Breaking: Interrogatories sent to Clinton! Responses due to JW 9/29!


Judicial Watch Press Release

Judicial Watch Submits Email Questions to Hillary Clinton – Written Answers, Under Oath, Due September 29

(Click to original document to access embedded links)

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced it submitted questions to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton concerning her email practices. Clinton’s answers, under oath, are due on September 29. On August 19, U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan granted Judicial Watch further discovery on the Clinton email matter and ordered Clinton to answer the questions “by no later than thirty days thereafter….” Under federal court rules, Judicial Watch is limited to twenty-five questions.

The questions are:

1) Describe the creation of the system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.

2) Describe the creation of your email account, including who decided to create it, when it was created, why it was created, and, if you did not set up the account yourself, who set it up for you.

3) When did you decide to use a email account to conduct official State Department business and whom did you consult in making this decision?

4) Identify all communications in which you participated concerning or relating to your decision to use a email account to conduct official State Department business and, for each communication, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the communication.

5) In a 60 Minutes interview aired on July 24, 2016, you stated that it was “recommended” you use a personal email account to conduct official State Department business. What recommendations were you given about using or not using a personal email account to conduct official State Department business, who made any such recommendations, and when were any such recommendations made?

6) Were you ever advised, cautioned, or warned, was it ever suggested, or did you ever participate in any communication, conversation, or meeting in which it was discussed that your use of a email account to conduct official State Department business conflicted with or violated federal recordkeeping laws. For each instance in which you were so advised, cautioned or warned, in which such a suggestion was made, or in which such a discussion took place, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the advice, caution, warning, suggestion, or discussion.

7) Your campaign website states, “When Clinton got to the Department, she opted to use her personal email account as a matter of convenience.” What factors other than convenience did you consider in deciding to use a personal email account to conduct official State Department business? Include in your answer whether you considered federal records management and preservation requirements and how email you used to conduct official State Department business would be searched in response to FOIA requests.

8) After President Obama nominated you to be Secretary of State and during your tenure as secretary, did you expect the State Department to receive FOIA requests for or concerning your email?

9) During your tenure as Secretary of State, did you understand that email you sent or received in the course of conducting official State Department business was subject to FOIA?

10) During your tenure as Secretary of State, how did you manage and preserve emails in your email account sent or received in the course of conducting official State Department business, and what, if anything, did you do to make those emails available to the Department for conducting searches in response to FOIA requests?

11) During your tenure as Secretary of State, what, if any, effort did you make to inform the State Department’s records management personnel (e.g., Clarence Finney or the Executive Secretariat’s Office of Correspondence and Records) about your use of a email account to conduct official State Department business?

12) During your tenure as Secretary of State, did State Department personnel ever request access to your email account to search for email responsive to a FOIA request? If so, identify the date access to your account was requested, the person or persons requesting access, and whether access was granted or denied.

13) At the time you decided to use your email account to conduct official State Department business, or at any time thereafter during your tenure as Secretary of State, did you consider how emails you sent to or received from persons who did not have State Department email accounts (i.e., “” accounts) would be maintained and preserved by the Department or searched by the Department in response to FOIA requests? If so, what was your understanding about how such emails would be maintained, preserved, or searched by the Department in response to FOIA requests?

14) On March 6, 2009, Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Eric J. Boswell wrote in an Information Memo to your Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, that he “cannot stress too strongly, however, that any unclassified BlackBerry is highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving email, and exploiting calendars.” A March 11, 2009 email states that, in a management meeting with the assistant secretaries, you approached Assistant Secretary Boswell and mentioned that you had read the “IM” and that you “get it.” Did you review the March 6, 2009 Information Memo, and, if so, why did you continue using an unclassified BlackBerry to access your email account to conduct official State Department business? Copies of the March 6, 2009 Information Memo and March 11, 2009 email are attached as Exhibit A for your review.

15) In a November 13, 2010 email exchange with Huma Abedin about problems with your email account, you wrote to Ms. Abedin, in response to her suggestion that you use a State Department email account or release your email address to the Department, “Let’s get a separate address or device.” Why did you continue using your email account to conduct official State Department business after agreeing on November 13, 2010 to “get a separate address or device?” Include in your answer whether by “address” you meant an official State Department email account (i.e., a “” account) and by “device” you meant a State Department-issued BlackBerry. A copy of the November 13, 2010 email exchange with Ms. Abedin is attached as Exhibit B for your review.

16) Email exchanges among your top aides and assistants in August 30, 2011 discuss providing you with a State Department-issued BlackBerry or State Department email address. In the course of these discussions, State Department Executive Secretary Stephen Mull wrote, “[W]e are working to provide the Secretary per her request a Department issued BlackBerry to replace her personal unit which is malfunctioning (possibly because of her personal email server is down). We will prepare two versions for her to use – one with an operating State Department email account (which would mask her identity, but which would also be subject to FOIA requests).” Similarly, John Bentel, the Director of Information and Records Management in the Executive Secretariat, wrote, “You should be aware that any email would go through the Department’s infrastructure and [be] subject to FOIA searches.” Did you request a State Department issued Blackberry or a State Department email account in or around August 2011, and, if so, why did you continue using your personal device and email account to conduct official State Department business instead of replacing your device and account with a State Department-issued BlackBerry or a State Department email account? Include in your answer whether the fact that a State Department-issued BlackBerry or a State Department email address would be subject to FOIA affected your decision. Copies of the email exchanges are attached as Exhibit C for your review.

17) In February 2011, Assistant Secretary Boswell sent you an Information Memo noting “a dramatic increase since January 2011 in attempts . . . to compromise the private home email accounts of senior Department officials.” Assistant Secretary Boswell “urge[d] Department users to minimize the use of personal web-email for business.” Did you review Assistant Secretary Boswell’s Information Memo in or after February 2011, and, if so, why did you continue using your email account to conduct official State Department business? Include in your answer any steps you took to minimize use of your email account after reviewing the memo. A copy of Assistant Secretary Boswell’s February 2011 Information Memo is attached as Exhibit D for your review.

18) On June 28, 2011, you sent a message to all State Department personnel about securing personal email accounts. In the message, you noted “recent targeting of personal email accounts by online adversaries” and directed all personnel to “[a]void conducting official Department business from your personal email accounts.” Why did you continue using your email account to conduct official State Department business after June 28, 2011, when you were advising all State Department Personnel to avoid doing so? A copy of the June 28, 2011 message is attached as Exhibit E for your review.

19) Were you ever advised, cautioned, or warned about hacking or attempted hacking of your email account or the server that hosted your account and, if so, what did you do in response to the advice, caution, or warning?

20) When you were preparing to leave office, did you consider allowing the State Department access to your email account to manage and preserve the official emails in your account and to search those emails in response to FOIA requests? If you considered allowing access to your email account, why did you decide against it? If you did not consider allowing access to your email account, why not?

21) After you left office, did you believe you could alter, destroy, disclose, or use email you sent or received concerning official State Department business as you saw fit? If not, why not?

22) In late 2014, the State Department asked that you make available to the Department copies of any federal records of which you were aware, “such as an email sent or received on a personal email account while serving as Secretary of State.” After you left office but before your attorneys reviewed the email in your email account in response to the State Department’s request, did you alter, destroy, disclose, or use any of the email in the account or authorize or instruct that any email in the account be altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used? If so, describe any email that was altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used, when the alteration, destruction, disclosure, or use took place, and the circumstances under which the email was altered, destroyed, disclosed, or used? A copy of a November 12, 2014 letter from Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick F. Kennedy regarding the State Department’s request is attached as Exhibit F for your review.

23) After your lawyers completed their review of the emails in your email account in late 2014, were the electronic versions of your emails preserved, deleted, or destroyed? If they were deleted or destroyed, what tool or software was used to delete or destroy them, who deleted or destroyed them, and was the deletion or destruction done at your direction?

24) During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.

25) Identify all communications between you and Brian Pagliano concerning or relating to the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of any emails in your email account, including any instruction or direction to Mr. Pagliano about the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of emails in your account when transferring the email system to any alternate or replacement server. For each communication, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the communication.

“These are simple questions about her email system that we hope will finally result in straight-forward answers, under oath, from Hillary Clinton,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

In his opinion ordering Clinton to answer written questions under oath Judge Sullivan wrote:

The Court is persuaded that Secretary Clinton’s testimony is necessary to enable her to explain on the record the purpose for the creation and operation of the system for State Department business.

In its July 2016 request to depose Hillary Clinton, Judicial Watch argued:

Secretary Clinton’s deposition is necessary to complete the record. Although certain information has become available through investigations by the Benghazi Select Committee, the FBI, and the State Department Inspector General, as well as through Plaintiff’s narrowly tailored discovery to date, significant gaps in the evidence remain. Only Secretary Clinton can fill these gaps, and she does not argue otherwise.


To [Judicial Watch’s] knowledge, Secretary Clinton has never testified under oath why she created and used the system to conduct official government business. Her only public statements on the issue are unsworn.

Judge Sullivan also ordered that Judicial Watch may depose the former Director of Information Resource Management of the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES-IRM”) John Bentel by October 31.

The questions and deposition arise in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit before Judge Sullivan first filed in September 2013 seeking records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit was reopened because of revelations about the system. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

Judicial Watch has already taken the deposition testimony of seven Clinton aides and State Department officials.

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but I am so sick of the email shit, I'm sorry. I just am. And isn't Judicial Watch some nutjob rightwing outfit, or am I mistaken?

I do think the Clinton Foundation shit does have the potential to take Hillary down, though.

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I miss Colorado.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

And keeps reminding people Hellery is Not To Be Trusted.

I encourage everyone to go look at her emails on wikileaks. They make it real easy.

They have links right on their home page to DNC email leaks or Hellery server emails.
YOU might be the one to find a smoking gun.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

riverlover's picture

Lawyers asking pointed questions now, many of which non-lawyers could come up with when in lawyer garb.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

MsGrin's picture

I mean no disrespect whatsoever - following this mess is not everyone's cup of tea. It does catch my attention and I'm not alone.

What JW is doing is significant and quite important. I've written repeatedly that there are myriad issues on which I abjectly disagree with them, but without JW, we would have zero information about communications to and from the Secretary of State during Obama's first term.

Just as Clinton Foundation issues are capable of taking her down, so is information about her utter disregard for the rule of law in fulfilling her obligations at State. Her flouting of FOIA law demonstrates how above the law she sees herself, and the pay-to-play access she gave to Foundation donors is played out (if you will) through what is being found and revealed in the email caches. The private server and emails which were on it are inextricably bound to the nonsense at the Foundation. Without the release of emails, we would remain ignorant of the shenanigans you believe are capable of taking Hillary down.

I'll stop there, but much more could be said.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

as I am for many media sources I used to call "rw." Not any more. Better source of info than most of MSM.
Love the UNDER OATH part. Also think it's just so fine JW is getting her to do it!!! And in Sept too.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on all this MsGrin.

In case not read it yet, Homeland Security taking charge of elections! Love the most recent Redacted Lee Camp has on this.

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Amanda Matthews's picture

you didn't write about this stuff here, for those like me. it would mean either not knowing what was going on or having to go fishing for the stories for myself, which as YOU KNOW, the truth is not easy to come by these days. You have to try and check everything, to make as certain as you can it's not CT, and that's a lot of work. And the news is coming from the strangest places. And there is a tale to be told here. I just can't wait to hear the reason Bryan Pagliano was 'hired' by State, where all of his own emails went, and why he's so worried about prosecution. That kind of stuff interests the Hell out of me. I find it useful to know how little these people think they have to obey rules, regulations, and the law.

(This was back in June)

His attorneys also reveal that Pagliano gave the testimony to the DOJ in December 2015 as part of the ongoing federal investigation into the Clinton email server. Interestingly, Pagliano’s attorneys say he was granted limited “use” and “derivative use” immunity shortly after talking with the feds. He apparently spoke with investigators on at least two separate occasions. “Derivative use” immunity does not prevent the government from prosecuting Pagliano, but just limits them from using any evidence derived from Pagliano’s testimony against him.

Last week, federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan postponed the deposition of Pagliano in the FOIA case and ordered that he reveal details of his immunity agreement with the federal government. Pagliano plans to assert his Fifth Amendment rights in the FOIA case. The judge also demanded that Pagliano’s attorneys file a brief “addressing the legal authority upon which Mr. Pagliano relies to assert his Fifth Amendment rights in this civil proceeding.”

In response, Pagliano’s attorneys filed a Memorandum of Law Tuesday afternoon, which says, in part:

The potential for self-incrimination here is sufficient to justify Mr. Pagliano’s intention to assert his Fifth Amendment rights. Mr. Pagliano’s prospective deposition will inevitably cover matter that might ‘furnish a link in the chain of evidence needed to prosecute.’ The Court has authorized Judicial Watch to obtain discovery relating to “the creation and operation of for State Department business.” It is not “fanciful” to conclude that those matters could fall within the scope of an ongoing (or possible future) criminal investigation of the same or similar subject matter.” Indeed the mere fact that the government was willing to offer Pagliano “use” immunity here in exchange for his testimony indicates that his fear of prosecution is more than fanciful or speculative.


It's stuff like that and the stuff you post that keep us informed. WTF was going on with that the guy that he had to plead the Fifth 125 times during a deposition by JW? What is he afraid of?

I always shake my head in amazement that if it wasn't for the Issa, Gowdy, and the rest of the loony right that this whole email, missing email, home-brew server, family slush fund & kid on too insanity ,we might have never known about it.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

MsGrin's picture

and am just as fascinated about Pagliano. Did the FBI get their money's worth with him? Damn, I hope so!

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Steven D's picture

Expect a motion for a delay in responding to them due to her busy schedule, and then an appeal of any decision either in her favor or not.

The other thing about interrogatories is that it's easy to give evasive or non-responsive answers or refuse to answer based on the form of the question, it's scope being outside the subject matter of the lawsuit, etc. A deposition would be preferable since you can have follow-up questions and she would still have to answer even when objections are made.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

in the coming years unless, by some miracle, Jill is made President.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Bollox Ref's picture

with regard to HRC's casual, arrogant disregard for rules and established norms. And the Fundation is all tied up within the same grotty mess that was her homebrew server.

Expecting cowed Dem organizations/institutions taking on the Clintons is pretty much wishful thinking at this point.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

But on the other hand, the week+ of negative coverage of Clinton is in part due to judicial watch's pursuit of Huma's emails, which paired with APs schedules enabled one to start connecting the dots.

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snoopydawg's picture

Trying to get this information from Hillary.
There has already been a lot of information from Huma's deposition about how close the state department's business was with the Clinton foundation and how it showed that Bill used Hillary's position to enrich his pockets and how Hillary used hers to enrich the foundations. And that was after she agreed to keep the foundation separate from her duties of the state department.
The many people who had access to it that didn't have security clearance should concern everyone.
Especially after I learned that Sidney Bluementhal stole classified information from the NSA while he was in Sudan and forwarded it to Hillary.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

sojourns's picture

questions her lawyers are going to advise her to not answer or plead the fifth?

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

MsGrin's picture

Her attorneys will come up with answers - they will do their damnedest to make sure we don't learn a thing from the answers, but they will have to answer.

If she pleads the fifth, she'll likely have to withdraw from the race is my estimation - the fifth is protecting oneself from self-incrimination, i.e. she is guilty of something for which she could (and arguably should) be prosecuted.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

sojourns's picture

Thanks! Twenty five coffin nails for Grandmother Yuppie!

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

respond, but don't answer. It's the Washington DC way, and she's got it down pat!

What ever the word salad it, we know it will get WIDE circulation.

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Alligator Ed's picture

But he does like red meat.

So if is served salad by HRC, expect her to subjected to videotaped deposition, which JW will happily share with the FBI and the Public. Then I would expect to see no end of tics, tremors, speech arrests, etc.

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They found criminal activity but "no criminal intent". Case closed. Whitewashed, but closed.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

MsGrin's picture

there are others.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

musicalhair's picture

So I have to ask: what is the end goal of JW's work here? What can we hope, even if it is wishful, they will achieve with this? They can't conduct a criminal investigation, right? So, is this some civil action they're undertaking?

And for the other investigations: are they known, like in the public record, or are they some grand jury thing where we don't really know what's going on?

I think the Clinton's have benefitted from a potentially intentionally inept right wing attacking them but always coming up short, and a fake "left" in the Democratic Party that ignores the real problems with the Clintons (legally, ethically, and policy-wise), leaving legitimate issues with their conduct for the left to complain about and for future historians to probably just get completely wrong. I would love for them to get what they deserve, but to me that would be them working in a Nike sweat shop next to a toxic burning pile of rubber where their grand kids are raised until old enough to work in the sweat shop. That might let them off easy. Tortured by School of the Americas graduates might be more fitting now, or jut live under bombs and drones in the middle east might also be ... well not justice, but maybe just desserts.

I just don't want to get my hopes up about any of these things because for 20 years nothing has slowed them down at all. Even losing in 2008 just gave their fUndation a new way to make money while she waited-- and they filled Obama's cabinet with their people anyway, so it was essentially a Clinton admin.

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reflectionsv37's picture

from the race. And I fully agree, no way can she plead the 5th. I can imagine some answers that are so ridiculous that answering them all with the comment, "Due to an ongoing investigation we are unable to answer any of these questions".

In reading over that list of questions and knowing the way attorneys operate, some of the questions are going to cause extensive hand wringing, sleepless nights and healthy prescription of Valium as they search for appropriate answers. You have to remember that attorneys love to ask questions to which they already have the answer!

Although there a number of those questions that are on my list of favorites, I'm going to put number 25 in the first place position. Brian Pagliano has always been the hidden mystery in this whole sorted affair. Looks like we're finally going to start hearing the real story on the role he played. And Hillary better answer those questions fully and truthfully. At some time, in the very near future, the notes the FBI took with the interview(s) with Brian Pagliano are going to be delivered to the Congressional Committee, if they haven't already received them. In short order, I'm sure that information will be released or leaked. I suspect Judicial Watch already has some of that information. Tread carefully Hillary!

I can't wait for next weeks episode!!!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

An interesting thought experiment - how many dems would still vote for her? She can't be replaced by her spouse, the usual option, as Bill is not eligible to be president.

We have the 2000 Missouri senate race as a precedent. Mel Carnahan (D) died less than a month ahead of the general:

> Because the state's election law would not allow Carnahan's name to be removed from the November 7, 2000 ballot, the campaign appointed Carnahan's widow, Jean Carnahan, to unofficially become the new Democratic candidate. Wilson promised to appoint her to the seat, if it became vacant as a result of Mel Carnahan's win in the election. Carnahan's campaign continued using the slogan "I'm Still With Mel." A Senate first, Carnahan posthumously won by a 2% margin. Jean Carnahan was then appointed to the Senate and served until November 2002, when she was narrowly defeated in a special election by James Talent (R).[3]

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because TRUMP!!!

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Steven D's picture

in interrogatories. The lawyers just find ways to object to the question, say it was already answered by prior question, etc. etc.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Raggedy Ann's picture

Reading through their questions gets to the heart of the matter, finally. How will she answer? These are questions that are based on information they already have from other's testimony, which they'll have to compare it against. If she lies, all bets are off. She'll be exposed. Will the people loathe her even more? If she tells the truth, she's exposed, as well. How will the people react to the truth? Will they be more prepared to be forgiving or will they hold her in their contempt?

These are good questions to which we, the people deserve answers. I'm anxious to read her responses. I appreciate your effort in bringing this to my/our attention. Good

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

lotlizard's picture

I can only hope that Hillary’s written answers are as damning and game-changing as those transcripts were.

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Clinton's legal team will meticulously formulate the answers. There will be nothing damning not will the answers inadvertantly contradict what's out there. In all probability nothing sworn reading will be in her response.

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Admittedly, I did not read all of the questions, but did notice the first 3 lent themselves to nothingness answers.
I expected a much better interrog set from Judicial Watch.
As for the whole right wing stuff Shiz is commenting about: Everybody is sick of the subject of emails because the media has just worn us out on it, with the help of the Benghazi hearings the Republicans fucked up.
Think of Judicial Watch as the right wing equivalent of SPLC.
But this is a way to get from emails to the Clinton Foundation which is a way to keep us from imploding as a functioning democracy.
We are getting our best info for weeks, if not months, from right wingers.
Let it play out.
Thanks, MsGrin.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

GreatLakeSailor's picture

“These are simple questions about her email system that we hope will finally result in straight-forward answers, under oath, from Hillary Clinton,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Has Fitton ever heard Clinton double-speak!?

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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

MsGrin's picture

Of course he knows there will be no straightforward answering... best he can hope for is that in being too careful they trip over themselves in the replies.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

WindDancer13's picture

of trip wires. The tap dance should be interesting.

Complete with Clintonesque word salad:


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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Pricknick's picture

the fifth.
Anybody need a lawyer?
I don't. I'm sharpening the pitchforks and making sure the tar is hot.
Big congrats to
The questions are leading. Standard for inquiring minds. One leads to another. Analytical.
This will be drawn out, as long as possible, by the powers because there is no escape clause.
Thanks for the post MsGrin Smile

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

3) When did you decide to use a email account to conduct official State Department business and whom did you consult in making this decision?

When did you stop beating your wife? Or in this case Bill. She/her attorneys will probably say, "we never intended to use it for State business. It was all those other employees at State that started using it. You should go after them. They're bad and I'm good. As for consulting someone? Colin Powell told me I had to use a personal account at State. He said it was UN-American not to. Furthermore, I'd like to say that there was no intention to mislead myself or my grandchildren by using an almost government-like email thingy. This account was as close to being as the actual accounts that some use on a daily if not yearly basis. I'd like to say, as a grandmother, things can get confusing real fast and some people would see that as something that it may or may not be. Although in this case it wasn't. And I understand that is what some would think. But being a grandmother puts all of this in perspective. There are no "was" or "there". And the American people, and especially our troops, understand this. And I'd like to say that Donald Trump is not qualified to be president of this great country.

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tapu dali's picture

for word-salad-type replies.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

lotlizard's picture

Eat hearty, me lads and lassies of the press !

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MsGrin's picture

I'm sure they're looking for some new angles on this - I totally think you're on to something! You've really got her voice down.

I'd just make Trump a wee bit more terrifying for that note of consistency she needs...

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

riverlover's picture

So there is still JW, plus Preet Bahara as a separate investigation? Tap dancing fer sure.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

I can't wait to read the responses. Many of which, I'm sure, will make absolutely no sense at all.

I wonder, if Judge Sullivan is unhappy with the deposition responses, whether or not he would then be willing to have $hillary deposed in person? We can all hope.

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