Bernie Sanders' new group is already in turmoil;Key staffers quit amid lingering tensions from the Vermont senator's campaign
Less than a week before its official launch on Wednesday, Bernie Sanders’ new political group is working its way through an internal war that led to the departure of digital director Kenneth Pennington and at least four others from a team of 15, and the return of presidential campaign manager Jeff Weaver as the group’s new president.
People familiar with what occurred say that the board, which is chaired by the Vermont senator’s wife Jane, was growing increasingly concerned about campaign finance questions being raised over the last week. Their concern reached a breaking point, one person deeply involved with the Sanders world said, with a story last Friday from ABC News about how the group would handle the particular tax questions raised by having a senator so closely associated with a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that has strict restrictions on its political work.
Underlying all this, though, are deep, still-raw tensions left over from the presidential campaign which by the end had become a war between the older aides who felt that their experience and planning explained Sanders’ ability to translate his message into votes, and younger aides who felt dismissed by older aides whom they felt didn’t appreciate how much of what Sanders achieved was because of their digital and organizing prowess, which turned the senator into a sensation.
There isn’t an aide closer to Bernie and Jane Sanders than Weaver. But he became a lightning rod for the criticism of the younger generation who felt that he was curt, dismissive, and overmatched. So when Jane Sanders asked Weaver, who was already involved as a legal adviser to Our Revolution, to take on a greater role early last week — before the ABC News story — Pennington and others immediately protested. They issued what amounted to an ultimatum: him or them.
"It’s about both the fundraising and the spending: Jeff would like to take big money from rich people including billionaires and spend it on ads," said Claire Sandberg, who was the digital organizing director of the campaign and the organizing director of Our Revolution (whose entire department of four left) before quitting. "That’s the opposite of what this campaign and this movement are supposed to be about and after being very firm and raising alarm the staff felt that we had no choice but to quit."
So, what's the deal. Is Jane Sanders getting a case of the Shills? Looking for the big bucks now? Or is it just intergenerational warfare? No one group thinks they need the other?
I think I'll hold up on sending Sanders 'revolution' any more money like a couple weeks ago. I've decided it's better spent here instead, especially considering how little I've got. I wonder if this whole thing is going to kerplop into obscurity?
(plural kerplops)
1) The sound of something falling, especially when hitting water.
2) A sudden drop in interest.

We'll see what the tone is tomorrow
But if OurRev about moving the Dem party to the left, IMHO it's already a lost cause -- like thinking you are going to replace members of the Mob with kinder, gentler folks. It's still the Mob.
Hoping someone will live blog b/c there will be no public stream. You have to be at a watch party to see it -- which seems self defeating for a people's revolution. But whadoiknow.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Liepar Destin at
TPW says he will try to live blog, and will post a live stream link if it's made available, otherwise he'll post the whole thing the next day.
Nice Thanks n/t
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Hosts got the link to the event tonight.
So he'll have a link
The Real Revolution
Belongs to the Green Party and Jill Stein. Let's not get confused. Jeff Weaver sold Bernie out. Why Bernie put him in charge does not make any sense to me except maybe Chuck Schumer and the rest of the neoliberals want the real revolution to fail. I will follow Stein now. Bernie was threatened and backed down. MLK died for his cause.
Heidi Foglia
Whenever a politician begs me for money,
I tell them "GET A JOB!"
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I'm so stealing that
one Janet. That will hopefully send them scurrying from my door. When evangelical Christian's come to my door I tell them get off my porch your wrecking the country. Works like a charm.
I used to do that...
Or answer the door naked holding a banana.
Now, I am overly nice, listen to them for a bit, then try to convert them to Pastafarianism lol!
I am working on printing up some pamphlets so I am better prepared next time...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
(No subject)
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Does that mean you offer to smoke the holy spaghetti with them?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Close, it's The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. You can
check them out here to learn more about it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
That's two top comments from a blog that has none.
Way to go Damnit Janet.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You are too sweet. :D nt
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Running ads on TV is actually
not expensive at all, if you know how to do it. When I was in a band in the mid 90's, I ran TV ad's on MTV for local gig. The cable Advertising bureau has what they call local interconnects that can break down where a TV spot is run, by fricking zip codes. The spots I ran cost $250 and got 5 spots run, 5 nights between 7pm and midnight. I got the club to pay half and after our gig they reported we brought in a full 25 people just from our TV ads. (they were checking at the door) And paid us a bonus and booked us 4 months in a row. No other local band had run TV ad for a local gig.
Heck, When Bernie first announced I sent an e-mail, detailing out this process of running ads via local interconnects, which can coordinate a national roll out of multiple local interconnects, at a fraction of the cost of "national spots", which I named Bernie PACS. But the campaign said if people did that, they could not be associated with the campaign because of "political advertising or some shit. (I don't fully understand all the legal mobo-jumbo, but understand the gist of why)
I think much is the old guard vs new (younger) generation, but going after big money, which Bernie campaign was all against, is not a good thing. In my view, to use a Bernie phrase, the Our Revolution should use crowd funding or people funding instead of going after the 1%. Shit they should also be exposing the crimes of the 1%.
What's a revolution for if not to overthrow the current corrupt system and implement a new status quo, that isn't so corrupt?
maybe they could use an instruction manual for Revolution (lol) which, I found one ...
There are some interesting concepts contained in this video. (not advocating, just find it interesting / informative)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I remember the cheap cable TV ads of the late 1990's. We had a local spin-off (not a band) and had several meetings with the cable ad guy and had settled on channells and when - some of the night channels (bar crowd) were cheap as $5 per 30 second spot - and with a $3,000 budget spread across five channels for three months they would produce two ads for us. So we were about to go to the center and give them a check, and 9?11 happened that same week. And the bottom fell out and we didn't pull the trigger. But on point, you're right, cable TV advertising can be cheap.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Now this sounds like an idea worth playing with for a gofundme.
I wonder what it would cost to start setting up educational ads that are not about any candidate or party, but just outlining the nature of the corruption in the system and how it works.
We could do a whole series on the various flaws.
No solutions, let them come up with their own because if they don't like ours they will dismiss the message entirely.
I want them thinking about the problems and all agreeing that we need to fix shit before we start arguing about how, as far as initial impact goes at least.
I wonder how fast and how much we would get the funds to do it if we got a group of people here together to at least write outlines for the spots that we want to air?
I dunno, I have been up for a while, maybe it's a terrible idea for obvious reasons that I am just not seeing atm...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I don't have the exact criteria
but what you are, in a nut shell speak of, is PSA's , that is public service announcements. These have to be produced / written so as not to advocate for a political party or candidate, but to address "public" issues, which could be income inequality and why it's a bad thing. make sense?
Hey, if you guys / gals write a script, I have a Blackmagic cinema 4K production camera and editing gear, so I can shoot and edit and have it ready for air, we can post on as well as use on Air (I have the one with the EF lens mount and a set of cine prime lens 8mm,14mm,24mm,35mm,85mm as well as a number of telephoto lens.)
I was playing around last night and made a little demo to get people's creative idea's flowing...
All I need is a script or outline and I'm make it happen! (just a thought)
When I had hit up the Sander's campaign about this, the idea was for people to do as you indicate, set up multiple, individual goFundme campaigns, that would not have top rely on just 1. Each could be run independently for their specific regions / locations.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Knock my socks off, RR!
This looks and sounds like an idea whose time has come. I'm not sure how the "logistics" of getting up multiple goFundme campaigns would be.
I might be able to do some conceptual stuff, tho. For instance,
TOPIC: Eucation in this country should not cost anything.
It is free in other countries--why not here? (Clips from Michael Moore?)
This country has a long heritage of public education--just not at the college level (yet), because we rightly believe that EVERYONE needs and deserves education.
That idea has a long tradition--Plato teaches Geometry to a slave (Republic Bk. 5 I think), thereby demonstrating that there is no inborn or natural justification for ANYONE being a slave!
We have reworked our higher education system as a business, as if education were another commodity
on offer in a marketplace. The results have been
Skyrocketing tuition costs
Student loans out of control--lifetime indebtedness. Student debt now exceeds credit card debt.
Reshaping curricula to meet only the needs of business / money with little to no consideration of developing people's intellect.
Social and economic immiseration of faculty
Wasting endowment money on showy buildings instead of investing in quality education.
Mushrooming numbers of high-salary college administrators while demoting faculty--today's college presidents are paid enormous salaries, like salaries of CEO's, not of educators.
This needs to change--Restore education to its rightful purpose. A lifetime of 'all business'/ a lifetime of 'all money' is all that's in store for our debt-strapped college graduates. Is that a life worth living?
Make college education available to everyone!
Make college education tuition-free!
Is this what you mean by "an outline"? Or something other? (OK, the formatting leaves much to be desired!) If this is anywhere in the ballpark of what you have in mind it will still need lots of reworking in its present form, so please give critical comments!
Similar outlines could be worked up on topics such as 1) universal health care, 2) militarized police, 3) racial injustices, 4) income inequality, 5) money-in-politics, and a host of other issues.
That's really cool. :) Maybe we should start a new essay to work
on moving this idea forward?
It sure sounds like it has a lot of potential.
Yeah, I was essentially talking about PSA's (I used to have to read/play those all the time back when I was a DJ for a minute) but wasn't sure if they would be the proper term for this, but sounds right.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Any movement
that is working within the Democratic party to elect more 'progressive' Dem. candidates is some kind of veal pen con and the it's not anybody's revolution. Certainly not my idea of a political revolution. Van Jones comes to mind. The Democratic party on every level local state and national where good 99% movements go to die.
As saddened as I was by Bernie's capitulation ("endorsement")
I can still not believe the Politico article--or maybe I don't want to believe it. To say that Jeff Weaver is urging Bernie to accept money from billionaires and super-PACs would seem to go against everything Bernie campaigned for.
Yeah, I'd have to get that confirmed.
But if that is in fact their new M.O with Bernie's approval, maybe his endorsement makes a lot more sense.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Yup... waiting for confirmation
But if some group goes courting oligarchs then I know they are not a group for me.
I have a different feeling if they simply accept checks with no more access than the guy with a $27 donation gets.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
From the other thread- my assumption
is that Sanders had to give the dems *everything* in order for himself and his family to continue breathing, basically, regardless of what the press releases have said. I also unsubscribed and stopped donating.
Hearing that the people running OR have decided to seek out funds from the 1% just sounds like another level of Clintonian ratfucking to me, like directing/funding CTR to come and take over discussion sites altogether.
Love ya, Bernie, but count me out: if those assholes are running the show, I'll be elsewhere. I will not donate again until I see clear evidence that whatever OR turns out to be has not been compromised or co-opted by the democratic party. I've donated to Stein, just to try to help her get into the debates- but if OR wants my support, they will have to goddamned well prove that they are not compromised. Not one dime, not one phone call, not one drop of sweat from this very jaded and pissed off #DemExited person will go towards the benefit of the democratic
nomineeUnindicted Co-Conspirator....Somebody who bothers with the "watch party" thing, please report back. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is going to wait for some serious proof before taking any future concrete action.
Original Bernie vs. Newfangled Bernie
Original Bernie was dangerous to TPTB. Being a danger to TPTB was the impetus that pushed his juggernaut as he tapped into Occupy discontent.
Suddenly Newfangled Bernie shows up at the convention with a gash on his face and says Democratic Unity! His campaign morphs into a movement that sucks up to TPTB and the big money, and we've yet to see how the original message gets perverted. I can't imagine what multiplying SuperPAC donors with Bernie's Democratic Socialism will yield. But here's my head scratcher. It appears as though Bernie is a true blue Democrat who's dedicated to the cause. But he's changing his registration back to Independent. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it seems to me that someone demanded that the campaign be extended into OR and it's been usurped by the big 'D' democratic establishment.
That's the only way I can explain his reversal and the apparent corruption of his movement.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
I'll do my best skod
I'm going to a friend's house tonight to watch. I will try to take notes, and report back with relevant tidbits. I know the family hosting is certainly as disappointed as you and I are, but they are of the mindset that dreams are real, and sometimes we have a nightmare slipped in to point us away from the dark side. Then we need to realize it was just a bad dream, and start our day with a new hope for our children.
DAMN I WANT THIS TO BE A POSITIVE PRESENTATION... but have serious reservations. I don't want to become any more of a grumpy old man than I already am. My son just graduated from high school, and I pray he has more to look forward to than the chaos of climate change, and perpetual war.
My initial take is that Jane & weaver
Are looking at what is legal. Evidently there are no limits on what you can donate to a 501(c)(4). And it's certainly an easier way to fund an organization.
But then there is what's moral. And what's moral in Bernie's case is to adhere to the $2700 fec limit.
I hope that Bernie addresses this tomorrow night, although I'm doubtful.
But I'll need answers before I donate again. So I'll be asking questions somehow.
Is there anything about Money moral Moral??
Your legal-vs-moral contrast might have left out something: "And then there's what works." : - )
Good wishes to you and your watch party tonight! I will look for your comments tomorrow.
Don't you know that you can count me out
Any "revolution" that endorses, supports, or attempts in any way to make common cause with such worthies as the Clinton Crime Family is not something I want any part of. That old refrain of "but... but... Donald Trump! Scary, unhinged, leading us over the cliff Republicans!" is such tripe. As if Team Blue is really any better. Sorry, but I'm just not buying it. To believe that there is any real overlap between actual progressives and corporate Dems is as patently absurd as thinking that butterflies should align themselves with black widow spiders to fight against scorpions. Good luck with that!
Bernie did a worthwhile and commendable thing by incorporating the themes and issues of Occupy Wall Street into a mainstream presidential campaign, drawing as he did an impressive amount of public support and attention from the corporate media. But he lost all credibility with me when he totally turned a blind eye to the systematic voter suppression and election fraud engaged in by the Clinton-ites, and morphed himself into a cheerleader for arguably the most corrupt, dishonest and malignant American politician I've observed in my lifetime - and my interest and involvement in politics goes back to the 1960's.
Sadly, Bernie has been reduced to the role of faithful sheepdog, herding wayward progressives back into the Democratic fold, where they can reliably expect to be mocked, ignored, marginalized and generally shit on, in exactly the way we observed at the recently concluded convention. But hey, maybe it will be different next time - and by the same token, maybe Lucy will finally hold that football rock solid for good old Charlie Brown to kick into the next time zone. Myself, I'll believe it when I see it.
inactive account
RE: Jane
Many of us think Sanders was threatened, in a Mafia sort of way. If that were true, of course Jane would be equally vulnerable to that threat, and her behavior influenced by it.
This is all completely speculative, obviously.
If my speculation above is wrong, then it would appear that Bernie & Jane are just more establishment than they appeared. But it doesn't matter much what the donation amounts are or who they're from if you're working to elect more progressive Democrats and "move the party leftward"--Shaz is right; those efforts never amount to anything other than a veal pen.
We act like DFA never happened. But it did, and after all the great work we did through DFA, we ended up farther right and with less power than we had before.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Bernie's a great guy, and I happily voted for him
But I've moved on. Attempting to reform the Democratic Party is a fool's errand.
from a reasonably stable genius.
That sums it up in 3 sentences.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
While we're speculating
I'm wondering if it isn't something simple. "We tried the moral high ground and lost. Now we are going the low and dirty route to win. Once we win there will be time to get moral again."
The digital media folks realize that you can't get clean once you roll in the mud. Start clean, stay clean. There's already a dirty organization, no reason to make a new one - unless you're just trying to get your own cut.
Good for them that they have the integrity to walk.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
I have no clue what the Hell we're gonna do next. BUT I am going
to this tomorrow night so that I'll at least be able to make an educated judgement on what's going on. If Sanders wants to 'clean up' the Democratic Party I am still in a quandry. If he's willing to look at other options, well that would be a good thing to know as well.
On Wednesday night it's time to get to work on Our Revolution. In more than 2,600 homes and spaces across the country, tens of thousands of us will gather to officially kick off the next phase of our political revolution.
At this meeting, Bernie Sanders and others from Our Revolution will lay out some of the next steps we can take as a movement to empower a wave of progressive candidates this November and win the major upcoming fights for the values we share. We'll also talk about how you can be a key movement builder in your community for Our Revolution.
We really hope to see you on Wednesday night. Thanks for being part of Our Revolution.
In solidarity,
Jeff Weaver
It's always worthwhile to go the extra mile for 'knowledge'. Let's see what he has to say tomorrow,
EDIT: The usual crap - typos
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Finally I get to read
some of that email! Thank you, AM, for posting it.
(I'm not on anybody's email list, so I have to depend on postings like yours.)
It seems clear from Weaver's email that the "meeting" on Wednesday will be about movement building. Harry Shearer aside (and his "movement" is the Olympics!) a movement is a different entity from political party. In Spain, Greece, Portugal, Croatia and probably many other countries the politically involved have for the past several years been trying to flesh out the conditions and procedures for movement building, and how to co-ordinate the socially-based movement with the politically-based institution (e.g., the political party). It's a crucial issue if you really want to change things, and the Sanders people appear to be working on this same problem. If I'm right, the Sanders' vision of progressivism is reaching out beyond the borders of one society/one country: global progressivism. To challenge global capitalism.
Recently Naked Capitalism ran an article on Clinton-Sanders and progressives, that got tons of comments. The topic eventually got around to "movement vs. party". Lambert Strether's comments in this regard were, I thought, on target.
Thanks again for your essay and comment. I'm a bit baffled that so few people here appear to be interested in movement building. Sadly, many seem to want to discard Bernie, but I'd be happy to be wrong this time!
I'm very interested in movement-building
and also sorry that more don't seem interested in it--
but there's little point in working with Bernie now. I say that with great sadness. But Bernie is now part of ClintonCo
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Sure doesn't sound like any revolution to me.
I feel sick about this, and still sick about Bernie's endorsing and campaigning for Hillary. I did send OR an initial donation, but no more. Bernie's campaign asked me to continue my donation to him, and I didn't do that, either. What for? Hillary is the ultimate nightmare candidate.
It feels like Hope and Change betrayed again. Damn, damn, damn. It will be very hard to trust again, but I'll keep sending something to Jill - until something blows up there, too. Out of sheer stubbornness.
Bernie's performance at the Democratic National Convention has ruined his credibility with enough people that the movement he helped form is too fragmented to restore. Add in Hillary's hard right turn upon receiving the Sanders endorsement, and many people are vowing not to be fooled again.
I suspect that this latest reversal in the name of keeping the movement going is causing cognitive dissonance in a lot of people, and I can see how there would be divisiveness. I am not one holding Bernie's meeting the promises he made to Hillary against him. But I do feel the disappointment over his not getting anything significant in return. There is no reason to expect, especially after the hard right turn and the selection of Kaine as her running mate, that she will honor ANY of her promises as Bernie honored ALL of his.
For many, it all looks like it was for nothing. The Borg Collective WILL now assimilate us all no matter what we do, and Obama's TPP will seal us in for generations.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I agree his kissing Shillary's fat ass at the convention was
disgusting. But like I said. He'd best be talking Progressive Third Party, nothing to do with the neoliberal New Democratic Party.
Plus I want to hear the justifications for why he folded so damn early and left the rest of us holding the bag.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Politico? Really?
I work with the people that quit on the Bernie Events Slack Team, not one of them told us whats in the Politico article. Seriously, when did Politico tell the truth about anything Sanders?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
They have a direct quote from
Claire Sandberg, whose name I recognize. Or are you accusing them of making that up?
I stated facts.
And do not appreciate you twisting what I stated.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
What did they tell you happened?
And i'm with you about Politico.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Each announced they were resigning and
did not offer further comment.
No one knocked OR. Not one negative word.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
There is still not enough appreciation
for the potential political power of social media, and it seems that some people from Bernie's campaign don't get that. Regardless, if this organization is able to get good candidates nominated, and pursues real reform, I'll support it. As is often repeated, it's the movement, not the man.
Beware the bullshit factories.
SOS, different day
This all seems suspicious considering Bernie is rolling out his strategy this evening.The media is doing it again!! AP is headlining an article that Bernie is pledged to campaigning for Hillary, this news at Politico... ??? I will wait and see, myself, but if one word comes out of Sanders mouth about supporting HRC tonight , I'm done.
I personally want to see Bernie light'em up tonight, to rekindle my sorely damaged spirit. I need the positive message, the presentation of real policies to be a part of the national political discourse again. TPTB and the media all pig piled on Sanders after they failed to smear him under the airwaves/establishment bus. We all bitterly recall the abject corruption he faced throughout the entire primary season, the nastiness Clinton unleashed in the debates, the visible, willing blackballing by the media, etc.. I'm not ready to give it all up yet, but one piece of bullshit about supporting the Democratic Party, or becoming cannon fodder to get Hillary elected from his "Our Revolution" presentation and I will tuck my tail between my legs, and put my Bernie stuff in the rag bag. It will be time to admit that we are a failed state if Bernie truly has turned to the darkside of kleptocracy ( known as politics in this country)
Share your sentiments about not wanting to hear
"support HRC" BS tonight. Am not sure Bernie himself will be able to appear due to freakin funding legislation.
"Grit!" dear Sheindog, "Grit!"
well, while you're waiting for tonight's message ...
Yesterday, some washed up guy said some things in the Senate ...
Rather late in replying
But thanks for that link. I am pleased that Senator sanders will remain a thorn in the side of the corruption in DC. He is a great of the only persons to run for public office, in my lifetime that has true integrity and character. He will be my vote for POTUS, regardless of whether it is considered a wasted vote.
So you know - not ONE mention about voting for Clinton.
Not one mention of strengthening the Democratic Party. Only talked about fighting for Progressive ideals!
Sanders will not lead or be involved in its operation.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Better late than never,
But I was very pleased that he OBVIOUSLY AVOIDED any reference to the crime families,that are our nominees, and the establishment cartel that is pushing them on us. If you checked out fred's link above, it is a pleasure to know that Bernie is going to keep on doing what he has done for 30 out for all of us...even though he is one against Goliath