The Anti-Democratic Equation
I have no idea how many of you are Comic Book Graphic Novel Nerds like I am (the very term "Graphic Novel" leads me to suspect it was invented by a Geek, not that there's anything wrong with that) so indulge me in a brief examination of the Kirbyverse.
Without investing in too many details the big bad is a guy named Darkseid, who uses his nigh unlimited power (Superman is no match without allies) to search for the "Anti-Life Equation"- a formula that renders sentient beings, possessed of self identity and free will, into mindless slaves.
Ok, now you have the metaphor.
Neoliberalism is exactly like that for democracy. It's not just an economic philosophy, it's also a political one in which a highly educated and credentialed upper class institutes policies without regard to the wishes of the masses (you know, us, the 99%) because we are simply too dumb to understand what is good for us. While the elite may indulge in a certain formalized discussion between themselves over allowed topics within very limited boundaries ("Do you think inflation should be limited to 2%, or is 1.8% acceptable?"), heterodox ideas are never tolerated.
In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.
When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be.
So how does this work?
The new aristocracy (is) made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians. These people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class, had been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralized government. As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and, above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition.
Now personally I don't think things are quite that bad yet. The ENORMOUS incompetency and stupidity of the new aristocracy has made them weak and vulnerable. Take for instance Brexit, whether or not you think it was a good or double plus ungood there is no arguing that it was an expression of the will of the people. Big Brother would have never allowed that.
Likewise the election of Jeremy Corbyn to Leadership of the Labour Party. And they're amazingly transparent about how badly it irks them and thwarts their plans for domination of the submissive class (you know, us, the dummies, the 99%).
Jeremy Corbyn to bypass critical MPs by polling Labour members on controversial policies
by Ben Riley-Smith, The Telegraph
22 August 2016 7:09pm
In a move that would help sideline moderate Labour MPs, Mr Corbyn hopes to strengthen party members’ influence over policy if he wins the leadership by holding email polls of members.
However his critics will see it as an attempt to sideline their views by using local parties – which have swelled with Corbyn supporters – to help push through left-wing policies.
Last year, Mr Corbyn issued an email poll of all members to strengthen his demand for Labour to formally oppose Syrian air strikes in a move that angered many of his MPs.It showed that Labour members opposed the bombing - like Mr Corbyn but unlike many of his backbenchers. Aides used it to argue he had the party on his side.
A ... Corbyn ally said he would speed up his drive to democratise policy making in Labour should he win the leadership contest on September 24, as expected.The move would give a greater say to close to half a million Labour members – including the 130,000 new joiners who were blocked from voting – in directly shaping policy.
It is one of a series of moves planned to strengthen his authority which could begin as early as the Labour conference, which starts the day after the result.
The Labour leader’s allies are proposing to lower the number of MPs needed to support a leadership bid to around 12 to boost the chances of left-wingers running.
They also want to give local party activists a greater role in interviewing and approving prospective candidates who want to stand to be MPs.
Now if you click through at the link you'll find this perfectly pro-democratic proposal cast in the darkest tones of 'mob rule' and surrounded by implications of racism, sexism, and any other kind of ism that the Parliamentary Labour Party, a collection of class traitors who think an elected position is a grant of hereditary nobility, a cross section of 'The New Aristocracy', think will prove Corbyn a hypocrite. Also they frame it with the most anti-Corbyn video they can muster because, you know, us proles are too dumb to understand high-falutin' things like words and stuff. But what do you expect of England's Wall Street Journal?
Corbyn may lose the general election but he will thump the "New Labour" Blairites like a rug and ruin their aristocratic aspirations and that, most of all, is why they hate him so much.
I say- "I've got a little list — I've got a little list, of apologetic statesmen of a compromising kind, they'd none of 'em be missed — they'd none of 'em be missed."
Ah, where's Robspierre when you need him?
The death of neoliberalism and the crisis in western politics
by Martin Jacques, The Guardian
Sunday 21 August 2016 00.25 EDT
The western financial crisis of 2007-8 was the worst since 1931, yet its immediate repercussions were surprisingly modest. The crisis challenged the foundation stones of the long-dominant neoliberal ideology but it seemed to emerge largely unscathed. The banks were bailed out; hardly any bankers on either side of the Atlantic were prosecuted for their crimes; and the price of their behaviour was duly paid by the taxpayer. Subsequent economic policy, especially in the Anglo-Saxon world, has relied overwhelmingly on monetary policy, especially quantitative easing. It has failed. The western economy has stagnated and is now approaching its lost decade, with no end in sight.
After almost nine years, we are finally beginning to reap the political whirlwind of the financial crisis. But how did neoliberalism manage to survive virtually unscathed for so long? Although it failed the test of the real world, bequeathing the worst economic disaster for seven decades, politically and intellectually it remained the only show in town. Parties of the right, centre and left had all bought into its philosophy, New Labour a classic in point. They knew no other way of thinking or doing: it had become the common sense. It was, as Antonio Gramsci put it, hegemonic. But that hegemony cannot and will not survive the test of the real world.
The effect of the financial crisis was to undermine faith and trust in the competence of the governing elites. It marked the beginnings of a wider political crisis.But the causes of this political crisis, glaringly evident on both sides of the Atlantic, are much deeper than simply the financial crisis and the virtually stillborn recovery of the last decade. They go to the heart of the neoliberal project that dates from the late 70s and the political rise of Reagan and Thatcher, and embraced at its core the idea of a global free market in goods, services and capital. The depression-era system of bank regulation was dismantled, in the US in the 1990s and in Britain in 1986, thereby creating the conditions for the 2008 crisis. Equality was scorned, the idea of trickle-down economics lauded, government condemned as a fetter on the market and duly downsized, immigration encouraged, regulation cut to a minimum, taxes reduced and a blind eye turned to corporate evasion.
It should be noted that, by historical standards, the neoliberal era has not had a particularly good track record. The most dynamic period of postwar western growth was that between the end of the war and the early 70s, the era of welfare capitalism and Keynesianism, when the growth rate was double that of the neoliberal period from 1980 to the present.
But by far the most disastrous feature of the neoliberal period has been the huge growth in inequality. Until very recently, this had been virtually ignored. With extraordinary speed, however, it has emerged as one of, if not the most important political issue on both sides of the Atlantic, most dramatically in the US. It is, bar none, the issue that is driving the political discontent that is now engulfing the west. Given the statistical evidence, it is puzzling, shocking even, that it has been disregarded for so long; the explanation can only lie in the sheer extent of the hegemony of neoliberalism and its values.
But now reality has upset the doctrinal apple cart. In the period 1948-1972, every section of the American population experienced very similar and sizable increases in their standard of living; between 1972-2013, the bottom 10% experienced falling real income while the top 10% did far better than everyone else. In the US, the median real income for full-time male workers is now lower than it was four decades ago: the income of the bottom 90% of the population has stagnated for over 30 years.
The reasons are not difficult to explain. The hyper-globalisation era has been systematically stacked in favour of capital against labour: international trading agreements, drawn up in great secrecy, with business on the inside and the unions and citizens excluded, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) being but the latest examples; the politico-legal attack on the unions; the encouragement of large-scale immigration in both the US and Europe that helped to undermine the bargaining power of the domestic workforce; and the failure to retrain displaced workers in any meaningful way.As Thomas Piketty has shown, in the absence of countervailing pressures, capitalism naturally gravitates towards increasing inequality. In the period between 1945 and the late 70s, Cold War competition was arguably the biggest such constraint. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, there have been none. As the popular backlash grows increasingly irresistible, however, such a winner-takes-all regime becomes politically unsustainable.
Large sections of the population in both the US and the UK are now in revolt against their lot, as graphically illustrated by the support for Trump and Sanders in the US and the Brexit vote in the UK. This popular revolt is often described, in a somewhat denigratory and dismissive fashion, as populism. Or, as Francis Fukuyama writes in a recent excellent essay in Foreign Affairs: “‘Populism’ is the label that political elites attach to policies supported by ordinary citizens that they don’t like.” Populism is a movement against the status quo. It represents the beginnings of something new, though it is generally much clearer about what it is against than what it is for. It can be progressive or reactionary, but more usually both.
The wave of populism marks the return of class as a central agency in politics, both in the UK and the US. This is particularly remarkable in the US. For many decades, the idea of the “working class” was marginal to American political discourse. Most Americans described themselves as middle class, a reflection of the aspirational pulse at the heart of American society. According to a Gallup poll, in 2000 only 33% of Americans called themselves working class; by 2015 the figure was 48%, almost half the population.
The neoliberal era is being undermined from two directions. First, if its record of economic growth has never been particularly strong, it is now dismal. Europe is barely larger than it was on the eve of the financial crisis in 2007; the United States has done better but even its growth has been anaemic. Economists such as Larry Summers believe that the prospect for the future is most likely one of secular stagnation.Worse, because the recovery has been so weak and fragile, there is a widespread belief that another financial crisis may well beckon. In other words, the neoliberal era has delivered the west back into the kind of crisis-ridden world that we last experienced in the 1930s. With this background, it is hardly surprising that a majority in the west now believe their children will be worse off than they were. Second, those who have lost out in the neoliberal era are no longer prepared to acquiesce in their fate – they are increasingly in open revolt. We are witnessing the end of the neoliberal era. It is not dead, but it is in its early death throes, just as the social-democratic era was during the 1970s.
A sure sign of the declining influence of neoliberalism is the rising chorus of intellectual voices raised against it. From the mid-70s through the 80s, the economic debate was increasingly dominated by monetarists and free marketeers. But since the western financial crisis, the centre of gravity of the intellectual debate has shifted profoundly. This is most obvious in the United States, with economists such as Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Dani Rodrik and Jeffrey Sachs becoming increasingly influential.
Meanwhile, some of those who were previously strong advocates of a neoliberal approach, such as Larry Summers and the Financial Times’s Martin Wolf, have become extremely critical. The wind is in the sails of the critics of neoliberalism; the neoliberals and monetarists are in retreat. In the UK, the media and political worlds are well behind the curve. Few recognise that we are at the end of an era. Old attitudes and assumptions still predominate, whether on the BBC’s Today programme, in the rightwing press or the parliamentary Labour party.Following Ed Miliband’s resignation as Labour leader, virtually no one foresaw the triumph of Jeremy Corbyn in the subsequent leadership election. The assumption had been more of the same, a Blairite or a halfway house like Miliband, certainly not anyone like Corbyn. But the zeitgeist had changed. The membership, especially the young who had joined the party on an unprecedented scale, wanted a complete break with New Labour. One of the reasons why the left has failed to emerge as the leader of the new mood of working-class disillusionment is that most social democratic parties became, in varying degrees, disciples of neoliberalism and uber-globalisation. The most extreme forms of this phenomenon were New Labour and the Democrats, who in the late 90s and 00s became its advance guard, personified by Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, triangulation and the third way.
But as David Marquand observed in a review for the New Statesman, what is the point of a social democratic party if it doesn’t represent the less fortunate, the underprivileged and the losers? New Labour deserted those who needed them, who historically they were supposed to represent. Is it surprising that large sections have now deserted the party who deserted them? Blair, in his reincarnation as a money-obsessed consultant to a shady bunch of presidents and dictators, is a fitting testament to the demise of New Labour.
Trump may well lose the presidential election just as Sanders failed in his bid for the Democrat nomination. But this does not mean that the forces opposed to hyper-globalisation – unrestricted immigration, TPP and TTIP, the free movement of capital and much else – will have lost the argument and are set to decline. In little more than 12 months, Trump and Sanders have transformed the nature and terms of the argument. Far from being on the wane, the arguments of the critics of hyper-globalisation are steadily gaining ground. Roughly two-thirds of Americans agree that “we should not think so much in international terms but concentrate more on our own national problems”. And, above all else, what will continue to drive opposition to the hyper-globalisers is inequality.
Now me, I have no opposition to unrestricted immigration. I think anybody who comes here ought to be able to earn the same fair and regulated wage that any United States citizen does as well as all the (too meager) benefits like our Third World Health Care and Social Security, provided they're reasonably law abiding (don't spit on the sidewalk) and pay taxes like the rest of us.
No, the problem is Monopoly Capitalism (Neoliberalism) that seeks to reduce the value of Labor and enhance the capital of the wealthy. I'll leave you with another quote-
From the moment when the machine first made its appearance it was clear to all thinking people that the need for human drudgery, and therefore to a great extent human inequality, had disappeared. If the machine were used deliberately for that end, hunger, overwork, dirt, illiteracy, and disease could be eliminated within a few generations. And in fact, without being used for any such purpose, but by a sort of automatic process — by producing wealth which it was sometimes impossible not to distribute — the machine did raise the living standards of the average human being very greatly over a period of about fifty years at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. But it was also clear that an all-round increase in wealth threatened the destruction — indeed, in some sense was the destruction — of a hierarchical society. In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat, lived in a house with a bathroom and a refrigerator, and possessed a motor-car or even an aeroplane, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction.
The horror. The horror.
(Of course it's cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma)

Vent Hole
Oh my. no argument here.
Now in a thunderstorm (literal, not figurartive) screw spelling, called in pup and spilled tea over my computer desk. So flying here.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Good essay!
I don't think the upper-middle class technocrats are the new aristocracy though. They're the butlers and head housemaids.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That is how I saw myself in the system.
My highest wage was $55K/ year. Very mid-middle class then.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Love the title, almost "Big Bang Theory"
I do think guillotinés will be making a comback...
ymmv, of course ~
Peace -
I see no sign of neoliberalism having died. I think it
mated with neoconservatism, giving us Hillary and realigning the Democratic and Republican parties to leave the RW racists behind and the liberals twisting slowly, slowly in the wind. Then along came Sanders and, with or without intending so to do, divided the left even more than the left is usually divided.
I like Jeremy Corbyns idea of
using emails to create a mini democracy within his party. It will be interesting to see how and if it works.
I was thinking that "Our Revolution" didn't seem to have a democratic way of determining what happens. And that is bad news.