
So amazing on so many levels - found this item on my Twitter machine, Tweeted by Glenn Greenwald, who has been following this story with his usual brilliance -- here's Bernie's statement on what's going on in Brazil (I believe as it's Bernie's public web site, I can quote the whole short statement):

Monday, August 8, 2016

BURLINGTON, Vt., August 8 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday issued the following statement calling on the United States to take a definitive stand against efforts to remove Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff from office:

“I am deeply concerned by the current effort to remove Brazil’s democratically elected president, Dilma Rousseff. To many Brazilians and observers the controversial impeachment process more closely resembles a coup d’état.

“After suspending Brazil’s first female president on dubious grounds, without a mandate to govern, the new interim government abolished the ministry of women, racial equality and human rights. They immediately replaced a diverse and representative administration with a cabinet made up entirely of white men. The new, unelected administration quickly announced plans to impose austerity, increase privatization and install a far right-wing social agenda.

“The effort to remove President Rousseff is not a legal trial but rather a political one. The United States cannot sit silently while the democratic institutions of one of our most important allies are undermined. We must stand up for the working families of Brazil and demand that this dispute be settled with democratic elections.”

Really something - and I'm glad Greenwald is spreading this around to add to the mix, the bizarre mix, we find ourselves swimming in.

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joe shikspack's picture

among the things that bernie left out is that the people that replaced dilma are demonstrably corrupt - whereas dilma has been exonerated of any significant charges of corruption.

the hell with elections, bernie. restore dilma to office.

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earthling1's picture

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.


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snoopydawg's picture

But he has endorsed a lot of Obama's policies.
I have never been comfortable with Bernie's FP views when it came to the use of drones and has he ever not voted to continuing funding the wars that were started on false pretenses?
He voted to send extra bombs to Israel when they ran out during the illegal bombing and genocide of Gaza.
I am glad to hear him speak out about what's going on in Brazil.
But what about the removal of Gaddafi and the US starting to bomb Libya again?
Has he spoken out about the US and its allies trying to remove Assad?
Is he aware that our government gave the Syrian rebels the sarin gas that they used on Syria?
Hit and miss, imo.

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Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

any of Bernies' lawsuits re: DNC or voter suppression/fraud etc are still in play?

I'd love to hear him talk about how rigged things have been/are, but understand he really can't. But are any lawsuits from Bernie's campaign still active?

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Puling them together with updates would make for some good information.

google election law suits

The class action lawfuit for fraud is still i play.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Cassiodorus's picture

will more than undo all of the good Rousseff has done in Brazil, just as she's more than undone all the good done in Honduras by Manuel Zelaya. Go Bernie! Symbolism is so kewl.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Pluto's Republic's picture

…struck me as revenge from the beginning. I've seen buzz about the revenge angle in open source intelligence, as well. It all began with Ed Snowden. The US proxy war with Russia (and Putin) began at the same time, for the same reasons.

(Everything begins with Ed Snowden. He came very close to halting the murderous march of the Neocon Empire. That cannot stand. Not such a coincidence, perhaps, that Tweet stream from Greenwald.)

If you will recall, the week prior to the Snowden incident, Brazil's economy was steady and Dilma Rousseff was preparing for an historic State Visit at the invitation of President Obama. Among the first Snowden documents that Greenwald released was an example of NSA/USA spying on their closest friends, allies, and trading partners. The example surveillance documents released were those of Brazilian President, Dilma Rousseff.

That triggered a period of tense telephone calls between Obama and Rousseff that culminated in Rousseff abruptly canceling the elaborately prepared State Visit. This was an embarrassment to the White House that kicked off a string of continuing distrust and resentment between the US and the rest of the world.

Within six weeks, Putin was embroiled in the same drama. He also embarrassed the White House by refusing to discuss Ed Snowden's extradition from Russia to the US. The fact that Russia rarely extradicts and does not have an extradition treaty with the US mattered not. Looking back to compare Russia/US relations prior to Snowden, we can see that everything changed abruptly and Russia was doomed. Little did Russia know then about sanctions and NATO border threats that were to come.

A handful of countries — including Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Venezuela — accused the US of illegal surveillance of their citizens or suggested they would offer Snowden asylum. Some months later the US yanked Bolivian President Evo Morales out of the sky over Europe as he was en route to Bolivia. His plane was denied airspace by France, Spain and Italy and he was forced to land in Austria, where he was reportedly searched. Morales later said that the grounding of his plane was a violation of international law. US relations with Latin America have since chilled. The nations that also spoke out against the US are waiting warily for the revenge hammer to drop on them.

Empire demands that the US strike hard at any nation that defies or embarrasses the US.

No nation wants to suffer the hideous "adversities" that have flattened Malaysia, due to their imperious behavior against Empire:

Kuala Lumpur — It’s official; George W Bush is a war criminal.

May 12, 2012

In what is the first ever conviction of its kind anywhere in the world, the former US President and seven key members of his administration were yesterday (Fri) found guilty of war crimes.

Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were tried in absentia in Malaysia.

The trial held in Kuala Lumpur heard harrowing witness accounts from victims of torture who suffered at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

[In 2014, Malaysia Airlines lost two aircraft—Flight 370 and Flight 17—less than five months apart, exacerbating the airline's financial troubles and leading to the renationalisation of the airline. Prior to 2014, MAS had one of the world's best safety records—just two fatal accidents in 68 years of operation, including the hijacking in 1977 of Flight 653 that resulted in 100 deaths.

MAS is now a regional airline and plans to rebrand itself.]

The NSA knows who you Bernie voters are.

Vote Neocon in 2016.


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Raggedy Ann's picture

Makes absolute sense, though. Nothing is happening in a vacuum. I'm sure the NSA knows who I am. I've made myself known. I'm a whistle blower, after all.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

WaterLily's picture

And a chilling one.

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WaterLily's picture

Posting malfunction. Smile

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shaharazade's picture

Bernie calling for the US to not

.. sit silently while the democratic institutions of one of our most important allies are undermined. We must stand up for the working families of Brazil and demand that this dispute be settled with democratic elections.”

after the farce of a democratic election we have just witnessed is meaningless. It rings hollow considering his support and endorsement of Hillary. As SoS she did Bernie's got a lot of nerve after publicly bad mouthing Corbyn for support and being too friendly with radical leftist Dr.Commie Rat's like Ortega or Morales.


But something that hasn’t been big news in US corporate media has been the reaction from Brazil’s neighbors to Rousseff’s suspension pending a Senate trial. While some Latin American governments were supportive—notably, newly right-governed Argentina said it “respects the institutional process” in Brazil, while close US ally Colombia “trusts in the preservation of democratic institutionality and stability”—several others were harshly critical. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega called Rousseff’s removal an “anti-democratic process that has cast a shadow on the reliability and strength of institutions.” Bolivia’s Foreign ministry said Rousseff’s opponents were trying to “destabilize democratic processes and ignore the will of the people expressed in the popular vote.”

Three Latin American countries—Venezuela and El Salvador on May 14, and Ecuador today, May 18—announced they were recalling their ambassadors from Brazil, one of the strongest expressions of disapproval a nation can take. Salvadoran President Sanchez Ceren said he would not recognize the government formed by Vice President Michel Temer after Rousseff’s removal. “We respect democracy and the people’s will,” Ceren said. “In Brazil an act was done that was once done through military coups.

How can he reconcile working for the selection of the Clinton crime family that made their bones destabilizing every democratic election anywhere that dares to get elect leftist's who threaten their neoliberal/neocon global agenda.


Washington seems amenable to regime change via legislative action for leftist governments in Latin America: After Honduran lawmakers ousted President Manuel Zelaya, then–Secretary of State Hillary Clinton worked for international recognition of the coup regime, as her published emails revealed. Questions have also been raised about a US role in the legislative overthrow of Paraguay’s President Fernando Lugo.

If the US government is happy with legislatures overthrowing presidents in Latin America, most US journalists will not go out of their way to indicate that not everyone in the region is celebrating. One of the few articles in a major US paper to cover the reaction of Latin America to Roussef’s ouster as a story in itself appeared in USA Today (5/12/16). Coming out before any ambassadors had been withdrawn, it had a classic here’s-what-you-should-think headline: Leftist Leaders Leap to Defense of Ousted Brazilian President

Too bad Bernie has officially legitimatized, supported and endorsed the results of a rigged farce of this Democratic primary election and the inevitable selection of the Clinton's in the general. Talk about legislative /judicial coups. Dag Bernie you have no credibility and your hypocrisy here is breathtaking. How can Bernie in good faith condemn the anti-democratic agenda and policy of what he is working hard to get 'elected'. Oh yeah, I forgot we need to 'revitalize' the New Democratic party that Kissinger, Kagan and Condi Rice now endorse. This insults my non automated intelligence, it is insult to injury.

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Ajaradom's picture

Sadly, Bernie has lost all credibility in my eyes!

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