Maybe State DID Know a Bit About Clinton's Email Use
Clinton aides pushed to view top-secret material on handhelds, emails show
The newly-disclosed emails shed some light on that mystery by indicating that the State Department's senior leadership on security issues had at least some knowledge of devices Clinton and her senior aides used. However, the messages don't definitively show that anyone at State formally approved Clinton's account or made an assessment of potential security risks posed by her using the family server, housed at the time at the Chappaqua, N.Y. home she shares with President Bill Clinton.
The newly-disclosed documents show that less than two weeks after Clinton assumed her post, several top-level security officials exchanged a series of messages with the subject line: "PDAs for S and S Staff." “S” is a State Department abbreviation for the secretary and his or her office.
"On the off chance that S [the secretary's] staff continues to push for S or TS-capable PDAs..." Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell wrote to State's Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure Donald Reid on February 2, 2009, copying in Assistant Director of Diplomatic Security for Domestic Operations Patrick Donovan. The rest of that sentence was deleted by the State Department's Freedom of Information Act personnel under an exemption for internal deliberations, but in the same message Boswell asked for "a briefing on what we know."
Well, they HAD to have known SOMETHING...
While the latest comments from State suggest the Clinton aides could not have had approval to view classified information on handheld devices, as recently as Tuesday, State Department spokesman Mark Toner declined to respond to queries about any official approvals for Clinton's private email account and the so-called "homebrew" server.
Some of Judicial Watch's court cases are about State not being sufficiently forthcoming. What little we can see here suggests that JW is finding evidence that their assertion may be correct.
More information needed from Mills
Wonder if we'll ever get the truth?
I agree with this person
Has there ever been two candidates running for president that have been under investigation?
Hillary's supporters say that she hasn't done anything wrong and the Clinton foundation does so much good without bothering to see exactly what the foundation does and how it doesn't actually help people.
Trump's supporters Cher him for his bigotry and say that he is a great businessman without knowing his real history.
Seriously, are these two the best people this country has to offer?
No, but people either didn't vote for him or the election was stolen from him.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I think she has to implode before the end of this month for him to be swapped in - that's just my guess. I suspect things may get bad enough in a week or so that it may actually be considered. Her vessel is definitely taking on water.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Not worth a post of its own.
But comment about taking on water had me google Hillary Clinton.
Headlines like this can't be doing her any good: where has Hillary Clinton been? Ask the ultra rich.
$150,000 an hour. Not as good a gig as the Goldman Sachs speeches. But 1000 times better than the $15 minimum wage she doesn't support.
Ooh! Look at this bit:
"Somewhat halting". Interesting phrasing given the Rumours about her health, don't you think?
It is a particularly good piece...
forgotten whose comment I saw that in earlier.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
If you believe this latent "left wing shift" of Medusa,
then I will sell you my palatial home off the Hamptons*:
So in this same article praising Medusa's leftward leanings, we have baldly stated that donations by you access.
*Did I mention that my relatives really own the place, and I visit them when the water gets warmer?
Not to pick nits, but...
$150,000 ÷ $15 = 10,000
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Thanks for the correction.
Even if Hillary goes down
I don't think they would let Bernie take her place. They would swap in Kaine, Biden or Warren.
Bernie threatens their power structure, some parts of the MICC, the TPP and the other industries he campaigned on.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Before the election, I think they HAVE to
according to their rules. Bernie was very careful when he capitulated to make sure his votes were counted in Philly. Of course they would do everything possible to avoid it...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yes, yes, and no
Swapping Kaine in for Shillary will; be a definite loser--he's a loser--but he also doesn't have a vagina and is boring, boring, boring. Lots of people will vote for Clinton because she is a Clinton--they will likely drift away (many non-voting) if Kaine gets pushed to the head of the line.
Joe Biden? You kidding' me? Yeah, they could put Mr. Foot-in-mouth Biden. What a contest that would be--who could make the most gaffes. That would be a toss-up.
No, nein, nyet--'Twill not be Lizzie because Wall Street H.A.T.E.S. her.
Warren doesn't have the name recognition.
Outside of Mass & folks like us it would be who? Ditto Kaine.
PTB would prefer someone like Biden or Kerry. Biden probably has more name recognition.
But Bernie is the only other candidate proven this election, and he got what - 46% of the vote? It should be his.
There's a couple interesting questions if it isn't Kaine - where does the money come from at this late date, where does the campaign infrastructure come from? Can Hillary's campaign & money just transfer over? You'd have to fumigate the campaign staff. I wouldn't trust half the people who work for Hillary, probably more.
Most people don't know either Kaine or Warren. I agree
I would love to see Bernie as the only other vetted contender (if you overlook Killary's multiple flaws) get the nomination he rightfully won--
As far as campaign finance, I haven't got a clue.
You are far too trusting, Leu, as I wouldn't trust anybody aligned with Killary.
Somewhere, I think here on C99,
(sorry for my poor memory), it came out that State knew and had to loosen its security to allow her emails in. Anyone else remember that? About the same time, someone testified that the order to hire the IT guy had come from the WH... I'm so sorry this is so vague :o(
I remember the first part but not the second...
that had been awhile. Clinton's private emails were bouncing back.
Pagliano who was hired by State for Clinton was also working on her server at home and also, I believe, was working as part of President Clinton's staff, as well... but I don't believe there was an Obama Administration connection - was that what you were thinking?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I think it was testimony from the guy who was in charge of
record keeping for Hillary as SOS, I could be mis-remembering, but I'm pretty sure someone testified that the order to hire Pagliano "came from the White House." It hit me like a dash of ice water that Obama was involved -- yeah, it takes me awhile.
I don't even know where to start digging for that quote -- sorry! Was there a separate man who was in charge of hiring that I'm confusing the record keeper with? If you have these two guys' names, I'll start searching to see if I can find the quote.
Sometimes old age just sucks.
This is what I found
The White House approved the hiring rather than called for it.
Remember, she wanted to hire Blumenthal, and Obama's folks nixed that since he'd been a journalist/hitman during the '08 primary.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Nothing to see here, move along.
This sort of thing has totally undermined my trust in Atrios (Duncan Black) of the Eschaton blog.
Got that? Atrios, whom I regarded for years as one of the two Democratic bloggers with the most integrity, now declares “pay to play” to be just “standard practice” that, while “a bit unseemly,” is simply “how things work.”
Hillary and Teresa May: 鳥 Tories of a feather.
Lunch with Theresa May? That will be £3,150
I suppose if you are rich enough, you can book these things using a credit card and an app.
It’s like the Ghostbusters remake — Hillary and Teresa May will be Bush-Blair, with women.