glass lenses out of doors before either. Wearing these lenses is a BIG change for her.
Wonder how they're gonna deal with this when she's indoors?
Check out how Bill
Was holding her hand a week or so earlier in the Hamptons.
So I went to youtube to find the truth.
One doctor claimed she had Parkinson's. She moves her hands like to her heart so as not to show hand tremors. May also explain the zombie walk reports.
Try googling Hillary in sunglases - she has often worn them
in the past.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The Zeiss blue lenses are NOT sunglasses
they are anti-seizure lenses
She wears contact lenses, has very bad vision. These were NOT regular sunglasses. You can tell how DARK BLUE the lenses are.
The Zeiss blue lenses are NOT sunglasses
they are anti-seizure lenses
She wears contact lenses, has very bad vision. These were NOT regular sunglasses. You can tell how DARK BLUE the lenses are.
It looks like she is checking her heart rate there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Gotta love DeadHead :)
Interesting video - David Seaman
From jackpineradicals - here's our buddy whom HuffPo sent packing for his honesty:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Excellent video
Great to see him out of hiding and doing his job of investigatjve journalism again
In this video, Seaman is doing analysis and commentary of news
Investigative journalism of the kind depicted in the film, All the President's Men, is almost non-existent, which is both a pity and scary.
More BS: "Getcha latest BS here"
hmmnnn.....and here we thought it was "the heat"
wonder what will be next?
Heard this on the radio on way home from errands
um, sooooo.... the public wasn't buying the 'heat' story and they had to make up something more extreme.
Remind me again, please, how the new and improved story is supposed to fly that NOW they are saying she's been sick for several days, but they somehow forgot to mention that this morning when she was caught on tape swooning? Did they wait to tell us because they were running focus groups to find out what storyline is most likely to get swallowed? How to they think this will help her trustworthiness numbers?
This woman is toxic in every way.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
l Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday
Now they are saying l Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. Just read thiin the comments from above video and sure enough. Articles are out now @ all the networks.
I suggested this possibility upthread
Pneumonia can kick your ass. She doesn't need to be out and about. She needs to be resting. Otherwise, she'll end up in the hospital or dead.
Recovering nicely after a collapse 5 hours earlier?
I wonder what will be the next excuse. Seems to me there is an enormous spin problem tonight.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I thought she had recovered
given the story about her cheery wave for the cameras outside her daughter's apartment.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Wandering around NYC is not exactly my idea
of resting up for pneumonia.
from a reasonably stable genius.
So we're supposed to vote for a candidate
Too stupid to stay home when she has pneumonia?
Btw, pneumonia is nothing to mess around with in the elderly.
Edited to add:
Also, she was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday, not today. So why did the campaign take 90 minutes to come up with the earlier "overheated" statement, when her entourage knew she had pneumonia? I giver the doctor's statement 4 Pinocchios.
I'm Sure We'll Be Treated to Stories About How Courageous
and Patriotic Hillary was to be out there supporting the country on such an important historical day.
It's just part of her SuperWoman DNA.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Yes, many times at TOP. nt
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Heh... At the Top of the Rec List... lol nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Heat exhaustion? Did we say heat exhaustion? We meant pneumonia
Yes, the two maladies are easily confused. By no one. Can they be not be straight about ANYTHING?
Ok. Pneumonia. What kind? Viral? Bacterial? Since she is on a course of anti-biotics, I guess it's bacterial. Pneumonia is no laughing matter - it's killed off a lot of people quickly in recent years, a la Jim Henson and others. It can move quickly and be deadly.
But yet again, the Clinton campaign threw up an inaccurate smokescreen which only serves to erode their credibility. Because that's how they roll.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Pneumonia fits the bill for coughing, possibly the collapse
But think back a few days.
A few days ago we saw endless videos of HRC coughing. Apparently this story got legs and got lots of mileage. Then an article came out with Obama's former physician (and another MD) saying that HRC needs thorough medical testing and that the press & people should be sensible and sane about this. THEN an article came out in which 3 of HRC's people (only 2 named, 3rd anonymous) 'warned media to tread lightly' (as Alligator Ed titled his piece here about it). Then, today, HRC dropped like a sack of rocks in such a way that it looked to me like she would have shattered both knees if two people hadn't lifted her by the arms and dragged her to the vehicle, pushing her in head-first.
What Clinton's people actually did in that 'Tread lightly' article was: They told the media that the 'coughing' story (along with all health-related stories) was considered by HRC's team to be 'baloney' from 'right-wing sources', and that was how they expected the media to treat such stories.
With this story published just a day or so before HRC was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics, if her doctor's latest statement is to be believed. ( And for now I still consider it credible.)
So here's my question: Now that the pneumonia diagnosis has been made public, are the 3 HRC mopes going to go back out and apologize for telling the people that the coughing story was 'baloney' (the usual nothingburger) and for instructing the media in how and what they should report?
I won't hold my breath.
She bounces back after a few minutes of cooling off and drinking water WHILE SUFFERING FROM PNEUMONIA! She is a freaking superwoman I tell ya! She will be ready on Day 1!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So she called that child over to her for a photo-op.
Spoke into her face and touched the child. Gee thanks Hellery. Glad you're willing to risk transmitting pneumonia to a child just to get a photo-op for the media.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Also Consider Pneumonia On An Airplane
Her coughing up a storm. Breath droplets recirculating in the cabin while all those press lackies laugh it up that they got exclusive tickets on Hellery's junket. Hahaha.
Watch the onboard press start hacking this week.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yet another lie. You've just collapsed in a spectacular manner, apparently due to pneumonia (why were you in NYC?), which usually makes someone feel like shit, yet hours later, you're still 'recovering nicely'.
Does anyone buy this BS?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Today, I made the mistake of doing something
that I've done but once in 3 months....I went back to take a look at the GOS. Yeah. I looked at the diary that nailbender put up gently (IMO) talking about Hillary's medical emergency today. The comments were awful. It's hard for me to believe that I was ever a part of that mess. (I salve my soul by reminding myself that I got there in Feb. 2005, looking for a lifeline after Bush The Lesser was reelected.)
Anyway, if I ever had a notion about returning to TOP, those thoughts couldn't have survived the delusional comments in that diary. I'm assured that Hillary will be up on water skis again by the end of the week. The total refusal to even consider that something is physically wrong with her was astonishing. It brings to mind the communist China of my youth. As Chairman Mao was dying, the state run newspapers calmed the people about his health with pictures of the Chairman swimming in the Yangtze River:
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Franco is still dead.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Why is she wearing a
Why is she wearing a ratcatcher? If she was hot she could unbutton it.
Latest over at TOP is she's a non sweater. That would bely the dehydration nonsense, because non sweaters are less likely to become dehydrated because they don't sweat. My grandmother was one. She was a bit overweight and could run circles around Hillary, and she never had seizures. She made it to almost 105.
So yesterday the press was told
to tread lightly IRT mentioning her heinous's health, this after being diagnosed with pneumonia (cough, cough), but in between all the excitement of the day we are told she was "overheated" then a few hours later that all is well, then in what is certain to be the last spin on this medical episode of the day we are told she has pneumonia.
What will the news be when we wake up tomorrow?
And we the (adjective of the day) are then told to trust her, I think not.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Press was told 'treat it like baloney from right-wing sources'
in the 'tread lightly' article here yesterday by Alligator Ed.
Please go back and read Ed's piece again. He has quoted amply from the article. Clinton's people they view any story about HRC's health a 'baloney' from 'right-wing sources' -- and they are clearly instructing the media to treat it that way.
I predict the pneumonia story will be followed tonight by
a few days to rest up in Chappaqua to counteract exhaustion.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Got it
and the only "baloney" being spewed out is by the clinton spin machine
are we all ready to believe them, are we? -s-
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
TOP: She's fine, this is all more CT,
pneumonia's not that serious, no biggie, pneumonia isn't contagious (then why did they put me into isolation back when), etc., etc.,
Anything to minimize this story.
Can't believe it.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
And not only that...
everyone knows that a not-fit-to-serve Hillary is still better than a fit-to-serve anybody else!
inactive account
That's the argument put forth in a recent Guardian article
That even if HRC dies in her first term, we'll have Kaine............... and Boo!!.........Trump.
No mention of another candidate who might be superior all round, i.e., Bernie.
Seems we're stuck with HRC, dead or undead.
from a reasonably stable genius.
another politico article
So she knew Friday that she should not attend this function, where she didn't need to speak, right? Yet she goes to this non-critical event, has a near collapse including that head shaking caught on video, and this is how her physician spins it now:
Several authors worked on this piece, and this is why they think today's spin was such an issue:
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/hillary-clinton-health-trump-22800...
Two comments
1. Maybe Presidents and their spouses need Secret Service protection until they die, or no one would would risk running for President. Hillary would have it now anyway, because she is herself running for President. We've had proof, via Reagan and Kennedy. that Secret Service protection is not an impenetrable shield against physical harm. However, my taxpayer dollars are for the purpose of keeping Hillary physically safe, not for shielding a Presidential nominee from embarrassment or understandably curious eyes, as the video shows. I am so damn sick of tax dollars being spent to keep relevant information about public figures and government activities from me, while the NSA spying on a private persons like me for no apparent reason. Our government is totally upside down and backwards.
2. Speculation on this thread about a double brings up a point. Please note that my point is not about Hillary's actual appearance in real life.
Throughout the primary, we saw hundreds of pics and videos of Hillary that varied widely, especially as far as how old or young she looked in the photo. In some, she looked like a vital, happy woman glowing in her late thirties or early forties and, in some, mostly on RW sites, she looked like a rather unhealthy, exhausted, sour woman of over eighty.
Almost as soon as the primary ended, however, most of the photos and videos that I saw online looked much more like what might expect of a woman pushing 70 who is fair skinned and came of age long before sun block was used much. In my perception, the change was both marked and sudden. In any event, FWIW, I don't have much of a reliable idea what Hillary looks like in real life and I am so used to seeing her appearance vary greatly. Therefore, getting a double by me would be relatively easy.
I leave the comments that are more directly about her health to others.
IMHO they used a lot of OLD photos of her during the
primary - because they could get away with it. Once she had the nomination, her current activities became "news" - and had to have current photos/video to match.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I don't think that explains all of it.
The photos that I was seeing during the primary were of current events, like the 2016 Democratic Presidential primary debates. I just did some googling, though, and came up with pics from the same event that vary dramatically. So, maybe my point about timing--primary vs. general campaigns--is not valid, after all. Maybe I just happened to be seeing mostly airbrushed pics during the primary. However, my most recent google search does underscore that slipping a double past me would not be difficult. (I have spotted doubles of other public figures on occasion.)
Some FB Friends of "Independent" Character Posted an
image of the Weekend at Bernie's kids holding up Bernie (from the movie) with Hillary's head and blue Zeiss lenses. It was super ugly.
And I'm going to bet it's going to be hugely effective.
We're going to be treated to every image of someone holding her up and steadying her from the last year. I think there will be many of them.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Worst Joke Yet:
Hillary didn't pass out. She was just doing her 911 free falling towers impression.
(Come to think of it, I actually wouldn't put it past Mook to try using that. You know Wolf would play along.)
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
If she was overheated, don't you think
they would have had her seated while waiting for the car? I know I've had heat exhaustion (I don't think it was heat stroke which is worse I believe than heat exhaustion but I could be wrong) and when it happened to me I actually fell down, which was the only way I knew it was a heat injury. And I don't believe I could stand up right after having it either, but had to sit until I cooled down enough to get up. The movements she makes when they come to get her to move her towards the car look funny too - almost like she wasn't fully conscious somehow, but can't tell that from behind.
I think she'll keep going until it kills her before she'll ever drop out, and really, that's just fucking sad. How damned sad that you need power that much you'd risk the rest of your life for it, missing out on grandchildren, etc just for that job? I guess it is as others here have stated - she and Bill simply owe too much to whoever to let her drop out now. And Bill will be there to take over if she can't do it. But I do think this run is all about her proving to herself, Bill and every one else that she will be better than he was at it. If she keeps going this way though, that little revenge fantasy is going to back fire on her - big time.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Bill won't - can't - be there to take over if she croaks.
They need a "live" Hillary, even a terminally ill bedridden one, to pull off such a flagrant violation of the 22nd Amendment. If she dies, it's all over for both Clintons.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.