I'll Match the first 30 $2/month recurring commitments made here.

Funding c99 Image 25 percent.jpg
At $36 apiece.
If you give or pledge a lump sum (paid all up front or in non-monthly installments) or regular monthly payments equal to but not greater than $2/month, and declare it/them intended by you as a recurring-support subscription, and if you have given before but never before as a recurring-support donor, I will match each such donor with a $36 gift subscription.
I believe we can fund a people's blog from it's membership on a voluntary basis. I believe that by the time 1950 out of 2K members have signed up for and are fulfilling recurring pledges, the blog will be banking a $10K/monthly intake, routinely. So I'm looking for all recurring pledges. The only ones who get their own commitment 'gussied up' are $2/m contributors but we feel it is important that everyone who can afford and does afford the blog that basic floor of maintenance be reassured: They aren't starving the blog, and we want every user to be involved at maintenance, equally.
Please donate. Donate any amount you want, however you prefer. Clicking the gold-colored "Donate" button at the top of the right hand side column will take you to a PayPal widget/wizard. Clicking the "Donation Info" hyperlink just above "Open Threads" in the right hand column will take you to a page that let's you get 'send-a-check' instructions for checks and money orders. These are instructions for sending a donation by POP Money.

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RantingRooster's picture

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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

Bollox Ref's picture

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from a reasonably stable genius.

elenacarlena's picture

and commit to doing so every month. My money is iffy so I have not pledged recurrent support before, but $2 I can do; it's about what I'm left with this month. I'm not sure what the $36 means (per month? per year? why 36?), but want to find out. Will send more later, of course, irregularly.

Gratuitous pootie pic (maybe this is you!) Wink :

Cat and Cash tumblr_mo7ggqkITE1qgn992o1_500[1].jpg

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

riverlover's picture

and send in unmarked bag to c99! Stat!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

davidincleveland's picture

When everybody is donating at least $2/m we'll be well above our threshold target number monthly. Getting everyone signed up to a minimum commitment will take -a few months, a year, perhaps as long as two years. In the mean time, gift subscriptions allow each member who only commits at the basic rate to know that his/her recurring donation is augmented for the following year. We all know we would really like to have $10K/month coming in, not $4K/month. Gift subscriptions help give us room for all that.
It doesn't change the 'augmentation for the following year' nature of the gift subscription if the $2/m recurring pledger finds that he or she must abandon their pledge; the gift subscription augmentation is not really assigned to individuals, it is assigned to the commitment to recurring donations. If thirty members accept my challenge tonight, and twenty-nine of them find out they have to discontinue their pledges next month, I'll still owe and will pay $90/month for the next year.
$36 per $24 commitment is a nice thing for people who need to to leverage their contribution.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

elenacarlena's picture

Essentially my $2/mo becomes $5/mo with the match. Or $3 even if I have to drop out. Awesome!

Come take a look, folks! You know you want to!

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

davidincleveland's picture

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

RantingRooster's picture

the money, I want the Kitty. Money won't crawl into my lap and purr....

0 users have voted.

C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

I'm away at a corporate function this week, but will follow up next week with my own matching diary. Thank you so much for doing this!

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Please help support caucus99percent!

davidincleveland's picture

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

LeChienHarry's picture

minimum recurring donation of at least $2 will be matched by you for the year. If the donator/subscriber hasn't got enough some months, your pledge will cover up to $5/month.

Thank you everybody. The first of the month is here, so should we be hearing soon how we are doing?

Nice gentle reminders are so welcome.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

davidincleveland's picture

What I give is $36 per pledge of $24/year. If the member who is recurring-pledging for the first time donates $2.01/month, my match doesn't cover that recurring sign-up. If only three people sign up a recurring pledge $2/m that is what I'm augmenting with my gift pledge.
My gift pledge doesn't thereafter have specifically to do with any individual contributor. It also cannot be used to cover any part of a contributor's basic pledge. What any gift pledge does is fill up the space between $2/m and $5/m. No part of any gift subscription will 'cover' 'pay' 'guarantee' or in any other way be substituted for the non-transferable right to fund one's own $2/month. So what is my gift 'attached to'? Gifts are given to the blog.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

dance you monster's picture

I may be able to do more later on, but for now . . . this I (and most others around here) can do. Thanks for leveraging it, David!

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davidincleveland's picture

do more, when and as we can. It is our commitment to recurring pledges which will allow the blog to make normal business decisions and choices. Our goal is near-universal voluntary recurring pledge sign-ups, in any amount starting at $2/month and up.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

WaterLily's picture

I didn't see this last night but can commit to $2/month!

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davidincleveland's picture

Ideally, in this sort of donation drive, donors will pledge a recurring amount but many of those pledges will be for more than $2/m recurring. By matching only the 1st time $2/m recurring pledge, we maximize how many members we get signed up (before running out of what we as individuals have decided is our money limit in each of these drives. Expect any fundraising essay of this sort to be available for a while. This one will run until 27 more people sign up for a 1st time recurring $2/m commitment. I hope we'll have many more recurring commitments made by the time we've signed up the thirty I'm leveraging.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.

WaterLily's picture

I work PT and freelance to fill in, so my finances aren't always stable. $2/month is an easy commitment for me, though, and in the future I will increase as finances allow. This is such an important place of independent journalism that I feel duty-bound to support it!

Do I use the donation button at the top? Or are you tracking progress through a specific link? (I'm sure I've missed a bunch of the essays on this front).

Thanks for so generously matching these commitments!

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davidincleveland's picture

(at the bottom of the donations area) to pull up what you'll need, to send a check or money order. The link in the final sentence of the essay will provide information to make a contribution through POP Money. Write "recurring" or "ongoing" on the line checks and money orders provide, for what the transaction is for; they can be scanned/read. The recurring nature of a pledge is easy to ascertain in POP Money transfers and PayPal will notify the sender he is paying a recurring commitment.
We want to be able to see the total of recurring-commitment pledges of all denominations, in amount totals and in subscriber totals, month to month. We want it to be as easy to give as possible, for each member individually.
Thank you; you understand what we are building here and you are part of the we. It's worth doing.

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Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.