Rick Perry: not just dancing with the stars, calling for Comey resignation

You've heard Perry will be on Dancing with the Stars this season, yes? (no, I don't watch it)

He may have laced up his dancing shoes, but he ain't out of the political spotlight entirely:
Rick Perry calls on FBI director to resign over lack of Clinton indictment

The demand from Perry, who suggested Comey might have a political motivation for going soft on Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, is a step across a line that no other prominent Republican has so far been willing to take.

“For a man who prided himself on being a top law official in this country, I would suggest the man ought to resign,” the two-time presidential candidate and “Dancing with the Stars” contestant said on Fox News.
“Comey has a lot of explaining to do, because those of us who understand what was going on here — the Clintons were clearly trying to hide this server,” he said. “They did not want that information in, and for Comey to stand up and make excuses for Hillary is absolutely and totally unacceptable.

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sojourns's picture

Perry on Dancing with the stars.... ha.. Tom Delay needs a partner or is retiring from that show. Failed Redneck politicians that take up celebrity dancing. ahhhh hahahahaha

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

Stopped clock.

Politicial trivia: Rick "What was the third thing again?" Perry was in favor of Billarycare and wrote one or both of the Clintons a letter of gratitude. He was opposed to Obamacare, though. I imagine he was okay with Romneycare, but I don't know for certain.


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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

I would agree with anything that came from this guy, but like the old saying goes, Never say never. WTF is going on when you have to agree with this schmuck.

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