Global Collective Insanity
This is a follow up to my post on "The Normalization of Deviance":
There could be a simpler explanation:
If time has, by essence, no end, our life span as a foolish megalomaniac species is about to reach an ugly curtain call. While the end times is a religious fiction, our looming apocalypse is entirely man-made and, as such, is a mere by product of ignorance and collective apathy.
With a little help from our friends:
The constant media assault with its cacophony of killing mayhem, spectacles staged as reality, and propaganda passing for news has thoroughly brainwashed many people into a state of uncomfortable numbness.
Think fast!
The media brainwasher/propagandists have powerful bullhorns and are always hard at work to keep their vast audience either uninformed, anxious, and feeling powerless or entertained. The news cycle has to spin so fast that critical thinking is never an option.
For example;
During the Weimar Republic, which spanned from 1919 to 1933, Germany was a culturally vibrant country at the vanguard in art, music, sciences, philosophy and literature. Nobody could have forecast that such an advanced civilization would become literally hypnotized by a mad man like Adolf Hitler.
The global collective psychotic episode which engulfed the world between 1939 and 1945 and is called World War II, killed an estimated 72 million people worldwide. When one studies the history of mankind, it appears that mental disease combined with unusual charisma in a leader can be even more contagious than the plague in the middle-age.
But nothing like that could ever happen here:
On August 6, 1945, unassuming Harry Truman had no moral issue with ordering the killing of 140,000 civilians in Hiroshima, Japan with atomic bombs. Truman coldly did it again three days later and killed another 80,000 in Nagasaki. The quiet little man should be remembered as the lunatic who established terror as state policy
What's a mother to do?
In a world gone mad, perhaps letting the criminally insane run the asylum is not such a good idea after all.

Tell your children
not to have children.
The human race (not the world), is on a collision course with a hard wall.
It's going to get ugly. Status quo and incrementalism guarantee it.
Call me a doomer, but many of my age (59), will live to see the beginnings of some truly remarkable and scary atmospheric and political conditions.
Those with their eyes wide open have already seen it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
We have been already for some
We have been already for some time living through
and the oxygen level produced by life and natural actions on Earth began dropping some time ago, on its snow-balling way to becoming insufficient to support life within decades.
I am very glad that I had no children myself and even my mother began saying years before her passing that she was glad to only have one grandchild to worry about having a future... that being quite enough of a concern.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You are right
We are merely a species that has managed to out grow it's fair share of the planet. I firmly believe the earth will find someway to reduce the herd just like it does with other species that get overpopulated. We are not special or better than any other living thing. Really not even sure we are the top of the food chain.
If you listen to the legends of the Indian Nations this isn't even the first time most peg themselves as descendants of the survivors of the last time it happened.
there will be a complete reduction of the human herd. Even more unfortunately, we will take most of all life on this great blue marble.
We have not taken life seriously enough to move out amongst the stars as I honestly hope the human race does not.
We don't deserve it.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It's not the Earth reducing
It's not the Earth reducing the human herd but corporate greed killing the natural life support system consisting of life forms having symbiotically evolved together over billions of years - and which is also destroying mechanisms such as oceanic circulation also supplying much of Earth's oxygen.
We will very soon run out of sufficient life on the planet to produce sufficient oxygen and other essentials to support life on the planet as the cycle is casually or even intentionally shredded by predominately industrial/military pollution/destruction-for-cost-saving/profit/power/unchallengable control/monopoly, and if the TPP and other corporate coups are accepted by their victims this will happen far sooner than the currently postulated 90 years, which actually indicates trouble far sooner as breathing insufficient oxygen causes system dysfunction, organ and other damage and crashes not only in animals such as humans but all natural systems requiring it, including plants. The resultant ongoing ecological die-off already has been found to be snowballing much faster than thought, and every reduction/loss of what remains of any localized population of virtually any species - each typically interconnected in some fashion with many others - speeds the process ever more in each area.
But the hostile corporate takeover to enforce maximized corporate/billionaire profiteering by enabling unlimited global pollution and ecological rapine, environmental and military destruction and abuse of the human population brings the ultimate disaster far closer.
Without oxygen or unpolluted water and air, this mass global extinction, serving the blind and mindless greed of a relative few appallingly and suicidally ignorant psychopaths, isn't as simple or repairable as previous and potentially survivable mass extinctions have been, where at least some varieties of oxygen-breathing life could survive.
On the plus side, we poor schmucks will be early victims of unsafe air, food, water, medicines and other products and workplaces, among other readily anticipated issues such as not being able to afford unsafe food, water and shelter and having no protections whatsoever allowed against corporate abuses and it will be the perps who survive to suffer longest on the rotting corpse of the golden goose they've killed - at least until their life-support systems glitch or habitats are crushed in the massive storms, earthquakes and other disasters anticipated with climate change. So maybe they won't outlive us by that much, after all.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
L.A. Is Consumed With Collective Insanity
Maybe it always has been and nobody noticed. How long have we been complaining about wingnuts?
(April 10th, 2009)
That's only 7 years ago. I know it has been used longer than that.
The term "contagious" insanity would also apply to the Salem Witch Trials and probably The Christian Crusades. All wars probably are driven by collective contagious insanity.
The only difference now is that homo sapiens have the power and means to destroy the ecology/environment required for human existence.
GO TEAM! We're number ONE! We're number ONE!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
It's kind of funny
that all of the seven deadly sins are exactly what our political system is currently based on?
If you follow all seven, insanity should be number eight.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Road To Insanity
is paved with the seven deadly sins.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Your essays are great, but two amplifications
Thanks for making these
Thanks for making these important points.
The people have to weed the bananas out of the Republic, not vote for them and the Armageddon they're so intent on creating in the very, very near future. Possibly with Her Royal Coronation, possibly even before.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.